#thank you adam for the song suggestion 😭😭
treecakes · 1 year
propaganda for nyanko-sensei in @thecatfight2023 vote now for our favourite pet youkai/father figure!!!!
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callmerainman · 2 months
in having ✨ideas✨ again, and this one’s very fluffy
could we maybe have a sinner! adam oneshot where the reader plays a mandolin and decides one day to play this song in a very low key attempt to impress romance the guy? and maybe adam’s all like “yeah it’s alright I guess” but he’s totally transparent.
please, and thank you
SHOW AND TELL | sinner!Adam x sinner!Reader
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word count. 1.7k
tags. Adam being in denial, Reader plays mandolin, fluff, sinner!Adam, gn!sinner!Reader
a/n. aaaa sorry for taking so long! hope you'll enjoy this because the prompt was so cute and funny 😭
This could be a chance.
You rotate the wooden instrument between your hands. A mandolin, your musical companion for so many years. You would have never thought that one day you'd be using it for trying to pick up someone. Especially not the First Man, Adam.
It's "Show and Tell" night at the Hazbin Hotel. The monthly occurrence you never understood, because no one really ever showed anything worth talking about. Angel Dust would put on some of his old porn videocassettes, Husk a cheap bottle of booze that he'll come up with a story for right on the spot, and let's not talk about the time Cherri Bomb showed one of her most recent, newly advanced creations that almost blew the whole Hotel up to pieces.
Also, the last couple of months, Show and Tell night has been graced with the addition of Adam. When he set foot in the Hotel it was clear that he still didn't really believe in Charlie's project. He just didn't have any other options. But, after some time, a hint of comfort was starting to show on the arrogant fallen angel. He became tamer, more sufferable to be around, almost pleasing sometimes. At first, you thought that you would have never had anything to share with Adam. But then conversations started to flow in the common rooms, and you two started to hang out outside the Hotel, even opening up to each other.
Adam wasn't that bad. Adam was funny to be around. Adam was easy to talk to. And Adam was pretty and...
Oh. Oh!
You crushed hard. Denial was the first stage, because c'mon, that's Adam, the former leader of the Extermination, a sadistic bastard. But he was also the one to greet you first when you came down for breakfast in the morning, who sat next to you at dinner to have some small talk, and the one who laughed more at your jokes. You learned to accept your feelings, but then a new problem presented itself. How exactly do you pull Adam?
He was more interesting than you thought that you could ever be. Not to inflate his ego, but he was the First Man to ever be created. He named the animals of Earth, he has been around for so long that he has seen it all. And he had two knock out ex-wives! How could you even compete? He played the guitar and was in a rock band in Heaven. But then, remembering that information, you glanced over at the wooden mandolin hung up to a hook on the right wall of your Hotel room. Maybe Adam didn't like you, but he for sure liked music. And mandolin wasn't exactly his type of instrument, but you still had music on your side. Yeah, this could be a chance.
You and the other guests take a seat each on the couches and chairs of the common room. Adam is sitting right in front of you, your eyes interlocked for a second before you both look away. Geez your cheeks feel hot. Then here comes Charlie, waltzing in the middle of the circle traced by the seats, smiling happily as she announces Show and Tell night. She suggests Angel to go first.
"I hope it's something a little...different from your usual presentations" she proposes.
Angel cocks an eyebrow upwards "No miss, this is exactly what you're all thinking of".
Husk groans, dragging a paw down his face as Angel puts on one of his porn movies he starred in. You look everywhere but the screen, and this includes Adam. He's not paying attention, playing with his VPhone behind his crossed legs so that Vaggie won't notice and threaten him with her angelic spear. As you throw him quick glances throughout the night, you realize that he quite literally didn't pay attention to anyone, not even a second. Concern starts to build up in you. What if he doesn't even look at you?
Adam only intervenes when it's his turn, positioning himself in the middle of the circle with a loud sigh. He then rummages in his robe, and takes out his designated object.
"A bra?!" Cherri Bomb asks.
"Yeah" a sly smirk spreads on Adam's face "this is the first bra a chick ever threw at me during a show. The first of many, many bras"
"How the fuck did you even bring it down here?" you question, more worried about that circumstance than the origin of the underwear article.
"You don't know my ways" Adam replies.
He keeps rambling some more minutes about how he broke Heaven's record for bras thrown on stage, with the smuggest, biggest shit-eating smirk known to man. After he's done, he plops down on the couch again, ready to not listen to anything the next guests have to show. And he does, either by taking a nap or playing on his phone.
"It's your turn, (Y/N)!" Charlie announces, clasping her hands together.
Shit. You reach for the case resting near your ankles. You open up the hard cover and take out your wooden mandolin.
"You play instruments?" Angel Dust asks, surprised.
"Yeah, I practice everyday" you say.
Of course no one knew, because Adam always has his rock music and amps blasted on max and he obliterates the hell out of any sound from your Hotel floor.
"I used to play mandolin when I was alive, it was my first instrument. I thought that I might as well bring it down here with me".
"C'mon, play something!" Charlie encourages you, a bright smile sparkling on her adoring face.
Here comes the difficult part. You gulp, feeling your guts squeezing from nervousness. Because Adam is staring. Since Charlie called your name, you noticed that Adam had put down his phone and he's now actually paying attention to you, unlike how he did with everyone else. This is sending you over the edge. Out of embarrassment and excitement at the same time. Damn butterflies in the stomach. You just hope to not mess this up.
