#thank you chinese pixiv posters
telogreika · 7 months
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晚安,苏联 (Good night, Soviet Union)
(Op's commentary autotranslated from Mandarin without edit:)
Today is December 25th, the day the Soviet Union collapsed. What comes to mind when you think of the Soviet Union? Cold War, Red Empire, Khrushchev, Soviet March? revisionism? Will today's Russia be automatically converted into the Soviet Union? This word also carries too many emotions for some people. Red October, Victory Day, communist ideals…etc. Perhaps the Soviet Union that Jingsu liked never existed. She is just a utopia led by the Bolshevik Party in the hearts of the Commis. The Soviet Union was a great country. After the disintegration, no country can be said to be the "successor of the Soviet Union." The Soviet Union is unique and cannot be replaced or inherited. She had been so powerful. Otherwise, why would Europe and the United States regard that ghost as a scourge now? After she left, the workers of the world were shackled again, and even her achievements were discredited by reactionary forces. Dead people cannot speak. Even after her death, the US imperialists whipped her body like crazy and could not defend herself. The ideal she represents is exactly what all Kangmi people aspire to. But her darkness is also like an abyss. She took a wrong turn in the end, but it is undeniable that she was a great country and the big brother of the red regime of that era. What we should oppose is Soviet revisionism, not the Soviet Union; what the Soviet Union truly deserves is its communist ideals, not force. The red giant that fell in the winter of 1991 was probably because the winter in Siberia that year was too cold. The Soviet Union is no longer there, but in the far east, on the land of China, there is still a red flag, and a spark is still burning on that land.
Free motherland, you are incomparably glorious, a strong fortress of love for all nations! Lenin's party, the power of the people, lead us to the victory of communism! Long live the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!
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