#thanks to boa for taking the screenshots
calysto1395 · 2 years
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heiji "bro you had a rough time fighting terrorists on an airship let me treat you to a chill night at my house where you dont have to pretend, let you sleep in and treat you to dinner at a restaurant close to the train station so you dont have to stress"
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cosplayinamerica · 6 years
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Marv from Sin City: The Tank // photo: bacons223
Marv has actually been in my cosplay stable for a few years now but I did not have time to unveil him till Dragon Con 2017. I've always been a fan of Sin City even before I started cosplaying and Marv was my favorite character. I usually have a bleached flattop haircut for some other characters I cosplay (Ivan Drago from Rocky IV, Road Pig from GI Joe, The Russian from The Punisher and Guile from Street Fighter) and I seem to only cosplay villains and anti-heroes due to my looks and size. Marv was yet just another epic cosplay idea that popped into my head one day.
Marv gets a great response anywhere he goes. At Dragon Con and particularly New York Comic Con I get swarmed by photographers and fans alike. What really helps to sell the character, even more, is when my girlfriend can be with me as Lucille (his parole officer). She wears a black, bob cut wig, gets to wear my long coat, has a cigarette and a fake chewed off hand (repainted Halloween prop). This is a tough one to do in cold weather however as Lucille is barefoot (we use adhesive foot pads) and doesn't wear much under the coat.
One of the things I like to do in cosplay is to meet the actors who originally portrayed the characters I recreate. I approach them in character and like to see their reaction. So far I've been able to do this with 9 of my characters and the reactions have always been great. I'd love to meet Mickey Rourke as Marv one day.
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I am a stickler for screen accuracy so this one took a bit of homework. It started with the coat. I did some research until I was able to find a brand of coat that was used in the movie. Next was the boots. There is one scene where Marv is swimming and you can see the pattern of the soles of his boots. That's how I matched up the correct pair for accuracy. Marv actually wears 2 different types of tank tops in the 2 Sin City films, so I had to get both just to be sure. I searched around till I found the correct gold cross and the right length of gold chain (thank God for Ebay).
Lastly, I needed to find some prosthetics to make my jaw more pronounced and change the ridge of my nose to be just like his. The rest was pretty easy: black leather pants, quality fake cigarettes with a Zippo lighter, empty Jack Daniels bottle, a prescription bottle filled with white Tic Tacs and some gray hairspray. I knew from the very beginning of this project that I wanted to do the iconic version of Marv covered in bandages as that look is the show stopper. I tried a variety of bandages and tape and was not happy with any of them, so I made my own. I got some really strong, thin double sided tape and some glow in the dark fabric (for Sin City style special effects of shooting black and white in UV light). That part was fairly time consuming but well worth it in the end.
It takes me about 2 hours to get into character. I first spray my hair gray for the black and white effect. Then I put on the prosthetic jaw and build up a couple of aquiline nose pieces to get that unforgettable Marv profile. After applying makeup to blend in the prosthetics it's time for all the bandages. I have reference screenshots I use to make sure the bandages go on just like in the film. My face gets covered with them, several go on my arms and long bandages wrap around my knuckles. Then I get dressed, fill my Jack Daniels bottle with iced tea and head to the convention floor. The last thing I do just before appearing is put the 2 bandages over my left eye as this throws off my depth perception. And voila, Marv has jumped off the movie screen and come to life.
Cosplay has had a huge impact on my life. It has taken me around the world to various events where I've made countless friends, I've become an ordained minister to conduct cosplay weddings, I've become a variety of DJ characters just for cosplay events (DJ Humungus, DJ Drago, Nexus 6 and now Marv) and I'm even toying with the idea of doing a stand up comedy cosplay routine.
The biggest event to change my life started back in June of 2016 when I was interviewed as Lord Humungus from The Road Warrior for the upcoming Eternal Con where I would be displaying my Mad Max collection (the largest in the US). The woman who interviewed me, photojournalist and director Faye Murman, was so fascinated by my character and my story that she wanted to make a documentary about my cosplay lifestyle. Since then we have traveled the world together and she has filmed me as a myriad of characters doing some bucket list things. We will be hosting the world premiere of a preview of Humungus: A Documentary in Australia at the same movie theater that Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior had its world premiere at.
By far the biggest, best and most important thing to come out of all of this is my relationship with Faye who is now my girlfriend and cosplay partner. She does some really amazing characters herself even though she had never cosplayed before meeting me.
Marv is just the tip of the iceberg. I cosplay over 2 dozen characters in all including Lord Humungus, Mad Max and several other characters from the Road Warrior, Conan the Barbarian (2 versions), Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter, Roy Batty from Blade Runner, Ajax from The Warriors, WWF superstar Mr Wonderful, Judge Dredd (comic version), Big Boa from GI Joe, the list goes on. Besides several couples cosplays with Faye I'm also a part of some cosplay trios with her and some other really close friends. I portray Non in our Superman 2 villains group, the bald German mechanic in our Raiders of the Lost Ark group, Bud in a Kill Bill group, Beef in a Phantom of the Paradise group and a Sov Block Judge in a comic Judge Dredd group.
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turnip-hyung-blog · 7 years
ON WITH THE PERFORMANCES! (performances & info here)
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Summary: Okay so we continue with the performances but lemme tell you now, if you're trying to see Daehwi’s “AVENGERS”, THEY’RE AT THE VERY END! So y’all gonna have to sit through 1.5 hours of crying, dancing, and voice cracking. At least they let us finish the performances this week though! Some surprises on who won overall & where the trainees were ranked BASED ON THE IN STUDIO PERFORMANCE VOTES. Jump to the end for those spoilers!
