#thank you for listeningto me rant . im so pissed still. i dont understand people who arent afraid of catching it or putting in effort to not
leafdlc · 7 months
i got covid for the first time early last month and it was minor, I thought. the second I tested positive I contacted my doctor and got paxlovid prescribed to me. I picked it up the same day and started taking the twice daily medication that night.
yes, paxlovid can help reduce/minimize long covid symptoms so I thought I would be fine. but to this day I still am only in the begining steps of recovering from the brainfog, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, and trouble paying attention for longer periods of time.
it's horrible. it sucks shit. I am constantly missing my exits and turns when I drive, even WITH a navigator on my phone. I stop talking in the middle of sentences bc I forget what I was even talking about in the first place.
the way covid affected my brain makes me feel like I got another concussion, but without the pain or the dizziness or the nausea or any of the typical physical concussion symptoms that come with one.
I constantly see people in all groups all ages not masking over here. or coughing into the open air and sneezing without covering their nose and mouth with their elbow. didn't we learn this in preschool. what's your problem??? if you can do anything to stop or prevent someone else's suffering then why wouldn't you???
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