#thank you silver for coming home early and loving your big brother Mal so much
hanafubukki · 4 months
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SILVER CAME HOME 💞💞💚💚 thank you for coming home sweetheart 🥹🌺
I have to tell you the story hahaha I haven’t laughed in disbelief in so long 🤣
*Pulling for Bloom Silver*
Me: Hey Silver, if you come home soon, I’ll write a sequel fic where Malleus is alive/awake…and is happy with his family *tempts with mal nui in front of sil nui*
*next pull, patterned coffin*
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Me: wha-? *bursts into laughter* well, I guess I have no choice now andkdjdjhss
Well, I guess expect a sequel to this fic now (person who is sweating because she never planned to make a sequel to said fic)
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 16
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Morning stop in came again before the next spine tingling show with another stop after where you stole a moment with Balin while his brother and cousin were busy to go over a possible outfit list. Thorin had dropped you off and for some reason couldn’t seem to talk to you again seemingly noticing that you were going off alone together after his assumed welcome into your neighborhood as your date. You had stated he could bring Roac, though by then he had agreed with Dwalin to have him watch his raven to guard against the chance Roac would demand that he stay in your home while you were away. He couldn’t risk leaving your birds bonding unsupervised so that would have to wait until later.
Post show stop to the tea shop you were home again folding your clothes into the medium suitcase. Jeans, shorts for sleeping and t shirts and long sleeved shirts alike to go with Dwalin’s chosen shirt for you the bag was ready after adding basic toiletries and an empty sketch book with writing supplies for that. By the door you left the suitcase and turned your focus to a quick snack to counter the sweets you imagined to eat.
Scrubbing up post explanation as to why you would be gone a few days you simply let the birds relax and set their own schedules while you chose to go and peek in at your turtles currently sunning themselves on the rim of the fountain. A doorbell tore your focus away from the turtles and went to let Thorin in. Through the door he stepped with his gaze dropping to the middle sized suitcase and he asked, “That’s all you’re bringing?”
When his eyes met yours you crossed your arms saying, “Two days. Let’s not forget that my legs don’t reach to Orcarni like yours do. How big is your suitcase?”
“Well, the boys have taken turns hiding in it before.”
“I rest my case.”
“But you need room for souvenirs and such.”
“I have room. Don’t you worry about that.”
To himself he nodded then said, “I should probably take it out then to my car.”
Nipping at his lip he lifted the bag trying not to make a sound at how light it felt to him and made his way back down the walk to his car to add it to his trunk. A bit after four at the check of time you noticed people walking towards the park a call for Belly came with his flight through the house ending with his place on your shoulder planting his feet on your arm in the locking of your door. Out to his car you trotted closing your gate behind you and let out a giggle seeing the hefty black suitcase coated in rams heads you could no doubt work him into if you needed to.
“Don’t laugh, have to be prepared.”
“Not laughing. Come on let’s go get to tasting.”
Excitedly Belly looked around and your apparent fan club took notice that Thorin was here with you. From booth to booth you eyed the clear markers for any common allergens in areas separate and from person to person Belly puffed up excitedly greeting each Raven you passed as you greeted your passing neighbors who all greeted him happily in return. Cards in hand you tasted the offered treats and marked your scores and passed Belly the offered treats for the feathery companions as well he took to squatting on your shoulder using one of his feet to hold to sample and eat at his own pace.
Small talk and conversations circled around the deserts you were trying and still Thorin couldn’t help but grin at this very couply occasion. Together it seemed as if you were getting to know your neighbors, surely enforcing for them at least he would be more present in the future. Grins had eased out and surely ignoring the whispers as to you both being the new faces in town you continued to focus on Belly and Thorin. It had only been over an hour and with a comfy yawn Belly crouched again Lowering to your shoulder dozing off making you lean your head over, “Sleepy Belly?” He nodded and you said, “Alright, guess we can get an early start on the drive over.”
