#thank you for sending these vee u3u
tvrningout-a · 1 year
5, 10 & 18 for the mun meme?
send me a number to talk about! | @vonerde sent some numbers!
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5. dash commentary
i really enjoy it! i don't write it very much myself bc i get kinda nervous trying to think of what to say on the spot, which might sound silly asdf but i like reading everyone going back and forth on the dash! it's nice when rp can be silly and lighthearted. we're here to have fun, and i feel like dash commentary is part of that!
10. anons
anons are either so lovely or you wanna punt them, and it's a shame that the latter group ruins the fun for everyone else. anon is nice bc sometimes you wanna brighten someone's day or send them encouragement, but you feel awkward bc you haven't spoken -- anon eliminates that barrier! or maybe you wanna send something silly and bug somebody's muse, but you don't wanna reveal it's you. there's bunch of harmless fun that can be had if people will just behave uvu i don't think i'll ever understand the compulsion to insult somebody instead of just blocking and moving on.
18. shipping
i love shipping to bits!! to pieces!! i'm pretty laidback about it, too, so long as you're willing to discuss the relationship with me. assuming a ship between our muses without asking first?? no thanks. asking to plot out a ship bc you think our dorks would be cute together?? heck yeah <3 i'm always willing to explore different dynamics, even if we're relatively new mutuals. it just comes down to how you act -- if you're respectful ( and most people are ), then i'm down to write the mushy stuff with you! and ofc there's never any hard feelings if our characters end up not clicking bc tbh? not every relationship works out, and that's okay! that being said, whether the relationship is romantic or platonic, i really enjoy relationships that push each character to grow in some way :' )) i want characters to challenge each other as much as i want them to be each other's safe place. both platonic and romantic relationships take work, and the work is the part i enjoy most, i think. it's right up there with fluff and hurt/comfort &lt;3 also!! even though i'm laidback with shipping, i can be really nervous about suggesting a ship bc i fear upsetting someone asdfg please bonk me on the head and ask for a ship if you want one bc i've probably thought about it already :' )
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