#my ears go alert and my mouth just itches to RAMBLE!!!!
vanaera · 4 years
Hey Aera, how are u? Hope you are doing good I just found the prince and his rose today and already fall in love with your works, they are pure ART girl, omg. The way oc and guk grow up together, supporting each other’s and the way guk is so whipped for her, I don’t know that’s the type of romance I want for my life 🥺🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻 anyways, hope you always find inspiration to keep writing and bringing happiness to people through your works, thank you so much for that 💜💜
A-Art??? OH MY (ಥ﹏ಥ) thank you. This compliment is on a different level and thank you for letting me experience this. I'll forever remember this hon 🥺🥺🥺
The Prince and His Rose really be changing the ways of romance now huh 😭😭 I first wrote this fic for fun and fluff. But as I add every installment, I found out my views and preferences about love are seeping in, even unconsciously. The reason I have a special spot for f2l tropes is bc I believe your SO have to be your bestfriend. It's the only way you can gain a fulfilling relationship without feeling always getting the short end of the stick. And as I look at TPAHR in its bigger picture, I realize TPAHR!Jungkook is always gonna be a bestfriend to OC first before he acts on his desires to be her potential lover. He may be flawed but he's trying his best and that is something I totally dig 😭😭🥺
Thank you so much hon for this wonderful feedback. Feedbacks like this are what keeps me inspired and motivated to continue writing so thank YOU!!! 😭🥺🥰💓💕
I thought I already have high standards for potential SOs bc of our boys and other fictional dudes. I can't believe I just set my bar higher by writing my own character. Curse you TPAHR!JK!!!! Jk I love you. TPAHR!OC, if you don't accept our best boy, I'll steal him away from you
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embrassemoi · 4 years
Surrounded by The Moon and Stars • 08
Pairings: Sirius Black x [F]Reader, Remus Lupin x [F]Reader Content: Language, possible errors Author’s notes: Had a hard time with this one. 
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Chapter 8: Master Plan
Surgeons always have a plan, that’s what Y/N picked up from her mother over the years. They knew what scalpel they needed, where to cut or clamp down. But even with their carefully crafted plans, there are unexpected things bound to arise that we don’t originally consider.
“Stop moving.”
Because that was not a part of her plan. So she began to formulate a new one:
a) Surely if she were to scream now, it would alert professor McGonagall. She would come rushing to help and free her.
b) But if she stepped on the person's shoe while screaming, it would distract them just long enough for her to have a head start. The pain would be so sudden that they would drop their arms and she could run. If she focused hard enough too, she could channel magic around her. Besides, if all else fails, McGonagall would still be there.
Option b) sounded like a great plan.
Now that her attacker's hand was drawn back, Y/N opened her mouth until she promptly shut it again. In the dark, she vaguely makes out a tall figure coming into view, a familiar mop of fawn-like hair appearing from behind her.
It was Remus.
With his presence, her body instantly relaxes. Her shoulders slump as tension and fear slowly dissolve. Remus tosses her a glance, shooting a gentle smile before his face darkens as he nods. He brings a finger to his lips, warning them to not interrupt.
To her delight, Y/N feels the person’s grip loosen even more, however, their arms were still caged and secured snuggly. Her heart slowed, becoming calmer as her brain moved from the idea of self-defence to confusion.
McGonagall finally enters the main corridor. From where they stood, her back faced them as she peered around the darkness, gripping the base of her candelabra. It glowed brightly, lighting up the surrounding area.
This was the only time Y/N had seen her professor after official school hours. Her outfit was mismatched; a soft pyjama set, with her school robes and heels on. She swore she had a sleeping mask hanging around her neck. Had pure adrenaline not been coursing through her veins, she would have snorted.
Remus uses this to his advantage as he shuffles his way towards McGonagall. He brushes off the non-existent dust from his suit before he reaches into his pocket, placing a shiny pin on the breast pocket. He then coughs, gaining her attention.
Startled, McGonagall wheeled her head, “Mr. Lupin! What are you doing here?”
He puts his hands in the pocket of his suit cooly. “Good evening professor. I��m doing my rounds. I actually just came from Slughorn's party a while ago.” He says, gesturing to his unusual patrol outfit.
McGonagall remains silent, choosing to take in his appearance. Y/N can almost see the confusion written on her face. She peers sternly over her glasses to look at Remus. If he was nervous, he hid it well because his expression managed to stay unchanged and there was no trace of a lie. Her eyes scan him one last time before speaking, “You’re not supposed to be on rounds tonight.”
“I switched places last minute with another prefect. They weren’t feeling well.” Remus quickly adds on, “— you might know them? Calwald; sixth year Slytherin.”
“Ah, yes… I heard footsteps coming from here. Did you see anyone?”
Remus looks like he’s thinking quickly. “Yeah, just a first year Slytherin. I escorted them to their common room.”
Professor McGonagall’s unnerving gaze even made Y/N shudder. She tuts, her head drops in a small nod. She stands tall, “Very well then, goodnight Remus.”  
“Goodnight, Professor.”
The soft clicks of her heels started up again. McGonagall heads in the opposite direction of the Slytherin common room while Remus pretends to walk away before pressing himself against a wall, camouflaging with the shadows in case their teacher were to look back. The echoing became quieter until only a soft, almost inaudible clicking came from the distance. The glow from her candles was gone and darkness surrounded them again.
Y/N was made acutely aware of the other person’s hold around her waist once it slackens, pulling away from her. The heavy fabric is dragged off her body before she turns over to her attacker.
She jerks away as far as she could, angrily. Her fingers twitched momentarily.
“You almost ruined it,” he spits out cold and aggressively. His bluish-grey eyes stormed, ripples of angry waves rolling from them. From the proximity, she swore she could feel the venom dripping from him as she released a breath she didn’t know she was holding. "And you bit me!"
She should have bitten harder.
She hisses back, “Shut it! How was I supposed to know that you were sneaking around?”
“Pads!” James growls, yanking at Sirius’ shoulder, “Fucking leave her alone. You’ve done enough today.”
“You gits!” Remus scolds, making his way back to the secret passage. He remained calm, directing his next sentences to the boys. “It was a mistake, okay? Calm the fuck down or you two will get us caught.”
Sirius huffs out, childishly. “Whatever you say Moomy.”
“Ha. Ha.”
“What’s going on?” Y/N askes.
At this, Sirius calms down a bit before he looks at Y/N again, a strange expression settles on his face. James on the other hand is ecstatic, “Right! We’re setting up the last part of the plan right now. The itching spray!”
“Yeah. Wormy is already inside the Slytherin common room making sure the spiders and Dungbombs we put in there are working.”
“Did you say he’s inside their common room?”
At this, his smile grows, “Got their password by waiting outside their door and Polyjuice potion. Our dear Moony brewed it.” Remus’ face is smug, his chest puffed out.
“Holy shit! I didn’t know you took it this seriously. Couldn't you be expelled for this?!”
"Godric, maybe Remus needs to give you his prefect title."
“I’ll gladly give it to you — fuckin’ hate being one.” Remus jokes, “Nah, we’ll be fine as long as we don’t get caught.”
“We’ve got our goody-two-shoes over here. Everyone loves him, won’t suspect a thing.” James says. Her eyes are back on Remus, sweeping from his face then down to his shiny prefect badge.
“I’m their scapegoat.”
Sirius sighs impatiently before cutting in, “Alright, I’m sure you can go now. McGonagall is long gone.”
Everyone shoots him a look.
“Oi! No! Please join us!” James whines, “You’re already here and trust me it’ll be so fun!”
“He’s right, join us,” Remus says, “Besides, you suggested it and it’ll be safer and easier to cover our tracks.”
It sounded exciting and she did need a pick-me-up considering her wavering emotions lately. Although Sirius’ jaw clenched. He was scowling at her.
“I’d love to join you,” she says, looking Sirius in the eyes.
A silent whooping came from James who balled his fist, throwing them into the air in celebration. They huddled together just as Remus led them out of the passage and through the dark.
James, who shared qualities of a golden retriever, walked by her side, a pep in his step. "You get to see the action first-hand, excited?"
“Of course!”
James rambles on before his eyes gloss over. He’s unusually quiet. Simultaneously, he grabs her hand and stops abruptly, dragging her to the back of the group. He lends in to whisper, his eyes flicking momentarily to Sirius, “Why were you with him?”
“Who?” She whispers back.
“Regulus Black.”
“Oh, we were at the Slug Cl —” She cuts herself off as she realizes, her eyes widened before staring at him, “You were following me!?”
“No! No!” He says, bringing his hands up defensively, waving them around. "You were walking in the same direction as him! To the Slytherin common room! It wasn't on purpose!"
“I — how did you — I didn’t even see you!” She thought back to the crinkling noise, “Wait, we heard you!”
He sighs a bit as he pulls out a large fluid-like, shimmery, silvery cloak. Upclose, silver threads were woven onto it, patterns swirling into regal shapes. He handed her the cloak to feel. It was silky smooth and glittered prettily in the light. It looked similar to the reflection of stars in a lake at night.
“You’re not telling me this is a…” she gaped.
The boy was grinning from ear to ear as if it were sewn on his face permanently. In a way, it looked rather demonic. He looked as if his face were going to split into two. “You betcha! An invisibility cloak.”
Her mind finally caught up to her once again before thinking back to what James asked. “Why’d you want to know about Regulus?”
“Huh! E-erm… no reason.”
She punches him softly in the arm. “You lying bastard! You can’t be nosey and not tell me? He’s not… bad? Is he? I quite like him.”
“No he’s not… just —” James cuts himself off, fearing he might have said too much. He did not expect the conversation to turn in this direction. He quickly averts her attention to another topic. “The Slug Club?” He says loud enough so the entire group can hear, “How was it?”
She would make sure to push him on the topic later.
Meanwhile, Remus and Y/N groaned.
“Nosey git.”
“Happily annoying.”
“He must be an actual slug. He’s slimy and boring.”
“Merlin! It can’t be that bad!”
“Oh trust us,” Remus addresses, “It’s worse. The entire time he went on and on about stupid shit. Like what was it he said?” He looks at Y/N.
“Ugh, what?”
“When he went on about that kid— what was his name… Seán?”
“Ah! Wait,” she straightened up and mocked their professor. She fake coughs for dramatic effect. “Your aunt created the Capmisted potion! Ah yes, brilliant, brilliant! I wish I taught her when she was at Hogwarts. Say, you’re still close, right? Why don’t we invite her to come to one of these parties one day?”
Her painful attempt at a British accent made them laugh.
“What a fucking sleazy bloke,” Remus chokes out.
They continued to make their way down to the Slytherin common room. All four jumped at the sound of footsteps before Y/N felt the invisibility cloak being tossed over her body, along with the rest of the boys too. They waited until it passed before finally stopping at the dungeons.
The entrance to the common room was by a stretch of stone. The area was dimly lit, the ceiling was low and had an eerie look and feel to it. Plus the cold only made Y/N rub her hands up and down her arms, goosebumps left in their trail. A dripping sound encompassed them like a makeshift metronome.
It made her feel uneasy.
Peter, who was crouched and small, hid in the shadows and would’ve gone unseen had he not popped out and scared all of them.
“For fucks sake Wormtail! We thought you were a Slytherin earlier.”
Peter was gleeful. He donned a large smirk and his face was slightly red. The Polyjuice was almost completely worn off, however, Peter had a full head of black, thick hair. “I checked everything, the traps should be set to release at eight o’clock.”
“An hour long?”
“Needs time to travel around the room.”
“Now comes the fun part,” James nudges her.
“Oh, hi Y/N,” Peter says slightly confused.
“Hey, Pete, here to watch if you don’t mind.”
Peter takes a moment to look at the rest of the group, “More the merrier!”
“Alright, you geezas! Let's get this party started!” James announces. He digs through the side bag he was carrying, pulling out four pairs of dragonhide gloves and tosses them to the boys. “Sorry, haven’t got any for ya. Would’ve brought an extra if I knew you were comin’.”
“It's alright.”
“Okay,” Remus says before crouching down, a large bag on his side. “I’ll start attaching everything, you know what to do and be careful. Remember, do not touch your eyes.”
He looks up at her, “Y/N if you could, it would be helpful to be on the watch out.”
Remus unscrewed bottle after bottle, attaching nozzles on them while James helped him. Peter slid out a ladder that was concealed by magic in a slim nook. As he scaled it, Sirius held on tightly to it before he cast a charm to prevent it from sliding around.
Up high, concealed by darkness and magic, revealed hundreds of identical bottles before Remus sprang up, switching places with Peter as he attached the rest of the bottles onto a huge system.
It looked similar to a new-maj mechanical system. The components consisted of small wires, a timer, tape and string connected to them all, along with a small lever that was attached to the underside of a brick. With the aid of magic, they were all securely set into place and ready to be activated.
“What is that?” She turned to Peter.
“Moonys got the bottles up there programmed to spray every time certain people leave the common room. See, look,” he points to the almost non-existent glow on the wires.
She marvelled at their creation. It was large and must’ve spent hours trying to conduct it. Sirius and James were helping Remus by passing him the bottles and securing them to the top of the roof.
If only Lily was here to see this. She would have an aneurysm.
At one point, Peter had been passing the bottles up to Remus while Sirius and James fiddled around with extra dungbombs they had, scattering them around.