It was as if you both had a child in your care and jointly had taken to choosing his comfort over the needs of others expectations. With score cards turned in and silver coins added to the donation till you made your goodbyes and headed off home with others grinning at the Raven nestling his head under his striped wing clearly full and ready for a nap like many other Ravens who had been up all day being led home as well with keepers ready to return again once the task was done.
Quietly you walked back to your home and Thorin waited by his car allowing you to settle him in on your own. A task taking a few moments to gently cradle the bird encouraging his grip on your shirt to loosen allowing his transfer into his nest. “Love you guys, see you in a couple days alright?”
Kuu came over and pressed his head into your middle extending his wings around your sides as a makeshift hug. “Enjoy your trip. We shall protect our nest.”
Stroking his head you giggled out, “Thank you,” and turned to have the hummingbirds in flight nuzzle against your cheeks wishing you a safe trip.
Turned again you headed back for the door that locked behind you leaving just the sight of Thorin opening your door for you as you came closer. “Thank you.” Lowering into the car you shifted your satchel onto your lap and watched his stroll around the car to get in. Once his door was closed his head turned feeling your gaze on him and before he could as what the problem was you asked, “If I ever did get a car and gave you a lift would you be offended if I opened the door for you like that?”
Instantly a smirk split across his lips and he hummed back starting the engine, “I would be honored. What type of car would you like?”
“Why are you asking like you’re going to buy it for me if I told you?”
“I am not.”
“Sounded like it.”
“Well I am not going to buy you a car.”
“I think I might need that in writing.”
Lowly he chuckled saying, “I doubt I would agree to its validity.” Making you scoff and him to chuckle again. “In all the time you’ve known my family do you really think you could stop us from buying you gifts? We’re givers.”
“Oh ya, house, full paid trip to Rohan, why wouldn’t you think you could just surprise me with a car?”
Thorin glances over at you, “They will not all be extravagant. And honestly Dwalin acted alone in this. I had no idea.”
“Where do they live?” Thorin glances at you again, “Trying to picture what sort of home they would have.”
Thorin chuckled saying, “A Dwobbit home not far from your neighborhood. Maybe fifteen minutes away.”
“And you have a modern flat, I’m guessing Dis and Vili have something extravagant.”
Thorin chuckled to himself, “I always teased it was like the Addams family house, to the point they decorate it up like that on Halloween.”
“I know Mal would want something like that one day. Always talks about it.”
“Hopefully not too soon. Dis and Vili won’t let the boys jump too deep just yet.”
“You don’t think she would like Mal?”
“It’s not that, just the usual protection for their young. Have to follow the courtship rules.”
“Well, she is part Hobbit,”
Making him chuckle again, “I know they’re young and inching towards deeper feelings beyond that burning adoration and her genes would make it harder on both sides to honor tradition. They won’t be unfair to her.”
“Oh I don’t doubt that.”
“Bilbo surely would have been giving her some tips on how to fold into the clan.” You smirked at him and he glanced your way with a smirk of his own, “You’re different. Not everyone gets your treatment.”
“Right, I’m me.” In a move to prop up your foot on the seat you flinched your leg down again.
“Prop your feet up if you like. Get comfy it’s nearly an hour drive.”
“So is this the public airport we’re off to?” You said timidly tucking your legs up to lay sideways in front of you.
“Rohan doesn’t allow private jets to land there. We would have to fly to Gondor and take the train there. Only so much space at their airlines. Have you been?”
“On a private jet? No.”
“Um, rode through it on a train once.”
“To Gondor?”
“Yup. You like Gondor?”
“Only been when I was a baby. I assume I had fun.”
“I always assumed traveling as a baby is sort of like traveling drunk in a group of sober friends.” Widely his grin spread at the analogy, “You’re basically helpless and you won’t remember a thing so you just go off of pictures and second hand recounting from the people there. So they could have left you in the hotel for all you know past the pictures and you’d be none the wiser.”
Lowly he chuckled and then asked, “I take it this would be your first time flying post enlistment.”
“Yes. Depending how bumpy it gets I may or may not end up on your lap.”
