#that is not a skill everyone has acquired much less this fifteen year old girl
orangechickenpillow · 9 months
I'm sorry but it always cracks me up how petty Ezra is for like the good first cycle he's "partners" with Cee. Like this man instantly fell in love with this random feral child, yes, but then he almost immediately proceeded to have beef with her. Like, their sass meter is on the same level and it may have backfired a little for him initially
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antagonisms · 4 years
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Name: Evan Czarnecki
Gender & pronouns: cis male, he/him
Species: werewolf
Age: 27. Jokes about being 63, because he was a wolf for 6 years, which is 42 dog years + those 21 normal human years. Either way, age is a really weird concept now.
Traits: Pretends to be flippant to put the world at a distance. Vulgar as a means of distancing himself from genuine vulnerability. Perceptive, but won’t let you know that. More self-aware than he lets on. Self-absorbed. Self-destructive. Loves being seen, hates being known.
Moral alignment / MBTI / enneagram: Chaotic neutral. INTP-A. 5w6.
Values: In other people, he likes independence, open-mindedness, the ability to dress well, a lack of tolerance for bullshit, genuine altruism, and resilience.
Flaws: Judgmental. Narcissistic as a defense mechanism. Occasionally rude, but mostly just cheeky. Not a team player. Reckless. Hedonistic. The brokest bitch in Blackrock.
( shorter version is in the app. i just like details. trigger warnings for child abuse and sex as self harm.)
You had a family, once. Your mother’s a piano teacher and your father is — you don’t know, really, but he’s got enough old money to buy nice things even if he’s stingy on principle. He’s polite, and she’s funny, and your fellow patrons at Sunday Mass love all three of you because you’re down-to-earth, surface-level beautiful — a perfect American family.
But they don’t know what happens inside the too-big house at the foot of the mountain. Your mother’s a pessimist, and your father’s a sniveling piece of shit who copes with his worthlessness by making everybody feel small. He’s kinda good at it. They’re both as loud as they are erratic and it’s all a matter of bracing yourself for when the floor inevitably falls through. You make do, mostly. You hide in your room. You lock the door. You put your ears behind headphones. You drown out their screaming matches and your too-loud mind. 
It all falls apart when Mommy decides she hates Daddy more than she loves you. No goodbye. No explanation. She just leaves. 
Her departure plants a lesson you will later find impossible to uproot: love is earned, Evan, you’re not working hard enough. At least your father stayed. At least he sometimes loved you. At least, you think so. He might have loved you when he took you fishing, or gave you that book you really liked, or when he buys you clothes that look really nice. You flip through your mother’s old sheet music and fumble through the piano keys, and you think he might love you when he watches you fill this house with her memory without saying anything.
But mostly, he’s not very kind. You don’t want to think about it anymore.
You inherit your mother’s cynicism and your father’s stingy heart. The skill you develop is as much a sense of humor as it is a safety net. If life’s a joke, beat it to the punchline. By the time you’re fifteen, you can no longer pretend that your world is worth saving. You keep it at arm’s length. Your mind makes a mockery of the darkness to keep its jaws at a distance, because if you couldn’t do that, your pitch-black pessimism would swallow you whole.
Growing up feels less like maturing and more like mutating. By the time you’re sixteen, you stop feigning perfection to earn the affection of a father who’s heart is colder than your Blackrock winter. Popular misconception claims control is a word you never learned, but that’s just what you let everyone think. The truth is: control is a lesson you pried out of your body when the need for acceptance evolved into a need to rebel. You’re an embarrassment, Evan. Adolescence meant insurrection. You’re a failure of a son. Pills and booze and boys and girls biting the hand that hit him. Your heart is a bullet and your mouth is a shotgun and you will make yourself repulsive if the alternative is admitting that — Evan, I wish you knew how difficult it is to love you.
You only apply yourself when it matters. You get into Stanford. You take a loan. You don’t let your father pay for tuition, because you’re not letting him control your life anymore. You leave your tar pit town the way your mother did, and it’s only a matter of time before your goodbye is permanent. 
