jako-jako · 2 years
"Why He Doesn’t Come To See Me" 【Chapter2】
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"Why He Doesn’t Come To See Me" 【Chapter2】
This work is translated Japanese into English. My English is not good. I think I make a lot of mistakes, I’m sorry. But if you enjoy it, I'm so happy.
Chapter1 is here↓
Hob look back on today with a coffee in his hand before going to bed. I had a feeling that there’s someone and then I looked up, he was in front of me who still looks the same before. I remember that I can’t help but smile because I felt happy rising in me.
He faced many hardships in the past 100 years or so. There are many problems caused that, but he recently already cleared them up. He accepts any changes to his daily life and any changes of himself. He looks moving forward now, so I'm relieved.
"Change" Yes, changes...what is Hob felt today. It has mellowed him that about 100 years in captivity and the environment changed by that. It would’ve never imagined before that he apologized to Hob and the word "friend" what he said. He wasn't able to be honest with his feelings because he has high self-esteem, but I think, deep down he wants relationship with others. He able to be honest with his feelings now, and he decided meet me. His changes are glad for Hob. That reminds me, his sister advised him that he'll go meet me. I have to say thank you to her. I don’t know why she knows me.
And then, I’m curious about another change. This is so important.
『“It's not like I don't want do that…”』
『“Now that it's been a while since I've eaten, So I wanna eat dishes what you like.”』
『“Can I, see you again? I mean…not in a hundred years, it means sooner than that.”』
Sometimes, his words make Hob’s heart beat. His slightly blushing ear, his face lit up by the setting sun, his face a little bit looks like blushing when I said goodbye to him and gaze at me when we talk with...all of that, well...make Hob think that
He likes me as I like him.
I kind of knew about my feelings. My feelings for him is getting stronger since I can't see him anymore. I like not only as friend but also as more than a friend.
I can’t keep my feelings in my heart to myself when I see his actions and words like he did today. But convey my feeling to him, so what then? Will he keep come to see me just the same as always? I think, it’s hard to us having a meal and a drink together nonchalantly just the same as before after his old friend suddenly tells him that I like you. At last, he said friend to me, so I don't want to break our relationship now. Worst thing that I can’t meet him forever because I convey my feelings to him. If that happen maybe I’m gonna think about him the rest of my life. For now, I’ll spend time with him the same as always. I really want to tell him what my feelings to him, but whatever our relationship, I’m so happy with him now.
Hob puts away his mug already empty, and then he slept after he took a deep breath once to switch off his brain.
One day in September
The day I've been waiting for, but it’s came sooner than expected, because time flew when I've been really busy with work at university.
He is already waiting for me when I alived at THE NEW INN. He is dressed in black like always, and he silently staring at the glass full of beer.
“ Hello Morpheus. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“Hi Hob. Don’t worry, I just got here.”
“You could start drink without me. I’ll order something soon.”
Hob took his seat, and he ordered beer from a nearby waiter without picking up the menu.
“You said You’ve been busy with work, things have settled down now?”
Morpheus said that with the glass that half of beer in his hand.
“Yeah, for now. Autumn Term had just started, so I'm thinking about different approach in a lecture according to each grade or prepare lecture materials. I observe personal characteristics of students when small class like seminar, because there are freshmen. In addition, I talk with a lot of new teachers about a plan of class and the state of students. A new term is full of new air and I enjoy it, but it is hard because I'm doing trial and error in every day.”
“Are you enjoying fresh air of the new term?”
“Yeah! I am! A change of environment and people’s lives make me fresh feeling, I like that in every age. Well, sometime life has bad times. It means rise and fall, isn’t it? This age has been big change of our lives is COVID. Recently our lifestyles have been back same before, but I was working remotely until last year.”
“Working remotely is working without meeting in person, isn't it?”
“Yes, that’s right. We're doing that use computer or phone or something. It is measure to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, and we not having to commute saves us time, so it is convenient. But after all, I like interact with others face to face.
“You really like interact with others. You keep living so many years, but you don’t seem tired of your life and other humans.”
“I think that is who I am.”
