#thanks sabitsuki
heathertsuki · 10 days
[YUME NIKKI ANIMATIC] Dream Girlfriend and here it is, my magnum opus. starring: Sabitsuki, the useless lesbian Madotsuki, the even more useless lesbian and Urotsuki, the cool one
and featuring my voice! pls be nice i beg you i tried my hardest you may also watch this on my youtube channel if you want: https://youtu.be/AncgEZ70gI0
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gingeredmink · 2 days
sabitsuki would take paroxetine thanks for coming to my ted talk
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huh, that's different. usually see Lexapro, Zoloft, or citalopram for SSRIs.
feel like she'd be on a whole cocktail of meds but sure, don't see why that can't be one of em.
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mimzy6bunny · 8 months
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god put us in different media bc they knew we would be unstoppable as canonical best friends
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trophygony · 2 years
Sabitsuki 2!
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"With all my bitterness gone
Happy, i'll be."
Ended up with Mess by Noah Kahan!
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snowfoxicedemon · 1 year
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@dotflowweek Day 7: Mood Swings
congrats for finishing dotflowweek finding all the empty boxes! now Perish
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therealbaldotsuki · 2 years
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Rest in piss @askdotflowtp I just did my damn tattoooooooooo
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windmills123 · 11 days
do you think you can do genderfluid madotsuki? or maybe a bi sabitsuki? either is fine! :3 thank you!
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yea :-D no problem, its madotsukiii
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hopskip-andajump · 3 months
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𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕚𝕥 ℍ𝕠𝕝𝕖 𝔸𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟
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Reblogs greatly appreciated !!!!
Im super proud of how this one turned out :3 originally was gonna be a promo art for an animation that I might end up doing idk
Feel free to use this as a phone wallpaper or pfp WITH CREDIT !!!!!
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Alt versions under cut
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Thanks for scrolling through all these , have a Sabitsuki :333
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pinkalliums · 3 months
wow rarely spotted pinkalliums intro post (a delicacy in most places):
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greetings to the people of tumblr. i am hal pinkalliums. halliums if you will.
important: i dont want any nsfw blogs following me/interacting with my posts. it makes me uncomfortable. thank you!
more under the cut
Comfort Characters!!: chara and asriel dreemurr, noelle holiday, kris dreemurr, lil hal, dave strider, lucas & claus, shard the metal sonic, nicole the holo lynx, n harmonia, emmet, volo, sabitsuki, and michael afton.
Media that I also enjoy: sonic, omori, homestuck, pokemon black and white (2), legends arceus, minecraft, fnaf, pmd eos, mother 3, dont starve, and .flow.
maybe, one day youll find some art that ive created. this is an occasion you will find once every full moon (im a current chemical engineering major in college and for the life of me i cannot focus on drawing all the time). but if you do wanna see it my art tag is: #.png
other various tags are:
text posts: #.txt
gifs: #.gif
videos: #.mp4 (doubles as the tag i open up every once in awhile so i can feel the emotion of laughter)
then fandom tags will just be the standard names, and characters are always tagged with their first names.
anyway i hope you all have a karkalicious 2009
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memorisleep · 8 months
Hi! I really love your art, you have such a lovely & unique art style! I wanted to ask if you would mind if I reblogged a captivating drawing you made of sabitsuki wearing her black dress to my .flow fanblog? I noticed the original post was deleted, so I understand if that means you don't want the post circulating anymore. But if you would be okay with it, I think it's such an amazing piece and I would love to share it on my blog!
hi and thank you...... Umm i Deleted the drawing because i Kind of started to not feel proud of it anymore and it annoyed me looking at it but if you want to reblog it then it's ok i Can't stop anyone from doing so really but thank you for taking this into consideration.....sorry this is sort of a mixed answer
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rustedalleys · 9 months
(EDIT: FOUND!!!) Looking for a lost(?) fanwork
EDIT: Thank-you so so much to @pb-s-obsessions for the suggestion & @cemetary for the direct link! I'm thrilled!! I'm so glad I asked for help on this, y'all are the best! 🧡
Original Post:
Does anyone remember a tumblr post someone made in the 2010s of a series of drawings about Sabitsuki's life set to the lyrics of Two by The Antlers (iirc it was the acoustic version, not the album version)?
(I think this tumblr post format was commonly called a "lyricstuck" in the Homestuck fandom, or sometimes a "song/lyric comic".) Iirc it had an audio play box on the top of the post so you could listen to the song as you scrolled through the drawings.
