#that my FIRST one i /watched/ was c.owboy b.ebop but
honorhearted · 2 years
BIRTHDAY : 12/25 -- I always get my birthday off. *flips on shades*
PRONOUNS: she / her
NAME : Mattie
ZODIAC :   Capricorn   
Favorite Author: I wouldn’t say I have one? I like what I like, and it’s not always by the same writer. I get more excited about fanfic authors releasing new stuff, tbh lol. But I do like/admire C.olleen McC.ullough’s style. 
Favorite Character from Literature : Uhh, I guess Anne Sh.irley in terms of classics, and H.annibal L.ecter for contemporary. Very different types of characters lmao.
Favorite Music Genre: I’m the most eclectic person when it comes to music. I can find something I love in every genre!
Favorite Kind of Book: I’ll read anything with a good premise, so I don’t really have a favorite genre for books either. I tend to avoid f.antasy/sc.i-f.i though.
Favorite Animal: Cats. My day isn’t complete until I harass my furry gr.emlins.
Favorite Disney Cartoon : B.eauty & the B.east. Since my mom and I are essentially the same person, it’s her favorite too. 
Favorite Video Games: I’m very old school, so I only like the really old games, like M.ario, D.onkey K.ong, and G.uitar H.ero. I don’t enjoy anything with quests/having to think lol. Though I like watching g.ames get played, and I really loved watching K.ingdom H.earts.
Favorite Color: All shades of blue.
Favorite TV Shows: M.oonlighting, The G.olden G.irls, T.7S, TURN (duh lol), and probably tons of other stuff that’s not coming to mind. 
Favorite Mythology: I’ve never liked/cared about m.ythology, tbh.
Favorite Food: I’ll go ahead and say pizza since I eat it like 1-3 times a week lol.
Favorite Actor: *drags hands down face* Don’t out me like this, okay? Obviously (well, to those who know me), my FC...like, to an unhealthy amount lol, but I also love K.acey R.ohl.
Favorite Countries: I’ve only been to E.ngland, S.cotland, C.anada and B.ermuda (not a c.ountry, but it’s still outside of the U.S.), and even though I liked them, I wouldn’t say I have a favorite! I’m not very adventurous, cuz I’d prefer to just explore the states.
CANON OR OC:  Canon! I do have one OC page, but this is the literal first time I’ve written my OCs in RP (or at least, the first time since I was like 13/14 lol), cuz I’m protective of my brain children and don’t want them stolen. I’ve seen it happen. Anyway, canon’s much easier to get threads/ships going on, cuz ppl don’t tend to care about OCs too much and think they only want “one thing.” Which is insulting, but y’know.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RPING : Since like 2003 lmao. Probably 2004, actually, since I’m pretty sure I wrote fanfiction first (created my first fanfiction page in Oct. 2003).
WHO IS YOUR CURRENT FC : S.eth N.umrich. :’ ) *cuts to everyone whispering WHO? in the BG*
FAVORITE GENRE :  I’ll write anything! But my biggest M.O.s tend to be angst and trash, sooo I’ll just go with that.
SOFT MUSES OR EVIL MUSES : I tend to like grey area the most! Cuz too soft is boring, and too e.vil can be equally boring, so I like a sound medium. Ben’s more soft, but he’s definitely done some questionable stuff -- the fandom just refuses to see it lol.
WHAT IS YOUR PREFERRED WRITING STYLE ? : Third person/past tense.
HAVE YOU BEEN ON OTHER PLATFORMS ? : Soooo many lmao. I started with A.IM and LJ, then some host site I can’t remember the name of, M.yspace, F.acebo.ok, as well as s.itemodel, r.oleplayer.me, Sk.ype, and now here! :’ ) I know ppl RP on d.iscord, but I sincerely don’t like that. I enjoy having everything neatly in one place where I can re-read if I want, and that just isn’t possible (or done easily) on a ch.at platform.
WHO IS YOUR TOP MUSE AT THE MOMENT ? : I mean... *gestures at Ben* The BoiTM, ofc. I don’t share my OC page with ppl unless they ask.
NAME YOUR MUSES YOU HAD IN THE PAST: LITERALLY TOO MANY TO NAME. I’ve had muses from C.owboy B.ebop, D.ark Sh.adows (the OG, not the shit 2012 movie), The D.ark Kn.ight/B.atman, O.UAT, H.annibal, and now TURN. I know that may not seem like “too many to name,” but you’re underestimating how many muses I had for each fandom LoL. I’ve also consistently RP’d since 2004 without taking any time off, sooo it’s been a while! 
tagged by:  @luckhissoul ~ thanks muchly! <3 :)​
tagging: YOU! <3
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