“Jeez, Moons, my arms feel like they’re on fire.”
Peter did look worn out before he panted out. His forehead was starting to glean from sweat.
“Why don’t I do it for now?” She says to him before looking up to Remus.
“Only if you want to.”
The two switched places and Peter handed her his gloves. She slipped them on before enchanting them to fit snugly around her hands. Bending down, she picked up a few bottles. They were unexpectedly very heavy. She understood why Peter had to take a break. Although Remus seemed to be fine. Compared to his slim look, Remus had an unusual amount of strength that surprised her.
They worked in phases. Every ten or so minutes, Peter and Y/N would switch positions. They all worked in silence. From time to time, Peter and her would crack a joke, causing Remus to overhear and chuckle himself.
Everyone was having a good time. Even Sirius perked up, being less hostile to the entire group and even her. She thought she was dreaming for a split second.
The group worked quickly and managed to attach all of the bottles along with Dungbombs with only a few interruptions from incoming students. Luckily, they had the cloak to cover themselves and their things.
By the time they were finished, it was past one in the morning. They all huddled together underneath the cloak. Unfortunately, it was only medium-sized and unable to fully cover everyone from sight. Sirius and Y/N, who were on the edge on opposite sides, their arms and legs would poke out. More than once, it became very uncomfortable and hard to squish everyone inside as they flattened themselves against a wall anytime they heard even the slightest of movements. They kept impossibly silent, aside from James who’d been elated; constantly making small jokes or making sound effects with his mouth. Remus had to flick him a few times to keep quiet.
As soon as they reached the Gryffindor tower, they removed the cloak.
“Gastropod!” Cheered Peter to the fat lady. She swung open for the five of them. The warmth of the fireplace crackled as they threw themselves on the sofas. They all tried to catch their breaths and still their pounding heartbeats.
Pure adrenaline pumped through her veins as she took a moment to take in what just happened.
James was grinning from ear to ear, Peter seemed cheerful, Sirius became somewhat tolerable, while Remus, as always, seemed tired.
Remus, covering his mouth in a half yawn muttered out, “It was fun having you here but I’m knackered. I’ll see you lot at breakfast. Night.”
“Me too,��� Peter said. Sirius got up to followed them as they made their way up to the boy’s dorms.
James stayed with Y/N for a bit afterwards. Both were giddy and they even ate a few snacks she still had in her pockets.
“Wasn’t that fun!” he said, “Godric, you need to join more often.”
“I’ll think about it,” Y/N says playfully.
“I’m going to train you — gonna make you into a mini-me. My apprentice.”
“I think the world has enough of your arrogance.”
He laughed unbothered by the remark, “This is only the beginning. Just you wait.”
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rouiyan · 4 years
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⧏ part of the before i met you collective ⧐
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synopsis: you hate donghyuck’s stupid, stupid temper and also his stupid, stupidly sincere apologies. and just when you think you can seamlessly quote every word to come from his jabbering mouth, he does the unthinkable.
✧ idol!lee donghyuck x (fem.) college student!reader ✧ established relationship au
✧ genres : fluff, angst, and then some Fluff ✧ word count : 3.4k ✧ disclaimers : minor swearing, like a three-worded phrase referring to sex
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✧ author’s note — i was really invested in this at first and wrote the first three thousand words in one day but i lost motivation and finally finished it a week after haha.
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“baby, i think we should talk about something.” 
donghyuck’s eyes peered quizzically down at yours, a slim anxiety shadowing his irises. “it’s nothing to worry about but…” he huffed a silent breath, a small smile easing across his features before gesturing for you to continue. his hair is mussed and his glasses are perched upon the bridge of his nose, a sight that you will always welcome with open arms. “well, after you come back from your tour, it’s gonna be our-“
“-second anniversary, i know, princess.” his face now donned a smirk akin to that of an angel’s. “yeah,” you breathed, taken aback a bit by your boyfriend’s straightforwardness, “it's just… i’m a bit tight on money right now so i was thinking we could do, like, thoughtful gifts? instead of something more expensive.” donghyuck’s eyes dimmed the slightest at the reason behind your suggestion, “if you’re ever tight on money, i could always lend you some, you know?” 
shuffling around the bed and positioning yourself so that you were on eye level with the boy, a chuckle seeped within your sigh, “that's ridiculous, hyuck. why would i borrow money from you to buy you a gift? then you’d just be buying yourself a gift.” laughing dryly along with him you settled down to bring the conversation back to the point, “i was thinking that when you come back, i could cook you up a big dinner of all your favorites. it’s been awhile since i last cooked for you. and i guess that could be my gift.”
“of course, baby, i’d love that,” his eyes bore into yours with so much love that it felt almost undeserving to be the one receiving it. he's always been one to give and forget to receive. shaking the thought that donghyuck’s love could ever be burdensome, you held his hands in yours, relief written in your expression. “and i’ll,” he continued with a playful lilt to his voice, “just have to find something that’s equally as heartfelt as a home- cooked meal.”
it’s nights like these that set your heart to peace, when he lets you be the big spoon for once and when his soft snores reverberate throughout your body, making you think of him and only him. your hand cards through his locks rhythmically and you wish for nothing to ever change the way he looks at you or the way your heart pulls for him.
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your heartbeat is erratic, thumping wildly in your ears, as donghyuck’s yells resound through the phone. he’s not mad at you, per se, be he’s definitely mad at you. tears prickle at the edge of your eyes as you think, for the fifth time in the past hour, just how unfair he was being.
“y/n, look, i’m not asking much of you. just don’t bother me while i’m working.” you huff breaths because frankly, you find his attitude increasingly hard to deal with. he’s been on tour with nct 127 for almost three weeks now, and he’s decided, for whatever reason, that now was the perfect time to blow out his stresses upon you. it’s getting harder to suppress the oncoming hyperventilation so while he rambles about how inconvenient and how inconsiderate you’re proving to be, you hang up.
sitting down, you almost can feel your heart shrivel up like a dried fruit and you long to sink further into the sheets. the vibrations of your phone, lighting up again and again with his contact name, hyuck <3, make you feel even worse than it should. you pick up the call after his seventh try and without even letting him realize, you begin your pent up rant.
“lee donghyuck, for the love of god, can you put aside your inflated ego for just one second and realize how much of a dick you’re being? i checked the fucking time before i called you, you’re not working, you’re at your hotel, it’s eleven at night over there. i’m fed up with you taking out all your shit on me. i’m your girlfriend, not your punching bag, jesus christ.”
you stop to catch your breath when you realize the tears have unleashed themselves and are now running freely along the crevices of your face. you feel a sob bubbling up your throat and you willingly let it out, your phone dropping within the abyss of the bed. it’s sad, the way your body ricochets with ripples of wilting emotion, echoing the feelings that have waited too long and have expanded twofold in even the tiniest moments of weakness. clutching your chest, you crawl to where your phone landed, motions lacking energy and will. 
before you can reach your phone, a soft, “y/n,” fills the empty void of the room. it’s hard to hear but the second it fills your ears, your heart constricts in a way it never has before whenever donghyuck calls your name. your eyes are blurry and your head is suddenly so heavy, you doubt you’ll ever be able to lift it again. it takes you three tries before you successfully thumb the button to hang up.
it’s nights like these that set your heart on fire; the type of fire that burns and kills. the empty room, the empty apartment, engulfs your body as if it were a mere speck of dust, invisible to the naked eye. you feel tiny in ways that are so not cute and it’s that very thought that pierces your mind to the edge of exhaustion, your emotional escapade coming to an end.
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with everything in consideration, donghyuck thinks he’s prepared, or as prepared as he could be, standing outside your apartment, waiting for you to open up. his heart is loud in his chest, almost begging for his attention, but he ignores the sensation and takes a deep breath. 
among all his hopes and dreams, he wishes the most to see you again. it’s not like he didn’t think he deserved it but the silent treatment had really taken a toll on him. and with the constant pang in his chest alerting him of his failures, he’s reminded that you’re feeling the same, if not double at the cost of his actions. so if you decide not to open up, despite him knowing deep down that you will, he understands.
donghyuck’s feet tap nervously on the ground, itching for him to do something, anything. to knock until his knuckles bleed or ram into the door with full force, he’s sure that would relieve the urges. his body aches to be in the same room as yours, the weeks apart tearing him inside out. he unlocks his phone, to pass the seconds or just to look at the last text he’d sent you three hours ago, still read and unreplied. i just landed. i’ll be at your place by 7.
he sighs, a deep and earthy tone to his voice, covered in the frustration and stresses that have been tensing his shoulders for the past two weeks, waiting for this day to come. he pockets his phone and rings the buzzer one more time before his hand drops limply down his side, now drumming a rapid beat upon his jeans. 
as the door before him swings open, he feels anything but ready. instead, he feels shy and embarrassed to show up at your door front. the many words he’d rehearsed over and over again on his flight back had escaped his memory altogether. you’re donned in a large tee that he recognizes as his, so large on you that he can’t see what shorts you’re wearing underneath or if you’re even wearing shorts. your hair is messy and unkempt, framing your face in a way that only he would think is cute. donghyuck suddenly feels overdressed in his jeans and an environmental awareness graphic tee that you had gifted him a while back, a black blazer carefully thrown over but then again, he only came here looking like this because it’s your second anniversary. he bites down on his lips as he realizes that instead, you may be feeling underdressed. 
the eye contact he holds is broken as you step aside to let him in and he notes the way your arms are folded over your middle indicating one of two things. either you really do feel underdressed or it’s a sign that you don’t want him touching you. he decides to play it safe and steps through the threshold of your apartment, walking right past you. he does, though, catch the brief look of expectancy followed by disappointment that creases your brows and he takes a subconscious step back as he tries to decide if he should go for the usual hug and kiss anyways. he immediately backtracks when he sees that the timing has already passed for a greeting, inwardly wincing at his awkwardness.
slipping his shoes off as you lock the door, donghyuck enters the living room beside you, eyes scanning the room that’s lit by only a singular standing lamp and the pinky orange hues of the sunset falling through your sheer curtains. he can smell food in the air, something on the stove or in the oven, and he takes a swerve to the kitchen, the table set aside brimming with an abundance side dishes and all his favorite meats, grilled to perfection. he also sees even more of the same food on the counter, packaged in stacks of tupperware, with the labels ‘127’ and ‘dream’ written on pastel post-its. of course, he thinks, even when your mad, you’re still as considerate as humanly possible.
he’s shifting on his weight, unsure of what to say or do to show you that he feels entirely undeserving of your kindness despite being undoubtedly upset at him. donghyuck wants to facepalm himself because you beat him to it.
“have you eaten yet?” your voice is light but laced with a solemness he wishes he could wash away. he watches as you clench and unclench the material of his shirt, an emotionally grounding mechanism of yours he’s noticed every time you're on the verge of breaking down. he clears his voice before answering, “no, let’s eat.”
he turns to sit at the table when he realizes that there’s only one serving of food on the table. one bowl of rice, one cup of water, cold without ice like he likes it, and enough side dishes for just one person. he knows you’re not petty enough to make him watch you eat all his favorite foods but he’s even more saddened by the fact that it’ll be the other way around. you don’t want to eat with him.
“are you not eating?” he questions, though he knows the answer. donghyuck is sure that all his past ancestors are frowning upon him. it’s only right that his eyes dim when you give him a shake of your head, taking steps to sit at the seat across from where he was to be seated. following suit, he sits down whilst asking, “why not?” 
“i’m not hungry, that’s all.”
“oh, i see.”
a thick silence follows and it feels almost suffocating for donghyuck to sit in. he wishes more than anything now to have the courage to tell you what he needs to say. the words are lodged too far down in his throat so he settles for a, “how have you been?” between consuming mouthfuls of rice and glancing up at you as he chews. he feels he can quite literally see the cogs turning in your head to figure out what to say and he thinks he also knows the answer you will conclude to. an, “i’ve been better,” confirms his thoughts, his years upon years experiences proving to be top notch. “how about you?” he hesitates before speaking and starts with a, “me too, been better,” but you knew that look like the back of your hand. he had something else to say.
the frown that sits upon your lips irritates donghyuck, having been his job to chase it away, so he hurries to finish his food, almost choking and deepening your frown. he inhales every last grain of rice, piece of meat, speck of crumb, and ounce of water before setting down the chopsticks, tummy full and mindset prepped, for real this time.
truth be told, it’s not everyday that you and him get into fights but he’s always the one that’s petty enough to start them, hence his adequate knowledge on what to say after, how to say it, when to say it. “y/n,” he starts and makes sure to give a pause to make sure your attention is all his; more or less you feel as if you already know his next words, slightly annoyed that your second anniversary will go down in history as just another of his many apologies. worst part was, you could never bring yourself to doubt his true intentions, no matter what he did.
