#that a resolution between the ragnvindr brothers can come any way other than another fight that has them going
dcviated · 2 years
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send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty || [ open ]
@remunporium​ sent: 👀 for Diluc-- Do you think there's any hope in mending your relationship with Kaeya?
And so it plays again, like so many nights before and as it will for many nights to come. The night of his 18th birthday. The death of his father. The revelation of his brother. How quickly his world was ripped away from him and how lost he felt. The anger he felt. The hopelessness he felt. And then the rage.
And then, tracing it all like scars across burned and tender skin- regret. The frustration of it all, knowing that he had done too much and pushed too many away in a fit of desire to solve it himself, to bring about that retribution for the wrongs and for what was taken from him- from his father- whether it was friends or otherwise.
Kaeya... Diluc furrows his gaze, thinking about their fight, how they had parted ways. It was a silence he was unaccustomed to. To think his own light, as well as Kaeya’s, were both taken at the same time, leaving him stumbling in the dark like a naive fool. Even now, returned to Mondstadt from his ‘bender’ as some had called it, that light wasn’t back. There’s a bitterness, an awkwardness- so many walls that had been put up and cobbled together out of the many bright memories the two siblings had shared.
What would it take to tear it down, so that dawn could break over that horizon again? What windows would they have to make? What sacrifices would they have to stomach? And what then? Could things go back to how they were after all these revelations, all these other walls and curtains torn away in the burning house that once was his comfortable picturesque life? Was it even worth it? Could it even be done?
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“We’re fine.” 
Yes. There has to be.
This will be solved between us alone. Just like it started.
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