“You trying to be as honest as you can with others, so I think a lot of students look up to you, don't they?”
“I’m trying to be honest with others, but I haven't confidence if I'm doing that. I still make a lot of mistakes when I interacting with someone.”
Morpheus look at Hob who is self-deprecating smile with a gentle face.
“So,thankfully some students look up to me. Oh, there is one second-year student who I’m get along with. We are often exchange ideas about history and make small talk. They is interested in European history, so I teach them something about it and other history.”
“I believe the student met the great teacher. Because he can teach them about real history.”
“Haha, yeah that’s true. Well, they never imagined I’m doing that.”
Because, the man in front of me is only one person who knows my students are learning real history.
One day in December
They have met in the pub and drank together several time, also they were drinking together in there today. They just finished it. The season is changing, the weather is freezing and the biting cold wind blowing. The winter sky is high, the sun going down and night falling at the same time, the gradation was absolutely beautiful.
 My friend is walking by my side, his cheek blushing and I can see his breath. Probably he doesn’t feel cold, but he wearing winter clothes now for fit in our side. Hob can see his jet black coat and his white skin, that was lit up by the setting sun. And then, Hob couldn’t take his eyes off Morpheus’s face what seems absorbed in thought.
“Hey Hob.”
I sweated it in my mind when he talked to me. What kind of expression did I have on my face when I looking at him? It should be OK, I looked at him out of the corner of his eyes, so he probably didn’t notice my gaze. Hob thinking about that, and he looked at his friend who walking by his side.
“When we are going to go home, you always see me off. So, I thought I’ll see you off today. I remember you telling me that your home near to the pub, Can I go with you a bit longer?”
“Really? Yeah, no problem! My house is about 10 minutes walk from here. Oh, I can talk with you a bit longer.”
Of course, you can. It is good time when I thinking about the day that I spent with him while I’m going home, but I like go home with him better than alone. Hob is happy to hear that, and then he looks like a little nervous, and opened his mouth to he’ll recommend a thing to him.
“Hey Morpheus, I wanna talk about next our meeting. Umm, you know...can we meet next time on Christmas, not a month later?”
“I know, Christmas is the anniversary called nativity in human’s world. Why do you want to meet the day next time?”
“Many people spend with loved ones like family or so on Christmas. They eat a luxurious dinner, and we are relaxing at home while drink champagne or wine or something and eat a dessert. You know I don’t have family and relative right? It's not bad relaxing with drinking while enjoying the town which is Christmas mood, so I’ve usually enjoyed alone time on that day. But I think it is good that I enjoy Christmas with you because my old friend with me now unlike before. Oh, if you don’t want meet on that day, you don’t have to! What do you think?”
“I see...I think that’s good idea. So see you on Christmas next time.”
Morpheus said that with gentle smile. Somehow his expression looks sad a little moment, but the expression disappeared after he blink.
While we decide the date of next meeting, when I realized it we arrived in front of my house. The winter sky already black, street lamp lighting up the street.
“Thanks come with me here. I enjoyed talking with you longer than usual. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the end of month.”
“I’m looking forward it too. Thanks for inviting me to Christmas dinner. So...good night Hob.”
Winter night is so cold, but his gentle voice and smile are making my heart warmth.
“Good night Morpheus.”
Hob walked towards the porch and stoped, and then he looked back at him. There is only the dark that I feel like sucked me in and the sand floating in the air, that’s all.
Thank you for reading the Chapter2 of “Why He Doesn’t Come To See Me” !
Chapter2 is up to the point where they decide the date of next meeting on Christmas. Morpheus’s expression looked sad, when will we know why he did that...?
I researched about UK universities and colleges to write Chapter2. There is Hob’s line “Autumn Term” of this story. According to the information on the internet, In general, UK universities trimester. "Autumn Term" is from September to December. But there is universities that trimester1 is from September to January.
My English is not good, I'm sorry for my poor English. But if you enjoyed it, I'm so happy!
Now, Chapter3 is wirite about their Christmas! They’ve become closer, and what will happen to them next? See you next part!
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