#that is a freaking fuckton of traffic you guys have brought to my art blog this year
shirozora-draws · 2 years
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I posted 56 times in 2021
48 posts created (86%)
8 posts reblogged (14%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 310 tags in 2021
#shirozora draws - 48 posts
#star wars - 46 posts
#the mandalorian - 43 posts
#luke skywalker - 35 posts
#din djarin - 35 posts
#dinluke - 34 posts
#skydalorian - 32 posts
#grogu - 19 posts
#story: the suns - 11 posts
#cobb vanth - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like y'aaaaaaaaaaaaaall i finished a sketchbook in 3 months? i mean sure it's just an itty bitty moleskine and not a honkin' regular sketch
My Top Posts in 2021
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Runaway 2AM thoughts turning into runaway headcanons about Luke getting Mandalorian armor courtesy of the Armorer because my brain won't shut the fuck up.
Leia: ... why do you have Mandalorian armor?
Luke: Oh, the Armorer made it for me.
Leia: Who?
Luke: She's part of Din's covert. He said it's a wedding gift.
Leia: A what? Since when did you get married?
Luke: Three weeks ago? I think? I'm not sure. Apparently we got married while fighting stormtroopers.
Leia: Stars, why didn't I think of that? We should've done that.
Han (off-screen): No, we didn't!
2313 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 07:41:51 GMT
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I said I was going to slow down to focus on writing and this is why - I, a fucking fool, am illustrating my own goddamn fic. Sure I'm working full time and taking an intensive class on character design but who needs sleep when there's a story to tell?
Anyway, here are the illustrations for the first chapter of The Storm sequel, The Suns.
*rolls the fuck away*
2445 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 03:19:50 GMT
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As the person responsible for a day's worth of chatter, art, and fic featuring Lightning!Luke at the dinluke Discord server, I figure I ought to post my own contribution. Don't usually post illustrations ahead of the chapter (have 1 more thing to sketch out, so looking at Saturday to post) but this is the "alt" version so have at it. Enjoy this visual vibe-y mashup of Sam Kim's Mandalorian version of the Luke Skywalker Theme and Into the Spider-verse's What's Up Danger
2525 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 07:50:29 GMT
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I, the biggest fool to ever fool, really thought I could put a moratorium on doodling Mando things until I was this much closer to finishing this goddamn 50k+ monster of a fic. Except I felt very naked about not doodling anything because I apparently developed this brand new habit of doodling Mando things all the time and posting at least once a week. The loophole is, “Well you said you were gonna commit to 1 sketchy illustration per chapter so we might as well start sketching those out.”
So I did just that. Have two sketches for fic illustrations. Goddammit and dank farrik.
2804 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 09:55:27 GMT
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This is what happens when you try to stop hyperfixating for several days to do your goddamn art assignment and your hellbrain says, “I have an idea.”
Sure did take me 2 days and 2 near emotional meltdowns to learn how to use CSP’s animation tools and make this work.
I’ll maybe post the jpeg later. 
3196 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 07:31:41 GMT
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