#that hazama likes to suggest that they go eat lunch somewhere whenever they start to go 'out of control'
sunnyrinka · 2 years
oooo “Maybe we should bike instead?” with the terasaka gang if thats all cool? ur descriptive writing style is so nice to read :]
ofc, i'd been wanting to write something with the tgang! and tysm lee<33 sorry the delay
Terasaka Gang┊"Maybe we should bike instead?"
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They had not made it far before the rain started to pour. The raindrops was purely a light drizzle, but they came down so suddenly, when only a second ago the sun had been ablaze and the sky was clear. Before they knew it, dark grey clouds had begun to roll in, darkening the ambience with a snap.
The breeze whirled, signalling a storm incoming. Trees overhead swayed amidst the howling wind and littered the pavement with rolling leaves.
"Such luck..." Muramatsu sighed, his hand slightly upturned to catch the cold droplets landing tenderly onto his palm. Puddles formed around them as they quickened their steps, the soft pellets tickling their arms.
Hazama stared solemnly at the hazy shroud of clouds, veiling them with a cloak of melancholia. "There goes our plans," she muttered.
"Cheer up, you guys!" Terasaka turned to face his friends, meeting their gazes one by one with an assuring expression. "Only a soft drizzle right now. That can't stop us, right?"
As if on cue, the rain got heavier. The trickling droplets accumulated into hurdling pellets. The gang simultaneously tugged the hems of their sleeves and pulled their coats closed, tighter. Wind rushed through the rigorous raindrops, aggressively slicing the icy air that left their fingers frigid.
"Don't be dumb." Itona stated nonchalantly, but he had to raise his voice to be heard over the roaring squall.
"Hey!" Terasaka scowled. "This can't stop us! Maybe we should bike instead?"
"Don't be dumb!" Yoshida echoed. He reached for his friends' arms, hauling them back down the road. "Come on, we should quickly get back before any of us catches a cold, okay?"
They poured into Matsuraiken, dumping their soaked coats atop the 'welcome' mat by the entryway. Panting, yet trembling from the cold. Their clothes were damp, their shoes drenched from running briskly through the submerging puddles flooding the road. But Terasaka walked his way back out and seated himself on the shop's porch, guarded by the downpour due to the slanted roof.
"What are you doing?" Yoshida glanced at him from the doorway, quizzically tilting his head.
"The rain should die down soon." He grumbled in response.
"Come on, man." Yoshida sighed as he watched his stubborn friend, but a fond smile appeared on his face. "We can always go hiking another day."
Terasaka made a tsk-tsk sound. "No.. you guys have been planning this for a week. Don't think that I haven't notice how excited y'all were."
"What are you going to do then? Will the rain to stop with your mind?" Itona raised his eyebrows at him.
"You...! Shut up. Dude, you were the most enthusiastic about this!"
"Stop this." Hazama's voice immediately ceased the upcoming banter. "Let's eat lunch first, alright?" She lightly tapped Muramatsu's shoulder and flashed him a knowing look.
Muramatsu later joined his friends, lined up on the steps of the porch, and handing them each a bowl of steaming ramen. "I heated up some leftovers from yesterday."
They ate in silence, sheltered under the roof where the heavy raindrops continued to beat down aggressively with no end. The world unfurled in front of their eyes, the view of the road a hazy blur of staggering bushes and splashing dewdrops.
They huddled together, embraced by the comfort of companions and snuggled by the toasty meal, made with the concern of a caring friend. Even as the ruthless winds persisted to unleash its cold fury, their hearts remained warm.
"Muramatsu, the ramen is great today." Itona commented, taking another big bite of the delicacy.
"Is it?" Muramatsu's eyes lit up, looking slightly surprised. "Well, dad actually went through with what I said for once..."
Yoshida nodded in agreement, before drooping his head in disappointment. "It's a shame that we couldn't make it far today..."
"The weather's been unpredictable lately," Hazama added.
"Next time, let's take the forecast into consideration too."
She shook her head. "The forecast said it was going to be sunny today. I really mean it when I say the weather is unpredictable."
"Better luck next time, I guess." He sighed.
But the rain eventually came to a halt quicker than they anticipated, the winds dying down to only a mere whistle that prickled the tree branches. Thundering pounds of raindrops dwindled to a melodic clink, soft trickles dribbling. The sky lit up just as their spirits did. It had not been a plan gone to waste after all.
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