#thanks so much vhal!
rhulks-legs · 2 years
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Vhal-Cae had gathered everyone in the ballroom again. It seemed the time had come for the solution. Everyone had played well, gotten along. No more deaths during the party, and while they might all hate each other for being cooped together so long, the end was in sight. Vhal-Cae had two envelopes in hand, one white, one pink. He cleared his throat quietly, and yet…no darkness encroached this time. They were in the ballroom. Perhaps this was being observed from all angles?
“It seems that we have reached the end of tonight’s special.” He held up the white envelope. “The solution shall be revealed! But, first, let us congratulate our contestants!”
Canned cheering ensued. “This is the first group to not kill each other over this game!” Canned laughter.
“Now. Let’s check what our contestant’s final solution is!” He opened up the white envelope and took out a piece of paper. “Ooh! Looks like a lover’s dispute, hm? They think it was Sao, in the library, with a sword!” A canned ‘oooh’ follows. “Let’s see if that’s true~”
He opened the pink envelope, pulling out a gold paper. He tossed the other envelope away, then studied the gold paper. His eyes narrowed. “No, this-” He hesitated a moment, then looked around. Behind him, out of focus, something was moving down from the ceiling.
“This…can’t be right,” He chuckled. He shook the paper a bit, as if that’d change the words on it. “No, no, this is-” His words were cut off as he glitched for a nanosecond like before. He then returned to normal, the picture of prim and proper. He held up the paper, a weary look on his face.
“It was…Rhulk. In the ballroom. With…with a heart attack.”
He maintained his demeanour for three more seconds, then tossed the paper down in disgust. “This- no, this isn’t a show, this isn’t television! You can’t just- this isn’t- no, this- someone HAS to have killed him!”
As he continued on, the focus shifted to the movement behind Vahl-Cae. A Ghost was scanning the corpse. The Ghost that had been sitting on the desk in the conservatory. Focus returned to Vhal-Cae.
“-and, well, wh-WHAT WAS THE DAMN POINT?! If he died of natural causes, that- it’s medamned anticlimactic!” He groaned and dragged a hand down his face. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Thank you for…for participating, and all that, blah blah,” He made a mouth with his hand as he spoke, miming it speaking along to his words. “And we will see you all ne-”
He blinked, then turned around. Rhulk had stood back up.
Rhulk had stood back up.
He clutched his head, as if he had a headache, and squinted at the room at large.
“What…did I miss?”
Vhal-Cae glitched, suddenly very much not a lubraen, and very much a human dressed to the nines in different vibrant shades of pink.
[Fades to black, credits roll, Frolic (from Curb Your Enthusiam) plays]
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tracedinairlwa · 3 years
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Incredibly huge thanks to @vhalesa for her wonderful art for my first ever MayaKuro fic, featuring the over-competitive dorks being over-competitive and dorky with Pokemon!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31605752/chapters/78206225
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