#that bitchy little HI :D he drops there absolutely made my morning holy shit
the-kipsabian · 2 years
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12x11 watching notes
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For once I think it's kind of obvious what my expectations are if you've been reading my blog... I also was spoiled last night after it aired that my favourite reoccurring guest star is in it, but on the other hand there's a ton of second hand embarrassment... I've just got back from yoga so let's try and be zen and enjoy it :P
Also it's not a plot episode so I can be a bit more chill and enjoy the MotW nonsense without writing 100 miles of meta. I hope
Witches! (we already knew that, I'm just putting another note into "the only actual monster we've seen so far has been the one werewolf and one vampire Mary killed and everyone else has been a human, angel or demon this season" jar
I need a better label for that jar
Anyway from the looks of things this episode is all about a very human fear that just happens to be tripped by witchcraft and it would be a fucking waste not to milk it for 99% of the episode)
Holy shit they used the "poor little guy" from 3x09 that always breaks my heart. Are they really churning up old Edlund stuff so much that the recap was 90% 3x09 and they decided to give Dean a bunny BECAUSE of his broken heart at the sight of the dead bunny in 3x09?
I really hope Edlund is watching this season and laughing like crazy
Anyway before the promo is even over, we have an interesting point of thought for the episode, and a comparison back to Dean revealing a weird vulnerability for no reason in the middle of a case. And more Edlund parallels than you can shake a stick at.
Oh good the cold open is the witch who curses Dean... Definitely going to milk this for all it's worth. This is like fan fics where the first like 3 paragraphs are "and then they met a witch and it cursed them and then ran off or got killed" and all the rest is just whatever they actually wanted to write.
More Dean running around in woods (Purgatory callbacks), and mirroring a few episodes which started with the traditional cold open victim actually being the monster pursued by hunters.
Dean waking up lying in the forest on the ground... He's done that a few times, in more dire circumstances I've seen paralleled together - 11x01 and 5x04. Interestingly I guess knocked out both times by a dark mirror to himself but who would never actually harm him. There's something peaceful about the way he has the bunny hanging out with him.
It makes him seem harmless too.
You know I could stop watching this show right here... I've seen 12x10 and now I've seen Dean Winchester calmly pick up a rabbit and call it "buddy" I mean... is there even anywhere to go from here?
But I've heard Kuma is in the episode so I shall press on
Like, emotionally though, I think the show might be over for me :P
The town is called "Eureka Springs" which is kind of funny, because of the double water association and of course the association to revelation and learning. We gonna get a  big scientific discovery about Dean outside of the now doubly confirmed fact that rabbits are his favourite animal?
Oh dang he's got a big part here... Do I gif all of it?
I should probably backtrack because I was just reading myself writing about 2x20 for some reason this morning (I think I was looking for something else completely unrelated) and I stumbled on a little discussion about subverting it or, well, its obvious relevance now Mary is around. The woman with the stroller assumes Dean is homeless and tells him not to buy a drink when she gives him some cash, which I guess was a thing in that episode that everyone assumed Dean was a drunk. It's a tiny detail (I mean, he IS an alcoholic, although functioning better than usual and his drinking has got a lot better since he lost the Mark) but if we're peeling back Dean, I think an interesting little one to start with.
I mean, we've started with Purgatory!Dean, and Actual Fluffy Bunny Lover Dean, so... it's a bit wild.
Dean remembers Sam's number.
Not where he is though.
Waffles! I'm with Dean here.
I too drop everything in a crisis when waffles are an option and someone's just paid me to leave them alone.
(Okay that's never happened - I'm delightful)
"What psycho doesn't love waffles" I mean come on even METATRON loved waffles, although they did not love him. Which is perhaps a more important sign of how dreadful he was :P
Ah jeeze I really want waffles.
Promo scene!
We have NO idea what Dean did the night before, so the thing with the girl is even more out of context... I wonder what it will end up being about? He looked like he was pretty busy hunting that witch last night. Events do not add up.
Sam has been convinced by Dean asking for painkillers that it's a hangover, and I think *Dean*, knowing himself, might think he just got blackout drunk somehow. The woman telling him not to buy a drink remains vaguely important, thematically...
Sam also is getting concerned, and makes a general life advice warning to Dean to stop drinking so much.
Okay the girl who slapped Dean comes in, looks at him and goes "oh my god" and is ushered away by her friend - did THAT happen in the promo?