If anyone remembers what I'm talking about and can link the post to me, please help me out! I haven't seen it in years, I don't remember who made it, but I do remember it was very moving and I totally wanna see it again & reblog it! (And I'm also grateful it introduced me to The Antlers! Very moody and fitting for .flow.)
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gingeredmink · 1 year
i love love LOOOOOVE the way you draw sabitsuki & tatsuki omg (also your use of rusty orange/brown for lines and mmmmmm screentones YESSSSSSS) thankye for all the wonderful art you've given us ynfg enjorers <33 (also srry to hear your job is extra difficult lately, that totally sucks, I hope it gets easier soon!)
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AKJNFKJWENFBF THANK YOU SOMUCH!!! AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE TAKE ON FAV TWO MESSES /。ó//w//ò。/ [ty! and goood don't get why more people don't use screentones, drawing with them feels like the artist equivalent of popping bubble wrap]
absolutely! these silly lil [questionable well] bed addicts mean a lot and am more than glad to contribute to anything of them ^^
heh appreciate it. to be honest its mostly lighthearted and mocking how ridiculous and amusing sounding some of the issues are [warehouse stuck under constant impression that we need more shrimp, the rogue taters, mountain climbing was not listed under job responsibilities]. it's actually probs at a much higher point than its been in years. tho again thank you for the thought ~
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systemrestart · 2 years
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Hey all!! The Yume Nikki (PKMN Gen 3 Style) Trio stickers are here!!!!
Madotsuki, Urotsuki, and Sabitsuki from Yume Nikki, Yume 2kki, and .flow, Pokemon Gen 3 style sprites! 1″x1″ Satin finish stickers, scratch proof. Thank you to Rockin Monkey for manufacturing them!
You can buy them at my Etsy shop!!  ❤️🔪 
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trophygony · 2 years
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drowned-debris · 1 year
@dotflowweek Day 6: Slime Effect, Sewers, Guilt
She can’t help feeling ashamed of herself.
Of course, it’s far too late to undo her actions now. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, but she wonders if she couldn’t have done anything differently. The opportunity to save more than just herself was right there— she was just too cowardly to take it.
This part of the Flow looks… eerily similar to what it’s replicating from the real world. The weak fluorescent lights, the water, the dirt clinging onto the ends of those stone pathways… it’s just like how she remembers it. Not just the sewers, either; everything about the path she took that day is vivid in her memory, and immortalised here in the Flow.
Sabitsuki didn’t expect to be leaving until she actually did it. Of course, she’d already come up with a rough plan of what to do in the days after she escaped— there was no doubt they’d be looking for her, so she needed to hide. And luckily, she knew the perfect spot.
But the day of her departure arrived without her even knowing it. It started off like any other: misery, rust, and a falling sensation. Everything was normal, at least as much as anything can be “normal” for a group of terminally ill kids. All of a sudden, though, Sabitsuki saw her chance. And before she even knew what she was doing, she took it.
She’s made a lot of bad decisions in her life, she’ll freely admit that. But… leaving alone? Abandoning the others to their hell? That was the worst thing she’s ever done.
After slipping out of the hospital mostly undetected, she put on the black hoodie Smile gave her —oh god, she was never gonna see Smile again, was she— and pulled the hood up to conceal her face. Then she made haste into the nearby bar, the Sugar Hole; having already looked around the place, she was confident she’d be able to hide there.
And hide she did. As expected, it didn’t take long for them to come after her. While she was doing her best to make herself inconspicuous in the back room of the Sugar Hole, she began to hear the sound of rapid footsteps heading down the alley outside. Time for part 4 of the plan.
Quickly, she headed through the door further into the building. There were a couple of tables in this room, with a sad, lonely looking plant in the corner. What a dump.
But the important part was the painting. She never really got a good look at it, so she still isn’t sure what it depicted, but it was probably of some flowers or something boring like that.
As the people looking for her began to rush into the back room, she lifted up the painting to reveal a sizeable hole behind it. Perfect— she could still fit.
She’s not sure exactly how long she spent in that gap in the wall. There weren’t any clocks in the Sugar Hole, and she wasn’t going to see the sky for a long time. All she remembers is fear; fear that she’d make a noise, that someone saw her, that maybe they’d find out about the hole behind the painting. But it didn’t happen. She wasn’t found. She could hear voices, footsteps, people practically tearing up the whole place looking for her. But she wasn’t found.
