#thank u michael for letting me add one of ur muses solely so i could kill them :)))) s/o to death
tbeofficial-blog · 7 years
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TIME : 7 PM.
                Seven o’ clock on the dot, isn’t that what the rabbit had implied. The way he talks about the Supervisor is only one of the things that gives you the impression they’re a real stickler for the rules, whoever they are ... It’s almost surreal to imagine that there’s someone actually watching over all of this -- it has to be a person, right? All this talk of experiments and observation... There’ve been those among you who have already been speculating the kind of person who would run something like this -- whether or not it’s a government sanctioned project, whether any of you actually agreed to be here... Everything is so large scale, the idea of one person running things seems ridiculous ( but that’s what you’re all here to find out, right? ) And even if you aren’t curious, it’s not like it matters. Thinking about what that rabbit would do to you is enough to get you there. Those Sentinels walking around... they don’t exactly look friendly.
          The tension in the theater could be cut with a knife, it’s so thick. Some people stand around in groups mumbling among themselves whilst others take seats in the less than inviting theater aisles. The building may be in good conditioning, but the interior has seen better days -- the map’s description wasn’t kidding when it hinted at how sketchy this place is. There are red stains on the chairs; it looks like something closer to what would be seen in a horror movie than in real life. Still, there’s a roof over your heads and no water is leaking through... All the electric work seems to be in order, too. Although the lights are dim, there are bright stage lights illuminating the line of Sentinels standing guard on the stage. They don’t move ; it doesn’t even look like they’re operational until you notice their eyes are following the movement of those of you who get too close.
     Despite the number of people spread out between the four floors the large theater has to offer, it’s still incredibly unsettling. All your voices mixed together make the theater seem loud and lively, but even then, there’s something dismal and... off about this place. You think back to what the rabbit said, about needing to get used to being here and can’t help but wonder about it. What’s so special about this place? As you sit there waiting, occasionally checking your tablet for the current time -- it isn’t until right before the clock is about to hit 7:01 that you hear a SUDDEN, EAR-SHATTERING BANG ECHO THROUGHOUT THE THEATER ------------- one that shuts up the entirety of the crowd in one go, leaving a painful ring in everyone’s ears. It takes you a moment to register your hands covering your ears or the sudden blurriness of your vision ( SHOCKED is a kind way to describe how you feel ) -- but when you do and you manage to look up at the stage where the shot echoed from, IT’S THE FIRST TIME YOU SEE HIM, standing in the middle of the Sentinels with a smoking gun in his hand, THE BODY OF A YOUNG CHILD LAYING IN A POOL OF HIS OWN BLOOD at the foot of the stage below him with a BULLET THROUGH HIS RIGHT EYE --
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               “ Ahem. Lovely. Now that I have your attention, I would like to formally welcome you
                                      TO THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENT.”
CURRENT EXPERIMENT DEATH COUNT ---- 01 RECENT DECEASED SUBJECT ---- ( ORION 4/BLUE @celestis ) CAUSE OF DEATH ---- Bullet to the head. MURDERER ---- The Supervisor.
               An unpleasant metallic stench fills the air almost as soon as the gun in the Supervisor’s hand is tucked back into a holster on the side of his belt. He doesn’t make eye contact with the crowd for a few seconds, calmly reaching his hands into his pockets to fish out a cigarette and lighter. The kid with the bullet in his head isn’t even done twitching by time he lights the tip, tilting his head back to exhale smoke towards the ceiling. The stage’s curtain is still closed behind him, though there’s a subtle flutter in the fabric hinting he must’ve stepped through when none of you were even paying attention ( or, at least, before the majority of you had noticed. ) You were ALL staring now, of course -- though at what is debatable. There so much spontanaity to his actions, it’s impossible to choose what to focus on first. To most of you, there’s no doubt that this is who you were waiting to meet. The way he carries himself, dignified and unfazed by his own actions, means that he’s at home here. There’s no arguing it ------ THIS IS THE SUPERVISOR, this is his experiment.
          He nor the Sentinels make any move towards the child’s body, though the man’s hand waves in its direction -- his words amplified by the microphone clipped to his suit, making every word he speaks audible to every one of you. “Zero, who did I just kill?”  ( He didn’t know ; he didn’t even care, by the sounds of it. )
     “ Ahahah aahhaaha !!” On cue, the rabbit’s face pops up on the screens on each side of the stage, his form bouncing up and down excitedly.
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     “NAME -- ORION! AGE -- TWELVE!! What a way to HOP straight into it, Boss! I didn’t think you’d kill a KID! And before you were even introduced properly! Hhuehehehhueuhehehe!!”
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               The Supervisor seems to fall silent for a moment before taking another drag on his cigarette, shoulders raising in a careless shrug. “Mm. Orion. Noted. Well, now.”  He finally turns his attention to the crowd, gazing upon the child in question for only a moment. He’s devoid of any concern or remorse; the way his nose wrinkles expresses only disgust at the blood spreading on the floor. Those of you around him step away, if you haven’t already, no doubt eager to put distance between you and the liquid soaking into the wood. If you look too hard, you can see the splatter of brain matter squished between his cracked skull and the ground he’s laying on...
          This time, when this man speaks, he’s addressing all of you.
