#thanks to them people thing all Mexicans are racist… this is very sad because ofc is not true
softle0 · 3 months
People in my country are canceling an american girl because she was complaining about the “horrible sound” of a music box played in Mexico city which is part of our culture and she was calling this noise pollution. People were mad about this, cause one thing about Mexicans (or any country I’m sure) is that we’re very proud of our culture lol
People called her out and she didn’t give a fuck, she was joking around and said she didn’t regret anything about what she said. Someone also found her twitter account and she had a looooot of xenophobic tweets about Mexicans which made people get more angry about the situation.
This is a sensitive topic for us since gentrification is impacting our cities, is making locals to move out of their cities because it’s getting so expensive since our laws suck and there’s no one regulating the prices on everything, thing that is not really affecting to foreigners cause they be gaining in US dollars/euros and our Mexican peso is not as valuable. Another thing that makes us mad is that all this foreigners are always criticizing our culture, they don’t want to learn our language but get mad if people here don’t speak english, among other things that hurt us as locals.
Thankfully she got fired from her agency here in Mexico since she was being xenophobic towards Mexicans and she’s so cancelled at this point 🫠🫠
WHAT I DONT LIKE about this situation is that some people are using this as an excuse to be racists, since she’s a black girl. This makes me really mad cause MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU’RE LITERALLY BEING AS DISRESPECTFUL AND HORRIBLE AS HER. This is not an excuse to be a racist piece of shit, this is not a competition to decide who is more of an asshole. She did wrong and she’s paying the consequences by getting fired. That doesn’t mean you have to be racist towards her. This doesn’t mean you have the right to be an awful being as well. People like her and this racist motherfuckers are the ones that give bad reputation to entire countries. They’re just making things worst for everyone, it’s a shame and it’s very sad. I’m personally ashamed of this situation and I don’t share the same thoughts as them. They’re hurting our country with this kind of behavior. Ofc we don’t deserve the xenophobic comments but she totally don’t deserve racists comments…. Ugh, this is so mad. Why can people just shut the fuck up if they don’t have nothing good to say?? :( I’m soooo ashamed.
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