#that doesnt mean i wont be lazy as hell though xd
askpet-archive · 6 years
I gotchu arty,
Ok hi, this is Lucas. Let me get something straight first off, all of the mods are underage, i wont reveal any of our ages, but we are all underage. No nsfw shit. Sure, we joke about it in rp, out characters are in their older years. Itll happen. But i cannot stress this enough. There will not be nsfw themes here, no sex, no fetish/kinks, no pedophilia, none of that shit. 
I personally run a camp camp blog and understand the big fad abt no pedophilia ships popping up now, even tho apparently it was fine in undertale.
The ships are jokes. Silly things we planned at the start that honestly, now that we know the characters better..they, probably wont last. Hell, i still remember talking about ari x vincent. (Ari is turning 19 this year). For arthur and vince? Heres what we went over. How far apart are they, as its technically legal if youre within 48 months of eachother. 4 years. Ok, lets see. Arthur 15, vince 19. 4 years. Then we'd have to look at their birthdays. Which im too fuckin lazy right now. But i know the birthdays are months apart. Meaning until Arth is 18, no fucking way in hell. If anything, it would be small, puppy dog love. Things youd see from kids.
Era and Ari, they are a fine ship because they are within eachothers age range, and have been friends for years. But, honestly? I know Ari more then i did when i planned that ship. And, shes aro. She doesnt feel romantic attraction, so..she probably would never ask era out, ill be honest.
Panda and Spop i cant comment on, as i dont know much, but right now it seems okay. Though having not appeared in rp.
We dont do nsfw or pedophilia on this blog guys. 
And a note from mod arty, having to do with us getting to know the chars overtime.: cause at first i was like "OMG WOWOW ARTHUR X VINCENT SO CUUUUTE!! XD XD" but now im like "fuckk arthur isnt INTERESTED"
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pizzcboy · 10 years
//my computer was a bit odd today, I promise when I am able to get on her (without being on mobile—) I will!//
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