#thank you again dear v.olo uwu anon for your words
alexcutecolly · 6 months
ok i have more time now and youre 100% right hes so kind at heart and hed be really kind to us when were safe inside him and he likes to let us know were safe too!! and if he gets happy enough he could see later the world didnt have to get remade!! being his friend and talking to him all the time and we can help him feel better from the inside out!! i rly want our teams to be friends too that would be so fun!!
m.erman!v.olo would be rly excited to be with us and have the company to talk to on his trups and adventures!! and uuuuu his happy NOMF would be so cute i think I like him alot x333 I wanna be with him alot hed be fun!!
v.olo uwu
Warning: P.okemon Legends: A.rceus spoilers below!
Yes! He'd try his best to make us feel safe! x3 also I love vore being a solution that prevents him from trying to remake the world xD because it's like you said, he'd realize he needs companionship and someone that understands him, and a friend in him would really help with that x3 ❤️
We could talk for hours about anything, and just the fact that we're listening to him would make him feel much more relieved x3 ❤️ I have a soft spot for damaged people feeling better after healthy, heart-warming moments, and even being able to smile would be so so important for him ;-; gosh I'm almost tearing up, V.olo deserved so much better in his own story 😭 ;-; ;-;
Also, after his battle he claims he was alone while we were fighting alongside our p.okemon. I don't think this is true, in his team he has not 1, not 2, but 3 mons that evolve from high friendship, and I seriously do not believe that he doesn't love and cherish them like friends ;-; plus he's very much like a dog person because of his personality, so having a H.isuian A.rcanine makes sense as well xD
Yessssss, he'd always be so excited to discuss what he discovered by recovering artefacts and exploring the ruins underwater! And an alternative for us to be with him as he swims in the depths would be a kind of deep sea diver suit, so we too can fully participate in adventuring very in deep in the ocean! x3 some scuba diver equipment would work too if we're staying closer to the surface, and a funny thought that I had would be about V.olo playfully getting us in his mouth after sucking in some water, as he stands behind us xD
He'd also eat us for protection, for example if a big predator p.okemon is approaching and we can't get away fast enough ;-; he'd feel terribly guilty if we got injured somehow, or even worse! So yeah, he'd go full on "Woe, NOMF be upon ye" mode xD
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