“i’m not going to lie, i was annoyed at you for calling. i was frustrated and stressed from the workload but among all that i was also selfish, and inconsiderate. and yes, i was the biggest dick to the bestest girlfriend.” if anyone was to give the most sincere of apologies, you knew it was to be donghyuck. he had so many love languages, and people would usually interpret this as his touchy nature, but you knew more than anyone that his words seemed too poetic and too perfectly curated to be deemed inferior to his touches. 
donghyuck, himself, likes to think that all he knows about love is from you. he doesn’t just like to think but he knows, amongst the millions of other things he knows regarding his girlfriend, that you will be the only girl ever to make him want so much. you drag out his desires by a tenfold and equally bring out the best in him. it’s a fact he keeps to himself but ever so persistently, that you are the one that keeps him going, day and night. he’s never been much of a romanticist, but trust when he says that his love for you was slow and gradual in the most beautiful way. like honey and molasses dripping at a crawling pace only to sweeten up the surfaces it graces. his love for you ages like fine wine and savors like a setting sun against a backdrop of stars. you will never need a man more than you need donghyuck, and donghyuck, you.
with all above considered, heaving and placed in the most carefully constructed sentences, he almost bulldozes through the next speech he’s prepared, checking off the bullet points in his head as he’d goes. he’s a stuttering and leg-bouncing mess from the sheer nervousness of how to get this to play out exactly as it does in his head.
biting his lips, he dives in, “y/n, i know you. i really do. i’ve known you for almost a decade and i’ve spent most of that decade trying my best to get to know you, chasing after you until you saw me the way i saw you. the last two years have shown me that all the time i spent being hung up on you was beyond worth it. jeno told me i needed to move on because you’d never see me as more than a friend, renjun gave me a list of girls he thought would match with my personality better, and my managers honestly hated you. but for some reason, i never gave a fuck. and i think it’s because that i’ve always known that we were going to end up together somehow. but actually dating you, i think i’ve known, since exactly two years ago from today, that you were the one.”
your breath hitches, oh how wrong you were thinking you knew exactly what he was to say. you feel lightheaded and spontaneous at the same time, like a sickness birthed from sheer joy. it’s as if you could feel the blood coursing through your veins, suddenly hyper-aware of your surroundings, of him. your suspicions are there and your eyes start to widen in panic and doubt in place of your immediate happiness. donghyuck senses this and clears his throat to finish his long winded confession.
“we’re still young, baby, we have no need to rush into this. but i was thinking of what to give you for a two year anniversary that’s meaningful and conveys exactly how much i love you. the fight made it really clear for me though,” he tucks his hand into the inner pocket of his blazer and withdraws a simple tiffany blue box. “i was in new york, for just a night, but i was passing by the store and it just clicked. this-“ he opens the cased ring box to reveal a simple silver band, with the letters of his initials engraved along the inside, ”is a promise ring, from me to you. i promise you, that i will be the one to marry you. trust in me when i say that there is nothing else that comes to mind when i think of my future. my future is you, y/n, nothing can change that. not a petty fight, or my job and your education, or the media even. it’s me and you, baby, till the end of time.”
his eyes are shining with tears that mimic the ones spilling from your own tear ducts. a small laugh ruptured at the back of your throat at how he ended his little speech with such a cheesy line but you barely have time to recollect yourself before donghyuck takes the box in his hands and removes the ring from its hold. he slips your right hand into his with ease and tugs it closer to slide the ring onto your ring finger because, “we’re not actually engaged, more like pre-engaged.” his heart has such a close hold on yours as he reaches into his suit pocket again, your eyes widening at the prospect of yet another surprise. 
it’s another ring, the same fashion as the one on your finger except with your initials carved into the inner ring. at this point you can’t understand why donghyuck has such a nervous look on his face, you’d say yes to almost anything he asks of you in this state. “i would also like to know… if you would make the same promise to me.” you don’t even bother saying yes, just taking the ring into your own fingers and slotting it onto the ring finger on his right hand. his face flushes almost instantly at your bold actions, even if he was the one that practically proposed to you today.
it takes everything in you to suppress the smile that’s already washing over your face, worried you’ll ruin the moment by looking too gleeful. the man across from you looks about the same except he’s failing miserably at keeping the joy from lining his features, maybe on purpose. donghyuck may or may not be completely head over heels for you, now over the moon that the two of you were back on good terms. his chest is light and his head is a little sluggish, only thinking of you and you-related things, like he’s been drugged by … by your love. his head is reeling at the tight smile that is a dead giveaway to what you’re not expressing and the way your eyes glance down every two second at the ring on your finger. he takes a glance at it as well and his heart swells infinitely because he knows that there is one on his own finger as well. the internal dialogue that you’re having with him is clear as day. your eyes are sparkling as if to say ‘i love you,’ your toes are tapping lightly on his sock-clad ones as if to say ‘i love you,’ and he’s noticed that your position hasn’t changed in the last ten minutes despite your usually fidgety disposition; that itself, donghyuck reads as a giant ‘i fucking love you.’
needless to say, it’s nights like these that sear your heart with ecstasy every living, breathing moment. donghyuck doesn’t voice any opposition when you pull him to bed right after, not even bothering to place the dishes in the sink. naked in bed, his love for you is the closest thing he knows to home and your love for him, the same. you suppose that you may have been viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses that night, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to the day the love of your life gets down on one knee to fulfill his promise, the very same day you were to say yes to fulfill yours. 
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copyright © 2020 rouiyan all rights reserved.
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smegdwarf · 3 years
But Who Could Love Me? (Rimmer x Reader) - Chapter 12
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Warnings: nightmares and panic attacks but mostly fluff as usual ...oh and the usual implied stuff 👀
Summary: Basically giving Rimmer the love he deserves.
You were suddenly back in the medi bay only it was much darker this time as everything rattled around you, the ship shaking from an extortionately loud clap of thunder ...a little odd given you were in the middle of deep space miles away from any kind of asteroid or planet. You could feel the same searing heat in your hands that Rimmer’s burnt out bee gave you before only to look down and see his light bee in shattered pieces in your hands. You tried to scream, speak ...anything but all that came was silence, you could feel your throat closing, almost as if someone was behind you with their hands around your neck, what felt like your heartbeat rang through your ears as it threatened to jump out of your chest ...wholly impossible being a hologram. Gripped by the terror and sheer panic you tried once more to scream or make some kind of noise to alert the others but once again nothing, your body completely paralyzed as you tried desperately to move, a faint whisper in the back of your mind telling you he was gone and there was nothing you could do about it as you finally let out a loud cry.
It was then your eyes shot open, gasping for air as you managed to get your body under control. Thank god it was a nightmare you thought as you turned to see Rimmer peacefully sleeping beside you, he was ok, he was as alive as can be. You gently brushed back his hair from his forehead before placing a kiss. It took every ounce of your hard light not to throw yourself on top of him and blubber like a baby. As you turned over to try and go back to sleep his arm slowly snuck round you, pulling you into him.
“You had a nightmare” Rimmer mumbled in your ear “You’re alright”
He was barely awake as he tried to calm you down, you jolting awake must’ve have stirred him a little.
“Your light bee was shattered, you were gone” You sniffed, trying not to cry as you told him what happened.
“I’m fine” He smiled as he gently turned you to lay on your back so you could see him “Absolutely fine”
“But your light bee” You mumbled as you reached out to hold his face in your hands.
“I’m fine” He said again, placing a soft kiss to the palm of your hand.
“But...” You stared up at him as he placed a finger to your lips.
“I’m tickety boo ...peachy even” He chuckled as you cracked a soft quiet laugh at what everyone would call a ‘rimmerism’, after all he was the only one to use the phrase  ‘ticketyboo and peachy’ in the entire universe.
“You’re weird you know that?” You smirked as you brushed his hair back out of his face.
“Well you must be even weirder if you’re with me?” Rimmer grinned.
“Well played!” You let your thumb softly graze his cheek as he leant in to kiss you ...the moment abruptly ruined by an alarm blaring from your watch on the side, the two of you looking at each other for what to do next.
“Every bloody time!” Rimmer grumbled “Do we need to go? I’m sure they can handle it?”
“Are you sure you want leave whatever is going on in their hands?” You raised your eyebrow at him, you knew the other three were more than capable of dealing with whatever it was but Rimmer felt otherwise.
“God fine” Rimmer pretended to sulk as he got up.
With a quick snap of the fingers and a somewhat short journey to Starbug you were eventually reunited with the others.
“Hey lads whats going on?” You asked “Look who’s back?”
It was then you noticed that Cat looked as if he was about to lose his breakfast as he and the two others refused to make eye contact.
“Oh we know he’s back” Lister smirked, eyes glued to the console in front of him.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you and Rimmer looked at each other.
“Maybe Mr Cat would like to explain?” Kryten looked over at the feline who looked like he was going to barf any second.
“I’m good thanks” Cat groaned.
“Well someone needs to explain?” You demanded as Rimmer looked at you, his eyes widened as it dawned on him.
“Cat could smell that he was back” Lister explained, sarcasm in his voice.
“What do you... oh crap” You couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“Remind me to get him a couple of corks for Christmas” Rimmer grumbled, you had both forgotten Cats super sonic sense of smell, the sense of smell that had caught whiff of the pheromones created by the previous night you and Rimmer had shared together.
“Well that and the noise” Lister cleared his throat still refusing to look at either of you.
“Yeah well you can blame...” before you could finish that sentence Rimmer’s hand was over your mouth.
“Ignore her!” Rimmer blushed as you licked the palm of his hand to get him to remove it from your face, wiping it on his trouser leg with a grumble “argh”
“Oh bite me ...we’ve done worse than that” You smirked at Rimmer as the other three shuddered awkwardly in their seats, Rimmer mimicking you as he sat down, the two of you behaving like kids on a playground.
“Alright you can stop now” Lister grumbled, tutting and sighing as you sat on Rimmer’s lap, with the pure intention to piss everyone off that little bit more “I swear to god, you better not get up to any funny business in here when it’s your watch ...and it definitely better not be in my seat”
“Ha uh oh” You sniggered as Rimmer buried his face in your shoulder “We may already be guilty there Dave”
“ARGH GOD” Lister shouted, bolting out of his chair.
“Calm down we only kissed” You were enjoying winding Lister up far too much.
“Not to worry sir, I’ll disinfect your chair in just a moment” Kryten turned to look at you “Ma’am could I have a word?”
“Look Krytes we were just messing around, we didn’t mean any harm” You rambled as you walked out of the cockpit assuming Kryten was going to tell you off until you noticed him walk over to the table in the middle of Starbugs stern and pick up something “Krytes?”
“Remember Miss Kochanski’s missing holo disc?” Kryten replied.
“Of course, my gimboid of a boyfriend flushed it into deep space?” You smiled as Kryten sighed “Sorry, go on”
“Well I checked the personality files like I said and I managed to create a new disc” Kryten held out the box in his hands.
“Kryten you rubber headed angel!” You exclaimed as you grabbed his face, pulling him down to kiss the top of his head, had it been possible he would have definitely been blushing “Would you keep it safe for me? Definitely don’t tell Arnold!”
“Of course ma’am” Kryten cracked a smile “Now if you don’t mind I have a chair to disinfect”
Things were returning to normal, Rimmer was back and winding the others up with your help while the boys were bickering like usual. The balance of the ship had been restored ...well almost.
After spending the morning checking out a derelict you had all finally returned to the dwarf, the mornings escapade had been forgotten as you and Lister stood in the boys quarters throwing a pair of balled up socks to each other across the room, socks that belonged to Rimmer as you refused to even be in the same vicinity as Listers.
“Sorry about this morning” You smiled as you threw the socks over to Lister “I know we can be quite irritating”
“Well he can be yeah” Lister smiled as he caught them and prepared to throw them back “but it’s alright I’m used to it at this point”
“I’ll give you that one” You replied catching them and quickly throwing them back again.
“Anyway annoying as you two can be, I’ve never seen him as happy as he is with you” Lister looked down at the floor “I nor anyone else is going to take that away from either of you ...no matter how annoying”
It was nice to have a deep and meaningful conversation with Lister, it was also nice to hear him talk so kindly about Arnold considering most times he wanted to punch him in the face.
“And anyway how is he supposed to keep me sane without you around to keep him sane” Lister grinned throwing the socks back over.
“I guess that’s one way of looking at it” You laughed a little.
“After everything he’s been through, he deserves someone like you in his life” Lister stopped what he was doing “I don’t know anyone else who would’ve sat with his light bee for a month and waited till he came back”
“Yeah ...yeah me neither” You felt an overwhelming sense of dread roll over you, tightness in your throat much like in your nightmare only this was real and you were awake.
“Y/N? You alright?” You could only just hear Lister as everything in the room blurred together as your breathing became quick and short “RIMMER?”
At first it seemed the mention of Rimmer’s light bee was the trigger but as Listers face began to transform into your worst nightmare, it was clear the whole incident with Rimmer’s bee had awoken something you had buried deep down a long long time ago back when you were still human.
“RIMMER!!” Lister shouted again as your hands turned to fists, your legs slowly taking steps towards him almost as if you had no control over your body.
“What’s going on?” You could hear Rimmer behind you trying to catch his breath from pelting across the corridor.
“YOU ARSEHOLE!” You shouted towards Lister with a cry.
“Ok what did you do?” Rimmer glared at Lister as he threw his hands up.
“Nothing I swear, we were just talking” Lister was starting to panic as you edged closer.
“You mentioned my light bee didn’t you?” Rimmer looked at Lister with seriousness.
“You had no right to treat me the way you did” You growled you fist tightening.
“Wait hang on?” Rimmer looked at you confused, coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t Lister you were yelling at.
“Y/N?” Lister called out as your fist began to raise.
“SHUT UP!” You shouted, your fist now level with Listers face and itching to make contact.
