#that godwyn is rotting and so the whole tree is infested
scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
I loved that recent tag rambling about Godrick and Godefroy because I think that you actually put words to an issue I kind of had and didn't really know? Like, Godrick's design is just so full of personality and while I can understand like, double generic bosses Godefroy really does feel like taking it out of context in a way.
SERIOUSLYYYY fucking HATED the revelation of That Bitch. Godrick's design is just... so tied To Him™. If I wanted to take the more generous route, I could say this was a case of wanting to repeat a fun battle(it was blatant content filler), but like... AGAIN, Godrick's battle is so tied up in him; his story.
And Fromsoft games are so wholly about story that a break in it to see the gameyness beneath in a way so jarring in its laziness completely breaks your immersion, and borders on ruining the story in a sense that you're meant to believe this place has history.
This isn't just about Godrick and his integrity as a boss, it's about the culmination of the Golden Lineage's degredation; of the Lands Between's degredation, in a sense. That the land itself is rotting and its supposed stewarts are shambling shells of the glory they once held.
I feel like if they wanted to redeem Godefroy, they could. Give us a boss, a lord, who serves as a window back; a window, in hindsight, to the horror that would come. Perhaps he was imprisoned here for this atrocity, and his line swore to never again partake in so odious a defilement.
Thereby contextualising Godrick as their failure.
Not just of blood, but of integrity; that despite all they tried, the rot of it all came to a head. That Godrick was not only born sickly and frail, but hungry; and with means.
If I weren't sick, weren't wrought with anxious jittering, physical and mental, perhaps I'd draft up a design. Maybe I will. Who knows.
There could be an honest way to turn this around. I doubt they'll do it, because it's such a minor off-to-the-side last-thought sham, but they could.
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