#thanks for this btw it was fun to rant about fsjkfnls
transpat · 3 years
Hi 👋
I found your post about Sangwoo in the manhua original of Semantic Error. And I thought it was really cool what you did there, pointing out the 🚩. I was curious about how Sangwoo is “obv autistic coded.” Because I do agree with you (there were definitely some things in his behaviour that looked very familiar to me). But I was wondering what signs you were thinking of. Specifically in the tv adaptation that is on right now (I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do ☺️). Could you elaborate a little more on Sangwoo’s “code”? 😉 (hehe, oops, I made him sound like a computer again 😅)
Thanks in advance,
— Thel. 💚
P.S. Like for example the books he’s been reading: the first on revenge and the second on convincing others I believe. In the tag, I noticed most people overlooked this detail or responded with something along the lines of “ooh Sangwoo, you don’t need that because you’re good the way you are.” Which is valid. But to me, the books represented a genuine interest or attempt to find a solution for something Sangwoo hadn’t been confronted by until then. Neither the concepts “getting back at someone”/ “wanting others to want what you want” nor the underlying emotions (idk betrayal/ sympathy or cooperation). And the books are a pretty clumsy yet endearing attempt at understanding just that. (You see something unfamiliar -> you look it up in a book. 📖) And like those, the last six episodes have introduced countless new “feelings” to Sangwoo. (Poor man really needs a break after that project. 🥲) Such as his blossoming romantic feelings for Jayung. I’ve seen some theories placing Sangwoo in the aspec spectrum. Which make much sense as well. But I don’t think we should underestimate how fundamental Sangwoo’s unfamiliarity with emotions or the desire to do those dreaded group projects is.
Oops, I hope I still left some space for you to come with your own insights. 😅 Anyways, I’m eagerly awaiting them.
P.P.S. One other thing I noticed was the appointment he suddenly has (I think this was in episode 4 or 5; my autistic headcanon is that Sangwoo didn’t lie about this) but doesn’t want to tell Jaeyung about (he says it’s an appointment but he doesn’t want to say who he’s meeting; and Jaeyung respects his wishes for a change 😀). I thought maybe this was some kind of counselling or a therapy group maybe? (Very familiar to me: not wanting to share with everyone that you receive some kind of “extra support.”) Because the sudden flows of new insights and the way he adapts his behaviour (note: “adapts,” not “changes” or “improves” -> Sangwoo simply adapts to a different situation) leaves me under the impression that he’s been reflecting on daily life, his school work and conflicts with another person. (Someone other than Ji Hye that is. 😉) I find it hard to believe he came up with all of that by himself, in relative seclusion. (I don’t think we’ve seen him talk to anyone except Ji Hye or Jayoung; not even a teacher or a parent right?)
hi hi! you've made excellent points urself honestly but i'm gonna rant a bit and explain how literally every decision he takes makes perfect sense to me if u think of him as autistic. like. even the fact that by neurotypical standards he's considered 'robotic' is v autistic.
one: the drama didn't show a lot of this bc of time constraint but in the manhua its elaborated on how much jaeyoung's interference in his routine upset him to the point of him nearly having a meltdown/being unable to concentrate in class or just function productively. and that i got so well, like i would have cried if i'd gone thru the same. when it first happened, he couldn't concentrate on entire lectures bc he didn't get to sit where he usually sat. we're shown jaeyoung's pov too where he didn't realize smth like this would bother sangwoo to such an extent bc its not smth that would affect a neurotypical as much and then jaeyoung stops. (sangwoo being unhappy about returning to his regular routine was bc he fell in love and accommodated jaeyoung into his space so his sudden absence was again a distruption.)
two: simply how he lives his life by textbook principles. how he follows rules he's told w/o understanding that they don't have to be absolute/that they can be bended based on situations. in the drama he refers to that book too, bc he doesn't understand what he should be doing in such a situation, he doesn't get the social code. jaeyoung frustrates him bc he can't read ppl and this dude's never honest, swings from saying one thing to another (asking him to call him hyung then lashing out when sangwoo actually does). also ur right ur right the fact that he's turning to book shows how much effort he's putting into this.
like how he refuses to call jaeyoung hyung at first bc he believes that its smth u only use for family. and then well. w the whole sex thing too. in the manhua. (that same thing is used to justify his homophobia. but that's just not it. he's just a homophobic dick.)
three: sangwoo shutting down and pushing everyone away from him when he's overwhelmed by emotions is just a sensory overload. once he calms down, he starts processing each emotion and event bit by bit and then plans what he needs to do next. planning too! that he plans everything he does ten steps ahead is likely out of anxiety of things going wrong/the need for a regime to follow.
i don't remember that specific instance but ur right sangwoo isn't the type to lie either (another autistic trait) so maybe he is receiving therapy. its not mentioned in the manhua either but its a good headcanon yk what i'm gonna hc this too!!
on to four: he's touch-evasive. he's always been prickly about touching and being touched from the beginning. about ppl evading his personal space. but then he has a moment that time w jaeyoung, and concludes it must be this, so he asks jaeyoung to warn him before hand (implying he doesn't not want to be touched by jaeyoung, he simply thinks he needs to be prepared before hand so he doesn't have another episode). bc he assumes others would feel the same, he gives the same respect to jaeyoung and warns him before he pats his head.
five: the baseball cap he wears. idek why but neurotypicals fancy eye contact so fucking much and its really really difficult for autistic kids. each of ur just adapt around it thou? either making uncomfortable eye contact for a few seconds to let the other person know ur paying and then breaking it, or focusing on another spot on their face, or even forcing ur self to hold eye contact so u seem normal and attentive...yeah we do it all. sangwoo must have used the baseball cap as a protective measure bc if his eyes aren't clearly visible to anyone, a tilt of his head is all he'd need for them to believe he's looking at them.
after things go south w jaeyoung, he stops wearing it, then wears it again, and that goes to show how absent-minded he's become (even that scene where he wears his shirt inside out). he's so out of it, he doesn't remember to carry his shield around w him at all times, and isn't bothered by that. then when jaeyoung and him are talking again, he doesn't wear it around jaeyoung to appease him, bc he remembers that jaeyoung wanted him to take it off.
also. just his general relation w jaeyoung. like after first he hates him bc jaeyoung's hurting him by disrupting his routine, by forcing him into a sudden change. that's why he hates him so vehemently. he thinks jaeyoung knows how much this affects him (bc he won't see this from jaeyoung's pov, esp if he's not told), and bc he believes this is genuine malice, he returns the same. jaeyoung's the one who realizes this is affecting him a lot more than it would affect others, and no questions asked he stops (like a decent person thank god). he hadn't meant to actually hurt sangwoo, he was only fooling around. but he grows attached to this dude and wants to grow closer to him, so he plays the role of a good, responsible hyung. but sangwoo's textbook states that jaeyoung is a mean, unpredictable person. so he writes it off as another phase.
except whatever problems he has, jaeyoung accommodates them. whatever he asks of him, jaeyoung follows it. whatever line he draws, jaeyoung respects it. jaeyoung doesn't try to understand or explain each of sangwoo's actions and choices. he just accepts him as he is, like he would any other person. he's respectful and easy to be around (at least in the drama). that's why sangwoo falls in love w him. jaeyoung is earnest and open, and although he's confusing and hard to read, he does explain himself when asked, and he tries his best to adjust to sangwoo. like how sangwoo's always had to adjust for society. they both put in effort to stay together, to meet each other halfway, that's why they work out.
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