P.S. missing a few screenshots of names/results because I got distracted by the hype hahaha *these screenshots are straight from the live broadcast streams*
First this episode, we have the REPLAY groups! Team 1: 누나야 나 Noona, Me! vs. Team 2: 누나 일루왕 Noona Come Here
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TEAM 1: 누나야 나 Noona, Me! TAKES THE WIN!
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TEAM 1: 프로틴 ProTeen (Protein?? lol)
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TEAM 2: 막판 뒤집기 (Last Minute Turn Around)
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I personally did not enjoy these stages as much but that’s just because I am a picky Seventeen fan and it felt weird to me? They weren’t bad though, they did pretty well in fact. I think it is a lot of work to take on a Seventeen song so those that do it well, tend to shine.
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👀 👀 👀
Next we have SORRY SORRY with TEAM 1: 슈퍼 마리오 SUPER MARIO (lol)
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& the so-hyped-on-the-interwebs as the “Justice League” (cause Daehwi’s “Avengers”) MINHYUN’S TEAM! aka TEAM 2: 이번 열차는 미안행 All Aboard The Sorry Train (lolol these names)
*noob translator note: “미안행” has a double meaning. “미안행” is a cutesy way of saying “I’m sorry” but also, it is literally 미안 (Sorry) 행 (Train) HAHAHA genius. It’s not directly “All Aboard” but I figured that would make more sense! If you’re curious, it’s literally “This Train is the Sorry Train” lol*
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choo choo shot because they’re my faves
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I was a little disappointed because I was so hype for Minhyun and they only showed him like 5 secs D: MINHYUN YOU’RE WORTH 10 MINUTES OF AIRTIME IN MY HEART!
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Jaehwan, your vocals were so gooood bruh. TEAM 2 (SORRY TRAIN) WINS
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EVERY DAY I SHOOK SHOOK... #misheardlyrics STILL GOOD THOUGH! Was I snoozing or did Mnet not even give the BEAST teams intro stage airtime...??? I think my stream was frozen during that part oops
TEAM 1: First
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TEAM 2 (best shot I got, the rest were too... shook shook lol /sorry): 24.5
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I’ve been waiting for them to give Jinhyung proper airtime, ugh. The vocal trainer was even like “hey you’re pretty good” and yet there he sits, at 75..... He rose up from D to B y’all! KEEP RISING SON!!!!
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TEAM 2 TAKES THE WIN! lmao every day he shook, every day he shook shook
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The Infinite groups!
TEAM 1: BCFII (Yehyun what is that face haha)
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TEAM 2: 니꺼하면 안돼? CAN’T I BE YOURS?
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OKAY THIS IS WHERE I NEEDA STAND UP. because our boy Yehyun barely can, literally, kiddo hurt his ankle. AND YET THERE HE IS, NOT CRYING, NOT WHINING, DANCING (how even tho), HELPING OTHERS LIKE HIS GOOD SELF AND TRYING HIS BEST EVEN THOUGH HE’S SO CRIPPLE HE NEEDS A CRUTCH TO MAKE IT UP TO THE STAGE AND HIS ANKLE PROBABLY HURTS LIKE CRAZY. excuse my caps but, this child is ADMIRABLE! He did not give up and even apologized for “lacking” in skill because of his injury. Please support him fam!!! HE DESERVES MORE LOVE! #StanAnkleBoy2017
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TEAM 2 ENDS UP WINNING THOUGH... (missed this screenshot) it’s these kids
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And finally... the showdown of Daehwi’s Avengers (꽃보다 상남자) vs. Baekho and co (The 상남자) 
*nt note: 상남자 can be translated as tough guy or manly man or real man, but it basically means a “man among men” that is really masculine/manly (did u count how many times I said maaannn man haha)*
TEAM 1! aka the popular crew hand picked by Daehwee-der, 꽃보다 상남자 Tough Guys Over Flowers
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We spend like 5 minutes sobbing over whether or not Jihoon is gonna hit those high notes but... no surprise, kiddo pulls through. HE’S GOT MORE THAN A WINK OF TALENT, AYE? /imsorryhaha
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Gunmin deserves some time for his high notes too though!
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TEAM 2: The 상남자 The Tough Guys
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Team 2 puts up a good fight but it’s still a DAE-HWIN after all for Team 1. Lai Guanlin beasts Samuel in voting though, interesting.
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Boa brings them back to that shady studio again and the results of the IN STUDIO PERFORMANCE VOTING (separate from the ONGOING rankings which are SHOWN WEEKLY, these rankings are just the results of how the studio audience ONLY voted). 
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Some fan faves ended up being ranked much lower than their normal ongoing ranks so there were many surprises. 
Probably the most surprised was Woodam, who came in at #1, with the most in studio votes from the performances. manse manse manse woo-dam-dam
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Thanks for sticking through this week’s recap again. Tune in next week for hopefully less crying and more dancing? I don’t like seeing the boys so sad :(
Noob translator epilogue: I watch every episode LIVE and try my best to translate what goes down so you guys can know ASAP after the show. I’m not a professional translator but I tried to pick wording that would be English-user-friendly! Especially with the team names, there are discrepancies, but I tried my best. Feel free to ask or add more input if you would like to :)
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