#thank you so so muh for this hon. this is one of the messages I'll forwver remember in my life
vanaera · 4 years
Hey Aera, how are u? Hope you are doing good I just found the prince and his rose today and already fall in love with your works, they are pure ART girl, omg. The way oc and guk grow up together, supporting each other’s and the way guk is so whipped for her, I don’t know that’s the type of romance I want for my life 🥺🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻 anyways, hope you always find inspiration to keep writing and bringing happiness to people through your works, thank you so much for that 💜💜
A-Art??? OH MY (ಥ﹏ಥ) thank you. This compliment is on a different level and thank you for letting me experience this. I'll forever remember this hon 🥺🥺🥺
The Prince and His Rose really be changing the ways of romance now huh 😭😭 I first wrote this fic for fun and fluff. But as I add every installment, I found out my views and preferences about love are seeping in, even unconsciously. The reason I have a special spot for f2l tropes is bc I believe your SO have to be your bestfriend. It's the only way you can gain a fulfilling relationship without feeling always getting the short end of the stick. And as I look at TPAHR in its bigger picture, I realize TPAHR!Jungkook is always gonna be a bestfriend to OC first before he acts on his desires to be her potential lover. He may be flawed but he's trying his best and that is something I totally dig 😭😭🥺
Thank you so much hon for this wonderful feedback. Feedbacks like this are what keeps me inspired and motivated to continue writing so thank YOU!!! 😭🥺🥰💓💕
I thought I already have high standards for potential SOs bc of our boys and other fictional dudes. I can't believe I just set my bar higher by writing my own character. Curse you TPAHR!JK!!!! Jk I love you. TPAHR!OC, if you don't accept our best boy, I'll steal him away from you
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