#thanks elles for being hilarious and requesting this it was a joy to do
storytellering · 2 years
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ko-fi commission 🔫
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: I'd like to request Kili x reader, when Fili tries to be a matchmaker, but doesn't notice the courting braids Kili and reader already have? Thanks for answer! 😄
Pairing: Kíli x Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @elles-kingdom-of-fanfictions
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722
Warnings: none
A/N: after oneshot I will probably make a masterlist, so send an ask if you'd like to be tagged <3.
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Hold on, Y/n" Kíli's words preceeded his jog to reach the place where I was. "let me help you." He requested with a smile on his face, offering me support to hop on my pony.
"Thank you." I spoke with the same smile he had, my hand lingering on his for a moment. "Now go get your pony or we'll leave without you."
He let out a laugh, running back to his pony and hopping onto him just when we started moving. "You wouldn't be able to stay away from me, not even for a day."
His pony reached mine, but I didn't spare him a look before replying "I would, and it would be a much tranquil day." with the ghost of the smirk I was trying to hold back dancing on my lips.
"Say whatever you may to yourself," he said in a confident yet playful tone. "but I know the truth."
"What truth is that?"
"You cannot live without me." I scoffed at his words and spun my head to see him already staring at me. "As I said," he continued, averting his eyes from mine and redirecting them to the path. "say what you may, but you can't fool me."
The bickering those two shared had been going on for too long already, and since it seemed like they would not move a finger, I decided to take the matter into my own hands.
As soon as Oin called my brother's name and he had to move to the front, I spurred on my pony to ride by Y/n's side.
"Your brother is a little shit." She comment, her head tilted slightly to my side, though her eyes didn't left Kíli, not even for a second.
"He loves to tease you, huh?" I rhetorically questioned, attempting to make my intentions clear. "I've never seen him tease someone as much as he does with you."
"It must be because I'm the only one who knows how to tease him back."
"It must be." I shrugged, with my gaze fixed ahead of us. "Though there may be other reasons, don't you think?"
Y/n was about to say something when Thorin shouted, "We will make a stop here!" and made us lose the train of our conversation.
Now I would have to start again.
"Y/n looks really pretty tonight," I, reclined against a rock, commented seemingly distracted whilst playing with my knife. "doesn't she?" I felt Kíli's eyes on me and I knew I had done my job.
"Yeah, she does indeed." he looked back at me with a frown. "What are you doing?"
"I? Nothing." he raided his brows at me and I just gave him a noctant shrug. "You should be doing something, though."
"What do you mean?"
"You seem fond of her." Kíli's eyes widened slightly and I let out a chuckle. "It is alright brother, just make your intentions clear."
"What intentions?"
I looked up at him with a shocked glare. Was he being serious right now? "Must I spoon-feed you all the time?" he turned his torso to me with that confused face. "Mahal, Kí—" I took a peek at Y/n to make sure she wasn't paying us attention. "The lass fancies you."
"Fí, listen, I feel like you might be getting things wrong."
"No, you are."
"Fíli, Kíli," We both directed our attention to Balin. "go scout now before it's late night. Otherwise you will not have time to rest." my brother instantly got up, but I myself had other plans.
"Y/n why don't you go with Kíli?" I looked up from my stew, quite startled since Fíli's words were not only loud but also unexpected. "She's equally stealthy as I am, even more." his eyebrows rose knowingly at me as he lay down. "Also, I am tired."
"Am I not?" Kíli retorted.
"You are younger. Now go" I picked up my sword and made a sign with my head for Kíli to join me. "You will have time speak about some matters." his older brother spoke intently.
"What's the matter with him?" I questioned, letting my fingers intertwin with the dark-haired prince's ones.
"I'm not completely sure," he started, guiding me up a hill without letting go of my hand. "but I suspect our braids might have gone unnoticed for him."
"How is that even possible- hold on." I tugged his hand in order to make him stop, which he did. "let me..." I took my hand to his tangled long hair and ran my fingers through it in order to find the braid.
