#that live in Metsan not Alfheim
soulsxng · 6 months
They were heading back from running some of the errands that had piled up when they were in Vanystea, when the sharp smell of blood hit their nose. While that wasn't necessarily an oddity in the Plains, the fact that they were passing through one of the biggest gathering areas for the packs without seeing more than a handful of other Aifaen made it stand out in a way that had brilliant red fur raising to stand on end.
Eleare's ears pinned back against their head, and they did a little circle as they investigated the smell further. In the same direction, they could smell a large group of other beasts gathered. And as they followed the trail a bit further, they picked up something more...familiar. Three scents that they had come to know intimately, over the years.
Before they've even fully realized it, their paws are carrying them toward the sources of the scent in a full sprint. When they reach the others, gathered around in an anxious circle, the inari squeezes and leaps their way through the crowd, ignoring the grumbles and snarls that some gave in response.
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Just as they'd thought, the moment they broke through the crowd, Eleare was met with the faces of their older children-- Thelrin and Raelin. They had been knelt on the ground with their backs toward Eleare at first, but the moment they got close enough and shifted forms, both jumped to their feet and turned to face Eleare.
Red eyes traveled quickly over their forms, making sure that they weren't injured before moving on to the person the two had been kneeling beside. They could feel their stomach twist in anticipation, before dropping altogether when their gaze fell upon the third familiar face.
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"Eleare? Wh--"
Before he can even respond, they're practically on top of him. Hands pushing clothing aside to get a better look at the wounds that littered the other Aifaen's body. They had to fight their instincts to growl and shoo away the healers that were already helping him, and instead gripped the man's arm tight.
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"What happened to you? When did you get back from Ahnia, Antale?" They sounded angry, and both Thelrin and Raelin's ears pressed back flat to their heads, starting to move away to avoid Eleare's wrath. Unfortunately, that only seemed to draw their attention. "And you two! If your father is back home, let alone injured, why would neither of you come to get me? I swear to Bralis, Tal, if you told them not to just because you didn't want to worry me, I'm going to finish you off in front of the whole Plains!"
"Lea, please...it hasn't been long, I promise." The man-- Antale-- lifts a hand, pressing a finger to their nose despite the way their lip curled like they were ready to bite. They don't, though...after a moment or two, the harsh air around them falters, and they lower their head a bit, so Antale's fingers could run through their hair, and rub at one fluffy ear. "I'm fine, I've had worse than this. The exhaustion from the fighting caught up to me, is all."
Eleare doesn't seem at all pleased to hear the last bit, but as it seems that Antale had more to say, they kept it to themself.
"...Something happened in Ahnia-- Elyki is causing trouble alongside the coup out there. That's why I'm here, and why I'm worse for wear. I was asked to relay what happened to the heads. Warn them, and see if they can spare some help."
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