“Y/N you’re having a panic attack, you’re hallucinating!” Rimmer tried to talk to you but ultimately failed.
“If you do this you’ll regret it” Lister tried to stay calm in hopes you’d back down.
“Try me!” Your voice shaky as you went to swing, stopped by Rimmer snapping your arm down and wrapping his arms around you in an attempt to restrain you “Let me go!”
“Lister go get Kryten!” Rimmer commanded as Lister dashed out of the room while you were still thrashing around in Rimmer’s arms.
“LET GO OF ME!” You cried, Rimmer’s grip around you ultimately tightening as you tried harder to escape, the force of both of you fighting against each other knocking you to the floor, his arms still firmly around you as you finally gave in, your vision slowly returning to normal as you looked up at Rimmer before sobbing into his chest.
“You’re alright, it’s over” Rimmer spoke softly in your ear as he rocked you gently in his arms while you continued to sob.
“Is everything ok? Mr Lister said...” Kryten stopped in the doorway with Lister not far behind as he saw the two of you in a heap on the floor as Rimmer tried to soothe you.
“Panic attack!” Rimmer mouthed to the droid as he nodded “How are you feeling?”
“Awful” Your voice almost non existent as you cried, your breathing suddenly speeding again as you sat up properly “Oh god”
“Deep breaths” Rimmer spoke calmly as he gently rubbed soothing circles on your back, despite sounding calm he was desperately trying to hold back his own panic from seeing you in so much distress “Kryten?”
“Yes sir” Kryten nodded as he walked over to the two of you, Rimmer softly moving your hair from your neck as Kryten injected you “Just a little something to help you calm down Miss Y/N”
“Hey what’s wrong lady bud?” Cat appeared, genuinely concerned as he walked in on the events.
“Come on Cat, let’s give Y/N some space yeah?” Lister suggested as he tried to walk him away.
“Is Y/N gonna be ok?” It shocked everyone that Cat was actually worried about someone besides himself “What happened?”
“She’ll be fine Cat, go with Lister, he’ll explain” Rimmer smiled despite his own anxiety bubbling away inside him.
“Suggest you get Miss Y/N to her quarters, let her rest for a bit?” Kryten spoke softly as to not alarm you as you remained nestled against Rimmer.
“Thank you Kryten” Rimmer replied as he stood up, Kryten holding your shoulders so you didn’t fall.
“Let’s get you up ma’am” Kryten smiled sweetly as both he and Rimmer helped you up.
“Can you walk?” Rimmer looked at you, his eyes glassy as if he had been trying not to cry the entire time, holding your arms as you swayed a little before falling into him as he caught you “You know what I’ll carry you instead”
“I’m sorry” You mumbled as you began to cry again, this time more out of confusion as your body fought against the sedative Kryten had given you.
“Darling you don’t need to apologize ” Rimmer smiled sweetly, suddenly feeling your feet leave the floor as he picked you up “Let’s get you to bed”
As Rimmer put you down gently on the bed, startled by the cold sheets beneath you, you gave up the fight against the sedative in your system slowly letting it take you, your body almost feeling like it belonged to someone else entirely.
“Get some rest!” Rimmer spoke quietly as he leant down to place a kiss to your forehead, smiling as you were already out like a light and at peace. Gently throwing a blanket over you as you snuggled yourself up in it before he sat down to read, keeping a close eye on you “Holly?”
“Yes Arnold?” Hollys voice replied.
“Did you ever do any background checks on Y/N?” Rimmer kept his voice low as to not disturb you even though Lister playing his guitar wouldn’t have woke you up in that moment.
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
If still accepting this prompt.... "I wanna hear your screams" Licking Levi
Yandere prompts [not accepting anymore] TW: YANDERE, NONCON
Remember that time I talked about villain Levi? Consider this a lil taste! THIS TURNED INTO A WHOLE GODDAMN FIC JESUS
You couldn’t begin to describe where you were, the last thing you remembered was going out on the expedition. Titans overrunning the formation as always, Levi had somehow gotten stuck with you. Your gear had been damaged making it nearly impossible for you to escape without a horse. You had been in the middle of a panicked ramble when you’d been abruptly knocked unconscious.
 The next thing you knew you’d woken up strapped to a chair, blindfolded and gagged. Your skin itches as your blood boils in your veins, the back of your neck grew hot as adrenaline coursed through your body. Your ears strained for any kind of sound, something that would give you a hint as to where you were or who was with you. 
The sound of a door opening makes you jump, up until this point there hasn’t been anything but dead silence. You can hear light footsteps coming towards you and your fists ball, your whole body tenses up trying to prepare for what’s about to happen.
 They seem to stop directly in front of you and then nothing happens. You can practically hear your heart hammering against your ribcage, blood is roaring in your ears as you wait for whoever is in front of you to make the first move.
You had expected someone from the MPs to be behind this, someone else, anyone else but who was in front of you as your blindfold was hastily ripped away.
It took you a few moments to adjust to the light but nothing could have prepared you at seeing Levi in front of you. His cravat was loosely tied around his neck and he was wearing his black suit kept for civilian attire. Your mind was struggling to comprehend what was happening. You try and speak against the gag but no legible words come out. A smirk ghosts his pink lips but there is no warmth in his eyes. The man standing in front of you resembles Levi in appearance alone. 
“About time you woke up”  His voice is even lower than usual, it has every nerve in your body on edge. Your eyes are screaming at him to explain what’s happening.
“Come on, you’re a smart girl. Figure it out” His words are not compliments, they’re taunting and denial shoves its way into your head. Another muffled whimper of words presses against the gag, your head shakes softly trying to make him drop the act. To have him tell you this is some stupid training exercise.
 But he doesn't. 
“The expedition was sabotaged on purpose! I have a lot of big plans coming soon doll, I needed you out of the way” This wasn’t happening, Levi was your captain! He was supposed to be on humanity’s side and instead he was trying to wipe you all out?
His hands grope your breasts and you shout something incoherent against the damp cloth. You try and struggle out of his grasp but it’s to not avail. Levi’s lips purse into a frown, his grey eyes colder than ice. A quick yet firm slap across your face has your senses on alert. You want to run, your mind is screaming at you to figure a way out of this. 
“Stop being a brat. Don’t you want to be a good girl for Heichou?” Your nerves tingle at hearing his title. Your crush on your captain had not gone unnoticed by him, and he was going to exploit it until you were his obedient doll. 
His voice is not what you remembered it to be, it’s laced with poison and temptation. The fingers gripping your jaw tighten and in this moment you’re reminded just how strong Levi really is. His fingers hook underneath the cloth, dragging it down your face allowing you to breathe more comfortable. Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth.
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice is hoarse and barely above a whisper but Levi is close enough to hear every little sound you make.
“A lot of things are about to start happening, I need you safe with me” Safe with him? Safe from what...
“I suppose I could tell you everything since you’re not going to leave this room any time soon, but I’ve had something else on my mind for the longest time” 
"I wanna hear your screams" The chuckle he lets out at your wide eyed reaction makes your stomach churn but you can also feel an insufferable throbbing in between your legs. 
“I want to hear you screaming my name until it’s the only thing you can say”
 You can feel his tongue lick up along the column of your neck and you try to move out of his reach but it’s pointless. You should resist! You’re a soldier god God’s sake. 
You shouldn’t be turned on by this but the feeling of his teeth scraping along your sensitive flesh pulls a sweet moan from your throat. 
You’re at his mercy and whatever Levi wants, he’s going to take.
“You’re mine, do you understand? You’ve always been mine.” His hands roam your body, fingers coming to unbutton your white top, the feeling of his warm hands on your skin sends goosebumps down your arms. 
“You were always my favourite, always so submissive. Ready to do whatever I asked of you” His hands trail down your stomach, slipping underneath the waistband of your pants and dipping between your soaked folds.
“See, even your body knows who it belongs to and by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging me to stop”
To be continued!!!!!!
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dollsted · 5 years
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Rated: T
Pairing: JarethxSarah 
Plot teaser: The Goblin King is dead...at least in Sarah's normal life he is...but what happens if that turns out to just be a rumor? Source: Archiveofourown.com/F0rce0fnatur3 
Hello my bebes. So just a little address to those who continue to read this. I have always been a fan of the Labyrinth and I know nothing could touch on or pick up where Henson left off but I've put a lot of thought into how my version of the story should go. I hope I can give fans back some semblance of what we've been waiting for since the story came out. I have read all there is and watched behind the scenes and rare footage on my favorite movie and so characters that are within the novel, concept sketches, and other works will be put in here. There may also be minor oc's as well as one big one. So I say unto you. I hope you enjoy my version because the goblin king may be watching over all of us in the heaven's and no one can take his place...I bring him back to life here on the pages before you.
Chapter 1: Rumors 
When I was a child, I thought like a child. But I did not do childish things. In fact, I don’t think anyone could call what I went through childish. But that feels like a time long, long ago. Even now if I think back on it, my mind becomes a fog. And then one day I just---forgot entirely. I do remember the days after vividly. I graduated and parted with my drama club family. I struggled with my major but suddenly all these dreams and thoughts of harrowing tales wouldn’t stop springing to my mind like an unlimited fountain from a spring that burst and never dried up. At first I would scribble the stories down in notebooks when I was supposed to be paying attention to the lecture in front of me. Now at twenty, I’ve found my calling and have become one of the bestselling fantasy novelists of my generation. I’ve heard all the praises. To be so young and have one of the most sought after series. One scholar I met at a gala party in New York City told me fantasy novels were an elder mans game. The older the person the wiser the writing as if the pages were scrolled on ink and parchment paper itself. I gave them their props as they rightfully deserve, but I planned to hold my own. I’d rather contend with the older crowd than the young teen romance category. I had no interest following on the coattails of finding a way to weave a story about a werewolf or vampire. I’m just waiting for the mummy revolution to peak.
           Now, I stare at a blank page. My well is congested and I need inspiration but a deadline for my eager fans want a rushed job. No one asks a baker to take the brownies out of the oven because they’re clamoring to eat it before its ready, mindlessly spooning the hot batter into their mouth. I understand the impatience but this is why the good writers have one hit wonders, or a series, and then slowly peter out for indefinite hiatuses. I can’t just expunge something onto blank pages without inspiration to fuel my motivation. So I gaze out my window on the reading nook watching the city life buzz about. I wish I could just reach down and pull their thoughts from them and manage to get something cohesive enough to send to my editor. I wring my hands around my coffee cup too jittery to even take another sip, the perfume from my eight o’ clock brew souring in my stomach. I can hear the battery warning on my laptop but I’m frozen where I sit. I came up with different plots but nothing made sense. I would need to cram at least four hundred pages into the novel and when I got rolling and tried desperately to fill the pages with random ramblings it came out in cliché bits and pieces that made no sense.
           Tonight there would be another gala and this was a black and white only listing. I was prepared but that’s who I was. I was ready within seconds. If I was given three hours I would be ready in three minutes. Always itching to go. Why slow life down anymore? Maybe it was just my mindset as a writer, maybe it was the pressure from the public. I was already a book behind and itching to be at this gala, perform my part of dutiful famous author, and then slip away with a spoon of ice-cream in my mouth and my silk gray pajamas on my body. Suddenly a thought rolled over my mind making me feel suddenly ill. When had I become the mirror image of my stepmother? My insides coiled tight like a sailors knot and I couldn’t stand to have this cup in my hands any longer and be alone with my thoughts. I needed to keep busy to numb my mind and run on autopilot.
           I glanced at the one newspaper clipping I saved of mom stuck to the corner of my corkboard. Around her ideas were peppered on yellow sticky notes. I was stuck in my fantasy that worshipping an absent parent who left dad and I behind for the stage, for fame and fortune, had abandoned us took precedent over reality. Before my epiphany I lived in a world where she would come back because daughters were invisibly connected to their mother’s right? Like sons and fathers. I had dreams she would ride through our suburban neighborhood on the whitest steed---well in a white limo, and she would come out with a plume of feathers in a pink boa around her neck and her finest ball gown and she would announce she was here to storm the castle and take me away with her where we would live in riches and in the lap of luxury. That’s the word she was, luxury. But that’s all she was. She wasn’t a dream that would ever come true. A mirage. She was just a word. One everyone knew how to speak, and only the rich could afford to. When I finally grew into myself and knew she was just another selfish story I made up in my head, I put my scrapbook and pictures of her away. Even now they’re packed in boxes I doubt I’ll ever open. The article is recent, her career had slowly plateaued when younger famous musicians rose to fame and glory on the stages of Broadway. And in some way, I had to thank her for popping my bubble of dreams because I didn’t want to follow in her footsteps in reality. Or dad. Or my stepmother’s assumption of what I should do with my life. I needed to do what I wanted. What my heart and head wanted.
           But now I’m stuck. In a bog of eternal stench. I raised a brow. That was an odd way of phrasing something. What did that even mean? What did I even just think? Before I could grasp it and replay the sentence it was gone. I needed air. And possibly something to eat. Normally I would go for a jog before the night fell but I had an hour left to get ready so I did what anyone would do in my position. I took a much needed nap.