You stroke the chords with your thumb to make sure they're correctly tuned. You shoot Adam a quick glance. Still staring at you, nonchanlanty, but he's watching. Just like you planned. You take a deep breath, you position your hands correctly and then you start playing the mandolin. The tune is relaxed, dreamy, mesmerising as you pluck the strings with ease. Your fingers almost flow with the sounds coming out of the instrument. You make sure not to mess anything up. Your technique is flawless, so there shouldn't be any worry. What's worrisome is trying not to look at Adam too much. You do give him a few glances to check for any reaction, but this could lead to missing pieces. You take a deep breath and go on strumming. Finally, despite Adam's wanted but feared attention, you manage to relax and let the sweet serenade curl around the room. As the delicate melody unfurls, you notice Adam shifting, placing his chin in his palm as he gives you his undivided attention. Then, you signal the end of the tune by finger picking a calm, lingering chord progression. The second you put the mandolin down, an excited clapping of hands makes you jump on the spot.
"Bravo! Bravo! That was amazing, (Y/N)!" Charlie erupts.
You chuckle "Thanks, Charlie"
Your gaze shifts from Charlie to Adam. He was still staring, but something's different. Is he blushing? Are his pupils dilated? Or maybe is just the result of your delusional imagination. Maybe not, because even someone else noticed Adam's change in attitude.
"Sooo, Adam, whatcha think?" Angel Dust cooes, a pointy smirk curling on his face.
Adam snaps out of his state, his eyes shooting up at Angel.
"Uh?" he goes, defiant but at the same time confused.
"You seemed to reaaaally enjoy it" Angel inquires.
Adam's eyebrows shoot upwards, his lips tight and reduced to a thin line. Oh he's blushing.
"I ehm-" he stutters.
"Right!" Charlie is quick to interrupt him "What did you think about it, Adam? Share it with us!"
Adam looks at you for a brief moment. You don't say anything, you're probably as embarrassed as him. He breaks eye contact, scoffing.
"Yeah I don't know, whatever" he mumbles, crossing his arms in an attempt to look unimpressed.
His own body is betraying him. His foot rythmically tapping on the floor, his heart racing, his scrunched, nervous face and his cheeks now turned into a hot mess.
"You sure? Seems like Cupid hit you in the right spot" Angel elbows Cherri Bomb, who giggles "Your face looks as hot as me"
Adam grits his teeth, clenching his fingers around his clothed arms.
"Yeah!" Cherri Bomb intervenes "you need a hand? A cup of water? Some air? (Y/N), you broke this guy!"
Adam jumps in his own seat, pointing a furious finger towards Cherri and Angel who are laughing their asses off.
"Cupid didn't hit shit! I said that I don't give a flying fuck about (Y/N) and how fucking good they look when they play mand-FUCK!"
"Ooooh" Angel and Cherri sing song in unison, a devilish grin.
"Aww, Adam! That's so sweet of you!" Charlie chirps, genuinely proud of him.
Adam lets out a frustrated, anger-boiling growl before hurriedly getting up from his seat. His newly sprout horns grow bigger, his tail quivers and his wings puff. He starts to hysterically point at everyone in the room.
"You know what? Fuck this shit! Fuck this stupid Show and Tell night, fuck this Hotel, and fuck you, and you, and you, and fuck everybody! Except (Y/N)- no wait shit!"
And then, Adam punches the air and just storms off, leaving Angel and Cherri Bomb laughing behind him.
"Oh my God..." you whisper, incredulous as you rub your shoulders up and down with your hands.
Angel gets up and plops down on the couch next to you, leaning towards you with a smug grin.
"I dunno why would you hit that, but good job" he says, offering your a fist bump.
You let out a small chuckle before pounding Angel's fist.
Nailed it.
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lipglossanon · 2 months
Dear Spooks,
Hii! It’s 🫧 anon! I don’t know if you remember me, long time no see! 😭 How are you? Hope life is treating you well. 💗
Last time I sent in an ask you gave me movie recommendations, but I never got back to you, life got in the way. :(( I watched Billy Madison and I loved it, so thank you for recommending that!
I’ve been really depressed and I’m still not fully doing okay, but I think I’m better now. Sorry for the ranting lol.
I’ve been meaning to say that although I deleted tumblr I still kept up with your blog on AO3. Once again, all this time your writing was like a beacon of light through my dark days. Sorry to sound corny, but you can’t imagine how much comfort it provided me with😭 it’s like a break from feeling sad. Thank you again and again for sharing your talent with the world, you are my favorite writer ever, I truly mean it.
I probably said this before but I reread your works over and over because I love them so much. Your writing style, the way you portray characters, emotions, everything. I started listening to the songs that inspired the titles of your fics too, now I love She Wants Revenge😁💓
Oh and not to mention your new fics 😵‍💫 Love them all so much!
Hope you have a wonderful day, I’m so happy to write to you again 🩷
- 🫧 anon
🫧 anon, hi!!! 👋 of course I remember you!! 💜
I’m doing alright these days, can’t complain honestly. And I know how that goes! I’m glad to hear you liked the movie!!! ☺️ (I also suggest The Wedding Singer a fun 80’s style romcom with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore).
And rant away! I know it doesn’t fix it, but sometimes just getting it off your chest can make you feel better ❤️‍🩹 you have better days ahead, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now!! 🫂 aww, I’m glad my fics help!! It’s always really heartwarming to hear that and I’m so so happy you can find comfort in what I post!! 🥺
And thank you for such a sweet message! I honestly really needed it today (nothing bad, just idk feeling kinda meh about my writing lately and second guessing about keeping my blog 😅).
Ahhh I love that I’m introducing you to new music!! 🥹 She Wants Revenge is one of my faves!! I listen to them a lot when writing 😌
AGAJFHL 🙈 thank you! It’s definitely a bit different but everyone’s been really nice about real dad/bro 🥹
Thank you!!! 🥰 and I hope you have a wonderful day too! And drop in when you can! No pressure!! 💜 💜
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