#thanks so much for ur commission and ur patience always such a joy to work w you!
coolspacequips · 2 years
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A commission comic done for @bbb35, with much love! 
This is a scene from their Apollo Ryan/Daphne Lance AU, wherein kinkance live out the Apollo and Daphne myth with a happy ending, instead! 
No giants kidnapping the sun god’s beloved, not today B)
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doc-boredom · 7 years
I guess Valentine’s Day is as good as any to write up a sappy post.
Lots of love under the read more. 
I wanna thank Jules ( @witch-of-bliss ) for being my best friend. You are absolutely wonderful, you are ridiculously pretty, you are talented and I cannot believe that fate and chance came together in order to make us meet. Could you imagine going back to fourteen year old Natalie and Jules and saying HEY ya lil binches, you’re gonna be moving in together ten years from now, in CHICAGO!!! They’d probably be like oh wow oh shit neither of you have bangs anymore what the hell???? why are you wearing a cone on your head what’s happening? and we’d be like “go play FFX you little nerds khimari likes chocobo brains ok gotta blast haha.”
Thank you for going to Colorado with me, for being that person in my life who is open and is the yin to my yang. We have always brought out the crazy in each other, but that’s what makes us so good.
I wanna thank Beefy ( @cremedoodle ) for being talented and wonderful and someone who I also came across by absolute chance. If it hadn’t been for my ex showing me a Wild Woody video, I would have never liked Oneyplays, and my life would have been absolutely different without it. I’m not here to talk about them, I’m here to talk about you! You have inspired me and I can only hope I’ve done the same for you. Without your art and your excitement, I would have never gotten this far. Plus, ur just a crazy kid and I love you for it. One of these days we’ll meet up and we’ll smoke and it’ll be chill AF
i wanna thank Sarah ( @agentduckorico ) for reaching out to me when I was just joining the TWRP fandom. You are awful and i mean it in the most loving way possible. You are my enabler, you are the source of me going “SARAH.” and “Sarah......” every time I check Discord because you’re so unapologetically you. Plotting sessions with you are always the best and you are a general joy to talk to. I still want your Bunbos. I will also visit you and I will hug the HECK out of him!!!!! 
I wanna thank Jackie ( @checkitandbalance ) YOU ARE SO SILLY and I love it! Your art is amazing and I’ve watched you grow as an artist over what has only been a few months and I am so glad you made that stupid meme about Ring Rang. YOU ALSO LIVE IN FLORIDA, SO I’M GONNA TRY TO VISIT YOU TOO and trust me, we’re gonna have a grand ol time.
I wanna thank Tobi ( @julianloveblog ) YOU!!! I still can’t believe how we met! It’s too funny. We’ve already met IRL once and you were a lil punk and it was so much fun. Tobi, you are absolutely wonderful and you always surprise me with your maturity and your open mindedness while also just being a lil fandom troll. That’s the best of both worlds. Can’t wait to see you again in April. Soon you’ll be 18 and we can go to ALL of the concerts, most importantly TWRP!!!!!!!! 
I wanna thank Uru ( @uruhead ) never forget how i found you at 2 AM on GOOGLE after working an audit shift (prompting us to find out we were hotel buddies when I told you.) I LOVE YOU. I really, really do. You are amazingly talented and fun to be around and I’m so glad you had the patience to wait when we were running late so we could finally meet. Your cuddles are also just PERFECTION and I can’t wait to see you in April as well.
I wanna thank Katie ( @woahtwrp ) KATIE. YOU are the coolest kid on the block. You are a hoot to talk to. You’ve got sass for days but you’re just also the easiest/nicest person I find myself talking to. I wanna read more books with you, and scream about Havve, and just keep being ur mom cos ur the best kid anyone could ask for ;-D
I wanna thank Chloe ( @chlogay ) I don’t remember what prompted us to start talking but you are over the top insane and I love it. Your another kid that I wanna just adopt and take home. You never fail to make me laugh and while I worry about you, I know you’re doing great and I love you, you got it?
I wanna thank @wvant8786 for being one of the chillest, coolest, nicest people I’ve talked to about TWRP. You are an absolute treat and I’m glad we talk so often. Maybe one of these days we can meet up for a TWRP show.
I wanna thank @aishisa for doing the podfic for SLM. Seriously, I mean it still, I want to pay you you punk.
I wanna thank @garbage-boi-stink-man for being one of the first people who wasn’t Beefy to make fanart of SLM (that I knew of???) Ross, you are lovely and talented and Pea Bee is gonna get a chance to shine one of these days, I promise you. 
I wanna thank @davie-freedom-jones for making the Amino for SLM. I promise you I’m gonna talk to you about Discord soon. I ALSO JUST LOVE YOUR ART. 
I wanna thank @chaoticmindelectric. Dylan, you are just- like i cannot believe you are 17 and so GOOD at art. It’s insane. Plus you’re just a joy to talk to and I wanna put an effort to talk to you more. Sometimes I just need a lil push or reminder. Thank you again for your commission work, your positivity, and just general BEING.
I dont know if I’m missing anyone, but y’all know I love you all. Seriously. Talk to me more, come to me about stuff, I wanna be there for you all cos you’ve all made me feel so loved and confident and you gave me the strength to make some tough decisions. Thank you for that. Thank you all.
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