When the growling of her stomach became too insistent to ignore, she awkwardly clambered out and took a few moments to steady herself. She’d done it. She was safe— well, as safe as one ever is around here, at least. Sabitsuki couldn’t let her guard down yet, though. They’d still be searching for a few more days, so she needed somewhere to stay until they gave up. That was part 6 of the plan.
Making sure to give her arms and legs a good stretch after being cooped up in the wall for so long, she made her way into the bar. Though there were a couple of people in there, neither seemed to care much about her arrival outside of shooting some glances her way.
Taking the opportunity to rest her feet for a little while, Sabitsuki hopped up on one of the stools and pulled out her makeshift purse. She silently thanked Smile for teaching her how to pickpocket all those years ago; all the money they stole together was finally coming in handy.
She slid a few hundred yen across to the bartender, who nodded wordlessly and went to get her a glass and plate. It’s funny— when she was a kid, living solely on tea and chocolate cake would sound like a dream come true. Now, it was a diet born of necessity.
Once she’d had her fill, Sabitsuki swiftly left the Sugar Hole. She didn’t like being seen. Whenever she felt eyes on her, she always felt like she was being judged.
Finally, she’d arrived: the sewers. Her new home for the foreseeable future. They already checked through this whole area, so she was certain they wouldn't come look for her here again.
After wading through the dirty water, she stepped up onto the stone pathway and sighed. Hiding out down here for weeks, huh… it could be worse. Could be a lot better, too. Wasting away her body and her time just sitting here with nothing to do, using her hoodie as a pillow when she needed to sleep, heading into the Sugar Hole for food and drink… it was barely even living. But she had to do it.
That’s what she told herself that day, at least. That she had to. But seeing it all laid out here, in the Flow… she doesn’t think that’s true anymore. If she just hadn’t been so scared, if she hadn’t been so selfish, she could have escaped with everyone else. She had barely any friends back then, yet she still chose to abandon them all just so she could leave.
And what has she done to honour that sacrifice? Nothing. She stumbled her way across an apartment she could stay in, and that was it. Now she’s just miserable somewhere else instead of in that damn hospital.
Sabitsuki lifts her foot up and kicks hard against the stone walkway beneath her. The pain surges up her leg. Good. She deserves pain. She deserves suffering.
She could’ve done something. She could’ve saved Oreko, for god’s sake! Her friend, Oreko! But instead she just sat in that sewer, fantasising about drowning herself in the awful polluted water, living as a goddamn shadow of herself! Despicable. Fucking despicable.
Is it too late now?
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ephemeral-eternity · 1 year
Tag Game
tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Always appreciate being tagged thank you @turquoisetacos ^_^
three ships: uhhhhh im not a die hard ship person - typically tends to be people who are couples but shinra and celty were the first two I can recall, shikamaru and temari is another one I liked growing up, and uhh .. oh! Loid and Yor which for all intents and purposes are pretty much together but I would love to see it turn into something solely genuine.
first ever ship: as mentioned - Shinra and Celty
last song: Uhm i dont remember the last song specifically but the last thing I listened to was the Nier: Automata soundtrack
last movie: Watched Evangelion Thrice Upon a Time in theaters with my friend - that was the last movie I watched
currently reading: Technically the Hero Academia Manga as it updates but as for actually reading the last thing was Yorha Boys from the Nier Series
currently watching: I am watching Critical Role Campaign 3: Bell’s Hells, and I am re-watching Critical Role Campaign 2: The Mighty Nein. As for anime I am just watching SpyxFamily but anxiously awaiting January for a bunch of cool shit that is on its way
currently playing: Started playing Hades again after the recent announcement. Working on getting more decor for the house and maxing out relationships
currently consuming: Last thing I ate was seaweed snacks
currently craving: Ice cream.... water.... I should probably drink something
tagging: @kfw-dan @deadlysweetness @buccellatisheart @sabitsukis @sassiejaeger @haliaartisan @how-i-lost-my-mind @catboydaredevil @foulieu @brainplaguerewind
This is obviously optional so no pressure to anyone tagged and anyone else who sees this can also do it for fun! (think i tagged ten people but oh well)
(Was looking through some mutuals and it is wild that I have followed some of you for 6-10 years)
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