No, no it did not. Her response is given way more attention here - that was definitely edited out for the promo. Crafting the scene to look like something different. Huh. (I mean I know they've used different takes in promos, like in 10x01 using one which completely changed how much of a jerk Demon!Dean looked from the finished product... They do really manipulate these things.)
I really like how we're dumped on this case like Dean is - we only have one advantage, that we're already aware he's cursed while he isn't. Aside from that, we seem to be discovering it like Dean is, like how Sam springs the idea we're going to the morgue next on us.
Also did Dean lick his knife more intently in the promo asking for a friend
Huh I don't think her interaction with him has changed very much - I'm pretty sure she did just say hi then slap him in the promo too. The way she stopped when she saw him though is very suspicious because she sounded so horrified to see him.
Oh no Sam and Dean are wearing nice coats with their suits. I guess there's gonna be a lot of gifs :P
Really pretty morgue technician with no lines. Honestly if she doesn't get killed off that will mean finally after a lousy streak, we make it through an episode without a black woman being killed.
Well the first thing to go is Dean's ability not to be squeamish and weird. There's definitely a text post out there making fun of Dean for spending a year in Purgatory covered in guts, but getting weird about using a public telephone. Well, whatever barrier Dean has up about guts is aaall gone.
Please don't puke, we've made it over a season without you puking on screen and we're doing so well.
Oh no is this where Dean crashes the car. He's disappearing fast :< I thought that might be later in the episode.
I suppose Sam has to realise eventually that something is wrong with Dean.
I can't believe Sam lets Dean drive when he's "plastered"... I mean he must drive over the legal limit basically all the time and Sam's used to it, but can we just... make this a "wear seatbelts" road safety episode? Please take that car away from him, Sam.
OH NO Sam takes this moment for honesty hour - "Makes me want to crawl into a bottle too" - when Sam is drinking we KNOW it because he so rarely does it as a coping mechanism. I am indescribably sad about him saying that he feels this way :(
I mean I just take it for granted that Dean feels like shit so it's easier to deal with that :P I've been worried about Sam all season and he gives so few clues it's basically a pictures on a board linked with red string scenario to deduce if he's happy or not >.>
"Not going to apologise for loving that fish. Not to you, not to anyone." Dean has his barriers down and he does not care who knows he likes watching Disney movies. And the fact that it's probably Sam he's most prickly around when it comes to protecting that facade... Sam is, well, gonna learn a lot about Dean he feels like he probably didn't want to know :P
Honestly, Dean is me trying to remember the names of common household appliances.
There's something really bitchy about the way Sam labels the light stick and then covers the rest of the room in post it notes, even though Dean hasn't forgotten what they all are yet.
Rowena! :D Mostly because Dean doesn't want to bother Mom or Cas... I notice something there - Cas is someone who a few years ago they'd have absolutely bothered for some weird magical problem. Now Dean wants to keep EMOTIONALLY distant from them because they're his family and he doesn't want to worry them/them to see him like this/him to blurt anything he doesn't remember he isn't supposed to say... In this case the fact that Dean DOESN'T want to call Cas for help sure says a lot more about how much he likes him.
Anyway Rowena is a badass and I love how she gets into these weird scenarios. This one is much better than all the finding a rich husband and killing him malarky - fleecing rich dudes over rigged poker games is definitely more empowering :P
Okay yeah one of those post it notes says "Wall" - there is definitely a montage we missed of Sam being a hilarious bitch about it to Dean, and they're only phoning for help once it got kind of really not funny any more.
I wish we saw that
Dean and his "ICE BUCKET" what a tragedy
"All these dumps look the same" Dude, don't be rude to Wanek. I'll assume this is because you can't REMEMBER them.
Also the whole, living in a billion motels and until recently never having a place to call home thing - I was joking ages ago about Dean keeping a scrapbook about all the weird motels they went to or stealing mementos from them to remember the truly tacky ones... But the idea that almost all of them completely blur in his mind and he just doesn't notice or appreciate the differences...
I love using Dean's "the last thing I kinda sorta remember" to take us to the office. They mentioned Memento but honestly I'm still thinking "Dude where's my car" although I know Dabb hasn't watched that because he's deathly afraid of Emus, so it's possible Glynn had to sell the Memento angle despite having other things in mind.
