#thanks to mei for the amazing collaboration as well <333
italeean · 1 year
The afterparty
After his birthday party, Kuroko sleeps at Kagami's place, however there's an uninvited guest who makes things a little... animated
A/N: Surprise surprise!! A fic coming out during my break time?! 🙀 Well... my break is NOT over yet, this is something I started working on a couple of months ago for a very special someone's birthday. Yes, @wertzunge I'm talking about you 💙 I hope you enjoy the gift that @mai-mei (who contributed with this amazing artwork) and I have prepared!! Buon compleanno 💚🤍❤️ (Happy birthday)
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"Kuroko! Otanjoubi omedetou!!" Everyone yelled cheerfully while Kuroko smiled widely at them. That birthday couldn't have been better, a big party with his friends from both middle and high school, but alas, the fun had to end.
It was pretty late when the guys left Kagami's place, not before cleaning up a little, and now there were only three people in the house.
"Kuroko, does he have to stay as well?" Kagami asked pointing at Tetsuya 2, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He had started to warm up to the little puppy, but having him inside his home was an entirely different story.
"Yes, it's my turn to keep him today and it's too hot to make him stay outside." Kuroko replied calmly, ignoring his friend's annoyed tone. The redhead, on the other hand, was still glaring at the furball, following his every move to prevent him to lay his paws (or worse, his teeth) on his precious basket magazines.
He wasn't really happy about the situation, but it wasn't so bad after all. Plus, it was Kuroko's birthday so he decided to let it happen as a birthday wish. All he had to do was put his magazines on a higher shelf and the risk of them getting ruined would be nullified.
He did exactly that, and joined Kuroko in the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Nice party, huh?" He asked to the blue-haired boy, watching him nod eagerly. Obviously he shared that opinion. Thanks to everyone's contribution, the evening had been splendid and the house was left clean. The only thing left to do was throw away the plastic cutlery, plates and glasses and put the bottles of water and juice in the fridge.
It wasn't midnight yet, and some noises could still be heard from outside, but the atmosphere was extremely peaceful and relaxed. Kagami couldn't wait to finish cleaning up and settle on the couch with his friend. Hopefully they'd find a good basket match to watch together before bed.
He went to the living room to finish tidying up, and he wished he'd stayed in the kitchen, because as soon as he entered the room, he witnessed to the disaster.
A sliding noise could be heard, and the one of things falling to the ground right after. Tetsuya 2 had decided to pull the tablecloth, and it resulted in everything falling down. Luckily, there wasn't anything made of glass so nothing broke, but a bottle of water and one of juice didn't have their cap on, so all their content was spilled on the ground.
"WHAT THE- WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!" Kagami roared in a sudden fit of anger, "Look what he's done!" He scoffed to Kuroko, who had rushed to the living room after hearing that noise.
After cleaning up everything, the ace looked less mad, but he still glaring daggers at the culprit, who was curled up on the birthday boy's lap on the couch enjoying some affectionate cuddles.
"He's feeling guilty, you know?" The blue-eyed teen asked without taking his eyes off of the puppy. "Yeah... he looks so sorry..." the taller guy commented sarcastically. "Can't you just forgive him?" Kuroko asked him while lifting up the little companion, who was displaying his best pleading puppy eyes.
The redhead glanced at the clock, it was still 15 minutes until midnight, then he looked at his two friends with an evil expression and cracked his knuckles. "Oh sure, I can forgive him, but someone still has to pay for it." He declared while getting closer to the couch.
As if he had understood what was going to happen, Tetsuya 2 jumped off Kuroko's lap, which made it much easier for the ace to drag his friend to the ground. He straddled him without pinning down his hands, he knew he was stronger and didn't need to do that.
"I'm sure that tomorrow we'll get a good laugh out of that mess, but for today the only one to laugh is gonna be you!!" Kagami chuckled while his hands found the hollow of Kuroko's arms.
"Kagahahami nohohoho..! I-i didn't dohoho anything ehehehe" the birthday boy immediately dissolved himself into a puddle of giggles, knowing it would be counterproductive to keep his laughter in. It would've only riled Kagami up more.
"I know you didn't, but you're responsible for whatever that thing does here, so you'll be the one to pay." The redhead stated while his fingers wormed their way down towards the shorter guy' ribs and sides, "But since it's your birthday, I'll let you off with a little punishment, so don't worry too much. It will only tickle a little."
As Kagami's hands went lower, Kuroko's laughter became louder. It was really rare for him to let out his belly laughter, and the ace was in love with that sound... although he'd never say that out loud. "Thihihis ihis stihihihill nahahat fahahai- EEK!" The blue-eyed guy's complaint got interrupted by his own squeak, caused by the very own little one who had caused the mess he was paying for.
Tetsuya 2 had decided to join the party, so he approached the shorter guy and licked his ears, neck and face, making him squeal and scrunch his shoulders in a futile attempt to protect at least the neck and the ears.
"See? He agrees with me so it's decided. I'll tickle you for the whole duration of your birthday." The ace proclaimed his sentence, which actually consisted of another five minutes of tickles, since the midnight was close.
Kuroko would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it, it reminded him of the times at Teiko and of all the goofy memories he'd made at Serin, especially with Teppei whenever the senpai thought everyone needed a little cheer-up treatment. However, he was pretty close to the limit and didn't know how much more he'd last.
As if he'd read his thoughts, Kagami said "There's only one minute left, ready for the grand finale?" The blue-eyed boy knew what he was talking about and got ready for it as he felt his friend shifting closer to his feet.
Without even the slightest warning, he skittered his fingers all over Kuroko's poor soles, from the heels to the toes, without even bothering to take off his socks. Luckily for him, his friend's feet were just that sensitive.
"EEHEHEHP KAHAHAGAHAMIEHEH WAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHO!!" The poor birthday boy yelled, going crazy from the tickly feeling. "Come on, it's just a minute... don't tell me you can't handle it..." the ace teased, knowing very well how unbearable it was. The little puppy was still contributing with his playful licks and barking happily at the cheerful scene in front of him.
For Kuroko, that minute seemed to last forever until it eventually came to an end. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... happy birthday!" The taller guy exclaimed as the last second of his friend's birthday ticked away.
After some breathing and a much needed glass of water, the three of them settled on the couch and were lucky enough to find an NBA match on tv. The game was really catching and the two friends were really satisfied, but when the interviews to the players began, Kagami felt a soft snoring sound and a weight dropping on his shoulder.
He slowly turned around to see the blue-haired boy asleep with his head on his shoulder. He chuckled, imagining how tired he could've been after the party and the "after-party".
Kuroko, on the other hand, smiled as he softly drifted off to dreamland with the puppy cuddled up close to him.
His birthday couldn't have ended better.
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