It gets better as much as it gets worse. You leave home, but home doesn’t really leave you, and you don’t recognize your body when it’s not in pain. You’re beautiful, though. People see you and want to make you theirs. You let it happen. Too-rough hands salve the ghosts of bruises your father left you. This is the ugliest way of putting it: you feel damaged. Every person you kiss has too-sharp teeth, and maybe that’s exactly how you want it, because if this body doesn’t feel like it belongs to you, then offer it up in a way that feels good.
You always leave first. You love much how it tears them apart. This is your inheritance: your Momma’s love of leaving, and your Daddy’s stingy, stingy heart.
Unlike your mother, you tried to come back. Your father called one night, asking if you wanted to return for Christmas, and the small, stupid flicker of hope that your pessimism couldn’t kill begged that you give him a chance.
He didn’t change. He argues about the degree you’re taking with the money you don’t have and insists on carving a future for you, his way. He doesn’t like your independence. He doesn’t like your protests. Your fights are explosive until they aren’t, until a raised fist reminds you exactly what violence he’s capable of.
At least he sometimes loves you. Maybe he loved you when he picked your wounded body up, carried you out of the woods, and bandaged up bite on your side. Maybe he loved you when he brought medicine to your room, and maybe he loved you when made you chicken soup just the way you liked it, even when you didn’t ask. Maybe he loved you when he sat by the side of your bed, and talked about his father, and his father’s father, and how none of them really knew how to grow up without making their sons feel small.
But the fever is strange. A new kind of anger tears out whatever capacity for forgiveness you might have had. Your bones are changing. Something wretched twists and grows inside you, and with a hot flash of pain, you’re something new entirely.
You have one last coherent thought before the wild takes your mind completely.
I have to kill him. So you do. 
The news of your father’s death spreads like wildfire in Blackrock. It’s not your father’s mangled body that causes intrigue, it’s your disappearance. Wolf attacks, while uncommon, aren’t exactly rare, and everyone’s heard the folktales. Neighbors assure that you were there during the evidence, but the police find no evidence of carnage, not a pound of flesh nor drop of blood to support the fearful need to conclude that there’s nothing supernatural about this. You can’t prove the Czarnecki kid isn’t a werewolf, the gossipers say. Nobody can even prove that he’s dead.
You don’t know what strange circumstance landed you in your new body, but maybe you don’t care. Maybe the bite and the fever killed you, and the Buddhists were right. You don’t really know if you earned enough good karma to deserve this reincarnated form, but either way, you’re never letting it go. You hunt deer. You roll around in the snow. You snarl at any predator that dares to get near, and bite the ones that move into your space without permission. Sometimes you walk into the backyards of strangers and wait for children who aren’t afraid to try and approach you. You don’t eat them, because just because you’re a monster now doesn’t mean you don’t have principles.
You lie down. You let them rub your belly.
It’s a really nice life.
5) NOW
Six years after you thought you died, a woman drags you out of the woods you back into your body. Even a lifetime of pain couldn’t prepare you for the shift back. New bones tear your animal flesh apart, piercing your skin open to make room for your wretched old body. It aches in too many ways. The people — the wolves — the ones who did this to you, they tell you this is your home now.
So it wasn’t Buddhism. Maybe it’s the Catholics who’re right; eternal damnation does await the unrepentant sinner, and it looks like this: you’re here, trapped in a frat house for furries, without a  cellphone, a car, or clothes of your own, or money to pay a doctor to confirm whether or not you’d acquired a tapeworm.
You realize you owe Stanford 213,000 dollars.
You are a very tired wolf.
Evan has a bad childhood. He becomes a wolf. He kills his father. He mistakes lycanthropy for reincarnation and lives in wolf-nirvana for six whole years. You drag him out of nirvana. The realization that he didn’t actually die puts him in a terrible mood. 
