#that Bustier didn't realize Sabrina was doing Chloe's work
zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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You’ve traumatized me enough!
Episode 41 Part 18
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Here’s your consolation gift for being Chloe’s biggest enabler, Bustier.
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
I love the newest part of chloe's lament!!!
As always, the problem with all of chloe's plans Are that she doesn't think them though, because she doesn't think she needs too. She has it in her head that she has future knowledge, and so operates solely on that.
I am very curious as to which student overhead Chloe and Bustier. Sabrina or Adrien who already knows of Chloe's wish? A classmate with no idea of theyre even being a wish? Maybe marinette herself?
Thank you for writing and Sharin chloe's lament btw it's one of my favorit miraculous aus and I just reread it all when i saw the newest post <33
To be fair, it's not just her future knowledge.
The thing about Chloe (or at least the way I'm doing her), is that she has this perception of how the world works and how it SHOULD work based on the many years where the world DID work that way. For years, Chloe could essentially do whatever she wanted and not only were there no consequences, she was never even suggested that she was wrong or anything she did was wrong.
Look at canon: even in the few instances where Chloe "lost", she didn't really lose anything. At most, someone else "won" and she just didn't get something she wanted. And even when she was revealed to have been cheating or acting dishonestly, nobody really calls her out on it. She still at most doesn't get something she wanted. That the adults seem to ignore her behavior and even the narrative made more of an effort to woobify her didn't help matters.
Chloe in this setup is the prime example of someone who thinks she's the main character and the world is just supposed to make things work out for her. This is combined with her future knowledge to make her think that this is an advantage she can use to benefit herself...not realizing that the entire setup has changed and whatever benefits she had before that protected her from consequences are no longer there.
In her limited defense, at this point her future knowledge is really her only advantage. Through it, she knows things that most other people don't. But not only is she trying to use it for selfish reasons, she's trying to apply it in ways where it simply can't be applicable due to the changes already made by the setup of the world.
Half of the akumas Chloe knows about were created because of her. But Chloe isn't in a position anymore do to as many of them this time around.
Do you really think Princess Fragrance is going to happen? It'd be Marinette whom Rose would ask instead of Chloe, and while Marinette may not be able to personally introduce Rose to Prince Ali, she could still take Rose's letter to him. At the very least, she certainly wouldn't just rip it apart in front of her.
Vanisher? Sabrina and Chloe aren't friends.
Rogercop? Haha no. Chloe doesn't have a golden bracelet.
So yes, while she is acting on future knowledge that may not apply, the bigger problem is this "protagonist centered morality" Chloe has where she is operating under the belief that SHE is the protagonist and that things are just supposed to work out in her favor because she is herself. Because that's how they always did before.
But as a result of the Wish, Chloe gave that up. Not just the money and social status, but also the protection and ambivalence she received not just from the adults around her regarding her behavior. Chloe is getting first hand experience of what Marinette and others had to go through when it came to her, and she hates it. But what Chloe especially hates is that unlike her, people don't resent Marinette for being better off and she fails to see it's because of her actions.
It's easier to just act as if Marinette's manipulating everyone or that they're brainwashed than admit that Chloe caused her own issues.
The worst part is that Chloe could have turned her situation around at any point. Her future knowledge would have helped her do that. But that would require her to accept her position for what it is and more importantly, stop repeating her previous behaviors. And given it's Chloe, that's going to be the hardest thing for her.
As far as your question, I'm not going to reveal just yet which student it is. Though I will go ahead and say it isn't Marinette. She's still at the contest, marveling over the other entries and maybe even giving feedback to some of the contestants if they want it.
You're welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!
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Goooosh, I just has such a fun outline in my head for a ML/Yu Yu Hakusho sort of not fusion exactly, but more like inspiration.
OK, so canon & season 1 are as normal, but in Despair Bear, after Adrien & Chloe's falling out she finds herself walking the streets brooding, fretting, ETC. Encounters a kid & manages to be 'nice' to them, maybe Mannon for simplicities sake. Then ends up saving her life ala Yusuke by running into traffic to push her out of the way.