           As I scan the crowd I notice little things. Another perk of being a writer. People watching. Noticing details. I watched couples stroll in, one couple shied away barely making it through the door when they realized they had forgotten or weren’t notified by the theme of the party. Even champagne colored attire wouldn’t fly in the mayor’s presence. The women who wore their hair down had coiled them in delicately hanging curls that bounced as they floated across the marble floor. There wasn’t a straight haired woman in sight. I was thankful I chose last second to throw it up in a chignon before I left from the house. I had to admit I still hadn’t mastered the art of being able to glide like most of these women had with heels and dress trains. My mermaid style dress was all in black and the design made it hard to take a good stride. I never cared for alcohol. I never developed the taste for it. The most I would take is a glass of wine, any color, and that was on my worst days. But I felt foolish just holding onto the flute of champagne clutched in my hand. Perhaps I could discretely slip it on a passing tray or abandon it in a less frequented area. I longed for my settee, ice-cream, movie, and pajamas. Depending how the night shaped, maybe I’d skip it all and just go straight to bed. Since I wasn’t stalled in conversation or mindless babbling I stole my chance to discard the flute. As I turned I became arrested by a form. I cursed wishing I had my precious solitude back. A bulky man towered over me. His jet black hair was slicked back and went against the grain of men who wore the signature penguin suites of stark black. He was dressed entirely in pure white. His hazel eyes bore into me seeing me and not just scanning over my bodice as most of the suitors that had pursued me during the eve had been. I spent more time dodging the men in heat that I barely noticed if there were any noble guests not just looking out for the single stragglers for a one night stand.
           I shrunk into myself and flushed tearing away from his gaze giving a slight curtsy. As much as the restriction of my dress would allow me to bend my knees. And then I felt even more awkward because I did that. I felt my brows knit and I mentally threw myself out a window before grounding myself. I expected him to start the conversation but perhaps I was being vain. Not everyone knew about me even if I lived in a city packed with my fair share of fans. I was used to having others pounce on me with immediate greetings and questions. To stop my internal suffering I chose to open my mouth and end my misery of turning into an awkward child and reminding myself that I was an adult. Am one. Speak!
           “Good evening.” Oh good, I just used the opening line to every gothic and creepy character would use. I really floundered instead of thrived in large gatherings. I wanted to wipe the slate clean, I hadn’t realized half of my champagne had been slugged back. I became aware of the stinging in my ankles and the pain on my feet as I balanced on my heels. He parted his lips revealing pearly whites. I could see his dimples and I found my hand busying itself by brushing a stray strand that had come lose from the chignon behind my ear.
           “It is.” His smile was warm and inviting. But I was on high alert none-the-less. I wasn’t sure how to further this conversation. I’d give anything to have my joggers on so I could shift my weight side to side. It was my tell that I was uncomfortable. But I was restricted in these damn stilts.
           “Are you here accompanying the mayor in his entourage?” Aside from the orchestra playing at the base of the stairs I could hear the soft chuckle in his throat.
           “Unfortunately no. I was a plus one with the Matthew party.” I had no idea who they were but I nodded in agreement as if I did. “What about you, lady?”
           “I only got my invitation because of my status. I’m a hot ticket item until my success runs its course and someone else comes along to claim the limelight.” I whisked my flute in the air toasting to my misery and draining the glass abandoning it on the wide railing. I was drowning. I wished for my friend from college to be at my side. She was excellent at steering conversations away from my failings.
           “That’s usually how fame works. May I ask, what your profession is now?” ‘Now’? It was an odd way to say something but I disregarded it as a slip of the tongue.
           “I’m a novelist.”
           “Fancy.” He waggled his brow and now it was my turn to laugh. It came out more like a bark.
           “Mind if we speak more but actually participate in this party by dancing?” I felt my face pale. I was meant to be a statue. One that showed up, soaked up the atmosphere, and then left without being drawn into something complicated. Like dancing. That was complicated. Especially in the prison I handpicked for myself. He offered his arm and I gratefully took it stepping as if I was made of china. I literally took baby steps painfully listening to the stairs announce our decent when the butt of my heel ricocheted in the scoop of the room. I could barely get one foot in front of the other, my dress demanding my steps be smaller.
           He blessedly closed his stride into small boxy steps allowing me to move with him. He lead, and I floated in the weight of his arms. His palm spanned over my entire back horizontally. I felt like a small hill up against a mountain. The tempo slowed, the musician’s skill amazed me. They could transition from fast pace to slow and sensual within the beat of a note. Before I knew it, we too had slowed, the only glimmer of having been keeping in step to the upbeat rhythm was my fast beating heart and the bead of sweat on the back of my neck. Somewhere between that transition, his body had mingled closer to mine and now his lips were at my ear in a gentle whisper. My eyes widened. I was confused. What did he just say? Was that really what he meant to say? I felt my world splinter. I felt like a dark void inside my heart was going to swallow me whole and I would be rid of all the people and buildings around me.
           I somehow made it back to my flat on the top floor. I slipped off my shoes, wormed my way into my pajama’s and when I came back to myself I was curled up in bed holding myself not caring that my chignon was half tamed and half wild. I didn’t even bother to wipe away my lipstick, clean the eyeshadow off with the liner above my lashes. I barely got my arm into the sleeve of my shirt. I hadn’t bothered to turn the lights on or button the shirt closed. My covers lay neglected at my back, my pillow barely touching the top of my head. I was staring into the black hole hiding the corner of my wall. Tears welling in my eyes. Why was I so tore up about this?
           I felt the hot coals roll over my cheeks staining my silk sheets. My muscles were stiff, my circulation numb from sitting so still. Why was I feeling all these things that made no sense to me? The thing the man said didn’t even make sense. It sounded like a joke or something he stole out of a novel. What did he mean when he said ‘The Goblin King is dead?’ and why was my heart breaking?
           I pulled my phone from the belly of my clutch opening up the web browser searching for anything that could connect me to those words. How was I supposed to react to that? Why was it even affecting me?! My mind was screaming. I found forums with geeks talking about video game references. Millions of results were nothing more than mindless ramblings of geeks and nerds. Broken phrases about movies, books, television, games. There was no viable information present. Frustrated I threw my phone against the wall but heard it hit my vanity instead shattering the mirror. I gasped at my own failings sliding off the bed to clean up my mess. My flat was empty. It was full of things that adorned the walls and filled the spaces so it didn’t look barren but---the truth was it was just me alone living here. I got to work brushing the pieces into the dustpan pausing when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a giant ragged shard.
           Hadn’t those words meant something at one time? A title? I had an odd hazy thought that I was meant to remember something. Something significant. But my work took precedence. What that man said was nothing. If it was a message it fell on deaf ears. Maybe it was just highbrow humor I forgot to gloss in the New Yorker. But that was a business magazine and no imagination or right brained people were allowed to even grace those pages. I got the vaguest of feelings that I had been on the other side of this mirror once. A fleeting thought. I disposed of it climbing back into bed regretting the ruin of my mirror and phone. I was a person meant to be on call any time of day especially for my editor. I would rush first thing in the morning to the store to get a new phone and hastily set up my mailbox.
           I stretched arching my back like a cat reveling in the warmth my flat offered through the central air system and gazed out to the skyline barely looking back at my with a slit eye of pinks and purples. No signs of orange yet. Coffee time. The heavens answered my thoughts. I heard the timer chime awake and the maker got to work gurgling the water I poured the night before come alive. All I would need to do is feed it creamer and retrieve my mug. I tapped a key on my laptop forgetting momentarily that the battery warned me the night before I needed to charge its juice. It wouldn’t matter. There would still be a blank page and a blinking cursor angrily ticking to remind me my own time was slipping away to start a draft. I couldn’t get what the stranger whispered to me out of my head. I paced feeling the ache in my feet from my heels from the night before. I had darted from the party wanting to stretch that space between me and my dance partner. Away from his words. Away from the mocking eyes that gave me a headache and dejavu.
           It would’ve been easier to hail a cab but I felt like the world was crumbling down on me. I was choking and I needed to breach the surface and gulp lungful’s of air. And then I practically fell into the lobby before the doorman or desk clerk could barrage me with questions. I knew I was disheveled. I didn’t need to be prodded or gawked at. I clambered into the elevator fishing the key to activate my penthouse suite on the top floor. I wanted to get home. I needed my bed before I passed out here. Fifty stories up and I stumbled into my room listening to the whirling gears of the elevator haul itself back to earth while I stayed floating in space.
           I escaped the footmen who were busy busing in luggage and packages of other residents. My main focus needed to be a new phone. With my laptop dead I needed access to the internet now more than ever. I knew my editor would be trying to get ahold of me. I tried to keep my thoughts singular but after I began setting up everything on the little device I found my curiosity drawing me back to the same spot I fled from. Who was the man that approached me and I danced with? Why did he single me out? Did he know me? Was he using code that I should know? Was it a password to get into somewhere?
           All my thoughts were spinning in a jumbled mess worse than a tornado at level five and I wanted answers but only gained more questions.  
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wildefiction · 5 years
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Reader meets with Adam to discuss her new position and walks away feeling more confused than ever.
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The following week, you pulled the door shut behind you and shoved the jagged key into the deadbolt, locking your apartment before walking across the parking lot to your car. 
Adam had written back the morning after you'd accepted the position agreeing to meet for lunch. Typing the address he'd included in his correspondence into Google Maps, your eyes flicked to the top right corner of your phone, noting the time. Forty-five minutes. Plenty of time to traverse the city traffic and get to the restaurant without having to rush. You couldn't imagine showing up to such an important meeting out of breath and sweaty - not the best first impression.
Thirty-five minutes later, after sufficiently freaking out at the uncharacteristically heavy traffic, you pulled into one of the last parking spaces in the crowded lot outside the bistro. With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and took a moment to just sit there. Gathering your thoughts, you pushed the door open, a loud squeal of neglected hinges announcing your position to every person in a fifty-yard radius. The sound of locks sliding into place could be heard as you turned from the small car, your sights set on the eatery. 
Suddenly ravenous, you pulled open the front door and slipped inside. The quiet din of the other patrons filtered through the small establishment, an intoxicating aroma of fresh bread wafting from the kitchen.
Scanning the room for a moment, and seeing Adam perusing the lunch menu at a nearby table, you let out a steadying breath, straightened your posture and approached the man.
Pulling his gaze from the triple-layered cardstock held in front of him, a wide smile spread across his face when he spotted you. 
"Ms. [Y/L/N], pleasure to see you again." Rising from his side of the booth, he extended a hand, which you took, squeezing briefly as he gestured to the other side of the table. 
"Please, have a seat - we've got some things to discuss."
Although nervous, you nodded and slowly lowered yourself into the opposite booth, shifting uneasily as you realized just how full this place was.
A tall, thin man approached the table, a thick notepad held in one hand, his pen hovering over the paper as he stared down at you. 
"Uh, miss?" Blinking rapidly and turning your face up to the man, you quickly realized he'd been speaking to you. 
"Huh?" "Oh, I'm sorry." The fingers clutching your own menu grew pale and your grip tightened, creasing the edges of the paper. 
"In….out, in…out." "Just breathe."
"Would you like something to drink?" 
Twenty-three minutes later, a generous plate of caprese pasta was placed on the table before you, steam rising from the dish had you closing your eyes in appreciation; drizzled balsamic and fresh basil pesto filling your senses with one of your favorite aromas.
After the initial nervousness had subsided, you found yourself relaxed enough to talk candidly with Adam about his offer. 
"So, as I mentioned at the convention, we're not quite sure how to go about this. We've had several staff members vouch for your dedication and work ethic - Derek in particular seems impressed." 
- the man paused to blow on the food on his fork before shoving the bite in his mouth - 
"is a pretty difficult feat in and of itself."
Nodding quietly, you decided now was just as good of a time as any to bring up your biggest concern.
"So in the contract you initially emailed to me, it mentioned that I'd have to relocate to California in order to accept the position. Can I ask why?"
Adam continued chewing his food, though the expression on his face alluded to the idea that he was considering your question.
"I don't actually know, to be honest. Like I said, this is all new for us too. Most of our staff spend their weekdays at the office. Attending meetings, sitting in on scheduling and deciding what events we're planning next, that sort of thing, you know?" It really would be best if you were within easy commuting distance, though I suppose we could try to institute a telecommuting position, since the majority of your duties will basically be equivalent to being Jared's executive assistant."
Adam was rambling now, and you were itching to be done with this lunch. Wanting nothing more than to go home, put on some comfortable clothes and be done with people, you attempted to get the man to give you some solid answers. 
In the end, he had cautiously agreed to just seeing how it went with you staying in your current location, with the caveat that, if they decided it was necessary that you be close at hand, you'd be willing to fly down immediately.
Promising a follow-up email with your orientation information and Slacker credentials, the two of you parted ways - Adam on his way into the heart of the city for some sight-seeing, while you were intent on heading directly for home.
Sitting in the warmth of your car, head resting against the steering wheel, your body began to slowly decompress. 
Lifting your phone from the seat beside you, your thumb slid across the screen, the brilliant photography of your friend prominently displaying Misha and Rob at one of the European conventions. Green light filtering across the stage, a soft glow enveloped their embrace.
Brows knitting together as you noticed the missed call alert, you were just about to swipe the notification away when the screen lit up once more.
Breath caught in your throat as Jared's face filled the screen, the phone icon pulsing as you stared at it in disbelief. Yes, the two of you had exchanged numbers, but, truthfully, you'd almost forgotten. You hadn't heard from him since that night.
With a shaky sigh, you accepted the call.
"Jared. Hey." 
