#that is yellow rice! made to look like gold it's so festive and yummy
jesncin · 1 month
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Let's make history today! A book about a moon boy's journey with diaspora angst, finding a queer family, and figuring out what it means to truly belong, is finally OUT! Not long ago I believed queer Indonesian representation like this couldn't even exist in my life time, but here we are! To celebrate, we got a book cake and nasi tumpeng. Culturally tumpeng is eaten to celebrate life milestones.
If you see Lunar Boy in a bookstore or a library, please take a pic and tag me or send it my way! It's my dream to see my book out there, but I likely won't see my book in my home country. Thank you :')
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: YumeTwins October 19
I wasn’t feeling well yesterday for some reason, but today I feel better; my game came too!
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“October is here and it’ll soon be Halloween! Halloween might be traditionally spooky bu you can always count on Japan to help kawaii-ify even the creepiest of things. We searched long and hard through plenty of scary and spooky items to find those with that perfect mix of monstrous and cute just for you! We hope you’ll love the Halloween Festival box this month! Don’t get too frightened!“
Photo Contest and Yume Prize
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This month, the Prize heavily pays attribute to Kuromi and My Melody in honor of their involvement with the content.
Meanwhile, the Photo Contest focuses on Agretsuko carrying goods, including two shoulder bags and coin pouches.
My Melody x Kuromi Festive Halloween Pouch
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Our first item is perfect for getting you into that festive mood, featuring a cute Halloween party design that features My Melody on one side, and Kuromi on the other:
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I’ve always been a Hello Kitty girl, but I love Kuromi ♥ she’s so cute~
Meanwhile, I think this would be a nice pouch for a variety of uses. It’s a decent size, and it even has a pocket, so I think it’d be perfect for things like makeup items, stationery, toiletries, or just various little items you want to keep nearby or organized.
The fabric also feels really nice and of good quality, the zipper works smoothly. I’m thinking I might use this to help organize some of the contents in my drawer. Even though I removed a lot of stuff from it, I feel like with so much space its harder to find things :P
Sumikko Gurashi Squishy
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Legit Japanese squishy make me SO happy ♥ especially if its as cute as this one! For this month we had a chance to get 1 of 2 food-based Sumikko Gurashi Squishy, both of which featured Shirokuma on a pudding, or dressed as a yummy onigiri/rice ball. Who is my favorite besides Neko (in case you’re new to the blog and haven’t heard me say that yet) from the series.
As you can see, this squishy comes with a gold ball chain so that you have the option to make it a keychain if you would like to bring it with you. I probably won’t do that because I usually don’t bring my Squishy anywhere, I like to keep them in safe locations, nice and clean.
It’s very soft, in terms of squish speed it took about 15 seconds to puff up back to normal. It has a strong generic squishy scent (not like rubber or plastic, but its different from that “powdered soybean” scent) but I assume if kept out of packaging it would probably fade. I like the scent I don’t really have any complaints. It’s very crisp looking, the seam is just barely messy in a few really tiny spots, and I did notice mine has like... a small fault on its face. You might be able to see it in the pic next to the left eye. I tried pulling it off but I don’t want to risk removing the paint (and not scrap material like I thought initially), so for now it’s staying.  
If you like Squishy I would recommend this little guy if you can find him, I’d recommend checking their online store, Japan Haul.
My Melody x Kuromi Folding Comb & Compact Mirror
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Our next two items are the perfect buddies for the pouch we got earlier :3 they’re also very handy for on the go emergency mirror touch-ups you may experience while out of the house. I’ve gotten a couple of these before but it’s been a long time, so it will be fun to swap out my old ones.
As you can see, both the mirror and comb were made to match each other, as well as the pouch. I really like that detail and find it to be aesthetically pleasing ♥  Plus I love the glittery coating.
Okay, so honestly I never use combs. I have long and thick hair and they do not work for that- they either break or just hurt. BUT these are perfect for my bangs, which often get messy or like to curl in weird ways whenever I least suspect it. So it comes in handy while I’m out. The mirror also can lean with its lid to be hands free, and while small, it’s easy to see all the facial details.
Sumikko Gurashi Halloween Lamp
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This our last item, a really cute new Sumikko Gurashi Halloween-themed lamp :D there are 3 variations, each pink, but featuring a different image and a character on top.
If you read my previous blog review then you might recognize the image they used from the drink cup we got. Basically, I think this is a “default SG pic“ they use and just modify to fit the scenario. Nothing wrong with that, but I only really took notice of it while observing this.
Here is the character I got:
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Not my favorite, but I seem to get him almost as much as Neko and Shirokuma; it’s very rare for me to get Penguin?, and I never get Tonkatsu.
The character on top does something very special~
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Cool huh?! It also changes colors!
The lamp requires x3 AA batteries to work, luckily I had some from my Kirby Lamp I got a few months back so I just swapped them out. As much as I love my Kirby lamp I really like this one too, it’s soothing to watch the image feature, and the light is a nice, vibrant white in comparison to its warm yellow. 
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 4.5 out of 5. Everything is strongly useful, in that I mean I will use them quite frequently. Everything was also cute with just that tiny hint of spookiness; which was my only issue. I wish the spookiness factor was a more prominent because I love cute-scary things, and this felt more... child friendly Halloween if you know what I mean. 
Theme: 5 out of 5. Everything goes together perfectly, and it has a heavy Halloween vibe! They did a great job!
Total Rank: 10 out of 10. I really liked everything that we got :3 I’d recommend every item!
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Squishy - I love squishy and I wish we got them WAY more often. I shall cherish this as much as I do the sleepy bear I bought from Japan Haul~
2. Lamp - I love it! I especially like how Neko is dressed as a black cat and Shirokuma looks like a vampire x3 two of my favorite things. The light feature is really fun too!
3. Halloween Pouch - This will be a great addition to the drawer I’m having trouble keeping straight. I love how soft and smooth it feels~
4. Mirror - This will come in handy, I’ll be swapping my old one out right after I post this :3
5. Comb - As I can only really use it for my bangs it’ll probably get the least use out of everything.
Okay guys, that will be it for now! I hope you enjoyed the review, next up I actually have 2 GachaGacha Crates to review so stay tuned until then!
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