“Only if I don’t beat you to it and jump in yours.” Making you giggle to yourself and watch the city turn to highway outside the windows. A turn of the knob on the radio had his grin deepening playfully at one of Belly’s travel jams you both hummed and sang along to starting a jumble of tries to do the same on the next bundle of songs you both collectively knew a quarter of the words to.
Lights in the dimming sunlight grew brighter as you eyed the airport signs growing closer together. Two round abouts and a long yielding turn found you in the parking lot for the departure terminals.
Out of the car you hopped drawing out your phone to snap a picture of the bush between his car the one in the row behind that. “What are you doing?”
“We’re parked by the butt bush.”
Deep in his throat a chuckle caught and he asked, “The what?”
On your heel you turned and answered pointing at the bush, “Butt bush, it’s shaped like a butt.”
He turned his head only to laugh out loud turning to the trunk he opened with a hit of the button on his key fob. “Oh that is priceless. I think it’s supposed to be a peach.”
“Huh,” You blurted out, “It’s clearly a butt.”
Again he chuckled, “I can’t deny that, but we’re in peach section of row 5.”
Easily he pulled his monster of a suitcase out and set yours on top of it extending his handle as he did, “I-,”
Playfully grinning at you he said closing the trunk, “I know. But there are unspoken rules.” He said stepping around you locking the car with a hit of the button to walk with you closer to the line of trunks and him near the possible lane for traffic.
“Is this a male female thing?”
Again he chuckled saying, “It’s eve of the crescent moon, no woman carries anything heavy while a male of their acquaintance is nearby.”
He smirked at you, “Or the man is turned into an ass by Mahal and the Dam’s beard grows an inch.”
In a whisper you replied, “But I’m not a Dam.”
“No, but I don’t have boarding papers for livestock.” As if in cue you both turned to the growing argument ending at the bray and shriek from far behind you. A fiery haired Dam stood next to a clearly stunned donkey she touched timidly before patting her chin now coated with an adorably curly riff of hair all along it instead of her usual heavy sideburns and goatee. “See. That’s gonna be an extra few hundred to swap papers and pay for the crate.”
He turned and you stayed there a moment then turned to catch up to him asking, “You weren’t joking! Does he stay a donkey?”
Lowly he chuckled, “No he’ll turn back after the month is out. On the waxing crescent.”
“Any more rules like that I should know about?”
“Well, I can’t have toast for breakfast, anything toasted really, least for tomorrow. After that we’re clear for anything. But if there was more I’d let you know.” He looked you over with a spreading grin at your next glance back, “No rules like that for your kin?”
“Mainly for colored moons or equinoxes.”
“I look forward to hearing about them.”
“What’s he gonna do for work?”
Holding back his chuckle he said, “We have donkey days for Dwarves. But his family will have to send in pictures for proof that no doubt will be posted on some sort of wall at work.” He glances at you again, “It’s the anniversary for when Mahal carried boulders to fashion Yavanna’s private spot’s walls. No one knows what the spot is for, but she wanted that space and he carried stones to aid in protecting her tiny domain. That was when she was cultivating some of her Ents I believe.”
With a grin you replied, “That is sort of sweet, you pay respects to his love for his love, who was at the time creating creatures bent to attack your kin for sacking her trees.”
Lowly chuckling he replied, “There’s a give and a take to every relationship. We’re headstrong so she ensured that we had creatures to check our destructive tendencies when attempting to create.”
“Well said.”
“What Gramps used to say to Gran. She was a Hobbit, and thought he was out of his mind most of the time.”
“Aren’t you?” You teased in a giggle making him chuckle again.
“Absolutely.” Once at the door to the closest guard he nodded his head saying, “Donkey, row 5.”
Huffing in his reach for his radio he nodded his head to you both and said, “We got a donkey in row 5.” Though his eyes flinched back to you and Thorin wondering at the pair of you in his own little distracting game to get him through his shifts. From his inner jacket pocket Thorin pulled out the tickets and handed you yours humming out, “I just have to check my bag and we should be able to carry yours on.”