     “If you had any doubt about being in danger here, let this example rectify that. This child, Orion -- he is dead. Why, you ask? So that I may prove a point. He did nothing wrong. Broke no rules. I do not believe he even interacted with any of you -- he was simply here, minding his own business. Was it unfair of me to take his life for no reason? Absolutely. But now you know there is no hesitation for taking all of yours.” A pause -- he reaches to adjust his tie and flick his cigarette to the ground, grinding it down with his heel.  “My name is ‘KUMA,’ as far as you all are concerned, and as you may as guessed, I am the Supervisor of the Butterfly Experiment. You all have already read about what the experiment entails -- you are here to kill one another in hopes of weeding out the butterflies. I will not repeat myself; it is a waste of time. Why kill the butterflies? Why you? For what purpose? That is none of your concern. You are on a need-to-know basis. You will do what we tell you or you will die. That is the reality of your situation.”
               A busy man. That’s what he’d called himself in his message to all of you, right? He certainly is acting like it... But to think someone could shoot a child in the head without any cause and then stand before you all like it hadn’t even happened... Who is this guy?
          “I am sure you all have plenty of questions. From here on, you will be able to find me in Quarantine on a daily basis between noon and five in the afternoon. If you want to ask anything, you may do so then. However, I may not answer your questions. That being said, I will shed some light now. The Butterfly Experiment will be conducted completely blind on your part. You are not allowed to know anything about it other than the roles you must play. However, I will inform you regarding the Quarantine Zone. This town is a virtual reality setting that reacts and changes itself based on the fears, insecurities, memories and secrets of the individuals who inhabit it. Make no mistake -- you are physically here, in this town, and everything here that happens to you is real. If you die here, you will not wake up. Anything here can and WILL harm you, so I suggest you play it safe and heed the warnings Zero and I give you from here on out. What you are allowed to know is that we will be observing and recording not only your reactions and behavior throughout this experiment but the way the city itself changes in order to manipulate you as it learns more about you as people. Whether or not you understand what that entails, I do not really care. You will learn.”
     He certainly has all the answers -- that much is obvious. But sharing them? He doesn’t seem to keen on that. You suppose it was too much to hope for an info dump, but what does any of this mean -- why you, why any of you -- WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? He just keeps going on, no care given for the tension, not even LOOKING at that kid anymore -- at ORION. Are they just going to leave him there?
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               “Noooooooooooow, I know SOMEBUNNIES have been asking about that HARE-itating bracelet! What do ya say, Kuma Kuma ?? You gonna let ‘em in on that yet?”
          When the rabbit addresses him, the Supervisor momentarily freezes, then chuckles, slipping his glasses off in order to tuck them into his pocket. He pushes his sleeve up to reveal a bracelet similar all of yours, turning the face towards the audience. ( 0 , PINK. )
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     “They are kind of uncomfortable, are they not? Do not worry for now. I will reveal the meaning of these bracelets shortly. For the time being, please try not to play with them. It would be a shame if one of you poisoned yourselves before even getting to the true experiment. For now, let us just say they are good accessories for a game we will be playing. I know Zero is impatient for the reveal, but... it will come when I address all of you for the FIRST INCENTIVE. You all did read the experiment debriefing, correct? That means this SUNDAY, when the murders start -- that is when I will REALLY tell you what is going on with these. This was just a meeting, right? You cannot expect me to hold you here forever. Introductions that drag on too long are... so very awkward.”
               He looks so smug. He knows you want answers -- he knows he’s the one who has them and he’s dangling them in front of you, mocking you. Did he really call you here just to introduce himself like this? ( No, it wasn’t as simple as saying ‘welcome.’ The shot, the random murder, all of this -- he had no intention of giving you the answers you want right here, right now. He just wanted to illustrate to you that he means business. He just wanted to rub the power he holds over you in your face -- this was never going to be a Q&A explaining anything ; he intended to MURDER one of you and that was the only reason you were called here. ) It’s such a disconnect from the way he sounds, the way he looks -- his voice is soft and gentle, like he’s addressing children he has no desire to scare  and  there’s something inherently elegant about his mannerisms, but his ATTITUDE --
          “As I said before, welcome to the Butterfly Experiment, everyone. You can find me in the Quarantine Zone starting tomorrow -- and make no mistake, if I even THINK you are up to something mischevious, you will be executed immediately, so do remember your manners and keep your hands to yourself. Let us all act like civilized individuals, yes?
               He laughs -- and the sound is so soft and airy, you’d think he was simply welcoming you to a party. With a single wave of his hand towards the body on the floor, he turns on his heels and throws the curtain aside to disappear behind it, into the darkness concealing whatever’s back there ; giving no time for questions or reactions. Two of the larger Sentinels on standby suddenly begin to move, hopping off the stage to grab the dead victim. One of their claws closes around his head whilst the other one grabs his feet -- without any hesitation, they rip his body in half and throw each part of him to different ends of the theater. His torso FLIES through the air, smacking the wall and exploding into a gorey mess on the right side whilst his waist falls midway through the air and lands in the audience, legs hooking themselves onto the railing of the second floor balcony, leaving that half of his body to dangle and dripp blood towards the floor below it.
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           “ Hahahhaa.... hehehehehhe..... EHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!”
     That’s all your left with -- the horrific sight of the experiment’s first death committed by the very man who has you trapped here, the laughter of your unstable AI Overseer as he watches the Sentinels retreat back to their position with bloodied claws, and the reassurance that this is, without a shadow of a doubt, REALITY.
CURRENT OBJECTIVE: ... wait for your first murder incentive?
Supervisor Kuma ( @desbearer ) will be in The Quarantine Zone each day from 12PM to 5PM. You may approach him and speak with him or ask questions of him as you wish, but remember that any harm done to him is punished with IMMEDIATE death! As in, if we even think you’re gonna hurt him, you’re toast. So don’t even look at him funny. There’s a good number of you. We can meaninglessly kill you left and right without sacrificing the experiment!
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