Like Finding Dory
Dean steals a cigar (or two) - more implications that he smokes. I suppose when an angel heals you regularly or you were immortal for like a year and a half you kind of don't think of the consequences. I know some people don't really *smoke* smoke, but would have a good cigar if it came their way like this... I think Dean kind of has smoked in phases through the show, especially when he was younger, never mind all the implications he smokes weed, so... him stealing a few cigars is just more sneaky referencing this.
To the bar! Hey, waitress Dean got slapped by!
We have more stuff with the names and badges - Dean messing up getting his badge out in time because he forgets to do it, forgetting what their cover is... Basically, a little demonstration that he's forgetting their covers in general - HIS covers in general. The FBI identity is something I've written reams on so I won't go into it but yeah it's his Performing!Dean next layer up, and what he does with it can often tell us stuff about how he's acting with his more sturdy and thorough Performing!Dean layer underneath, before we get to fluffy bunny lover Dean who watches Finding Dory.
Anyway she calls him out for using ANOTHER name the night before, and he's like "sometimes we have to lie to protect our cover" which is the most Dean saying ever.
Oh hey and then as usual with the badge thing, a moment later we're slammed with something RIDICULOUS like, for example:
"And then you hit the bull." "What??" < both Winchesters "Oh yeah, you had the hots for Larry as soon as you walked in." "He - you... rode Larry?" *Dean shrugs like whatever* "Was I good?"
yeah so that's not a coded conversation that sounds SUPER FUCKING GAY out of context and considering the "hots for Larry" comment, doesn't do so badly IN context, especially as it's such a, uh, suggestive thing :P There's a girl riding it in the background and yeah, the whole movement to keep on the bull? I know it seems like a manly sport, but it involves a lot of writhing and pelvic movement and that bull is like as masculine an icon as you can get.
And Dean had the hots for it
oh god :P
Worked to win the waitress over anyway :P
And she apologises for taking advantage of him. Wow. I don't think Sam and Dean even know what all those words mean put together in that order. :P
"First action in I don't know how long, and it's like it never even happened. Figures." "See now that's comedy"
When WAS the last time Dean hooked up? Back in season 11 some time... 11x13 it was suggested. (I have a lot of Snymelo vibes from this episode)
Honestly Cas is living right at the Bunker just man up and go talk to him and I guarantee that I could get you some action in about 2 lines of dialogue if you let me...
(Sadly last episode actually convinced me that there's really good reasons Cas hasn't made a move and Dean is pining unsuccessfully after him so I can't even be mad :P)
"It's like watching myself on netflix" Aw
"I know how to shoot a gun!??"
:D Oh sweetie
Sam giving Dean the Talk.
No that sort of talk. the "monsters are real" talk.
You know who does that? CRAZY PEOPLE.
Nope, "Awesome. That's awesome."
He's feeling a bit better about the job I guess than back in Yellow Fever where he had the equivalent moment.
Aw he found a torch! He's so happy! "I'll man the flashlight" Yeah this is Yellow Fever again :P
Oh god we're only 18 minutes what can possibly-
Jesus Christ Siren Episode reference You've not talked about that for EIGHT YEARS.
See, last night I compared these 2 episodes before this one ever aired with the assumption that the Yellow Fever parallels might be obvious but the Siren Episode would only be a sort of leech onto that because of its own parallels to Yellow Fever so we would have to walk through YF as an intro to the Siren Episode and how it could be applied to this one
(Sue me I was already planning the meta and this episode is following the exact same pattern as Yellow Fever and the Siren Episode so I'm feeling really vindicated, right about now :P)
The point I made LAST night was that Sam had been reading Dean wrong all this time and messing up his chance to understand him in the previous episodes. This time, Sam doesn't really have any reason why he'd get Dean wrong? The enemy of the season is miscommunication and not understanding Dean is Sam's biggest miscommunication.
Whether he's taking advantage of Dean's cheerful no-memory state, and the suspicion Dean won't remember him bringing it up again or what, Sam feels secure telling Dean about the Siren, at least I assume not telling Dean HE was attracted to it, but that this is a thing that happens. Dean can't lash out, Dean doesn't feel defensive... He just takes this information as Sam tells it to him without being weird about it.
The fact Sam remembered and wanted to tell Dean though... Well, like I said, Yellow Fever and the Siren Episode are basically the same thing ESPECIALLY from Sam's perspective. Here he is for the 3rd time and Dean's all fucked up again, and no wonder Sam remembers.
