#thankies vex
foxes81ofanime · 2 years
A Whirlwind of Emotions and Feathers
Fic Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43304098
After the events of the Picture Perfect arc, Mitsuba begins to develop new abilities pertaining to the old No.3. Will he be able to hide this from Kou, and for how long?
Kou stared at the ladies’ bathroom wall, thinking. ‘I wonder where Mitsuba is right now…’ he thought, remembering the past week or so as he watched Nene mop the floor. They had been trapped inside a picture world for the past few weeks with Mitsuba and Hanako, barely escaping with the help of Mitsuba and Mystery No. 4, Shijima Mei. Of course, life had returned to normal, Kou and Nene making it out of the world. Hanako and Mitsuba, of course, were still ghosts, not living, breathing beings like in the painting. Kou hadn’t seen the former since the events in the fictional world. “Boo.” he heard a voice next to him, his eyes widening as he jumped up. Hanako had been floating next to him, the smaller raven-haired boy grinning as he saw Kou’s expression, floating closer to him until his feet touched the ground. “What’re you thinking?” he teased, going back and forth on his heels as he waited for a response. “Nothing…just..about Mitsuba.” Kou said the last few words softly, sheepishly as he shrugged, a blush spreading across his face. He scratched the back of his head, avoiding the other’s gaze. Hanako sighed, tapping his lips with his fingers, saying nothing. “Maybe you should call him over then?” he said, motioning to the mirror behind him. “He might hear.”
The swishing of the broom behind them slowed to a stop, Nene walking over and grabbing Hanako. “Come on Hanako-kun! Let’s leave Kou-kun alone, shall we?” she said, her voice laced with well-concealed annoyance at him, grabbing his ear and pulling him out, complaints from the spirit being heard from down the hall as Kou faced the mirror. He took a deep breath before knocking on the mirror. “Hey! Mitsuba.” he said roughly, enunciating each syllable with every knock. A familiar pink-hair ghost materialized in the mirror, looking down at him and resting his head on his arm. “What do you need?” he said agitatedly as he shifted around, obviously uncomfortable. “Or did you just miss me?” he said in a snarky tone, folding his arms and puffing out his chest. “Hey!” Kou nearly yelled as he fell forward in surprise, putting his hands on the sink in shock. “I did not!” he said. “I was-” he was cut off by Mitsuba’s expression. Mitsuba sighed, face contorting into what looked like pain for a singular moment before turning around and leaving Kou’s view as Kou yelled after him. Kou looked into the mirror, sighing. He was about to turn around when a pink hand came out, motioning for him to follow as it hopped up and down frantically, pulling his attention back to the mirror. “Huh?” Kou said confusedly as he watched the hand hop up and down. “I can’t come over there, y’know.” he said, demonstrating by making a fist and gently punching the mirror, hitting against it softly and yelping in surprise as his hand grabbed his own, pulling him inside the mirror and flat onto his face in the long halls. Mitsuba’s boundary. He got up slowly, surveying the area and seeing Mitsuba, the other running away from the mirror. He prepared to run after him before feeling a tap on his foot, looking down to see the same pink hand hopping frantically along, following Mitsuba. It stopped every few steps before waving at him and hopping along faster, almost like it was motioning him to follow as Kou stood up and began to follow quickly, running after Mitsuba. The two passed pink walls with bows and ribbons on them, obviously decorated for Mitsuba’s taste. He lost the hand, looking left and right before hearing sobs coming from a nearby room, peeking in to find Mitsuba. The pink-haired ghost was clutching the foot of the bed, back arching as he hissed in pain, madly clawing at the bed and leaving deep scratch marks on it. Kou rushed over, kneeling next to the smaller pinkette. “Hey-heyhey, Mitsuba, look at m-” he was cut off by something smacking him in his face, large and black. He fell on his butt, looking up at the Mystery. The smaller was still hunched over the bed, his hood down as he buried his face in his bed. On his back extended two large black wings-wait, wings?! Kou looked again, and sure enough, there were two large, black-feathered wings protruding from Mitsuba’s back. The other’s head turned, finally spotting Kou, making him scramble into a sitting position, wings flaring out and…shrinking? as he pulled himself together, pink, red-rimmed, cloudy eyes meeting Kou’s steely electric blue ones as he pulled his hood back up, cloudy eyes clearing. He scrambled back. “What the hell!?” he yelled. “Why’d you follow me!? You pervert!!” he screamed. “Molester!! Weirdo!!” Kou stared back at him, obviously used to this kind of behavior but still annoyed. “Jeez, you don’t have to be so rude to me! Anyway, what are those?” he