With a grin you approached the counter on your tip toes handing the ticket to the Dwarf trying not to take too much amusement at your struggle as you signed in and weighed your bag Thorin had set on the scale for you then took off again through his being weighed and tagged. Just over the carry on weight by half a pound Thorin nipped at his lip seeing yours being tagged as well and taking your ticket again you joined Thorin at his side asking on the way to the gate, “Does this mean you have to carry my satchel now?”
With a grin he replied catching your eye easing his hand out over the top of your back guiding you to turn through a lull in the people crossing to later security check points father down the long hall. Into the line you went and he replied, “No, only heavy things.”
In a giggle you said, “If it makes you feel better I think most of the weight was in the case.” Spreading his smirk again.
“Little bit. So, nearly three hours, ready for it?”
“Three hours? Hmm, hope you weren’t wanting a nap,” he looked down at you again after your joint step forward seeing you pull out the book on tea he had given you with a open mouthed grin making him smirk, “Cuz I brought the book and you won’t be sleeping.”
Shaking his head as you put the book away to keep a blush from spreading across his cheeks his focus turned to the line again. Step by step you made your way to the pocket emptying station and tugged up your sleeves easing the strap of your bag off your shoulder readying to add it to the tray Thorin was emptying his pockets into. His phone and wallet settled in next to your bag you set your phone onto in his stroll through the metal detector.
After sliding the tray onto the rolling rack you walked through the archway that beeped making Thorin turn as you flashed a grin to the guard motioning you over for a wave of the wand over you. Curiously Thorin expected maybe your belt or a hidden necklace only to feel his heart skip seeing the wand pause at your belly and in a lift of the base of your maroon sweater a flash of a double belly button piercing had him frozen and the guard inhaling sharply.
Lowly he apologized and you nodded moving over towards Thorin whose mind was reeling at the meaning for you on the piercing. In actuality a marker of reaching womanhood for Elves it held an all too well known meaning for Hobbits sought after by Dwarves, a Lass in search of a husband. More bedfellow really as in they were aiming more for the affectionate and intimate aspects of yearning for a husband, even out of legal wedlock if fated to be that way. Overall it silently claimed an ache for suitors to stake their claims to be weighed as possible husbands to one day father children with.
“Keep forgetting it’ll set it off.”
Hastily he wet his lips and you said, “Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean what you think it means.” That had his brow inch up, “Means the first to buy me a car gets to take me to wife.” That had his brow inch up a bit more only for you to giggle and say, “Joke.”
The approach of one of the screeners had you stepping closer, “Miss, there was an abnormality in your bag.”
You nodded and neared opening the flap for him and started to empty it into the tray until he saw what it was, your beaded Valar pendant necklace, “Tried wearing it last time I flew and they told me I didn’t have to.”
“Thank you, you’re all clear, have a lovely flight.” You thanked him and filled your bag again shouldering it and lifting your phone as Thorin pocketed his phone and wallet holding both of your tickets and leading the way to your gate.
Stealing a glance up at him you saw the reeling of his inner cogs going that halted as you said, “For Vanyar it’s a mark of our womanhood. There’s a whole ceremony where we make an oath to Yavanna and pierce the mark of our Naneth’s bond.” He glanced down at you, “Where the chord once was.” And he nodded at your grin easing out, “Honor our Naneth and the Mother of living things wife of the Crafter of Earth and all matter. We join their ranks.” After his second nod you said, “But I am part Hobbit as well,” making him glance at you again, “And I know what it means for that part of my kin as well.”
His gaze shifted over your head to one of the men from security behind you who passed by flashing you a wink saying, “Gate 67 if you’ve got a long wait.”
From him to Thorin you looked and smirked saying, “So if you’ve got your resume ready apparently I’m taking interviews. Not likely I’ll be heading to 67,” lowering your voice you said, “Think I smelled store bought chamomile on his breath.”
That had Thorin rolling his eyes and looking forward, but in the steadying of his gaze his heart was still racing through pondering if your teasing was meant to drive him off possibly offering courtship or to goad him on showing he had already gained your comfort by the joking back and forth you always ebbed through. A poke to his side had him look to you again and stop as you asked, “Aren’t we gate 98?” To the tickets in his hand he looked then looked up again and nodded.