“Hey, [Y/F/N].” A quiet sigh laced with exhaustion greeted you from his side of the conversation. “How’ve you been?” 
Despite his tone, as ever, Jared was fully invested in your conversation. The two of you spoke for nearly an hour, and yet, as you said your goodbyes - it felt as if it had been two minutes. 
“So, what are you doing this weekend? Any fun plans?” Jared’s breathing was even and deep, in a way that only really surfaced when someone was about to fall asleep. 
Glancing at the clock on your dashboard, and, finding it to be only early evening, you questioned whether you were keeping the man awake.
“Jared, when is the last time you slept?” Hastily, you added, “for longer than a couple of hours I mean.” It took him a moment to answer, and when he finally did, it was hardly a coherent thought.
Asking him to repeat himself, you were met instead with soft snores. Pulling the device from your ear, you smiled at the phone before shaking your head and disconnecting the call. Still perplexed that he’d actually called, you drove home to your one-room apartment, walking in to the sound of utter silence. While you were incredibly happy to be as independent as you were, you had to admit that it might be nice to one day come home to someone snoring softly on your couch too.
Several days passed before you heard from him again. Pulling a medium-sized purple suitcase from beneath the bed, you had begun sorting and packing for the upcoming convention in Toronto. I’d be the first time you’d ever visited that part of Canada and you were really looking forward to it. 
The rumbling vibration of your phone on the bedside table alerted you to the call. Putting Jared on speaker, you resumed what you’d been doing. 
“Hey! What are you up to?” Jared’s voice had an energetic buzz to it that you’d come to realize was his usual demeanor. 
Stepping into your closet to grab more clothes, you began to explain that you were packing. 
“My flight leaves early on Thursday morning, and I’m really trying to get better at not leaving packing until the last possible second.”
As you flitted about your room, Jared rambled on about how filming had taken to often running fourteen-hour work days, and he’d apologized profusely for falling asleep during your last conversation. 
“It’s okay, I just never knew I was THAT boring.” Laughing to yourself and zipping up the suitcase, you lugged the heavy bag off of your bed, walking bow-legged down the narrow hallway to put it beside the front door. When you returned for your phone, you quickly realized that Jared had just kept talking. Deciding it was probably fine that you’d missed a few minutes, you fingered the device illuminated on the soft cotton duvet of your bed, deciding against going back out to the living room and instead, crawling up to lay on the mattress. Reclining against the stack of pillows at your headboard, you suddenly realized that you were on the phone with Jared Padalecki. It was almost surreal. One of the people you had looked up to for so long, and he was chatting away like your guys were old friends.
“I’m so excited to see you this weekend [Y/F/N], it’s been too long.” 
Snapping out of the daze you’d fallen into at the thought of being friends with Jared, you weren’t entirely sure you’d heard him correctly. But, then again, maybe you had. While you had started to feel more comfortable around the large man towards the end of the last convention, you were still nervous to see him again. Complete strangers you could handle, crowds weren’t really an issue usually, but knowing how much energy Jared had and how little he worried about trivial things like sleep, the excitement and nerves swirling around your stomach were also home to a healthy dose of sheer terror.
TAGS: @arses21434 @jaredsunflowergoddess @seppys-return-to-madness @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @lilasundari @jamielea81 @wings-of-a-raven
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Dragonic 12
A/N: Finally back with an update!! You guys likes, reblogs and comments always keeps me going!! Welp! I hope you guys enjoy the this one as well!! I’ll be back soon!! You can read previous parts on FF.net or AO3! 
“Thanks again for carrying the box, Erza.” Levy sheepishly smiled up at the redhead who smiled down at her, as they entered the castle.
“It’s no problem. You seemed to be having trouble when you walked into the restaurant and everyone was staring at you. I could tell you were getting embarrassed.”
Levy’s cheeks tinted a slight pink as she remembered the stares she got when she walked in with Lily by her side. She felt his body tense up, ready to defend her again and that made her feel a little safer from the eyes that bore down on her. Especially when she sat down beside the small queen and her smiling bodyguard. Levy stroked the panther’s head using him as an emotional anchor as she tried to ignore them.
“Levy?” A small voice asked pulling her out of her thoughts, reminding her where they were headed. “Are you ok?” Wendy asked, Gajeel’s office coming into view.
“I’m ok.” Levy nodded her head, eyeing the door that seemed to come forward increasingly fast. She wasn’t ready to see him. She wasn’t ready to put on a smile and pretend everything was ok. She needed to clear her head and fast. “Um, Erza? Do you think you can deliver that to his highness? I have a few chores I have to get done before dinner.”
Erza faced flashed with worry as she nodded her head. Levy thanked her before turning in the opposite direction, with Lily hot on her heels. Lily tried to ask her where she was going but he was only met with the sound of her rapid footsteps as she hurried out of the castle and into the back gardens.
She took a deep breath, expelling it slowly as she tried to calm her frazzled nerves and overwhelming thoughts. Taking a step into the garden maze, she looked down seeing Lily ready to follow her wherever she went causing her to stop.
“Lily, can I have a moment alone?” Lily, shook his head, a rumble in his throat telling her, he would rather go with her to make sure she was safe. Shooting him a sympathetic smile she rubbed his head reassuringly. “I’ll be ok, promise. I won’t go too far and I’ll scream if I need you.”
Lily shot her a hesitant look, which Levy quickly put on her sweetest smile saying, please. Shaking his head he huffed out a defeated sigh, knowing it was hard to say no to her. He and his old friend seemed to have that common.
“Thanks, Lily. I’ll be just a few minutes.” She cheered, hugging him before turning to head into the gardens.
She watched him lay in the front of the garden’s entrance, letting her know he’ll be there when she gets back. A smile danced across her features before sliding back down into a frown as she walked aimlessly with no real direction or destination in mind. The stares and whispers seemed to surround her as the seamstress words echoed loudly in her mind. She was used to the derogative words but for some reason, having Gajeel’s name attached to her made her heart ached. The thought of Gajeel’s reputation being at stake because of her was what hurt the most. He was only helping her and here she was ruining him.
“I’m sure he doesn’t care, but still…” she whispered aloud to herself, guilt and sadness filling her. Why did she have to like him so much? If this was someone else she wouldn’t feel so defensive. Gajeel deserves more than this, more than her. “I can’t stand by his side…” her words trailed off into the wind as her mood soured even more.
She was so lost in thought she didn’t realize exactly where she was going or where she was. The sound of a hard snap under her foot caused her to jump and look around at her surroundings.
A groan escaped her lips as she surveyed the tall trees instead of the clean cut edges of the garden hedges. She somehow wounded up in the forest instead of getting lost in the garden like she thought she would. Spinning around in a slow circle she tried to decide which way she should go, before giving up and just walking. Running her hands through her now damp hair, she started to get nervous as she walked deeper into the woods.
“I should’ve listened to Lily,” she whined, feeling the heat of the summer getting to her. It didn’t help that she was walking through town earlier and now this. The tall tree tops block out most of the sun providing cool shade, but that didn’t stop the shade from still being way too warm for comfort. Beads of sweat accumulated on her skin, letting her know how long she’s been in the heat.
A loud rustling sound caused her to stop and listen. It got louder and seemed to get closer to her. Without hesitating, Levy ran not wanting to see if it was a harmless bunny or territorial boar. Better safe than sorry, right? The unknown creature chased after her as she ran, the small woman cursing under her breath as rocks and large roots dug into her feet. A cold chill of panic ran through her as a loud growling sound made her feet go faster. Looking behind her she couldn’t see anything but she could hear it, whate\ver it was, gaining on her.
When she looked forward she knew she was too late, she was moving too fast to slow down and realize the ground angled downward towards a large riverbank. It seemed like she was floating for a split second before her body crashed onto the ground. She rolled down the bank, before finally landing with a splash into the muddy river. Luckily, she was in the shallow end as she sat up quickly, sputtering water out of her mouth and wiping her drenched hair out of her face. A soft splash caught her attention to her left, eyeing familiar black hair.
“Lily,” she breathed watching the black cat approach her with a displeased look on his face. She knew right then, that he was the beast chasing her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go this far and for running away from you.” He inspected her for wounds, before leaning in to rub his head against hers, purring softly as she giggled rubbing his neck. She could tell he was glad she was ok, but knew she was going to get an earful later.
When she stood up, she winced when she put weight on her right foot instantly using Lily to balance herself. The lake water was too murky to see through so she couldn’t observe her ankle. Lily helped her out of the almost knee-length water, as she limped towards the muddy shore.
“Well, it doesn’t look broken.” She said turning her foot, wincing slightly. She’s had a broken ankle before and it definitely didn’t look or feel like this, so she was sure she was ok. Lily on the other hand wasn’t too sure. Using Lily again for balance, Levy made it up the incline and halfway out of the forest. It took them a long time with her being so far from the castle and the slow pace they set, that the sun started to set behind them.
“You think we can sneak into the castle like this?” Levy asked, looking down at her now damp dress that was riddled with dirt. Her skin itched from the drying lake water and the sweat that re-coated it. She smiled when Lily huffed out an unamused sigh and shook his head. They were almost out of the woods when they heard loud rushing footsteps. They both knew who they belong too and Levy felt the need to turn and run. She didn’t want to face him, not yet. She wanted more time to wallow in her guilt, but alas luck wasn’t on her side and neither was Lily as he growled loudly alerting their presence.  
She heard the footsteps move faster and she tried her best to turn and run in the opposite direction, but Lily stopped her, putting himself in her way causing her to trip and land on his back. The panther seemed unfazed by her weight as she scrambled to stand up and try running again.
“Levy! Lily!” Gajeel exclaimed, eyeing them both. She saw the anger clear on his face as he watched her struggled to stand up. She averted her gaze to the cat below her, silently begging him to let her wobble away. Lily just kept his eyes forward, refusing to meet her pleading eyes.
“What the hell happened?” Gajeel yelled, causing her to jump and look back at him, noticing how close he was now. He stood in front of her with crossed arms waiting for a response. Levy wanted to cry, she wanted bury her head in the sand and just cry.
“I-I got lost, I’m sorry your majesty. Lily tried to come with me but I stopped him and I should’ve took him with me but I was too stupid not too. He had to find me and bring me back. I’m sorry.” She rambled, bowing her head in shame, tears burning her eyes ready to stream down her face.
She didn’t see his features soften but she did hear him suck his teeth. “I can take it from here Lily,” Gajeel stated, picking up a surprised Levy, holding her princess style.
“Your clothes! They’re going to get dirty!” She argued, as Gajeel took long strides towards the castle.
“I’ll change them.” She wanted to argue back but received a hard glare from him daring her to continue. She gulped dryly, returning her gaze to her lap as she tried to ignore how fast her heart was beating from their proximity. He was angry with her and here she was trying not to blush like giddy school girl.
When he opened a door, she noticed that they were in his room walking towards his bathroom. Her face blossomed a bright red as she looked up at Gajeel in fear. He didn’t look at her, but she could see a faint smile on his face.
“Don’t worry shorty, I won’t be joining you, unless you can’t stand.”
“I-I can stand on my own.” she stuttered out, as he gently stood her up on the tiled floor. “I can also take a shower in my own room.”
Nudging her slightly towards the glass door he shook his head, “Just get in the damn shower shorty. I’ll bring you a change of clothes in a minute.” She softly let out an ok, as she watched Gajeel leave to give her privacy.
As the water warmed up she quickly undressed before stepping under the hot stream. She let out a sigh of relief as she felt the water relax her muscles, the steam fogging up the glass door. His scent surrounded her as she used his soap and hair products, not hearing Gajeel come in to leave her a change of clothes.
Once she was all done she dried off wrapping the clearly over sized towel around her as she walked towards the vanity style sink that had folded fabric sitting on it. A set of undergarments that made her blush profusely as she thought about Gajeel touching her stuff and a dress. It was a light blue dress with a sleeveless halter neckline with a flowy knee length skirt. She admired her reflection in the mirror thinking about how well it fit, smiling as she played with the bottom of the skirt. It made her want to twirl circles, but refraining since she already hurt her ankle.
When she exited the bathroom she saw Gajeel in a new set of clothes sitting on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest. His demeanor relaxed when he noticed her, looking her up and down with a smirk of approval.                  
Moving towards her, he picked her up and placed her on the edge of the bed. “Hey! What are you doing?” she squeaked, as he sat down on the carpeted floor, picking up her foot.
“I’m examining your ankle.” His touch was gentle as he examined her, putting pressure here and there. “Well, it’s not broken or sprained.”
Cocking her head to the side, she stared at the top of his head asking, “How do you know?”
“I’ve broken enough bones to know what one feels like, plus my pops always taught me simple first aid.” He grunted out, staring at her the irritation back in his eyes. He was still upset with her.
Lowering her head, she fiddled with her fingers, “I-I’m sorry your majesty, I-Ow!“
He flicked her in the forehead causing her to squeak and glare at him in confusion. “What was that for?” She frowned rubbing the spot on her forehead.
“You’re not calling me by my name.”
“What?” She asked clearly confused by his actions, but earning a raised pierced eyebrow. “You looked so angry earlier and now, and I’m sure it’s because of me. So I felt like I didn’t deserve-”
“Well, I’m angry because you had Erza bring my package and you went walking on your own just to come back hurt.” He easily interrupted. “What if something happened before Lily got there? You’re usually smarter than this, so of course I’m upset, because something is clearly wrong.”
