#thanks for indulging my compulsive need to explain my playlists in too much detail
megslovesbooks · 2 years
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Dreamin’ of the West Coast: A companion playlist.
Liner notes below!
Oh gosh. The music in my head for this fic. Its a lot! I knew going in that it would have to be a big deal, music is always importing in my writing and since the world of this story is rooted in music I knew that I'd probably end up feeling pretty strongly about it. Some of the songs in this instalment are later additions than others, but some are cornerstone songs that really shaped where this story went. Here are my thoughts about them if you care to read.
Peaches Etude -- FINNEAS
We don't really get into it in this fic, but I definitely think that Eddie uses piano to self sooth, and I think he's been doing the same for Chris. I think this is a song he plays for his son, and when he's missing him as well. Soft and warm and home. Also, Finneas' whole vibe really resonates with my Eddie, so there will probably be more of his music in chapters to come.
Interstellar: First Step -- Performed by Kyle Landry
I went back and forth about what to use here, I knew it needed to be something sweeping and emotion as well as something incredibly technical to play. This is our chance to really understand just how good Eddie actually is, he doesn't get this gig just by being adorable you know. I debated for a while if a film soundtrack was too meta? But then I realized its my fic and i'm stealing all kinds of music to give these characters and I can do what I want so. I love this piece, it just does something to my insides every time I hear it. In my head, the part the band hears begins around the 5 minute mark, the way those last few minutes of music build is breathtaking and I love the image of that music just filling the empty space and the team just standing and listening in awe. As a side note, this is a different version than the one linked in the fic, I couldn't find this exact version on youtube.
West Coast -- OneRepublic
This is one of those cornerstone songs. The moment I heard it I knew it was for Buck. It speaks to his entire journey so beautifully and also its just so smooth and sexy. It speaks of brighter days and that spark of unquenchable hope in Buck that makes him so extraordinary. His path always leads to LA, to home. In this and every universe. I think this was one of his songs that made the band big...but it wasn't their breakout song...more to come on that.
The Maze -- Michael Schulte
This song is all vibes baby. Its about family and overcoming and speaks to who Station 118 are to each other, but it also just evokes the overall sound I imagine for the band.
Wild Turkey -- Amythyst Kiah
Ok. First. If you haven't listened to this woman PLEASE do, go check out everything she's ever done, you won't be sorry. She's a queer Appalachian musician and her music has changed my life. She's a local (to me) artist and is just exploding lately, I'm so glad, because the whole world needs to be listening to her. When I imagine Hen's singing voice, this is all I hear, that rich tone, glorious. This song is hard. Its about losing someone you loved in a way you can't begin to understand. I think it speaks to Hen and the terrible things she's had to overcome. I also like that the harmony is with another feminine voice, that's got to be Karen right? I also get really emotional when the drums come in thinking about Chim being such an important support in Hen's story.
The Boys of Summer -- The Ataris
Move Vibes, Less Plot! I have this silly idea that Station 118 always plays 2 encores, the first is one of their songs, whatever they feel like playing. The second is always something silly or weird, a cover of something they think is fun. I hope to play with this more in future too.
Your Ghost -- Dave Hause, Amythyst Kiah
Right off the top please know that this song deals with the murder of George Floyd in particular and police brutality in general. First and foremost, if you feel up to it, you should just listen to this song for you because it is powerful and important. But I'm putting on this list because when I think of the blend of Buck and Hen's voices, this is what I'm thinking about. I also think that Station 118 is pretty adamant about making their music stand for what they believe in like this.
The Boys of Summer -- The Hooters
I almost used this in the main fic because this kind of sound treatment is exactly what I mean when I think they do fun covers. Alas, its more mellow than I want it to be, you gotta rock people's faces off in a final encore...so just imagine this kind of treatment but the energy of the original. lol.
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