Ironically if she hadn't intervened the driver would have veered right & Manon would be fine.
Cue ghost!Chloe being extremely pissed off, before encountering a Ferrywoman who explains Chloe's spirit was supr out of whack, partially cos ofher own issues, partially cos left over Remnants from Hawk Moth, there was a spark & well.
She's not quite 'dead' even if she appears that way currently.
She cam come back to life, with the expectation she'll be an medium on Earth in exchange for the help. But her trial to prove she is reliable is caring for a spirit egg. If it has emotions with a bad origin point poured ino it the creature will eat her, if they are positive it will help her return to life and be her companion.
Chloe almost gives up early.
Spying on her father to try and get some "Positive vibes" she encounters him & Audrey talking and.. Well its not great. Audrey doesn't give a shit & Andre muses Chloe was becoming a handful, still he is sad, but Audrey offers him Zoe as a replacement & he's OK. Her guide is pretty sympathetic & convinces her to try her very public, big event wake to see if there's anyone worth returning for.
"The Wake", does change her mind.
Adrien's basically catatonic crying & has to be hand held out by Nathalie. (Really Gabriel, you couldn't even turn up for this!?)
Sabrina has a full on breakdown, because what is she supposed to do now? She needs Chloe, Chloe was supposed to be there for her! (I did not realize I mattered that much)
Miss Bustier tears into anyone slightly rude (Some students & teachers) before expressing regret as she saw Chloe just needed a helping hand & feels she didn't do enough. (Stop making me feel bad, I'm dead!)
Chloe resolves to come back, even if it means having a job when she does.
Also she is definitely going to have words for her 'father' & some of her classmates, oh yes- wait positive thoughts positive thoughts haha.
Some chapters would involve seeing Chat Noir breakdown over her death to Ladybug & reveal himself & Visa versa, they agree to keep it a secret.
(Her death made Adrien reflective on how/why Chloe was like that)
She does some dream therapy with Sabrina & grudgingly encourages her to make friends with others over holding onto grudges for Chloe.
She wants to do dream therapy with Adrien, but the Agreste manor is super warded against ghosts for some reason.
She might do some dream therapy with Marinette.
Then Kagami turns up (Early) beats Adrien but is unsatisfied & Chloe spends the fight heckling her, then being annoying afterwards until Kagami addresses her.
Yup, Kagami can see ghosts & is none to fond of Chloe & ends up AKumatized (Oh come on!!)
Kagami: Your existence taints both my failures and my victories!
Basically, Kagami's mom is a spiritual power house & the one sent to train Chloe. Kagami' worked her whole life to awaken her spiritual powers & just by dying, Chloe is going to be at her level, minimum & Adrien was off his game cos he was still grieving.
Still, they resolve things, & Kagami helps protect Sabrina from some vengeful bullies maybe? Or passes on a message from Chloe to Adrien.
Anyway things seem to be going well, when Hawk Moth decides to posses her body!
Oh right, so the explanation for Chloe still being "Alive" is some lingering magic from when she was Akumatized putting her in a "death state". The Lucky Charm couldn't change it one way or the other though so she's comatose.
Suffice to say everyone, but especially Chat & Chloe are pissed.
Hawk: Any empty vessel wouldn't do for this possession, but this girl always had so much hurt and rage inside her. Now bereft a mind to hinder me she will be the ultimate Akuma! My AKuma!
Chloe: Land Lord, you're evicted!
Its more dramatic than that & she technically sacrifices her chance to come back by handing her egg off to Kagami. (who uses her spiritual skills to keep it alive) so she can stop HK from killing the heroes as Chat won't Cataclysm Chloe's body & the Akuma is her body.
So Gabriel is evicted, Chloe briefly wakes up but fades & is now semi tethered to her body & waiting to pass on.