Levy sat there with her mouth agape, unsure of what to say. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worry. I just wanted some time alone to think.”
“What happened?” he demanded. “I know something happened, Lily didn’t say anything but his body language was tense when he told me he went to find you.”
Levy gaze went back down to her lap as she chewed on her lower lip, unsure if she should tell him or not. She didn’t know how he’ll react or what he’ll do. Of course he wouldn’t accuse her but she didn’t want to get anyone in trouble or hurt. If they wanted to call her names and be mean to her that’s fine, but she knows Gajeel wouldn’t take too kindly to her saying that. She was debating what to say when Gajeel flicked her again in the forehead causing her to jump and yelp.
“Will you stop that?” She pouted, rubbing the sore spot she was sure was going to be red.  
“You were overthinking and I stopped you.” He said, sighing as he shook his head. “Look, I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but I’m here if you ever need it.”
He was angry because he knew something was wrong, and instead of coming to him she went out on her own and got hurt. Even though it was a few bumps and bruises, he was right in saying it could’ve been worse if Lily didn’t come find her when she was taking a long time.
“Thank you, Gajeel.” He shot her a devilish smirk that made her smile in return. “Thank you for the change of clothes too. They fit very well.”
“I’m glad you like them, they’re yours.”
“Wait, what?” Her confusion putting an amused look on his face. He stood up, walking over to the couch that held the box, picking it up with ease. He placed it on the bed as she moved closer, so she could see what was inside. “This is for me?” she asked, bouncing her eyes from the box to Gajeel’s sparkling ones.
He nodded his head as she dug her hand into the box pulling out the fabrics. There were a few pants, shirts and even some simple dresses she could wear when she’s not working. She ran her fingers over the fabrics feeling the expensive material under her fingertips. She’s only felt material like this when she picked up Master Everlue’s clothes.
“I noticed you didn’t have much to wear so I got these for you whenever you’re not working or when you’re outside, supervised of course.”
Putting the clothes gently back in the box, she pushed it aside and moved so quickly Gajeel didn’t see anything but a flash of blue as she attacked him in a tight hug wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Thank you, again.” She whispered.
He hugged her tighter her buried his face into her hair smiling to himself as her feet dangled a few feet off the ground. She didn’t want to let go, but knew she had to when a soft knock came from the door. Gajeel softly placed her on the ground, patting her head with a smile before going to see who it is.
“Hey, baby dragon.” Gajeel teased letting Wendy into the room as she stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m guessing you’re here to check up on Levy?”
Nodding her head she spoke, “I heard she hurt her ankle, so I wanted to make sure she was ok. Plus, Erza said she needs your help with something.”
Gajeel sucked his teeth, groaning with a roll of his eyes. “Fine, I’ll be back and don’t leave this room.” He said, pointing a finger at Levy causing her to stiffen. Damn it, she was still in trouble?
Wendy giggled lightly, shaking her head. “He’s not going to let you walk, unless he’s 100% sure you’re ok.”
Levy watched patiently as Wendy examined her ankle, wincing a little when she pressed down on it. “Sorry. Good news is you’ll be ok, you just rolled it and bad news is Gajeel probably won’t let you walk on your own” she said easily switching to the common tongue.  
Levy sighed shaking her head and Wendy giggled. “He can be overprotective and rough around the edges but that’s how he shows he cares. I remember I fell off one of my horses while learning how to ride and it took almost everyone to convince Gajeel it was part of the process of learning.”
The two girls laughed as Wendy shared more snippets of Gajeel’s over protectiveness. “Pretty dress, it looks new.” Wendy awed, as Levy picked up the skirt to play with it.
“Thank you, Gajeel actually got it for me. That’s what was in the box and other clothes.”
“Interesting,” she smiled wide a twinkle in her eye. Wendy was about to say something else when the door slowly swung open a black cat slowly walking in as not to disrupt girl talk. “We will talk about that later but for now I promised Ms. Carrie I will help her with dessert.” Wendy smiled wider as she scurried away, patting Lily on the way out. Levy was taken aback by the action and her words, a slight blush on her cheeks as she was unsure about what they were going to talk about later. Well, more like in denial.
The room was quiet as Lily jumped onto the bed sitting in front her, staring at the woman causing her to let out a breath knowing what was about to happen. Wendy didn’t just leave, because she had to help Ms. Carrie.  
“Go ahead and lecture me.” She smiled, as he immediately let out a string of growls and rough meows. His face was serious and she felt like a little kid being berated by her father. Lily clearly didn’t appreciate her going so far and her getting hurt.
When he was done he was out of breath and she sweetly smiled at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you Lily. I’m sorry I broke my promise. It won’t happen again.” he leaned into her touch purring softly. “I love you too” she giggled.
When they separated he looked at her with a smile then at her outfit. “You like it? I have others.” She announced motioning to the box which Lily perked up at. She saw his interest divert to the cardboard, knowing exactly what he wanted.
She took the clothes out of the box which Lily quickly tried to get in to. He placed all four paws into it before trying to sit down. It felt like she was holding her breath as she watched the box stretch from his weight, before one side finally gave out causing the Panther’s top half to spill out.
Gajeel could hear the laughter from outside his door and the grumpy meows of Lily. When he opened the door he didn’t know what he was expecting but Lily laying on a halfway broken box and Levy stretched out on his bed clutching her stomach wasn’t it.
Her laughter filled the room as Lily tried his best to curl up in the broken box, a look of content on his face when he was comfortable. His heart fluttered at the sight of her, his earlier irritation fading now that she was smiling again.
Clearing his throat to catch their attention, he chuckled as she tried to contain herself. “Let’s go eat.” He announced, motioning his head towards the door. Quickly sliding off the bed, he chuckled when she let out a small squeak when he picked her up.
“I can walk, Gajeel, I just rolled my ankle.”
Adjusting her in his arms so he could close the door behind them, he prayed she didn’t feel how fast his heart was beating as she wrapped her arms around his neck looking up at him with those big brown eyes.
Walking at a leisure pace to savor in the moment, he shook his head. “I was told that you have to be careful or you’ll hurt it more, so you’re not walking.”
She pouted, mumbling, “fine,” as she got comfortable in his arms leaning her head against his shoulder. Even though he was sure she would be fine if she walked on her own, he didn’t want to risk her making it worse. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this gave him an excuse to hold her. Nope, not at all. He was completely, 100% doing this for her own good.
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sebastianevans · 7 years
Sterek, 20: things you said that I wasn't meant to hear
So this didn’t go they way I expected but, I hope you like it! 
Stiles was tired and cold when he awoke. He trembled slightly as he sat upright, blinking slowly as he came to his senses. He looked around slowly, pressing a hand to his head in attempt to stop the dull throbbing.
“Hello?” Stiles called out shakily, “Dad?”
He could feel the anxiety bubbling up, ready to take hold of him at any moment. He tried to even his ragged breaths. He was in the woods, he knew that much but, how he got there, he hadn’t the foggiest. He eased himself up, using the nearby stump for support. He stood on shaky legs, and looked around frantically. His heartbeat was echoing in his ears, drowning out any sounds.
He stumbled back, tripping over a branch. He blinked harshly pressing his hands to his temples, “Derek?” He cried out.“They won’t be able to help you,” A voice sounded through the fog in his mind, whispering hauntingly.
Stiles slammed his eyes shut, willing the voice away. When he forced himself to open his eyes, he was a dimly lit room with no windows and no doors. He was standing in front of a mirror with a jagged crack running across the middle. His lip trembled as he looked at his reflection, watching it morph into a sinister version of himself.
“Get out,” Stiles whimpered, “Get out of my head,” He begged, clenching his fists tightly.
His reflection smiled, a cruel and twisted imitation of his own, before vanishing. 
Stiles opened his eyes slowly, a strange feeling of relief washing over him when he realized  that he was still in the woods. Stiles stood once more, and started stumbling through the trees. The last thing he remembered was seeing the bobbing beam of a flashlight through the branches, and Derek’s voice calling out for him.
“What the hell was my son doing out there alone?” The sheriff demanded. “I don’t know, John,” Derek snapped, “Look we’ll figure it out,” Derek added softly, squeezing the sheriffs shoulder.
Stiles opened his eyes, and stared blankly at the ceiling. The pack surrounded the cold steel table in Deaton’s office, as they watched Stiles’ unmoving form.
“Something’s not right,” Derek noted seriously, stepping in front of the sheriff, “He smells wrong,”
Stiles sat up eerily slow. His once warm eyes were cold, and flat, accented by the bruises under his eyes. His eyes scanned the room, before finally landing on Derek.
“He talks a lot about you, you know?” His voice echoed strangely, as a cold smile grew on his face, “I have to say, I’m quite underwhelmed,” He said slowly.
Derek frowned, watching the boy closely, his pack surrounding him, alert, “Stiles,” He said warily.
“Stiles,” The boy mocked, “It’s a shame Kate didn’t kill you when she had the chance.” Derek flinched at the words, not noticing how Stiles smile grew as he landed the blow.
“Son,” The sheriff scolded, stepping around Derek.
Stiles laughed darkly, rotating his body to sit on the edge of the table, “Now you want to be a parent? You’re pathetic, you left us when we needed you most. We had to raise ourself, while you got black out drunk every night,” Stiles said bitingly, “Mom would be disgusted,” he spat.
“Stiles, this isn’t you,” John whispered, fingers twitching for his gun.
“Are you going to shoot us, Dad?” Stiles taunted, tracking his fathers movements, “Come on, do it. I killed mom, after all.” Stiles slid off the table, landing softly on his feet. He stood in front of the sheriff, locking eyes with him. “I know you want to,” he urged.
“I would never kill my own son,” the sheriff said, clenching his jaw.
“What if I told you, I wasn’t your son?” Stiles asked, tilting his head.
“John, don’t,” Lydia whispered, as the sheriff unholstered his gun.
“Come on,” Stiles smirked, as John raised the gun, leveling it at Stiles head. Stiles laughed gleefully, “Do it,”
John’s eyes watered, as he looked into his son’s lifeless eyes, watching them morph in fear and confusion. 
“Dad?” Stiles asked confused, “What are you doing?” He looked around frantically, his eyes were glassy, and his heart thundered in his chest. “Derek, help me,” he pleaded, his fingers twitching in Derek’s direction.
“John, stop,” Derek shouted, “Put it down!” He demanded, putting himself between Stiles and the gun.
“That’s not my son,” John ground out, “Move, Derek,”
“Derek, why is he saying that?” Stiles asked wrapping his cold hand, around Derek’s bicep, “It’s me, Derek, it’s me,” Stiles whimpered from behind Derek’s back.
“I know my son!” John shouted, “Now, move. I won’t tell you again,” he said fiercely, cocking the hammer.
“Stop!” Allison shouted from behind Scott, “It’s what he wants,” She said, her eyes wide.
Stiles chuckle echoed the room, as his grip tightened around Derek’s arm. Derek turned his head to look at Stiles, hurt and betrayal shining in his eyes.“Stiles,” he whispered, “Get out of him,” Derek demanded, his fangs dropping.
Stiles grip tightened, “Pathetic,” He spat as he twisted Derek’s arm. Derek roared in pain as his arm snapped, and Stiles threw him aside.
“I know what you are,” Allison said, stepping forward, “I’m not afraid of you,” She said confidently.
“And what am I?” Stiles prompted darkly.
“Nogitsune,” she spat. 
While Stiles looked surprised, she threw one of her daggers, “Now!” She shouted as the blade imbedded itself Stiles shoulder. The sound of Lydia’s chants and Stiles’ screams echoed the small room.
Erica rushed forward, shoving the table out of the way as Stiles eyes rolled back, she caught him gently, easing him to the ground he twitched violently. Derek crawled forward, placing his bunched up jacket under the boys head. Erica gently turned Stiles on his side, listening to his heartbeat until he stopped seizing.
“It’s okay,” She soothed, “You’re at Deaton’s, you’re safe,” She whispered, tenderly brushing the hair out of his face as he came to.
“Derek?” Stiles asked frantically, trying to sit up. Erica shushed him gently, and guided him back down, “I didn’t mean it,” He whispered, “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me,” He repeated.
“We know,” John comforted as he knelt down, squeezing Stiles’ hand.
“I didn’t mean it,” Stiles whispered, burying his head in his fathers shoulder, “Does he hate me?” Stiles asked, brokenly.
“No, son, he doesn’t hate you,” He said reassuringly, glancing at Derek who was now standing by the door, eyes wide. John nodded at Erica in thanks, before focusing on his son once more.
Stiles sniffled and looked up at John with terrified eyes. He sat back and began to count his fingers, “Dad?” He said trembling, “Do you hate me?” he asked sadly.
“No, I could never hate you,” John said sternly, pulling Stiles into a hug.
Stiles itched at the bandage around his shoulder. A few days had passed and Stiles had gotten visits from the whole pack, aside from Derek. His heart ached when he got on a knock on the door and Derek wasn’t standing on the other side.
“Dad,” Stiles called out, as John passed by his bedroom.
“Yeah?” John said, concern washing over his face as he entered Stiles’ room. 
“I remember what I said,” Stiles said sitting on the end of his bed, “And what I did,” 
“I know son, you apologized, already,” John interrupted gently, “We know it wasn’t you,” John said kneeling in front of Stiles.