“Sorry, sort of, zoned out. Long walk.”
“It’s ok, looks like we’ve got here with a nice cushion time before take off.”
Checking in again allowed you to take your seats and try to coax your grump back out of his shell. Sure enough as you cracked the book open his frame leaned over to peer at the page you were on. Subtly brushing his fingers over yours in a point to a part on the page to clarify what he was speaking on came as a minor test, seeing if you would shy away from his touch or not. Once he had held your hand, while you were being tattooed and it was hardly past comforting you in your moment of pain with only a couple of pokes and a pat on your back to add to the minor contact. Stolen glances to check your expression while he lingered closely only pulling back at the call for people to start boarding. From back to front they loaded on and near to the last people on the curiously packed plane and into the middle seat you lowered beside Thorin at the window seat the flight attendant insisted he stick to instead of swapping with you.
Buckled and settled in you readied for take off seeing Thorin’s fingers clench around his knee. Reaching over you planted your hand on his causing his hand to shift and mold around yours laced around his palm for the pressure building process of reaching your cruising altitude. Safety video and take off demo later the screen switched over signaling that you could all delve into any of the offered channels and in releasing your hand he bent to bring out your bag allowing you to pull out your book and distract you both again. Over your side he loomed and absently tapped his finger to your thigh next to the book between points he was discussing further with you, though the poking got a bit sideways at his hand gripping across your thigh entirely in a sudden jostle.
A shake of your head and pat on his arm had him calming that he hadn’t crossed a line accidentally in the release of it to hover next to your book again that you turned his focus to once again. Another hour flew by as you finished off another section of the book you eased back into your bag he settled under your seat again and bravely took hold of your hand for the landing in a grip that clenched slightly then released in the slow pull up to the extending tunnel leading to your exit gate. Last in you were the first section out and shouldering your bag you felt Thorin’s hand brushing against your back in the walk through the plane so that once in the tunnel he could step out to your side. Settling it on your upper back in the growing crowd as if he thought you might be lost from him if there was no contact.
After the exit gate you saw why. Even as a tiny country this airport was bustling and jam packed and just barely you managed to make it without having to leave Thorin’s side through the tall Men and Elves to the baggage claim. Waiting in line you watched the crowd disperse and were in front for the next layer of luggage to drop. One by one you eyed each then helped Thorin pull his monster bag off the turning belt and easily after he lifted yours and set it on top to begin the final steps of your airport journey to head out to the exit gate. In a line of drivers a clearly familiar driver lowered his sign and popped the trunk as he opened the back seat door nodding his head to you taking hold of your bags. A pat of his hand on your back had Thorin following you into the back seat, on which you settled eyeing the people passing while the trunk was closed and the driver walked around the car to take his own place to start the drive.
From highway to city you took it all in until out into a long stretch of green lit only by the trail of cars heading the same way you wondered just where you were headed until a point from Thorin had you leaning into his side to see what he was trying to show you. A lake fed by a series of dams behind the city of Helm’s Deep built into the wall of a small ring of mountains had your lips parting at the bridges jumping from each tiny island along the way across the vast almost endless lake. Each bridge taking you up in an almost hill allowing for boats to pass under that dipped on each island only to rise up again all the way into a near drawbridge like entrance to the fortress of a city lit to the tiniest out looking ledge on the outer wall.
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Paved streets between stone buildings wound until you eyed one of the lavish hotels built in a half circle around the half mountain buried convention center yearly used for secure conventions for several topics and attractions. Under a covered spot at the front door the car stopped and following him you slid out and flashed a quick grin to the doorman who had opened the door for Thorin, who was now near the trunk to claim the bags from the driver he tipped and thanked for the both of you. Behind the burly grump a voice called out, “Oi, Oakenshield! Tiny shop couldn’t fund sending a friend for you this time?”