Adrien brings Kagami to visit her the next day & there's brief talk of how if she were awake Chloe might joke about needing a princes kiss to wake her up.
Kagami leans into a bit and Chloe is getting increasingly flushed. Then Adrien has to step away for a moment & Kagami reveals the egg is alive, being kept so by her spirit and she returns it to Chloe.
Then reveals she has been charged to wake Chloe up, offering some of her own spiritual energy via a lip transfer.
Chloe (OO)
Then she just taps Chloe's lips.
Chloe: That! That was what you had me all worked up about!?
Kagami: Did you want me to kiss you?
Chloe: MAaaabbbyyyeeeeee (Wakes up)
There's tears, reunions, resolutions, death staring at her dad anytime he tries to use her for a press conference. "Physical therapy" with Tomoe & the hatching of the spirit beast which is technically both Chloe & Kagami's now. (Feathery dragon) Actually managing to chill her shit when bantering with some students who she was justly pissed off at.
& after that not sure XD
Oh that's a hot mess of a haunting but it works out great!
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trashyangelic · 1 year
ML Prompt (w/ Lila Rossi Redemption, A Little of Lila Salt, Adrien Salt, Alya Salt, Class Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt + Felinette)
I got something in mind. I'm not sure if anyone wants to make it. But if I were to make this then I might do one but for now I'll post this if anyone wanna do this one. You can decide an OC for Lila if you want or let her stay single that is. The pairings are Felinette, JulekaXNino, ChloeXNathanielXMarc, there will be no julerose since Rose is a salt. Outside of CFD is LukaXKagami.
What if Lila Rossi got the part as Marinette's Job aka. Class President from her classmates? But what she doesn't know that she is recieving pure pressure from the class and her teacher causing her to rant at home.
Marinette has transferred school from this toxic classroom that she has been telling her parents about and send her to Jeanne Arc on the otherside of Paris where she meets the Quantic Kids and her twin sister Bridgette as she somehow fallen in love with Felix Graham de Vanily.
As for Lila she was glad that she was picked for Class President here in CFD but what she doesn't realize is that her classmates wants her to do the jobs like field trips, fund rasier, birthday parties, etc for them instead of them doing it for themselves. Just like before with Marinette and Chloe when they had connections from publicity before Lila but now it is her turn.
Until a few days ago it gotten out of hand for Lila. As she was thinking of a possible way to finish this file for the class but she even ask for Sabrina's help since Alya isn't doing her job as a Class Deputy as to what Nino told her the day she was selected as Miss Bustier's Class President. But Sabrina told Lila to ask Alya for that this made her very annoyed at the last second.
Lila told her mother to called the school as she isn't feeling well which she is tired of this stuff that her class wants her to do plus she didn't want to talk to her classmates on the phone she turn off her phone it was driving her nuts while working on this folder that Dupain-Cheng gave her after leaving the class for good.
But what she didn't realize is that her mom is at kitchen after a early day off from her job that her boss had decided for her to spend time with her child. Lila did some research on the internet of what a Class President is suppose to but now it clicked.
"This entire time the fund raisers, field trips, and birthday parties were meant for the teachers. Why is Miss Bustier putting this on me then if its her job to this it is not the Class President job. Well that explains why Dupain-Cheng left from that including my lies as well. I'm starting to regret being the Class President. I think I should tell this to mom maybe she can do something to get a contact to the school board this is ridiculous." Lila muttered to herself.
Lila went to tell this to her mother that she was selected as the Class President but something went off for her so she explain it to her mother which made her super pissed off. But now regretting everything that is happening so she send a text message to Dupain-Cheng that she is sorry for ruining her life and other stuffs but ask for forgiveness as she wants to restart over to find who she is.
