#thank you for being here for this epsiode of Life Advice from Acridids now back to shit posting
acridid-s · 4 years
You should never feel like you’re treading on eggshells around someone you consider a friend.
As in, you should never feel like calling them out on something, telling them something makes you uncomfortable or that something they did really pissed you off etc. will make them lash out and leave you. The presence of a friend in your life should never feel like a judge looming over you at all times. 
You might *want* them in your life because you feel like they’re the only person who Really Gets You or just shares your interest, or you’re attatched to them, because you might have a history with each other, or because they came back to you after cutting ties with you after you were going through some shit and did some really awful things because you were mentall unwell, or for whatever reason - but this is where the However comes in.
You don’t need that shit.
You can find other, more pleasant people who actually click with you.
There are innumerable people out there who share your interests that you can can get to know and build meaningful friendships with, given time.
Even if you’re happy someone came back to you after you were horrible to them, is that really reason enough to keep a presence in your life that’s holding back your progress as a person?
Let them go, dude.
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