He also mentioned Djinn "not granting wishes" which means my reference to 2x20 earlier was super legit. *more smugness*
(sorry :P This episode is fun. I like that the new writers have watched the show)
Anyway, I'll be thriving off that reminder for a while :D Better carry on watching before I get sucked into a vortex of comparing episodes before I even know how this one goes.
Aw Sam calls it "the Talk"
"Best job ever!"
Dean thinks they sound like heroes, Sam, who has the lived experience, voices some actual goddamn complaints about the job. GO SAM. I guess he's thinking Dean won't remember this conversation and so he can voice some things.
So HE does the "you know who does that? CRAZY PEOPLE" speech that Dean didn't make.
AAAAAAAAAAAAH Bloody handprint. "Our best friend's an angel! WHaaaaaat!!!" I worry :P
Cas will be fine, I don't think Jared's even had his 3rd kid yet. Misha needs to give them all paternity leave by having more Cas-centric episodes.
What a beautiful set up. Smol babies and more Cas.
But yeah something horrid might happen to Cas briefly.
Also Sam told Dean that he was "our best friend" and so Dean is totally failing to grasp exactly what Cas means to him.
He probably only remembers Sam as well as he does because he's right in front of him - if Dean had been with Mary or Cas he'd have forgotten the other 2
"Is that a dead guy?"
Dean looks grossed out but also "Cool!" because dead monster.
Witches! These guys seem like fun people.
"I want my family back" she says while having Mary's hair and looking at the dead guy.
Oh dear.
"Is that a dead guy?"
Sam needs to get a post it note for the dead guy.
"your hair is so bouncy" I think Dean is full of cute observations like this he's just never allowed to say and I think that's so sweet I might barf.
(You should hear how he talks about Cas ANYWAY)
Dean remembers porn but not quality TV oh dear >.> Sam puts Scooby Doo on for him, which I guess is sort of Dean's role in this episode :P More dogs on TV - reminder of the second "dog that thinks it's people" line with the person who said it the first time in the room...
"Dean Winchester is going to die." "Sucks for that guy!" Well at least he's happy :P
Sam drags him away for a toilet conversation
Dean briefly regains a sense of self and is miserable
Sam why did you do that
"You know, I've seen my brother die, but watching him become... not him. This might actually be worse" Please, you watched him descend into the Mark of Cain and then babysat demon!Dean for an episode, this isn't new :P
OH SHIT here's the "my name is Dean Winchester" speech and it's delivered directly into a mirror I am not going to make it
That was terrible also can I have a new heart something happened to this one *shows a box of shards to the cashier*
Sam don't be bitchy to Rowena when she's the only one who can help.
And Dean is struggling to remember anything
Oh nooooo
Poor Dean :( :( :(
or whoever he is
Sam is putting Dean's life on the line to be weird about Rowena helping them.
OH NO Dean's still struggling with it
"I don't know"
"Stop touching everything!"
I kind of love poor Dean when he's like this :( He's so sweet and... I don't know. Living in the moment because that's all he's got.
Also who is that voodoo doll of because they're having a terrible day too.
Aww Rowena already hates the British Men of Letters, so I guess she'll be helping later.
"These witches sound like dicks. I think you have plenty of snuff."
Dean interpreted that she was talking about herself despite not knowing anything. Dean is good at subtext.
Also that has real echoes of "Doug's a dick, you deserve better" which made me squeee over Dean x Donna although obviously as the waitress said, it would be completely taking advantage of Dean so Rowena better not butter him up too much while his barriers are down. Especially as Dean has a "ugh witches!" gag reflex while himself.
It's also interesting that this is a barriers down thing for him to say. He was still getting over ACTUALLY being roofied when they talked to Donna that time, and I didn't think Dean was totally out of it there because he was engaged quite well in the conversation, but heh, it's an interesting comparison.
"What a gift not to remember the things you've done!"
Oh no don't TELL him, Rowena.
"You're a killer" "scores of people" *gagging* "the greater good" (hey we had a "the greater good" earlier this season, right? I was laughing about the parallels to Hot Fuzz... Was it something the BMoL said? I see to recall paralleling their control of England to the baddies' control of the village)
I like that Dean and Rowena both have a gag reflex about each other's professions. But really loving this dynamic.
He might forget in a minute that Rowena told him he was a killer, at least.
Rowena having honesty hour because like Sam she's assuming Dean won't remember this (as you might have guessed I am fascinated about what Dean DOES remember about this)
"Power's what matters" Oh my god she's had actual character growth about this because of having to watch God and Amara suck at being the most powerful beings in the universe. Haaa.