Then for Marinette well she is surprised to read Lila's text on her phone but respond back that its gonna take time to forgive her but also suggested her to transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class if Bustier is pure pressuring her to do it. Which caught her attention instantly but now that is done she went to tell her mother the truth as her mother was angry but scold her never do it ever so then she send emails to celebrities that she lied to including Prince Ali that she is sorry for lying to them and other stuff but to be fair she even told them that her classmates from CFD believe in the lies she told them which made Prince Ali felt betrayed by Rose when the girl explain it on email to him but he forgave the girl but told her not to do this again but the other two celebrities as in Jagged and Clara weren't very happy as they remembered that Marinette told them about Lila but to her she apologize to them which gave them a huge relief.
Then there comes Adrien who practically scold Lila on text message to do it which made her scream in fustration in her room as she send a message back to NO. Lila started to hate Adrien with passion plus she doesn't even like him anymore after getting that off her chest.
Lila explain this all to her mother as Mrs. Rossi decided to transfer her daughter to a new class that is in Mrs. Mendeleiev class but highly threaten the principal if he doesn't do this damn job she will send a message to the school board to get him fired. But to Lila she will have to explain this to her science teacher why she is moving to her class instead of Bustier.
While Marinette's squad with Chloe, Nino, Juleka, Nathaniel, and Sabrina looked really surprised the way Lila acted out of the shell then they told their parents to get them transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class away from those people who wants free stuff instead of them getting it for themselves.
Tag me if you are willing to make it. It doesn't have to be a prompt it can be a fanfic but thats your choice.
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miraculousamara · 3 years
The link is the part prior to the rest of it. Well both are chapter two, but still.
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Scene: The locker room. Ivan is upset. The akuma flies in and infects Ivan's wadded-up song lyrics.
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) This is your second chance, Stoneheart, and this time you have extra help. No one will stop you from capturing the love of your life. Just remember, I'll need something in return.
(Ivan is akumatized into Stoneheart again. He opens his eyes and all the other stone beings across Paris start waking up.)
Cameron's POV:
"I'm gonna take attendance." Miss Bustier says
"Agreste, Adrien." She says
"You say present." I hear Nino whisper
Adrien jumps up and raises his hand.
"PRESENT!" He yells
I can't help myself from laughing. But Chloe doesn't glare at me because she's doing it too.
Adrien sits back down and Nino and him fist-bump.
"Um Bourgeois, Cameron." She says
"Present." I say
"Bourgeois,Chloe." She says
"Present." Chloe says
"Um Bruel, Ivan?" She asks
Suddenly the door is knocked down.
"PRESENT!" Stoneheart bellows.
"Stoneheart?" I say
"MYLENE!" He shouts and grabs her
"Let me go Ivan." She says
"I'm Stoneheart now." He says
"Why are you doing this?" Mylene asks
"So we can be together forever." He says
I see Chloe on her phone.
Oh no, she's gonna drag attention to herself isn't she?
"Daddy! The monster is back!" Chloe says
"Chloe!" I say jumping in front of her, but he grabs both of us
Stoneheart breaks a wall, and jumps out with us.
"Put us down Ivan!" Mylene says
"You are so utterly ridiculous Cameron!" Chloe says
"What did I do wrong this time?" I ask
"Everything!" Chloe yells
"Hey buddy! You have no idea who you're dealing with! My daddy, the mayor will bring the army, the police and the entire calvary!" Chloe yells
"And don't forget the superheroes!" Says Cat Noir
"Chloe please stop talking, I don't want to get crushed!" I say worried
"Cat Noir!" I say relieved
He hits Stoneheart and he grows.
"My bad.." he says
"You mean the super incompetent!" Chloe says
"And here I thought you were related." He jokes
"Please save us Cat Noir." I say
"You wanted the calvary? Well here it is!" Stoneheart says as the Stonebeings come around Cat Noir, trying to capture him.
"Watch out!" Mylene says
"Where are we going Ivan?" She asks
"We'll deliver a message,  then be brought together forever by a pretty black butterfly." He says
"All this lovey dovey stuff is making me sick!" Says Chloe
"Don't worry monsters, I'll take care of you soon too!" He says
At the Eiffel Tower
"Let go of my daughters!" My father yells through a megaphone
"You know what? You're welcome to them!" Stoneheart yells throwing us.
