#thanks to my mutuals who convinced me to post it 💗
miss-ginz · 2 years
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For the naughty boys who want to see more of my thighs in these fishnets 🖤
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anamoon63 · 6 months
Simblr New Years Resolution 2024
Thanks @serenasims for the tag! 🤗💗
What's your Resolution for your Simblr?
This is going to be a shock, even for me, but I want to focus more on my gameplay, keep it simple and leave the long and intricate stories for my normal writing, i.e. my non sims writing. I also want to enjoy the game more, play for the sake of playing, have fun with The Sims like I used to. It doesn't mean I won't continue the stories I've already started, but maybe I'll switch to a simpler, yet visually more appealing format. I'd like to find a balance between the visual and the written word, if that makes any sense at all. I'm talking about less words, but also less photos, to be less repetitive and hectic. I don't know, I'm still looking for that change, I hope to be able to achieve that this year.
What do you want from the Sims Franchise?
Ah, where do I start? Lol. Well, I'd like a whole new game as the Sims 4 hasn't quite finished convincing me, it's been out there for 20 years and I'm just starting to play it. Anyway, for Sims 4 in particular I would like the same as my dear friend @serenasims, you know, concerts, bands, cars…To be completely honest, I don't know if I want more stuff for S4 because my game is so in pieces now, those back-to-back updates break so many things every time they come. Doesn't mean I haven't had tons of fun with TS4! 💗 Now, if I had something to ask for it would be, open world, cars, bigger worlds with more houses, the ability to create lots and add them to the map like in Sims 3, be able to remove corrupted or ruined houses. Truth is, I would prefer if they did a whole new game, but if The Sims 5 is going to be this Project Rene thing, just please leave me out. Lastly, if I really wanted something from the franchise as a whole (because seriously, I don't expect anything from EA anymore), and if I were allowed to dream, I wish they would fix The Sims 3, remaster it, make it work for everyone (it works for me, but that takes a lot of dedication and upkeep). In short, I wish EA hadn't trashed The Sims 3 like they did, and actually fixed the bugs, if they had, now it would now be an even greater game than it already is. Ok, I didn't want this to turn into a rant, but, well, you know me. 😋
Any other New Years Resolutions?
If this question is in regard to real life, well, I'd like to start a site with my stories, non sims, the ones I've written throughout my life. But that's just a thought at this moment, I'm not really sure if I'll be able to pull it off. The resolution would be in any case, to take steps towards that, and to start writing my new novel already, cause at my age, one is more aware of the number of years one has left, it's as if a countdown has begun. I mean, I'm not that old, lol, but you never know, hence my other resolutions: take care of my health, keep exercising, eat healthy, drink more water, give up junk food, smile, have fun, be less worried about everything, etc. In other words: keep me alive and happy. I don't usually make resolutions, they are more like wishes or plans, projects that I don't know if I'll have the time or the energy to accomplish, but that I really want to pursue this year, or in the years to come. :)
I know, as usual, my post turned out quite long and incoherent, lol. Sorry, but I couldn't help myself.
Also, as almost always, my tag answers are a little late, so I'm tagging all my mutuals and followers who haven't done this one yet. 😊
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ambrossart · 1 year
Firstly, congratulations on your wedding and welcome back from your honeymoon!!!!!!! I hope the moving is going smoothly 💓
Okay, secondly — I’m back with my DWM questions… please forgive me.
I’ve been hesitant to ask this one because it looks so embarrassing typed out, but I just reread all of your Post Prom posts and the question is gnawing at my brain:
After Eddie turns off the lights and lays down, do either/both of them have an internal crisis about how exactly to position themselves?? Like — he’s got his shirt off, he just said the flirtiest thing at the end of the most intensely heated and emotional night, Reader is wearing his clothes, and they are nuts for each other. In The Morning After, they wake up completely separate, but was that a conscious choice?
Only answer if you’re comfortable, I was just wondering 💗💗
Thank you!! 😊💖
I’m actually typing this from the backseat of a car (it’s a three-day drive to RI), so please excuse any mistakes.
Anyway… HOLY CRAP, ARE YOU IN MY BRAIN??? I swear, it’s like you’re reading my mind or something because once again your question brings up a scene that I almost included in the story. Sadly, it never made it past the pre-writing stage.
Yes, there’s definitely some awkward maneuvering that needs to take place before these two can sleep comfortably next to each other. This problem is made worse by the sexual tension that’s still lingering in the air. Earlier, they mutually agreed that NOTHING was going to happen tonight, so right now they’re both trying to eliminate that temptation as much as possible. That means giving each other space and lots of it. No eye contact. No limbs touching. These two dumbasses are lying on opposite sides of the bed and facing away from each other.
Is it safe? Absolutely. Is it comfortable? Hell no!
