#thank you double o duck for ur sacrifice
hext00ns · 1 year
Can you please give me your headcanons on Drake. ❤️.
Like his first word or how on earth he found that tower. ( Personally I headcanon he was homeless until shush got him)
Do you think he had pets ( for me he had two cats and a bunny over the years.
Ps drake is my baby 💕
Vague questions about hcs are harder to answer tbh. It’s like when you know the answers but the test makes you fuckinn brain dead. However I will do my best to answer what you have and give anything else I can think of!
With the tower, I do think he was on the road for a hot second. I don’t, however, think SHUSH found him. I personally think that Drake has a hideout in the first place cause motherfucker ran away from home and decided fuck the day job I’m vigilante now at like fuckkin 18 or some shit and he did need somewhere to hideout. I will also say, teens are the motherfuckers of finding wild ass placed to vibe so I’m not too surprised this weirdo found out the fucking bridge tower was not only hollow but that he could renovate that shit. You think his hideout is legal? Hell nah. This man is so fuckin lucky that he did end up working for SHUSH eventually. SHUSH keeps the city officials away from his hideout as one of the fun little perks for working with them. I honestly believe that SHUSH has always been Drake’s main income before Launchpad came into the picture. Launchpad is the breadwinner of the house he has a whole ass job as a personal pilot in Duckburg to some rich asshole Drake never wants to meet again. It did, however, take a good moment before he was working for them. He isn’t a full time agent he’s a for hire. They bring him on when they need him (or when he begs for work cause bro needs a hamburger please for the love of god)
It took him a nasty while to get his life set up to where he is by the time the pilot airs. But also from his start as DW to the pilot was almost two decades so like. Yk. He had time that’s for sure.
I don’t think he had any pets. I think he totally wanted like a turtle or some shit maybe a ferret as a kid like the kinda pet that is normal but not as common kinda thing. He never got one though
I also think he built a lot of, if not most, of his equipment. It’s highly implied that this is the case. The more fancy or expensive stuff he had help from SHUSH for but, again, that was a little bit into his carrier. Before he got SHUSH funding he would do odd jobs like mow grass or try to sell some of his less lethal and crime fighting inventions. Nothing lasted very long and he NEVER gave out his name. Drake didn’t start using the name Drake Mallard (a name he gave himself when he came out as trans as a kid to Elmo and his mom and eventually attempted to socially transition in high school) after high school till he met Gosalyn. She is quite literally the reason he took his civilian identity back up. She’s the ONLY reason. When he says in Darkly Dawns the Duck part two “if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have a life worth risking” HE MEANS THAT SHIT FULL CHEST. He is not Drake Mallard without Gosalyn I will die on this hill
SHUSH is the reason he even owns a social security number attached to his chosen name. He went up to them like. Hey. Do me a solid. I wanna adopt a child but I was like 18 when I started this and I don’t have much of a legal identity anymore. Of course, they set it up to where no one knows his identity. Like sending the forms to an undisclosed location then sending them off to a third party with no information about the situation to put into the system. Like shit was handled with UTMOST care and Hooter helped a lot with it. Darkwing is genuinely a huge asset to Hooter so he pulls a lot of strings to get Drake what he needs when he needs it. Having a guy on the outside who isn’t chained down by rules and regulations is way way way more useful to SHUSH than Hooter is legally allowed to say (also why a lot of SHUSH agents don’t realize or know why he’s kept around when he fucks up so much)
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