Without looking he rumbled back, “I have company Talbert.” Walking on to the waiting open doors feeding into the grand lobby that dropped your jaw. Painted roof sections between criss crossing breams in gold lit exquisitely in their drop onto lined pillars feeding into more halls all fed by the same copper, white and black illusioned square marble tiles stretching on to a distant dead end. Taking in the details at his side you mirrored his turn and saw the large copper desk that you steadily stepped closer to while a fluid stream of bellboys led the guests up to their rooms.
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By the time it was your turn Talbert had apparently found the line and when you had stepped away to follow the chosen bellboy you heard him comment, “Good on you, Oakenshield. Brought a date to a convention. Should win over points.”
As he chuckled amongst his pair of chosen companions you replied before Thorin could, “I help with advertising for the shop, just so you know Mr Talbert.”
Talbert joked back, “Advertising? It’s the size of a matchbox!”
“An incredibly delicious little matchbox, you should be concerned.” You replied without looking back hearing their muttered conference making Thorin’s smirk deepen on your way to the lift.
Once inside he rumbled back, “Thank you.”
You swatted your hand in the air, “Nah, it is you know, and with the show you have a steady growing customer base. Even if they tend to linger around a bit.”
“You do have a point. We have doubled in refill sales alone.”
At your lingering smirk up at him he asked, “Yes?”
“You’re really not gonna explain?”
“Explain what?”
“Ah,” he chuckled out and looked to the floor dial rising closer to your floor, “Rugby nickname.”
Again he glanced at you, “Hmm?”
“Gonna be hard to get the image of you in a jersey and short shorts out of my head.” His blushing turn of his head to rub the back of his neck had the bellboy biting his lip not to laugh.
“That’s the image you get when you think of rugby?” he rumbled to the wall.
“Might be a bit uncivilized but arms and thighs, on some of the fiercest cuddlers you’ve ever met,” lowly he was chuckling.
“Did you play sports?”
“Tennis and jousting were the go to. I was better at the first. Managed to sneak into some ax throwing too when I was discharged, some of my new Dwarf buddies got me into it.”
“Why’d you stop?”
“They went home, and apparently going weekly to the ax throwing place alone is a bit unsettling for some.”
“Ah, I can bet. There is a place back home if you like, we could pick a day off, all hang out throw some axes.”
“Just be prepared to be smoked,” Making him chuckle again. “And I will warn you I get a bit cocky if I drink you’ll need to hide the axes if I offer to juggle.”
Through another chuckle he said sarcastically, “I can’t imagine you cocky,” earning a sarcastic smirk up at him, “Why would juggling be a bad thing?”
“Because last time I tried to see how long I could juggle, got up to two hours before the owner said he had to shut down for a private party. Could have easily gotten to twelve. Imagined myself a champion juggler when I was little.”
“I’ll have to keep you and the boys from drinking together then, avid jugglers. Kept trying to use knives when they were little, nearly had to have Kili’s finger stitched back on had Mili not caught it when he lost focus. Ten year juggle ban in their house.”
“Must have been painful.”
Thorin chuckled and led the way out on your floor, “You have no idea the hell they put us through until the ban was lifted. Only to remember they weren’t that good to begin with and had to start over again.” He stepped aside as you did to let the bag toting bellboy guide you to your room at the end of the hall.
Unlocking the door he opened for you both to pass through first he said, “Your room, double King with a mini kitchen and all the amenities.” In the middle of the living room while Thorin drew out another loose bill he had slipped into his pocket on the ride over you looked over the cozy half stone half wooden room framed around the flat screen on one wall across from a small dining table. “Now we did receive the call from your business partner to confirm on the restriction of lavender from the couples massage, manicure and pedicure treatment. Thank you.” He said pocketing the bill Thorin had given him.
“Thank you. I take it the dining floor is closed?”
“Yes sir, however room service is open 24 hours feel free to order from any of the offered menus they cover and you can even pre order your breakfast as well if you wish. Would you like turndown service? I could have one of the maids sent in.”
Thorin shook his head, “No thank you.”