For Eddie, this is perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter if he can’t sleep. All Eddie wants is for his girlfriend (that’s right, his girlfriend—boy probably grins to himself just thinking about it 🥰) to feel comfortable and safe in his bed, so he’s prepared to adapt to her sleep style in any way he can. He’ll happily give her all the space she needs, all the blankets she needs. If she gets cold in the middle of the night, she can steal the blankets and wrap herself up like a burrito. Eddie doesn’t care (in fact, he’d probably find that absolutely adorable). From this night on, this girl is his number-one priority.
So naturally he’s a little concerned for her. Eddie asks if she’s comfortable. She says she is, but it’s not that convincing.
Luckily, this awkwardness doesn’t last very long. Eventually, they realize how ridiculous they’re being, laugh it off, and settle into more natural, relaxed positions. For the reader, this probably means moving closer to the middle and rolling onto her other side. Eddie, who also favors his side, decides to lie on his back even though he desperately wants to turn over and face her. But that’s way too risky. Eddie knows if he turns over and sees her staring at him with her head resting on his pillow, if he feels the heat of her breath on his face, he’s gonna be tempted to kiss her and then it’s game over for both of them. She’s wearing his boxers. He’s already half naked. At that point, nothing would stop them from giving in and going all the way, condom or no condom.
(Why didn’t he buy more condoms?? He’s gonna be kicking himself over that for a while)
During this internal struggle, Eddie would hear her say, “What are you thinking about?” and, boy, did she choose the worst time to ask him that.
“Honestly?” Eddie would reluctantly answer. “I’m wondering how long it would take me to drive to the gas station and back.”
Yep. Those damn condoms, that’s what Eddie’s thinking about. He’s also secretly wondering if there’s any way they can chance it without a condom, but there’s no way he’s ever voicing that intrusive thought.
“Sorry,” he would reply with a bashful smile. “I swear, I’m normally a lot better at restraining myself. It’s just… It’s just you, y’know? You’re here, in my bed, and you look really good in my Megadeth shirt. Plus I’ve got like, y’know, four years of pent-up sexual frustration that’s just dying to burst outta me.”
“Wow, four years, huh?” she would say, resisting the urge to laugh. “How did you ever manage to survive so long?”
“Well,” Eddie would answer in that charming way he does, “it would be ungentlemanly of me to answer that.”
Then they would laugh. He would check once more if she’s comfortable. She would say yes and mean it this time. Then, if she was feeling so bold, maybe she would snuggle up to him and rest her head on his chest. Maybe. And if she did this, Eddie might catch her off guard with an unexpected moment of vulnerability:
“Hey, you’re not going anywhere, right?” he would ask out of nowhere. “You’re gonna be here when I wake up?”
She would look up at him, confused. Then Eddie would get really embarrassed and realize he’s tired and talking nonsense.
“Sorry, I know that sounds weird, but… I finally got you back in my life, y’know? If you left now, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it.”
Remember when you asked how Eddie would feel when he woke up alone the next morning? Yeah, he would have been absolutely crushed, which is why the reader has that moment of hesitation in “The Morning After.” She knows exactly how he would feel if she snuck out and went home just because she was too embarrassed to face his uncle.
Damn, now I kinda wish I hadn’t cut out all those scenes. 😂 Oh well.
(I also left out a scene where Eddie is taking off his rings in bed, but that started creeping into NSFW territory, so… I’ll save that concept for another one-shot 😏)
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from-izzy · 3 months
hey honey, how are you? i just saw your post and i can assure you that, one day, you'll find the peace, love and joy you've been waiting for. i know waiting is a difficult thing, but i'm convinced, deep in my heart, that you'll get there in the end. you're so brave izzy, you're a little ray of sunshine who never fails to brighten our days — and even if you doubt it, keep in mind that many people watch over you and appreciate you in the nicest of ways. time will eventually bring you what you want, and even if you're awfully impatient, i know you're capable of waiting bravely for that day. you're the best, and i believe in you. and i promise you, life will be the kindest to you, because you deserve it one hundred percent. so, while you're waiting for love to knock at your door the way you wish it does, know that i, from wherever i am, love you the same way the moon loves the sun.
hey anon 🫂 i'm doing slightly better. i took time last night for myself and i think that worked a bit.
thank you for writing this and letting me wake up to this message. you may be a mutual (a friend if you feel comfortable with that label), a reader or maybe just someone who found my post through the tags but i'm thankful and really appreciate how you took your time to send this message in. if i do know you, i hope we had great interactions (and hopefully more...?) and if i don't know you, thank you for being extending your kindness to someone you don't know well 💌 reach out to me if you need 🫂
it's interesting how the moon loves the sun. it's something i was thinking about during uni. i didn't search anything up and i have no idea what their story is but knowing how the sun is fire and the moon is cool, it's beautiful how opposites still manage to love the other.
will definitely search up their story 🌙 💗 ☀️
i hope you're doing well and thank you for sending this in ❤️‍🩹
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