#thank u to the three or so charon fans i have actually found over the years
tumblunni · 6 years
Seriously “he’s got enough strength of will to be able to take xemnas’s place if he only got the chance” and “he has a nerdy loser type feel to him and this was an intentional thing we consider to be a positive character trait” are like THE BIGGEST AND BEST ODD COMPLIMENTS TO GIVE ICE DAD Its always such a nice feel to have the creator of some game you like actually mention your underappreciated fave for once and practically say “we have a soft spot for him too”
This is like how i felt when i got that one Charon trading card thats his only piece of merchandise ever and its this unexpected kinda cute not-so-evil looking thing of him being cute with a tiny pokemon friend. Plus out of all the admins he was the only one who even got a full artwork card! PLUS the whole fact that this card if depicting an event from his super fuckin rare ridiculous wifi rotom event and its the closest we’ve ever got to confirming that the Cute As Fuck Sympathetic Backstory Diary was meant to be him and not cyrus. Tho I mean I thought it was plenty obvious when the dude signed his name on it, its written in his distinctive speech pattern, and both of these things were translated correctly to match how they were changed in the english dub. Also like seriously the dude fuckin has an entire secret basement lab full of rotom machines all painted in rotom colours and the rotom is in an OLD house with an OLD journal and rowan talks about an OLD coworker in an OLD conference telling an OLD story about a rotom and charon is OLD and cyrus is NOT OLD and also has been stated that his childhood home is in sunyshore not eterna. Also the second rotom room in HGSS chronologically earlier in the timeline which looks identical and implies that Charon worked for team rocket before team galactic so even if you go with the theory that “oh the signature is just saying the ROOM belongs to charon but he actually stole someone else’s rotom journal and just went looking for rotom to steal it too” then i dont think it could be cyrus then if he had it before team galactic was formed and he ever met cyrus? Also how and why would he be able to have all this completed research on rotom and all these functioning rotom machines that are painted showing he knows exactly what rotom looks like? If he only just found this journal and hasnt captured a rotom yet? Also you’d think that the player would find the one rotom capture spot in the entire game inside this particular lab and find it locked in a cage or something, instead of .. yknow... NICE AND CUTE ROOM FULL OF DECORATED MACHINES AND NO SCARY CAGES and also the rotom is in the OLD house of an OLD guy which is just down the fuckin road from this secret lab. like if he was looking for rotom he’s a dumbass to miss it being five metres away the entire time, and also a fuckin psychic to even have his own door key have a plastic figurine of the pokemon he hasn’t ever caught. 100% EVIL DUDES DO NOT MAKE CUTE FIGURINES OF THE MON THEY ONLY WANT FOR WORLD DOMINATION
tfw ur fave is never confirmed for sympathetic OR unsympathetic and you just get caught on the tiny evidences that seem very convincing but might be completely false and you just read too much into it and the specter of Finally Someday New Content For This Man That Will Answer All The Questions is hovering around on an indeterminate relase date and you dont even know if he’ll make an appearance in it at all
vexen and charon really do have a lot in common lol
So yeah i’m excited for kh3 to expand more upon Vexen’s role and give us some damn answers as to whether the ‘he is actually good and also a dad’ headcanon is remotely possible. even if im still gonna make fanart of it even if it ends up being non canon, i’ll just know to label it as a “this would have been better i think” au, yknow? And maaaan i really hope we get sinnoh remakes someday and charon gets a chance of having his hanging questions get answered too. I can’t believe its really been 11 years now! It’d be ironic if it ends up being exactly the same length as the wait for kh3, lol
Anyway thats why even “he was intentionally meant to be a funny underdog that you felt sorry for” is a real big revelation for characters like this, when you’ve put up with literally over a decade of being told He’s Bad And Creepy And You’re SUpposed To Hate Him Thus You’re A Terrible Person For Being His Fan. Like yo its funny how bigger villains who do bigger evil things like i dunno maybe ALL THE CANONICAL MURDER THAT AXEL COMITTED BEFORE GETTING REDEEMED can get easier forgiveness for it just cos theyre pretty and not pathetic. I love axel as much as everyone else but ive gotta agree that it sucks that vexen is more hated just for being mildly shrill than this dude is for burning him alive while he begged for mercy >_> And charon is more hated for wanting to be rich and not succeeding at completing even one single evil plan, than cyrus is for wanting to destroy the entire world and succeeding in very many bad things before you manage to stop him. Again, i fuckin love cyrus and i absolutely agree that he has sympathetic motives and is possible to redeem, i just get frustrated that because he’s more.. i gues.. mainstream likeable? that he gets more easily forgiven for bigger stuff. and the same people turn around and say charon is a terrible character who shouldnt have been there and he’s somehow more evil for committing less crimes but in a less serious way. JUSTICE FOR THE COMIC RELIEF GRAMPSES!!!! THE COMIC RELIEF GRAMPSES THAT KINDA ALMOST RHYME!!!
why am i like this. what are even the odds id find two of them. why do i have the most specific type in the world
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