#thankyou writinginnewmedia BMMA
kristinlubao · 2 years
Learnings and Journey through Writing in New Media
My very first impression of the subject is that this is not as necessary as the other subjects that I take, specially since it just talks about the proper use of New Media, which I first thought that I could easily learn by myself. But, as I go on with this class, day by day, I realized that what this subject teaches is more than proper use of new media. Being a person living in a time where everything can be seen through new media, and being able to post about almost anything online, learning the laws, terms, and the responsible use of it (new media) is very important.
One of the things that I learned is the careful look on your target audiences using demographics such as age, gender, occupation, and sex. This is something that I usually look pass over because I always get lost in my own thoughts when writing about something. I almost always just keep my narrative in my own favor, instead of taking into consideration what others feel. Another thing that I learned was what was taught near the end of our semester which is the libel and copyright. I am actually exposed to trending topics that tackles libel which is a type of defamation. Assuming that many of you already know, there was a case that was highly televised which is the defamation case of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in which an article that Amber Heard wrote actually affected the integrity and character of Johnny Depp, which is Amber’s ex husband. Freedom of speech is always the talk of the town but as we learned in our classes in this subject, writing to hurt or to damage anyone’s character is never a right thing that is why it is punishable by law.
The evolution of new media and how people now share their opinions have become more convenient and readily available for literally everyone. But with this comes a great responsibility in which people should always be mindful of what they say because it may cause misleading information and, as I have stated previously, may hurt other’s character. This is something that will forever be ingrained in my mind. This is because I have also become a careless person who likes to share whatever that I please and have never really been fully responsible in the use of new media. Responsibility doesn’t only apply to those who post online, but also to those who consume these writings, these posts.
That is why we, as the users of new media, should always be responsible whether we are the sender or the receiver of writings in new media. This is something that I can contribute to the world so that the negativity and false statements will start to lessen since practice will only be visible when it is put into action.
Don’t wait for someone to start acting responsible, responsibility should start with you. With me. With every single one of us.
Side Note:
I would like to thank my teacher for this subject for guiding us in the proper use of writing in the new media, as well as teaching us everything there is when writing in the new media, whether it be the proper process, responsibility, or technical aspects of it. Thank you also for teaching us to look at the positive side of life - to not spread even more negativity when there is full of it. Thank you for not implying your personal opinions and for staying in the middle ground all throughout the topics discussed.
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