#thank you weo <3333
creacherkeeper · 1 year
multiples of 4 for waylon squad <3 pwease
4. what is their comfort food?
waylon: hot chocolate <3
scruggs: borscht!!
lizzie: chocolate chip cookies :o)
kelsey: plain spanish rice
8. what is the most interesting thing that they regularly carry on their person?
waylon: his old wedding ring
scruggs: a leather cord bracelet with five beads on it
lizzie: probably her sword. all her important items are Put Away Safely
kelsey: a cool looking rock and a wax candle from onion they always keep in their pockets
12. do they tend to hold a lot of tension in their body? if so, where?
waylon: not really. he cant feel his body too much anymore
scruggs: not as much as he used to. but i think he clenches his fists when he's upset and they can get achy
lizzie: yeah, a lot. mostly in her shoulders
kelsey: yes <3 their back and legs hurt a lot
16. which member of their family are they the most fond of, if any?
waylon: he loves all his kids but kelsey is. his baby.
scruggs: you could get scruggs to choose between all his sisters over his cold dead body but he. was a mama's boy <3
lizzie: scruggs is definitely the easiest to get along with but she's put the most effort into strengthening her relationship with kelsey and feels really proud of the place they've been able to get to even if it's not perfect. she is. very protective over kelsey <3 which luckily kelsey doesnt mind too much
kelsey: they love both of their siblings but. they are a daddy's girl <3
20. describe one of your favourite rp moments with this character
waylon: he hasn't had a Ton of screentime but i think the fight between him and lizzie that will overheard and then his subsequent conversation with will about brandi <3 just listened to lizzie be like youre not my dad actually so fuck off and then immediately was like. no you can kill brandi actually go for it
scruggs: simply all the him and will being horny on main scenes are so so funny 2 me. horndog ass middle aged men
lizzie: the onion and lizzie catfight <3 and then immediately afterwards giving divine her jacket and rambling about why she likes divine and getting kissed about it. girl had a Day
kelsey: they havent had much screentime (where they actually talked) but as far as their Content probably summer fun day <3 autism creacher on main <3 sister time <3
24. are they good at keeping secrets? does it depend on how big the secret is?
waylon: very much so yes
scruggs: he is <3 not very good at it <3 but will if it's important. he's a lot better at keeping other people's secrets than his own
lizzie: oh she will keep any secret forever and ever
kelsey: they're okay at keeping secrets but mostly because they only talk to their family members. so they Can keep secrets there's just less stakes for them to
28. what is something that helps to comfort them?
waylon: music. it's something he can still enjoy even though he's a zombie
scruggs: making a meal for people he cares about <3
lizzie: her jacket :o)
kelsey: tight hugs!!
32. what emotion do they feel the most often?
waylon: sadness
scruggs: mirth
lizzie: frustration
kelsey: fear
36. are they introverted or extroverted?
waylon: introverted
scruggs: very extroverted!
lizzie: pretty in the middle
kelsey: wants to be around people all the time but only Their People
40. what do they smell like?
waylon: rotten meat and flowery perfumes
scruggs: cedarwood and smokey
lizzie: sun baked clay and honey
kelsey: fizzy and sparkly and lavender
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creacherkeeper · 1 year
HEY‼️ it’s sleepover time bitch. what is my boyf scruggs’ dream life, like where he hopes to see himself in 10 years. does he think he’ll stay in lost, will he travel the democracy more? does he want to get married/settle down? have kids (how many, any preferences, etc)? does he want pets/what kind 👀
boyf time <33
i think scruggs would like to travel, but he wouldnt want home base to be too far away from his sisters. maybe somewhere a little colder (he hates the heat so bad ... maybe wolfsden?) but he would want to be able to travel back to lost pretty easily. he got to have a family again and he's not going to waste that opportunity
i think he didn't necessarily know if marriage and kids was something he was ever going to get, but ... he's toying with the idea now. i think he would love to have daughters. i think he would be a good dad to a son but i think he is way more confident raising girls (see: his 7 bio and adopted sisters). probably not,, As big a family as he came from. like 3 kids ideal. i think he likes the dynamics with him and lizzie and kelsey and thinks 3 is a good balance
also he hasn't ever had a pet before but he is such a dog guy. he would love to have a dog. bigger the better
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