#thank you lizardkid777
dailyweezer · 1 year
Weezer but it's four pictures of Sollux from Homestuck
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Day 55: you did it, you won, you made the best request
packing up the account now its never going to get better from here
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t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
omg thank you Lemongrab gang... coming through for me and my infodumps @helloemptyset @vennitrii @rat-with-coffee @lizardkid777 (sorry for the @s let me know if you want me to remove it I am only trying to be friendly and also I am shameless) 
link to the picture I am being normal about
anyway: Charlie symbolism over explaining mode engaged:
-so first off I tried to show their dynamic with their poses. Lg1's pose is based on paintings of captains and other military figures so he looks commanding, with his hand on his sword, and he's stepping on one of the lemon subjects. While Lg2 is submissive and sat down, looking up at him and looks nervous and almost frightened of him, and has no weapon. Which shows the power imbalance of their dynamic and the threat of violence. This is juxtaposed against Lemongrab 1 touching his brother’s cheek in a loving gesture, that ends up feeling loaded and dangerous.  
 -So I tried to build on this dyanmic with their costumes and how the colour is used. Lemongrab 2 is showing more skin than lg1 with shorts and short sleeves, so they look more exposed and vulnerable. I also based their clothes off old fashioned children's outfits and took the top half of their outfit from an old summer dress, and they have lil bows and just generally look more childlike and defenceless. And the feather obscuring their eye is obviously foreshadowing the cannibalism. In contrast Lemongrab 1′s outfit was based on Tudor era clothes and is supposed to be more stiff and regal, with the white ruff on the black outfit being reminiscent of the outfit he wears in Too Old. 
 -the scenery is based on how the castle old is falling apart in Too Old and the Lemonhope arc, showing Lemongrab 1's destruction of his family through the destruction of their domestic house due to neglect, so here the wallpaper is beginning to peel off and revealing cracked stone, so it's like the true dark nature of their dynamic is starting to become unavoidable. Also the wallpaper is green, which is lg1's colour, so it shows how his presence dominates and defines the lives of his sibling and subjects through how he has projected himself onto the space they physically share. 
 -the painting in the background is of pb holding a lemon. But it's actually a redraw of Persephone by Rosetti. The original painting depicts Persephone holding the pomegrante that binds her to the underworld and to Hades, and shows her in the underworld, lost in thought, standing before the gateway back to the surface. I tried to link this to the role she plays in Too Old as a sort of messenger and passenger between the dark and twisted Lemon earldom, and her own kingdom. With the lemon fruit that binds her being symbolic of how she feels tied to lemongrab as his creator, and feels like she has a duty to him.
-the framing of the picture is super important! Lemongrab 1 is laid over it, with his shadow falling on it. And to me this symbolises how he's trying to overshadow his creator. Lemongrab 1 has for most of his life been subservient to pb and felt like nothing more than a mistake she made, but now he wants to take control and be more powerful than her, so it's like he's trying to block her out. And the way most of his body is framed within her picture frame shows that he's trapped by his image of her, and the standards she's set. He's trapping himself by forcing himself to live up to the worst aspects of her personality and rule without imagining a different way to be for himself. Meanwhile Lemongrab 2 is caught between the picture and the window. Windows are used as symbols of freedom and the desire for escape, especially in gothic novels and paintings. So this links to Lg2 as someone who is freer from the standards set by their mother than their brother is, and who will ultimately set the lemon people free. But also the window’s cracked frame and how they’re turned away from it shows that this freedom is something they won’t get to experience for themselves. 
 -also through the window, you can see that the sky is orange from the sunset. This is pretty obvious symbolism tbh, sunsets show a change from the light of the day to the night, which is why Too Old was set in the evening and at night time. It shows the Lemon earldom falling into despair and tyranny, and a movement away from warmth and light to darkness. 
okay my infodumping is finished now lol like and subscribe thank you for enabling me. 
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dailyweezer · 1 year
Not a request, but!! Thoughts on Pinkerton?
pinkerton is their best album easily. or at least my personal favourite (i could see arguments for blue and ewbaite).
pinkerton is definitely the most exciting and interesting album musically, it has a feel to it that i don’t think any of the other albums truly capture. the louder, rougher sound is unique for them and an incredible listening experience and the lyrics are truly something special. rivers writes so well on this album and it’s really interesting to hear the brutally honest wording.
pinkerton was my 2nd most listened to album last year (just after black parade) with like a full 25 hours spent listening to it it’s incredible, 10/10 album
you know what screw it, track by track opinions:
Tired of Sex - really good opening to the album, it introduces the tone of the whole project perfectly. i’m amazed at how well it translates onto pinkerton from SFTBLH, they managed to change it just enough to provide a fantastic opening. the kind of drone on the vocals emphasises rivers exhaustion with his current lifestyle very neatly and the sudden bursts of noise starting up as the lyrics become angrier is gnarly as hell i love the loud guitar
Getchoo - this one hits like crazy i love the sound of the chorus, the little ah-hAH right at the end of it when it goes slightly higher scratches the brain itch just right. the actual characters of the song feel so real, the whole album feels real, and it’s actually mint.