( So uhhh I wrote up possible prompts for the existing werewolf skeletons before I knew what anyone was like and I think they can be good jumping points! If you don’t feel this fits your character, or if you want a different sort of dynamic, just message me! )
ALDER: You’ve seen him at his ugliest — a small, scared creature writhing on the floor, that horrific cross between a howl and a screech leaving his shifting throat. Now there’s a flare of red-hot resentment in his eyes whenever he looks at you, and it makes you wonder if he’s more monstrous as a human than he is a beast. You saved him from death. You realize you cannot save him from life. He’ll never forgive you for that.
HEMLOCK: You are a bootlicker and he does not like you.
HICKORY: It’s not your job to keep the feral wolf in line, but your brother seems to resent whatever circumstance it was that landed him the role of mongrel babysitter. Consider picking up the slack. The guy’s only half-terrible — sullen and strange but mostly manageable, and maybe earning his trust is only a matter of affording him the patience that nobody else wants to offer. If it’s an opportunity to prove this pack your worth, try taking it.
MAPLE: You’ve worked too hard to protect this pack, to earn your position. Now your lot has dragged some feral creature out of the woods, offered him their home, their humanity, and still, he has the nerve to be ungrateful. He makes it clear that he doesn’t trust you. He makes it even clearer that you cannot trust him. Maybe the demons in your head are concussed, but the new demon in your home now insists on giving you a migraine. 
PINE: You are a mirror of lost days. You are the young flighty creature he once was and can never become again. Home is a word you might have both forgotten, but circumstance has offered you both a new roof over your heads, and a family to go with it. Maybe these similarities should draw you closer, but there’s a glimmer of resentment in his eyes whenever he looks at you. You don’t know why it’s there. It could be pity. It might be envy. It must be grief. 
OAK: He had a father, once, and that shit didn’t end well. For some reason, he sees it fit to pass some unearned blame on you, and now years of buried resentment are yours to bear. Family’s a broken word, he seems to think, but you cannot let him break yours. Still, it’s evident that he lacks the capacity to be as self-sufficient as he’d like, and as long as that’s true, it’s your thumb he’ll be under. You know he needs you. Offer an open hand, or pull the leash tighter. The choice is yours.
REDCEDAR: He shows up at the bookstore to read a new title of Animorphs every other day and you don’t know how that makes you feel.
WILLOW: He might take more kindly to you than he does the others. You’re both new to a home you’re not sure will ever welcome you, and more importantly, you both wanted this. The bite. This beastliness. The difference is that he’s certain. Your condition is a new part of yourself that you have yet to fully love, but he seems to think he can teach you. Man and beast are equally monstrous, he tries to convince you. So let’s be the kind with bigger teeth.
( Open to humans ) has taken an interest in the Czarnecki Werewolf Conspiracy. They’re familiar with the incident — a dead father, a missing son, and the wolf that allegedly kill them both. All the facts line up too neatly, and when somebody who looks to be the ghost of one Evan Czarnecki returns to haunt the streets of Blackrock, they think it’s finally time they get some answers.
( Open to humans ) once knew Evan. Yeah, the kid who always got straight A’s and played piano for Catholic mass? What the actual shit happened to him? They’re watched Evan go from familiar face to murder case overnight, but now, the town recluses have found a new adoptee — and he’s the splitting image of the boy they once knew. Maybe it’s time to reconnect.
he uhhhh (spins wheel) flirted with ( open ) at last drop for free drinks and then realized that spending six years as a wolf made him de-acquire the taste of liquor and now he’s having a crisis
( open ) tells him he needs therapy. evan laughs
this is actually very hard he’s so unsociable
jsut message me... we’ll think of something
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musicartists6-blog · 4 years
4 Recommendations For brand new Musical Artists Who are Just Getting going
Music Artists
Lots has adjusted during the songs earth during the last 10 or fifteen many years. Inside the old days, an artist needed to excellent their craft and hope they were learned at a regional gig, or hope that they would get seriously blessed and meet up with anyone during the music promotion organization who'd go ahead and take time and energy to reach know them and respect their expertise.