"Help!" I yell
"I'm gonna die with my evil sister!" I say a little more quietly
"Help! I promise I'll be nice to everyone, say please and thank you all-" Chloe says
Ladybug catches us.
"I didn't promise." Chloe says
"What?" Ladybug says
Chloe and I for once have the same idea and rush to our father. I mean this is all strange and confusing..
We hug him.
"My little princesses." He says
"Time to attack! We're all clear!" Says Officer Roger
Has he not been paying attention? They just get stronger with each attack..
"Wait don't! They'll only get stronger!" Ladybug pleads
"Unlike you guys, we actually have a new plan! So step aside and let the pros handle this! You've already failed once!" He says
Well that's just rude.
I watch the confidence drain from Ladybug until she is given a pep talk by Cat Noir.
Suddenly Stoneheart starts coughing profusely until a cloud of black butterflies form the face of what appears to be some sort of man.
"Daddy.. what is that?" I ask
"I wish I knew." He says honestly
"People of Paris, listen to the words I speak. I am Hawkmoth." Says the cloud.
"Did he say Hawkmoth was his name?" I ask
"He must be the head supervillain.." I say
"Oh shut up Cameron." Chloe says
He's made up of the butterflies, I mean it is a reasonable assumption. But Chloe just hates when I speak I think.
"Ladybug and Cat Noir give up the ring and the earrings now. You've caused enough damage to these innocent people!" He says
"They've caused damage?!" I shout
"You're the one who created a supervillain who threw me and almost turned me into a Cameron Pancake!" I yell angrily
"Yeah nice try Hawkmoth. But everyone here knows who the supervillain creating bad guy is here. So don't even bother trying to reverse the roles." Ladybug says
"Let me promise you this! No matter how long it takes we will find you! And you will give us your miraculous!" She yells
"Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug yells as she swipes up the black butterflies.
Wow she's so cool!
"Let me make this promise to you Parisians! No matter what dangers await us in the future, Ladybug and Cat Noir will always be here to protect you!" She says
Suddenly thousands of white butterflies fly out from her yo-yo.
"That's the problem with heroes! They're too heroic! Stoneheart, they're trying to separate you from the one you love! The only way to stop them is by taking their miraculouses." I hear Hawkmoth tell Stoneheart
"Yes Hawkmoth!" He says
"Help me!" I hear Mylene shout.
"You'll never take her from me!" He yells
"Ladybug we're surrounded! We need a plan!" Says Cat Noir
"I've got one! Lucky Charm!" She says
A parachute falls into her hand.
"Help me! I'm scared of heights!" Mylene says
"Don't worry! We'll save you!" Ladybug says
"Are you sure this plan will work?" Cat Noir asks
"I sure hope so!" Ladybug says
She uses her yo-yo to wrap Stoneheart's hand up. As she pulls on it, Mylene ends up kissing Stoneheart.
He lets go, Mylene grabs a hold of his finger.
Cat Noir throws a dark purple object up to Ladybug who crushes it with her yo-yo.
The black butterfly flies out.
"De-evilize!" She says
As she's about to catch the butterfly, Stoneheart changes back to Ivan, and he and Mylene start falling fast.
"Cat Noir! Get Ivan!" Ladybug says
"Cataclysm!" He yells
He slides down the Eiffel Tower with Ivan.
Ladybug uses the parachute to land safely with Mylene, while capturing the butterfly.
"Bye bye little butterfly.."
"Miraculous Ladybug!" She yells throwing the parachute into the air.
Suddenly millions of tiny little Ladybugs start repairing all damage caused by the incident.
"Wow this is Amazing!" Cat Noir says
"Yeah. It's.. Miraculous!" Ladybug says
"Chloe, Daddy, let's go home." I say
"I agree, I've had far too much excitement in one day." Chloe says
The Next Day, at school
Lucky for me I made it to class before Chloe and Sabrina for once, because I decided not to wait up for them.