asked, pointing at the wings, earring swinging from his ear as he tilted his head questioningly. Mitsuba shifted back, hiding them from sight. “What?” he asked awkwardly, eyes darting around the room as he searched for something to distract Kou from the topic at hand. “Do-don’t tell me your brain is just as dumb as that earring you wear!” he said snarkily as he grasped the bedframe with his talon, accidentally scratching the black paint off and leaving a groove in it as he ran his finger along it. “Oi! My earring is not dumb! It’s perfectly normal!” Kou protested, throwing his hands up. “And I’m not BLIND! I can see those damn demonic feathered things on your back!” he practically screamed, accidentally shifting so he was in Mitsuba’s face. “I said already, what wings!?” Mitsuba replied, not in a mean tone but still rude as he adjusted his position again in another attempt to hide them from view. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” Kou groaned, looking down at the red-tiled floor. “Look. I just don’t want you getting hurt. And if this is something dangerous, you might not even know! You might get hurt with it! And if you do, I’m NOT GOING TO STAND BY AND WATCH YOU-” his vision clouded and he choked up, stopping Kou from going further. He put a hand to his face, feeling a wetness there, seeing clear droplets on the tile. He hadn’t realized he had started crying, which stunned him. “Oi. Earring boy.” Mitsuba muttered. “This d-doesn’t concern you. After all, how would you understand... You’re a HUMAN! THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU! YOU CAN LIVE, AND DO NORMAL THINGS, AN-” he practically screamed the last few words, burying his face in his hands. Tears dripped out between his fingers, landing on the tiled floor with a splash, snapping Kou out of his trance. The droplets sparkled on the tile, glinting from the lights hanging above as Kou tried to speak. “I-” he was cut out by Mitsuba’s wings flaring out again, smacking him with a powerful blow and throwing him backward, out of the room and above the gaping hole in the middle of Mitsuba’s boundary. He twisted just in time to see the blackness of the pit, falling downwards as he felt the air press against him. Meanwhile, Mitsuba had been crying, wiping his eyes when he felt weight smash against his right wing, head snapping up just in time to watch Kou fall over the railing. He ran over to the railing, vaulting himself off and beating his wings furiously, harder than he had ever tried before, and tucking them in, diving down to catch Kou. The two collided with each other, Mitsuba hearing a snap, feeling pain in his left-wing as they landed unceremoniously on one of the Hell Of Mirrors’ many levels in a tangled heap. Mitsuba sat up, wing limp as he surveyed it, combing his fingers through it delicately and wincing as he felt a bone, twisted out of place. Kou sat up, still dizzy from the sudden fall, and catch as he saw Mitsuba. “Hey, are you oka-” he began to say but was cut off by Mitsuba. “It’s all your fault!” the pink-haired Mystery yelled as he looked up with teary eyes, holding the wing delicately. “Hey! You were the one who pushe-wait, are you hurt?” Kou began to retort but noticed how Mitsuba held the wing, crawling over to him and looking at it. “It looks like it’s twisted…” Kou mumbled nervously as he massaged the wing gently, Mitsuba wincing at the pain, biting his lip. “I think I might have to set it by popping this bone back into place, is that okay?” Kou said, tracing the bone to show the younger Mystery what he was going to do. Mitsuba nodded, stiffening noticeably and letting go of his wing. “3…2…” Kou said, skipping one before attempting to pop the bone back into place. Key word: attempting. What ended up happening was a loud pop and crack, and a high-pitched scream as Mitsuba fell backward against the red, mirrored wall. His scarf involuntarily lashed out at Kou from the pain, all at once. The wings seemingly swelled and puffed up, getting larger as they tented around him. The terrified pink-haired boy shivered as he watched this unfold, tears forming in his eyes. His wing hung, slightly limp, and bent at an awkward angle, brushing against his pink hair. Meanwhile, Kou stood for a moment, electric blue eyes staring at the bony scarf as it lashed out at him. It was almost as if time had slowed down (and not because of Akane). Everything moved in a syrupy way. He sidestepped the first scarf fringe, using his spirit staff to bat away the second one before attempting to move closer to Mitsuba. He took a single step before feeling a tug at the back of his shirt, looking backward and seeing the scarf holding him back, lifting him up. He instinctively kicked as he was lifted up by his shirt, almost like a kitten. “Ay! Let me do-” he began before realizing he was talking to a scarf. He snapped his mouth shut, blushing red. “Mitsuba! Let me down!” he called to the pink-haired boy, who currently had his head in his hands, tears dripping between his fingers