Music Artists
Properly, that's not the norm any more. Sure, it might however materialize, but the odds are even worse than they were being back again then. That possibly appears like poor information, huh? Properly, in reality, it is not. Why? Simply because there are plenty of a lot more opportunities for artists to connect with their lovers and so many options to advertise now, you really don't need to hold out to become uncovered. You now have the solution of making your own personal luck, and so far as this writer is anxious, that is an excellent location to be.
Naturally, that does indicate a whole lot of labor, probably far more labor than right before. Simply because now you will need to be equally artist and promoter, inventive talent and business person. But as I like to say, and genuinely believe, no great reward arrives without the need of great sacrifice. It's kind of great like that, mainly because it means that once you help it become, you have unquestionably gained it.
What exactly I would like to do in the following paragraphs is mention four things that every new artist must do and know whenever they are beginning. A lot better, these 4 ideas can be held heading all through your job, regardless of how large you could possibly get.
Suggestion #1 - You need to possess a dream
This really is non-negotiable, fellas. If you would like anything at all in everyday life, especially anything you don't have now, and a thing that can have a good deal of labor and dedication, you would better switch it into a aspiration. It's our desires that we peruse the hardest and experience for that most.
And what's a aspiration? Can it be merely a need for something, a want? No, a desire is usually a mixture of want and wish, a transparent objective backed by potent, pretty much overpowering psychological need to have. Dreams are not just factors we wish, they can be issues we've to get or we'll just die! Whenever you can transform your musical career into that sort of want, you may have taken a huge stage towards accomplishment.
Idea #2 - Attempt to be one of a kind
I read singer Franky Beverly say on an awards exhibit a single time that you choose to should by no means slide for that flavor on the 7 days. Do anything you sense. Which includes caught with me for the reason that it's just what I feel. I did not enter into songs, and fall in like with it after i was a little bit girl just so I could duplicate somebody else and acquire dropped in a sea in the identical ole matter.
I've a pretty distinctive sound. Sure, it has been motivated by a variety of musical types, from rock to pop, to reggae to hip hop. But I do not set out to just duplicate a thing or try and sound like absolutely everyone else. And neither should really you.
There is certainly almost nothing improper with making a track that looks to fit in nicely using the present-day seems within your genre, which is certain to happen. There's a high-quality line involving fitting in and duplication. It is challenging occasionally, but it really is probable. Believe about every one of the fantastic artists you've got favored via the years and exactly how distinctive their seems are. And but, how all in their do the job has its personal flavor, a taste you may get on. Which is the best route to adhere to when making your tunes.
Tip #3 - Understand the company
Like I claimed in advance of, when you are independent, you must put on all of the hats, at the least to get a while. At some point, you may hook up that has a compact history label, or maybe a group, or a number of people who will enhance your skills with their unique. But it does not matter what, you should know all areas of your craft.
Which means you will need for being much more than a lyricist and musician. You'll want to know the engineering also. Know how to mix and master your tracks. You ought to find out the organization side of issues, the best way to handle you to be a business and negotiate costs and keep accounts and so on. And you should truly, genuinely, get to fully grasp promoting. Internet marketing is not less than as essential as your expertise, it's possible extra so, mainly because advertising and marketing is how you get on your own available and have men and women to like you.
Advertising and marketing and publishing and engineering might not be the exciting elements of tunes, however they will ensure that after you stand up on that phase, there will be a lot of screaming supporters to take pleasure in anything you should present them.
Idea #4 - Just take it significantly
Tunes is entertaining, isn't it? Crafting and making tunes, receiving up on that phase and enjoying and singing and dancing is amazing. There's almost nothing like it. But that's the reward of some quite exertions, devotion and of course, suffering. That is correct, you happen to be gonna have to put up with somewhat if you need to achieve that peak.
So get your tunes job very seriously. Deal with it like a job, or superior yet, a business. Emphasis around the items you could do and where you are able to acquire motion. You could should do the job two careers while you might be constructing it, trust me, I realize this for your simple fact, but it really is worthwhile. And a single working day, after you have reached a level of achievements you only dreamed about, you'll need a terrific story to inform about your rise.
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