“I know but, Derek left,” Stiles said quietly, “I don’t blame him,” Stiles smiled shakily, “I tried calling him, Dad. He’s ignoring me, and I don’t know if it’s because he’s scared of me. I didn’t mean what I said, and I didn’t want to hurt him. I was there the whole time, and I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t stop any of it. I could see what was happening, and I was screaming,” Stiles sniffed, angrily wiping his tears, “I was begging it to stop, but it wouldn’t. It kept taunting me, and I don’t want to lose anyone else. I don’t want him to get hurt,”
“You really care about him, huh?” John asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah, I do,” Stiles confirmed shakily, “Are you disappointed in me?” Stiles asked, looking at John as he worried his lip.
“For what?” John asked, his brows furrowing in confusion, “Why would I be disappointed?” John asked moving to sit beside Stiles.  
“Because, I think I like Derek,” Stiles murmured.
“Stiles, you’re my son. I’ll always love you, no matter what,” John responded, hugging Stiles tightly. “I have to go to work,” John stated with a disappointed frown, “I can call in,” He said to himself.
“No,” Stiles said, shaking his head, “I’ll be okay,” He said standing up wiping his eyes.
“Stiles,” John said concerned.
“I’ll call you if I need anything, I promise,” Stiles interrupted, smiling bravely, “I’ll be okay, Dad,”
John nodded, his face set in a frown, “Call me if you need anything, Stiles. I mean it,”
Stiles nodded watching his dad leave, “Be safe, dad!” Stiles called as the front door slammed shut.
Stiles jumped as a soft knock resounded from his window, he whirled around breathing a sigh of relief when he saw Derek perched on the roof outside his window. Stiles blinked tears away quickly, heart sinking at Derek’s impassive face. Stiles walked sullenly over to the window, unlocking it, and pushing it open.
Derek climbed into Stiles room, closing the window behind him. They stood, watching each other for a moment before Derek finally spoke, “I just came to see how you were doing,”
“I’m fine,” Stiles said, scratching the back of his awkwardly, “How much did you hear?” Stiles asked, impassively.
“All of it,” Derek answered guiltily. “I’m sorry,” Stiles blurted, “If you just give me time, I’ll get over it. I wont annoy you with my feelings. I’m sorry, Derek. I don’t know how it happened, but I won’t tell anyone, I promise! I can keep my mouth shut, I know you don’t think so but, I can. I don’t want to embarrass you, okay? I just… I just want to be friends at least, if it’s not weird for you? If it is I understand. I know if I were you I wouldn’t want a spastic loser like me around, let alone having a crush on me,” He rambled, heart breaking with each word.
“You’re not a loser,” Derek scolded, “Stiles, I like you, too,” Derek added hastily before Stiles could doubt himself more.
Stiles gaped for a moment, his mouth opening and closing, “That’s not funny,” He said, hurt and humiliation souring his scent.
“It wasn’t a joke,” Derek said seriously, closing the gap between them, “Do I seem like the type of person who would do something that cruel?” Derek asked, honestly.
Stiles shook his head, averting his eyes. Derek reached out slowly, cupping Stiles cheeks in his hands, “I like you a lot,” Derek whispered earnestly.
Stiles red rimmed, warm eyes scanned Derek’s face, before settling on his lips. Derek leaned in slowly, giving Stiles a chance to back away, before kissing him softly. Stiles fisted his hands in Derek’s shirt pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.
When they pulled apart, Stiles lifted Derek’s hand anxiously, and began counting his fingers. Derek watched him count with his forehead resting against Stiles’.
“You’re real,” Stiles sighed, relieved. His eyes flicked up to look at Derek through his lashes. Derek smiled softly, pulling Stiles into his chest. Stiles breathed in Derek’s scent, letting Derek surround him completely.
Being with Stiles felt right, in a way that nothing else could, and Derek let his eyes slip closed as they stood, embracing each other tightly. He would let himself have this, as long as Stiles would have him. 
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treshorneboys · 7 years
I know why the caged bird sings
Read it on AO3
Chapter 3/? - 1 / 2
Almost a decade of experience had trained Neil to be instantly awake and alert as soon as he woke up, and because he was such a light sleeper the slightest hint of daylight would wake him. The first sliver of sunlight peeked through the living room windows at around 6 in the morning, and as soon as Neil was up he initiated his plan; he had a limited amount of time to do what he needed to do. From the small amount of Nicky’s ramblings that Neil listened to, he knew that usually everyone except Kevin was up before 9:30, but the fact he didn’t know exactly when set Neil’s teeth on edge. Nevertheless, waiting a few days to memorise everyone’s sleeping patterns and leaving his things vulnerable had a slightly higher risk than leaving his duffle alone for a few hours. Neil would take his duffle along with him but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to juggle all the things he had to buy along with it, even if the store as only 10 minutes away by foot.
Neil should be thankful for that, at least- if there was only one constant in his life it was a 24hr Walmart.
After searching for the bathroom as quietly as possible so that he could brush his teeth and change his clothes, Neil took a wad of cash out of his duffle and shoved the duffle under the couch; it was the only place he could think to store it where someone wouldn’t accidentally stumble upon it. Making sure the money as secure in his pocket and pausing once to make sure he didn’t hear anyone starting to wake up, Neil left; ensuring that the front door was unlocked so that he could get back in when he was finished.
Running was an activity Neil did often; it kept his body fit and helped increase his lung capacity and strength. He wouldn’t necessarily say that he liked running, it was more of a habit he formed over the years that stuck and had become second nature to him. When he felt the need to run, it was like an itch he couldn’t quite scratch- a borderline addiction.
At the store, he gathered the things he needed as quickly as possible- hair dye, toiletries, an extra pillow and blanket as the ones Neil slept with last night were threadbare, and he might as well make the most of comfort while he could. He then made his way to the hardware section, where there was a limited choice of fireproof safes, none of them big enough to hold his entire duffle. However, they were big enough to hide the one thing that he needed to hide, so he lugged one to the checkout with all his other items, and awkwardly walked back to the house.
He made good time, slipping through the front door as silently as possible before pausing and straining his ears for any sign of movement. Satisfied with the following silence, Neil breathed a little easier, and moved to the living room to deposit his things on the couch before pulling his duffel bag out from underneath it.
Neil’s breath stopped when he opened his duffel and examined the contents. Everything was exactly where it was supposed to be, folded and arranged so that it fit perfectly into the bag, however on closer examination the contents weren’t exactly how Neil had left them. He had inherited his Mother’s paranoia, so whenever he repacked his things he made sure to carefully fold each of his shirt tags in half; at that moment, they were perfectly straight, pressed flat by a meticulous hand.
He began digging through the insides of his bag, throwing his clothing to the side, hands impatient in their quest to get to the bottom, to the most important item in his possession- his binder. It was unassuming, a previously sleek black, the finish having been worn away a long time ago by nervous hands. Inside the binder looked like a stalker’s journal- photos, newspaper clippings, anything he could find that touched the subject of Kevin Day’s and Riko Moriyama’s lives and careers. But these pages were just a cover-up for the real reason Neil kept this binder. He opened up the pockets that the sheets made, finding the legacy of his Mother; fat stacks of hundred-dollar bills, a coded list of emergency contacts including his Uncle Stuart’s number, and a forged optometrist’s note along with a box of brown contacts. He counted through the money carefully, finding that it was the same amount as the last time he checked- just about a quarter of a million dollars. With all his security checks done, Neil stowed his binder in his new safe, stowed his things back in his duffel, and tried to fight against the red-hot anger that struggled to overtake him.
The fight was futile, after all he was his father’s son.
Underneath the sole of his shoe Neil had hidden his lockpicks, which he pulled out in a furious daze. If he was telling the truth, Neil wasn’t just furious at the person who had gone through his bag (he knew it was Andrew, he had always known to trust his instincts. Also, Neil wasn’t dumb), he was furious at himself for making so many mistakes in only two days; his Mother would have beaten him black and blue if she were here. Neil shook the thought out of his mind and marched up the stairs, knocking loudly and vigorously on the first door he came across, which was soon opened by a sleep-rumpled Nicky.
“Which room is Andrew’s?” Neil all but hissed.
“To the right,” Nicky yawned, scratching at his stomach, “Why? What ti-”
Before Nicky could finish, Neil had already made his way over to the door, crouched down, and started efficiently picking the lock. The lock was standard, no match for Neil, he had picked more difficult locks in the past. Nicky still stood in his doorway, watching Neil with his mouth half-open, looking as if the current circumstances hadn’t quite reached his brain yet.
Neil heard the lock click which finally prompted Nicky’s mouth to snap shut and then open again, presumably in preparation of forming a sentence, but Neil had already stepped inside the room to find Andrew sitting on a desk, smoking out of the window.
“Neil,” he said, “what a surprise.”
Neil slammed the door shut in Nicky’s face and stepped forward once more. He briefly thought of the phrase ‘stepping into the lion’s den’, and thought it an apt description of the current circumstances he was facing. Even so, he was angry; and when Neil got angry he got reckless.
“Stay out of my things,” he growled, “or I swear I’ll make you regret it.”
“Will you now?” Andrew raised his eyebrow, “and how would you do that?” he tapped the end of his cigarette consideringly, “Well, you could be quite creative- anything’s possible with the amount of money you carry.”
“Fuck off, you had no right.”
“Call it intuition, runaway.”
Neil barely suppressed a flinch, by the way his eyebrows slightly raised Andrew noticed.
“Now I have an idea of how to deal with you, and an even more complex conundrum to solve. Everybody wins!”
The fake-cheer in Andrew’s voice as disconcerting against his normal apathetic tone. When he continued the inflection was gone, as though it never happened.
“Do you want to hear a story, Neil? Though if my hypothesis is correct, you may already know it.”
“I don’t want to hear a single word of shit that spews from your obnoxious mouth.”
“Are you sure? As it involves both Kevin Day and Riko Moriyama; two people you apparently have a raging hard-on for, if that binder is anything to go by.”
Neil didn’t want to affirm Andrew’s statement by staying silent, but Andrew continued before he had the chance to reply.
“You see,” he said, “once upon a time, Riko and Kevin were a duo, thick as thieves, number one and number two. Number one being Riko, as you probably already know; Kevin being shunted to second best. But you see, Kevin, being the golden child that he is was just too good for that, and started outgrowing the number 2 on his cheekbone. Riko very much didn’t like it. Riko is a bit of a brat with quite a bit of power, and he has people who are loyal to him- or at least to his fame. So he has a tantrum, eliminates the threat,” Andrew stretched out his hand, spread wide open so that it covered Neil’s face, slowly dawning with realisation. He clenched his fingers shut a few times before continuing.
“So Kevin’s hand is broken in a ‘skiing accident’ according to Riko’s PR team, and Kevin is left to pick up the pieces,” Andrew then lowers his arm slowly, and looks at Neil, his gaze piercing, “and as soon as Kevin starts to get back on track, you show up- a boy made of secrets and lies with an insofar unexplainable tie to Kevin and Riko. You get where I’m going with this?”
“You think I’m trying to… infiltrate? For Riko? You must be as dense as you are insane.”
“Then prove that you aren’t, because you’re sure as hell not convincing me right now. Give me something real in your counterfeit.”
Neil didn’t get the chance to answer, as Kevin chose that moment to burst through the door, Nicky following on his heels, a hurricane just strong enough to break the tension.
“What the fuck is going on? Nicky wakes me up at 7:30 in the fucking morning babbling about fucking lock picking? Explain yourselves, especially you,” he glowered at Neil.
Neil’s blood boiled, he could only put up with so much shit and Kevin talking to him like he was an insect was just the icing on the cake. Aaron had also woken up from the noise and went to stand next to Nicky, scowling at anything and everyone.
“What the fuck is his problem?” Aaron said in German, eyes flickering over to Neil, and it was the cherry on top. But two could play at the different languages game, so Neil switched to French; he knew that Kevin had spent a few years there in his youth.
“Put a fucking leash on your mutt or I will. I’ve only been here one night and he’s already trying my patience. I will not tolerate him invading my privacy again, tell me you understand.”
There was a pause, silence descending over the room as Kevin visibly processed the abrupt change in language through his mind. Andrew had stubbed his cigarette out on the windowsill, looking as if he expected a translation and knowing he wasn’t going to get one.
“Looks like this puzzle is going to be even bigger than I first thought,” he mused, and as subsequently ignored.
“I understand,” Kevin said, “but I don’t care. You agreed to this, so you can’t back out now. Andrew takes his promises very seriously.”
“I did not agree to this,” Neil spat, “I agreed to humouring your twisted fantasy, but you can’t claw your way back to the top with only one hand, cripple.”
Kevin’s face twisted in fury, but before he could advance on Neil Andrew was suddenly there.
“Now now Kevin,” he said, his indifferent tone only ratcheting up the pressure in the room, “don’t do anything you might regret, remember your master plan? It won’t work if you strangle his vocal chords shut.”
Miraculously, Kevin did back down, which gave Neil an opening to escape before things got worse. He pushed past Aaron and Nicky who were still in the doorway, and started to make his way downstairs.
“Remember, practice at half 12,” Andrew called after him.
Neil didn’t reply, and even though he’d just got back from a jog he almost blew his legs out on his run.
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