and onto the tiled floor. Mitsuba looked up. “N-no! St-stay away!” he said, waving his hand as the scarf slowly began to move Kou towards a random mirror. Kou watched as the mirror rippled, the scene changing into Hanako’s bathroom. He realized what was going to happen and kicked off the wall, the scarf already loosening to drop Kou into the mirror. Kou dropped out of the scarf’s grip, landing next to the mirror and crouching, sucking in a sharp breath before booking it to Mitsuba and sliding into a kneeling position next to him, breathing heavily. He patted the pinkette’s hair gently, feeling the rattling sobs wrack the smaller boy’s body. “I-i thought I told you to stay a-away, lame-o.” Mitsuba said, attempting to crack an insult towards Kou, which was ignored. “I’m sorry that I hurt you, Sousuke. But I can’t really help you unless you let me.” Kou replied softly, using Mitsuba’s given name instead of the formal last name. The crying boy lifted his head from his hands and looked at the other in shock, tears continuing to flow down his face. Kou had never called him by his first name before, it made Sousuke feel somehow safer, realizing he didn’t intend to hurt him. The scarf stilled, and then dropped, slithering back to him and wrapping around Kou, pulling him closer as his left wing wrapped around the blonde exorcist. Kou sat there for a moment before reaching his arms out around Sousuke, adjusting so he could hug the other, his arms above the delicate wings. “I’m sorry…” Mitsuba mumbled, almost inaudible. “It’s fine, Sou.” Kou said back instinctively as the smaller boy melted into the hug. Kou massaged small circles on his back, letting him know he was safe and with someone who cared about him until he suddenly froze, stiffening as his eyes went wide as he remembered what Tsukasa-san had said. “They’re gonna call you a freak.” echoed Tsukasa’s voice, almost next to his ear. Kou stopped rubbing Mitsuba’s back, feeling the tenseness of the other boy. “Hey…are you alright?” he asked the other, electric blue eyes nearly boring into Mitsuba’s sweater as he curled up a little, wings shrinking and nestling on his back delicately. “Minamoto-kun…am I a freak?” was the nearly inaudible question that came from the pink-haired boy’s lips as he looked down, bangs obscuring his eyes. Kou froze, processing this. Did Mitsuba just ask him if he thought he was a freak!? He lifted his right hand, bringing a finger to Mitsuba’s chin, lifting it up so he could get a good look at the other’s tear-streaked face. “No. You aren’t. Who told you this, anyway?” he asked, voice rising higher with every syllable. “Tsukasa.” came the soft reply. “Of course. Well, he’s wrong. You’re not a freak, Sousuke. I’d never call you that and if anyone ever did, they’re just an idiot. Alright?” he said firmly. Mitsuba nodded, eyes wide as he looked up at Kou, red-rimmed pink eyes focusing on steely electric blue ones. Mitsuba's earring glimmered in his right ear, almost like a star. He spoke again, voice carrying that tiny bit of hope, hope that would be needed soon. “Alright, Kou.”
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mochiwrites · 6 months
Secret husbands au!!! We've talked about avian/watcher instincts but what about vex and how does vex magic work? Does scar have wings? Also love ur au sm!
ehehehe thankie!! :D
scar has wings!! he just doesn't have them out all that often. he can fly with them, but he's been so used to not having wings and only an elytra that it feels weird to fly with his own wings
vex magic... I think most of it is phasing through things and (ironically) work well with magic crystals? if we look at minecraft lore and how vex are typically tied to evokers, I think vex have a nice mixed bag of little spells they're able to do. so scar has a blast enchanting crystals
I also think when scar goes full vex mode, the scars light up in the same way that an angry vex's do !! his hair also goes white hehe
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
hii guys just wanted to say that i go by Damon too now :]] idm people still calling me Vex but i'd like if you alternate between the two names thankies <3
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vex-is-smol · 1 year
Hihi!! I’m Vex! I like colouring, Disney, musicals, superheroes, anime, animated stuff in general, music(emo, metal, folk punk, and americana/country), and stuffies! My big age is 16 and my little ages are 2-5. My birthday is on July 4th. I use They/Them, It/Its, and Xe/Xer pronouns when I’m big, and They/Them, Pup/Pups, Purr/Purrs, and Kit/Kits pronouns when I’m little!
Also!!! I’m looking for a cg!!!
If you don’t wanna fill out the form, then please reblog (if you want to help me out)
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alphagaster · 4 years
Whiteboard doodling my gay bois UwU
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"Thankies Vex for buying the maid outfit"
Vex: https://vexrahlogon.tumblr.com/
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