Rowena does love nose-booping Dean
Sam is being pretty dangerous and scary in that way he gets when Dean is dying. Why do I get the feeling he's about to get a lesson in  being reckless.
I wonder what the butterflies symbolise. We've seen them on the show before, but in very different contexts. Hope someone else is on that because I have no immediate ideas. Like that they re-animate to cause harm. Not sure how much symbolism here for what though :P
Aw Rowena does care :D in her own way. No respect for the car. Pfft.
(I feel like someone's gonna be all "Dean remembered Sam when he was in danger!"  but the phone is right there with his name on so I'm not sure)
Having Gideon laid out like that is pretty ominous...
"We can bring him back!"
Yeah, okay, that was fairly obvious since he was still in the room the whole time :P
Wow guess they're swapping Sam for him or something.
- Aw Rowena wearing a long black coat and being badass.
Eeeeee more Rowena backstory.
I love her so much.
I mean everything we learn about her is so sad but it makes her motivations to be badass and not take any shit and obtain wealth and have nice hair really sympathetic :P
I am really loving how they're making Rowena more sympathetic.
Grenade launcher: DENIED
I swear to god this had better be building to Dean shooting it in 12x23 as the crowning moment of awesome for the season or what is even the point
Are these all Rowena's notes or did Sam leave the ones in the trunk
Whoever did it (I shall have to look at your handwriting again) you did good.
It was using Dean as a weapon. He had no idea who he was, no purpose, just these orders/suggestions and he went on instinct, couldn't even talk, COULD fire a gun, and had enough instinct to load the gun, walk into the house, and fight the witches.
I'm reminded of 9x21 (which I will be watching up next! Aaaah the dang rewatch! And GAVIN coming back...... Although maybe the new and improved Rowena might make that more interesting)... Whoops I... forgot... What I was saying. Uh. 9x21. Dean in the middle of the dark decent. Goes to kill Abaddon (mirrored in the fight with Lily and Ishim last episode), and for the entire scene from the moment he comes in the door, I think until they leave the building, Dean does not speak a word. He just goes in there on instinct, charges Abaddon, and pushes through he wall-shoving to get her, all on this brutal killer instinct that Rowena has reminded Dean he had.
Dean with no sense of self was very cute and goofy, but he retained his moral code (killing monsters bad, person who kills monsters hero) and he retained his killer instinct, so stripping him right down like that, I think this was the message of what has been programmed deepest into Dean, the things that would go last when everything else about him was disappearing. And considering I've been working through the last few episodes of season 9 lately, I'm chilled. :S Especially that the back up plan was to throw Dean at them as a weapon (I wonder if Rowena did it then, because Sam didn't have the thought Dean would do it, unless he labelled it all when they knew it was witches, but earlier in the episode when he was going on  his labelling spree)
Dean takes Sam on total trust as well about who is the witch and who is his brother. We don't know if that was his instinct or being obedient to what he was told... I'm guessing this is going to be something with 2 readings.
I'm assuming the cheap answer is the love of his brother runs that deep and instinctively he would know.
Why was Sam NOT at the restoration... Aside from for setting up "who's this hippy"
I mean they even used the sad family music! What jerks :P
Probably best to piss Sam off immediately so to avoid soppy hugs.
"Can't believe you called Rowena" "Can't believe you rode Larry" "Hey, I was awesome on that bull."
THAT'S your take away from this, Sam? I mean I'm thrilled but that's just... hilarious.
Especially as they don't mention the waitress again so the reminder is all about Larry and not about Dean's other conquest of the night :P I’m laughing.
Does this episode end with Sam leaving the super powerful book of spells on top of the impala and Dean drives off and it falls in the street
I say this because I'm feeling emotional about Rowena implying Dean should talk to her if he remembers their conversation, and Sam is now talking about how he's jealous of Dean's no-memories buzz
Dean is like “our life sucks but if I was happy I wouldn’t have a shot at hooking up with an angel”
Okay no Sam took the book of witchcraft.
That doesn't bode well at all.
*she says vibrating with pent up frustration about how witch!Sam is being teased roughly twice a week with no pay off since like... ever*
Yay I knew we'd get to see Dean riding Larry at the end.
because this is Yellow Fever.
I like Yellow Fever.
This is sort of embarassing having all of the other Dean stuff in there... You should have just stuck with him and Larry
Let them have a moment.
This is their song.
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