Marinette and Alya enter the classroom.
"Wait Alya, here." Marinette says motioning to the seats in front of me.
I smirk lightly.
"Ugh! You're in the wrong seat! Get lost!" Chloe says
"Well guess what Chloe, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good people do nothing!" Marinette says
Maybe she's right...
Maybe today is the day I stand up for myself too..
"What's that even supposed to mean?" Chloe asks
"It means that I'm not putting up with your crud anymore, Chloé, and neither is anyone else around here, so take your attitude and go on, get lost!" She says
I stand up.
"You know what Chloe, she's right!" I say
"Cameron don't you dare say another word!" Chloe says
Everyone gasps shocked.
"No! Chloe I'm done. I want to be me! Not you! I'm done being a mean, bossy, bulky like you all the time. I'm done wearing what you tell me to! I'm done doing what you want me to! We may be twins, but I am my own person and I'm gonna prove it!" I say
Everyone starts clapping.
I blush when I realize I said I everything.
"Take that back now!" Chloe says
"No! For the first time in a long time, I'm proud of myself and mean every word I've said!" I say
"And Chloe your attitude is Utterly Ridiculous, so just sit down already!" I say
She gasps angrily and sits in Marinette's old seat.
All the other students laugh at her..
"Woah.. I can't believe I just did that." I say
"Marinette.. your confidence inspired me, thank you." I say with a smile.
"Really?" She asks
"Yeah." I say smiling again
"I'm glad I could help." She says
After class
"Just so you know, you'll regret siding with Dupain-Cheng over me." Chloe says
"You know what Chloe.." I say
"Bring it on." I say
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queen-of-rants · 3 years
Sorting of Mme. Bustier's class
So, I have seen people try to sort characters from different fandoms into Hogwarts houses and thought I could try it too with Mme. Bustier's class. So, here it it- The Sorting Ceremony
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Houses and Traits Gryffindor Bravery, helping others, and chivalry. Hufflepuff Hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Ravenclaw Intelligence, knowledge, planning, and wit. Slytherin Ambition, cunningness, heritage, and resourcefulness.
Adrien Agreste-A famous teen model, who is nice to everyone, even those who don't deserve it. Hufflepuff for sure. This guy is a almost pushover (no offence meant). I mean he is brave, yeah, but he falls under Hufflepuff for me.
Chloe Bourgeois-A spoiled girl and daughter of the Mayor of Paris. Chloé believes herself to be above everyone else and expects everyone to do what she wants. A total Slytherin, the girl is very ambitious, and cunning seeing she grew up with politicians. An important heritage too. She's not resourceful though, but she can only fit in Slytherin Ivan Bruel-Despite his massive size and intimidating appearance, Ivan is actually very sensitive. We haven't seen his talk much, but I think he would be a Hufflepuff. He is loyal to Mylene, isn't he? Plus, he seems like a patient guy too. Alya Césaire-An aspiring journalist with sass to spare. Gryffindor. Mostly because they are sassy little shits who jump in danger's path. Juleka Couffaine-A very shy and quiet girl who tends to go unnoticed. Hufflepuff. Yeah, sorry, ain't got anything to say about this one. Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Aspiring fashion designer and daughter of the best baker in Paris. Marinette is quite clumsy and insecure, but deep down, she is actually very confident. This one is confusing. Gryffindor, yes. Ravenclaw, of course. Slytherin, absolutely. Kinda like me, hat-stalled, the choice is hers. But if I had to choose one, Slytherin. Yes, she is very brave and chivalrous as Marinette. Intelligent and quick-witted too. But her ambition about her work, and resourcefulness out-scores her other qualities. Myléne Harprelé-A mousy girl who is scared of her own shadow. Hufflepuff, sorry. It's mainly because Harry didn't have much association with them, and traits make a very vague criterion. Max Kanté-A boy with the mathematical brilliance of a calculator. He loves video games and his best friend is a robot. Ravenclaw, duh. Thus guy created an AI robot and a video game at the age when I couldn't even look at my maths book without crying Alix Kubdel-A roller skater with a devil-may-care attitude. Slytherin. Periodt. Nathanial Kurtzberg-A talented artist who always has his nose in his sketchbook. Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, you decide. Ravenclaws tend to have an artistic mindset, not a memorised book set in their heads, don't forget that. Nino Lahiffe-A DJ and a total party dude. He tends to misread situations. Hufflepuff, but I can see him in Gryffindor. Rose Lavillant-A bubbly girl who only sees the bright side of things and always tries to find the good in others. Hufflepuff, again. Lê Chiến Kim-A top athlete who suffers from overconfidence. Gryffindor, with a mind of chicken monkey(no offence), zero patience and no cunningness, is bound to be in that house. Sabrina Raincomprix-Sabrina is Chloe's personal servant in all but name. She doesn't seem to realize how poorly Chloé treats her. Slytherin, possibly Hufflepuff if you can separate her from Chloé's influence Lila Rossi-A compulsive liar with no moral compass. She does whatever it takes to get what she wants and she doesn't care whom she has to hurt. She's like Draco, to some extent. So yeah, Slytherin (even though I hate it that she is in my house).
Note: I put Chloé and Sabrina in Slytherin not because it's the "bad guy" house it isn't, but because they both try to associate with (and in Sabrina's case especially, suck up to) high-status people, which is something we see from Slytherins a lot (Slughorn as the most obvious example).
So this it, the Sorting. And no, I didn't take their hero selves into consideration while writing. Because you may have noticed that many tend to have different personalities as heroes.
Maybe next time I can sort the Miraculous users into Hogwarts houses or the same class into Beauxbatons because that's where they gonna go theoretically.
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You know, one complaint I have about Miraculous Canon is that Teacher Bustier didn't know that Sabrina basically did all of Chloe.
Dude, like three senior teachers recognized the handwriting of everyone they taught AND they had like six different classes with 35 students in each room.
Just- even without this example I really think Bustier had to recognize the letters.
Yeah just. There are so many ways she should have realized this was happening.
1.) the handwriting thing. She'd realize that all Chloé's work and Sabrina's work is in the same handwriting. Unless Sabrina is some master artist at mimicking different scripts. And making sure she changes the entirety of every single written answer she wrote on both sets of homework so there's no accusation of even just regular copying.
2.) Even if Sabrina did all of Chloé's /homework/, she couldn't do all of Chloé's classwork and tests. Bustier would see them as they are right fucking there in the front row. Even if she allowed colaboration on classwork, tests are single person only. And again: easy to see the cheating. If they didn't cheat, then Chloé would fail every test because she never did the other work. And considering how Bustier got all over Marinette's ass for possibly cheating in "Ladybug", this wouldn't fly.
3.) Literally this is a thing that has been going on for years and in every class. You're telling me that multiple teachers over years haven't noticed this?? And would have had it on record and Bustier would have a warning???
4.) Chloé and Sabrina straight up don't hide this fact?? All the class knows about it. When Bustier confronts Chloé about it, she's just like "Yeah so?". Literally the worst kept secret.
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Forged au:
Chloe: Ha! Barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead
Chloe: You're getting all worked up over nothing!
Chloe: *passes hand over hair* hahah! You've changed....*smirks* you're getting weak
Ms bustier: Ok that enough Chloe... Your in! That was a great performance!
Chloe: Yeah! Suck on that adrien! I told you I would do better then you for the male lead!!
Adrien: yeah yeah....stop bragging about it would you....
-In the stands-
Juleka: i- wow.....
Rose: yeah....wow....
Alya: *suddenly hit with the realization that she so fucking bisexual* i- didn't know she could do that-
Mari: *also hit with the fact that she's very bi* neither did i-
Sabrina: *suddenly very thirsty* ye- *clears throat* yeah....
Lila and alix: *nosebleed*
Lol rip
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