Earning a nod from him, “Enjoy your night, Sir, Ma’am.” Turning to head back to the door that locked behind him
Looking around again you said, “Nice place.”
Thorin smirked and offered his hand to you palm up dropping the room packet on the couch closest to him saying, “You haven’t seen the best part.” Settling your hand in his he guided you through to one of the halls you saw the double door bath just before the door to a jaw dropping bedroom with an enchanted glass dome roof completely submerged in water with large fish swimming around the wood floored room.
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“We’re under water?”
Thorin chuckled saying, “Between the falls and the dams the hotel thought to include the aquatic life around them. You should see your room.”
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Turning around down the same hall to the other end he led the way through a room two thirds stone and wood with a full curved wall revealing its own coral centered aquatic scene. And just the same on your awed stare Thorin stared as the fish did in return to your skin shimmering ever so slightly as your Vanyar kin do when they are feeling sheer joy. Though it lasted just a moment then it stopped again when you noticed Thorin lowering his phone from stealing a picture of you.
“Two can play that game.” You said releasing his hand to pull out your own phone to snap a picture of him then you eyed your phone and asked, “What’s this event called?”
“World Tea Expo ‘43.”
You nodded and switched to your Mafioso social page writing, “So no updates for the Arkenstone this weekend as I am out at the World Tea Expo ‘43. Let’s see if they can keep up with my Mug Dealer. Can’t wait to see all that has been brought out this year.”
Looking at his pinging phone he chuckled out, “You do realize they have no clue who I am past a small group here.”
“Well they’re going to be buzzing about this Mug Dealer all weekend. I’ll make sure of it. And we’ll see just if anyone pays any mind to Mafioso’s postings.”
“It’s going to drive them crazy for who it is. You tagged the event.”
“As it should. Keep them on their toes. We may be small but always mighty. If anything I’ll get a few more chuckles out of you and drive that Talbert up the wall looking to impress the mystery Mafioso.”
In a low chuckle he said, “You and your mysteries.”
“You appreciate my mysteries and you know it.”
Again he chuckled, “Of course I do. I’ll get your bag. You do like that one?”
“Ya, long as there’s no crabs should be fine.”
“Ya, they don’t like me. Faced off in Ruun more than once.”
Remaining quiet he nodded and turned unwilling to break out the heavy question of what that place was like for you. Having seen pictures growing up it was hard to imagine any could live there a week let alone your 48 years. Back again he came with your bag after leaving his in his room and he asked with menus in hand, “What would you like to eat?”
Waiting for the food as he flipped through the channels you asked, “Couples massage and a mani-pedi?”
Smirking at you he replied, “It’s supposed to be relaxing on a work trip. We always get it done, if you don’t want to I can cancel.”
You shook your head looking at your nails, “Have to get my nails redone anyways. I suppose I could take advantage of your pre planned pampering, this once.”
Making his smirk deepen. “Glad to hear it.”
With a grin another worker brought up your meal they set out on the table while you untied then removed your shoes to take to your room finding it a bit odd to be on the other end of the service spectrum. And in his leaving you were back taking your seat while Thorin turned the tv on its rotating stand so you could watch the show he had chosen in his loss for small talk at the moment. The quiet was a thing you were both grateful for while your mind reeled as to how the weekend would go completely alone with your grump. There was no risk for him hurting you or crossing any lines but all the same it would be the first time to not have any job or relatives of his to distract you from one another. You supposed it could be a chance in disguise to see just what could possibly grow between you or if the pair of you would remain friends.
“What time are we starting in the morning?”
Thorin, “Breakfast will be here at six and the expo doesn’t officially start until eight. Plenty of time to sleep still.”
You nodded and turned for your room while he turned for his, “Seep tight.”
“Same to you, I know you’ll need it for your mischief.”
Joint sighs behind your closed doors car before wake to your suitcases you opened to start changing into your pajamas and climb into your puffy beds. Yet for all the poof of the comforter you grumbled into your pillow at the absurdly hard mattress and closed your eyes to force yourself to sleep without wasting any time complaining about the bed.
Pt 17
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
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