"It still feels strange." he confessed, a timid smile on his face as my hand caressed his hair.
"I know." I agreed, leaning on him to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. "No wonder why your brother didn't notice," I spoke, finally finding the bead at the end of the braid. "sit down, I have to braid it again."
"Yes ma'am." he obeyed, our task to scout long forgotten. "how is yours not messed up?" he inquired in confusion, staring at the thin braid on the side of my hair.
"That would be because I am not a mess."
"Fair enough."
"So" Kíli leaned on my touch while I fixed his braid. "will you tell him?" I asked, knowing damn well the answer.
"No." a mischievous laugh followed his negative and I denied my my head. "He thinks he is being a matchmaker, let him notice all by himself." I put the bead back at the end of the braid and sat besides him. "how long do you think it will take him?" he wondered, his head resting against my shoulder.
"I hope not too long, or I will have to tell him myself."
If Fíli hadn't acknowledged our courting braids yet, I knew he would need a little help so I tried to make as obvious as possible that Kíli was my One without the younger prince noticing so.
To my dismay, they both were equally oblivious to my acts. A total of three days passed, and Fíli was still attempting to help us get together.
I have to say that, despite his blindness, if Kíli and I had not been together, the blond dwarf would be doing a great job as a matchmaker.
"Kí, may I have a word with you?" Fíli requested after seeing us both reclined against a tree in the place we where we would be spending the night, my head resting over the dark-haired dwarf's shoulder and my hands tracing patterns on his.
"Sure, what is it?" Kíli questioned, poorly masking his amusement with naivety.
"In private."
I sighed.
It was getting tiring, so before they could go further in their bickering, I got up, briefly held back by Kíli's hand, though he soon let go.
"Come with me." I tugged on Fíli's hand and leaded him away from his brother. "I know your intentions are good, but you're missing-"
"My intentions are great." he stated, almost offended. "I am not missing anything, I've been seeing you both being ridiculously oblivious for a month, and I cannot believe you didn't notice each other's intentions yet."
He was definitely throwing a fit and it was kind of hilarious how obfuscated he was, so I stayed shut, trying to hold back my laugh.
"It's not only the teasing, you are all over each other and my brother is an idiot— that is not what friends do!" I looked over my shoulder to share a glance with Kíli, who was already laughing. "You fancy each other, it's frustrating seeing you act like you— just braid his hair for Mahal's sake!"
"Are you done?" Kíli asked, walking to us when he noticed I was no longer able to hold back the laughter.
"I don't know, are you done being stupid?"
"Fíli, look," Kíli took his hand to the side of my hair and separated the braid from it, lifting it for his brother to see.
"What— how- when?"
"A few days before you started your matchmaking thing." I replied leaning back on Kíli.
"But—" his eyes went to his brother, throwing daggers at him. "You are a jerk."
"I didn't do anything!" he defended himself with a smile.
"You didn't tell me anything!"
"I was going to," Kíli lied, intertwining his fingers with mine. "But it was funny to see you trying to get us together, so I thought I'd wait."
"I will kill you."
"After all the effort you've put on this?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows. "It would be a waste."
"I will kill you both." he replied to me with a warning finger.
"Oh you will not." I stated with a smile on my face. "You're too happy to do that, aren't you?" he paced briefly in front of us. "Would it make it better if I told you you're a great matchmaker." he stopped, opening his mouth but not saying a word.
"Yeah, you did all the work." Kíli agreed. "You're a great matchmaker."
"Damn sure I am." he replied with his hands on his hips. "I would have gotten your dumb asses together a month ago."
There was a moment of silence, in which Fíli's eyes went from Kíli to me and vice versa.
"You're glad we are together, aren't you?" Kíli teased. "C'mon you cannot be mad."
"You're a little shit." the blond prince stated, which was shortly followed by, "and I am so happy for you." I squealed in joy, making Fíli chuckle. "come here" I took a couple of steps to hug him, and after me came his younger brother. "I'm still mad." he informed us, still hugging.
"You're a terrible liar." I stated.
"Oh, shut it."
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