#thankyou for scooting this our way rae <3
meatriarchived · 7 months
What kind of warmth are you?
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sun shining on your face
you're encouraging, brave in your kindness, and intentional about bringing healing to all those you love. your warmth is obvious, but commonly misunderstood. at first glance, people may take your positivity as naivety; it is the opposite. you have seen the cruelty of this world, and that's why you choose to be recklessly warm. you find comfort in nature and love random acts of kindness. you probably remember one specific stranger really well, even though you never saw them again. but they gave you a bit of warmth that you carry with you everywhere you go. i hope you know you are that stranger for others. the kindness you give out is helping others be kind in ways you may never see. i see you, and i'm proud of you. i hope you're proud of yourself too.
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soup on a cold day
you're caring, consistent in your kindness, and quiet in your compassion for others. you offer warmth because you were cold for a very long time. and you refuse to stand by while others suffer in the same way. your kindness is not reckless. you count the costs, but you offer it anyway. you have a unique ability at reading people, and knowing when they have a pain that they are trying to cover up. your love language is probably quality time, and you're usually more of a listener in conversations. you probably find yourself taking on a caretaker role with others, almost automatically. so when people try to do the same for you, please don't flinch away. please don't withdraw into what feels like safety. there are people who are waiting to love you in the same way you have loved them. please let them.
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tagged by: @fcused tagging: everyone yoink it from me if you want uwu
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