No Other One - same deal with the characters, this is gonna mostly just be me reiterating that Rivers killed it with the songwriting here. absolutely love this song, the long, winding intro kicking in suddenly with the bM-bm-Bm-bm-BM is heavenly, it’s a truly lovely melody (i have no clue how music actually works) and makes for a fantastic song, one of the best on the album
Why Bother? - this one makes me go bananas it’s so quick and fast and speedy and other synonyms and it just mmmmm good track good song everything explodes and i love it. also you guys know Rob Cantor from Tally Hall did a cover of this song for a Pinkerton tribute album and it’s really sick
Across the Sea - oh boy this is it this is the track where my opinion gets the account shut down. it’s good man it’s really good this song really hits. like obviously the lyrics are- they’re fucked they’re fucked up, but they’re honest and the fact that this song even exists at all and weezer put it on the album means a lot and made huge strides in musical lyricism as a whole. i honestly really enjoy it. and like it sounds good instrumentally as well the little piano noodles are so funny and chimey and cool and the repeating of the actual “i got your letter, you got my song” tune by the guitar immediately after it is nice it makes me happy
The Good Life - fucking insane track blam blam blam i love it i love it i love it. it’s time he got back. the actual historical elements of Rivers life that tie into this track is very interesting in regards to the weezer lore. this is a loud song and it’s a crazy song and everything about it is good and everyone should go listen to the good life
El Scorcho - now this is the song of all time. the lyrics are so silly goofy i adore them, he’ll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon man (the sudden slam i tot he chorus from that line is so good as well). Matt Sharps back in vocals are really nice to listen to, it isn’t his best vocal performance in the songs he was on but it’s very nice, and Brian Bells first ever vocal performance on a studio album (pretty sure he sang on the longtime sunshine recording earlier) is slaying honestly. that whole section of the song slams me violently back into the wall with some invisible force everytime i listen to it i mean how stupid is it i can’t talk about it i’ve gotta sing about it and make a record of my heart. anyway el scorcho good song ay carumba
Pink Triangle - funny funny gay song. unironically though this one is pretty perfect the instrumentals throughout the entire song is completely solid and i mean the lyrics are- they put my kind in the weezer lyrics. (actual history element of this is one of my favourite pasty’s of weezer lore, girl it’s about heard the song and it turns out she isn’t even a lesbian)
Falling For You - this one is my favourite weezer song. in my top 3 songs of all time alongside MCR - Mama and Komm Sußer Todd. it is, and it doesn’t feel like it the first time, but it is genuinely one of the greatest songs ever made. just listen to it. listen to the album. every little detail from the japanese voicelines in static at the beginning to the perfect melody and loudness of the chorus to the way all of the verses flow like that to the way he says little old three chord me (such a good line such a good line i am so normal) to the screaming the title in the final chorus. it’s immaculate. i love weezer pinkerton
Butterfly - this track is divisive. most people either think it’s the only good part of the album or it isn’t worth listening to after the rest of it. these people are incorrect. it’s a perfect closer for the album, after all the bangers, this is the mash to make, the full- bangers and mash. i actually do love the concept of winding it down at the end of the album like this and butterfly is really exactly how to do that. it’s beautiful and a really profound and perfect way to call back to the rest of the album and reflect on all the beautiful themes and concepts touched on. and hey, if butterfly doesn’t do it for you, you always have…
oh baby those bonus tracks
i won’t talk about all of these specifically but Devotion, I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams, Longtime Sunshine and Tragic Girl are all favourites of mine. blast off! too even though that’s not actually on pinkerton deluxe. Songs From The Black Hole was an incredibly interesting concept and a lot of the unused tracks from it or parts that were worked on to pinkerton also stand as incredible pieces of art
so in conclusion:
what have we learned today
pinkerton is one of the greatest albums of the 90s, one of the greatest albums of all time, and everyone should listen to and love pinkerton
i am so normal about weezer
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