#thank you so much to the weewoo house for helping me out with these! <3
actuallysara · 1 year
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911 Lone Star characters as Barbie Posters
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One last note:
Don't ever use my content or account to spread your own opinion about someone else or a group of people you do not like. I simply do not care to be a part of anyone's drama. Blocking and reporting is clearly not enough.
I'm terrified enough on this app to just exist or have an opinion considering how toxic fandom culture has gotten.
Some of you are genuine vultures who have no regard for the psychological effects you have on the people you harass for literally no reason.
Do NOT send your followers or your mutuals or what fucking ever it is to my account about something I have nothing to do with nor ever want to have anything to do with.
Instead of harassing people online about fictional characters or the actors who play them who have nothing to do with writers choices, maybe spend some time outside or use some of that time to devote yourself to real genuine problems going on in the world because it's on fire in every fucking way possible. Least you could do is not fan the flames so much.
Queer and Trans kids are being attacked around the world for simply wanting the right to exist as they are.
Women are losing their rights to their bodies.
Innocent children are the sole survivors of their bloodlines in Palestine and have to learn how to survive on their own, not knowing if they'll make it to tomorrow.
The technology in your hand was made from cobalt mined by people in Congo who are being enslaved so you can have the ability to tweet about your little weewoo show.
There are people who have to choose to die because they don't have access to healthcare.
There are parents starving themselves so that their kids have something to eat or they can afford to buy them school supplies.
People are working 2/3/4 jobs just to barely survive.
Homeless people are being criminalized for having no where else to go.
Veterans are sent out to war, for the promise that they're doing good by protecting their country just to return home and have the government they just fought for turn their backs on them. To leave them without housing or healthcare or psychological help, but it's alright because they get a discount at the local grocery store every once in a while, right?
The list can go on and on. THAT is what fucking matters. Not if Buddie goes canon or if BuckTommy will be endgame. People are losing their human rights to exist at the hands of white supremacy, corrupt politicians, and billionaires weaponizing their funds to get their way.
Fandom culture has no fucking meaning if you only use it to act like the world isn't on fire. It's supposed to unite people in spite of what's going on around the world. It's supposed to be a safe place for people to exist, especially when there's a target on their backs out in the real world. Your toxicity in this fandom has real world consequences.
I will no longer be using this account because I'm fucking done with this shit. Just leave me alone.
***Thank you to anyone who was always kind to me or enjoyed my occasional quips or analysis. Please remember to think before you speak online, and to always choose kindness and respect above anything else. <3
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