#that affects a41 more than he likes to admit
20001541 · 5 months
What do you think how did this still unclear but certainly complicated situation with his mother influence afo and his relationships with other people?
from the very beginning we know she had to have been there in his dreams, after all he stole her quirk as a baby and he sees the vestiges of those whose quirks he stole in his dreams.
I always imagine she was there watching him from the very beginning, probably confused and scared as to where she was at until she spots little afo walking through his own vestige realm.
now this goes into hc territory, but the way I imagine his mother to be towards him is someone who has love for the child she died giving birth to but is also afraid of said child due to the way he acts and looks. the eyes that are blank, the viciousness he exhibits towards others and the possessiveness over his twin. she doesn't want to admit it, but it does unnerve her. not to mention he serves as a reminder of the traumatic death she endured. it wasn't his fault, but it's hard to look at him at times because of this.
however there is still that love mixed in, so she wants for him and his brother to survive. I imagine at times in his dreams she shows him some methods of survival and it's how afo learns where to get food and how to find medicine. she never gets too close to him though and always disappears if he tries to approach her in his dreams due to that fear which only grows as more vestiges arrive in the place where she's at.
he's always had some vague notion this figure in his dreams was supposed to be his mother, though he had little understanding at the time what a mother was supposed to be he still felt attachment and warmth towards her so it must mean something good. but he never understood why she would never directly talk to him. even though he tried calling her and and chasing after he she never acknowledged him and simply left.
this plays a part in his own desire to make the world look at him and seek out his own followers adoration and admiration. even though at the time he thinks it's simply a dream, it still hurts to see a figure that's supposed to represent his mother refuse to acknowledge him.
I imagine this need of attention would only get worse when he finds out the vestiges in his sleep are not simply dreams, but are real. the rejection he feels from his mother would hurt even more along with the sting of yoichi's own rejection of him. therefore he starts clinging onto the attention he receives from his followers even harder.
as more time passes and as he commits more evil deeds he sees disgust and horror fill her eyes and it almost makes him want to laugh. no one ever gave him anything, so why shouldn't he go through any means necessary to take things for himself. she couldn't even be there for him, what right does she have to judge him? he doesnt care what she thinks about him, he doesn't care what anyone does. he's going to keep doing his own thing no matter what. he won't admit it but it bothers him a lot to see her judge him like this. no matter how much he dislikes it he stills feels that attachment and yearning for her affection that he had as a kid. I think a part of him wants her to just talk to him and like him, some deep yearning for maternal affection he resents.
I think there's something to be said though in how her quirk still responded to him towards the end, I think this shows she didn't rebel against him like the others and made the decision to stay with him til the end. again there's that love mixed in, and I like to think despite her own reservations and eventual resentment of him as he began commiting atrocities she didn't want him to die alone so she stayed by his sids until the bitter end.
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