#that old traditions can't be given priority over lives in the now
iturbide ยท 3 years
Unrelated to FE, what did you think of the recent dragalia event with Luca and Isaac?
I know he wasn't being malicious, but he made a huge error while he was trying to help, and there were major consequences for it. The fact that he had to grapple with this was really engaging, and I liked that the core conflict that the siblings ended up on opposite sides of was a grey one, rather than there being an obvious 'right' and 'wrong' take: there's clear value in what exists here and now, but there's equal value in old traditions that keep us connected to our individual cultures and heritage. I kind of wish we'd gotten to see more of the actual practices and traditions from that Sylvan village, but there's only so much hard worldbuilding they could do, and I respect that.
But probably my favorite thing about it was that my boy managed to kick a hardline traditionalist into recognizing that he was thinking about everything wrong. Frankly? Luca was right: tradition isn't dead until every last practitioner is, so Isaac's immediate defeatism when Yggdrasil withered, as though the root of Sylvans' entire culture had died with it, didn't make any kind of sense. The fact that Yggdrasil comes back just adds to this, especially since Isaac made it so clear that the dragon was so sensitive to the feelings of its people: it seems entirely possible to me that Yggdrasil's widespread withering might have been partly the fault of the traditionalists, who gave into despair as they rigidly clinging to the notion that change is cultural death; and its rebirth came only after they let go of that mindset and embraced the notion that they were the heart of their tradition and could endure with the support of Sylvans from outside the village who share in that bond of kinship and cultural heritage.
Overall I loved the event, I loved that Luca had a chance to shine and show off what makes him so great, and I loved that it ended on a hopeful note even though things changed. Luca might not have been the main focus, since Sarisse was the character we spent most of our time following in the story, but he was still a key part of that satisfying resolution because it was his perspective that opened Isaac's eyes. It was so much more nuanced as a story than I usually expect from a mobile game and I just found it well-handled on the whole.
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punkscowardschampions ยท 5 years
Ali & Ro
Ali: Not entirely sure if Lene is serious but probably Ali: either way, I'll chat to her when I'm back, won't be long Ali: is there anything else you wanted clarity on before the chat went awry, like Ro: I had always assumed her to be perpetually seriously, however, I have already spoken to Tess Ro: She wishes to speak to you nevertheless, perhaps she sensed my internal reservations about the trip Ro: You see, I'm potentially considering not accompanying you on the trip because Marlene's car cannot comfortably accommodate all of us and well, everyone else is so eager to go Ali: She'll like that that's the impression she's given out, I'll tell her Ali: or she wants to tell me no to my face with an evil smile on hers ๐Ÿ™„ Ali: We'll be fine, I'll make sure you have a seat Ali: You have to come, you've got more reason than everyone but me Ro: I really do want to come but what if the stars aren't out? Ro: Or I offend Caleb with my refusal of his snacks? Ro: Or Meena's brother thinks I'm the most unusual girl in existence, not in a good way? Ali: We're going to be so prepared, I promise Ali: all the torches, rechargeable and the hand-crank kind Ali: you can help me pack Ali: and you don't have to worry about either of them, Caleb isn't like that Ro: Can we start to pack when you return? Ali: Yeah, of course! Ali: And I'll show you all of the places I've found and researched thus far Ro: Oh my goodness! I hadn't even considered how much research there would be to do! Ro: That's how lost I became in the negatives, much like Tess seemingly is, but we will be able to convince her with our thorough plans as well Ro: And whether Marlene actually speaks to her or not, she'll be pleased she is coming along as a safe driver Ali: Exactly Ali: It's literally THE safest most wholesome plan I've had in ages Ali: it's practically a school trip Ro: The cards and tea leaves did look upon it favorably but your mother is unlikely to be convinced by that, sadly Ro: At least not in this lifetime Ali: Such a heathen Ali: keep that between us and the ๐Ÿ”ฎ Ro: Perhaps don't start the negotiations with that or acknowledge my agreement of it, in order to keep things safe and wholesome if nothing else Ro: The first of many secrets this trip, I am certain Ali: Absolutely Ali: ๐Ÿคž Ali: It'll be a good chance for everyone to get to know each other Ali: but no one's going to object to everyone doing their own thing either, it's the beauty of it Ro: Precisely how long have you been plotting this? Ali: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Ali: That would be telling Ro: Tell me instead, is Carly coming? She didn't actually say Ali: Oh, you're right Ali: group chats are hilarious but largely ineffective Ali: she is coming, yeah Ro: Hmm Ro: Is that a good idea, your former girlfriend and your girlfriend of the moment Ali: I think Marls has got a new piece rn so I'm officially old news, it won't be a problem Ro: Oh Ro: Is her girlfriend coming too? Ali: Potentially, but as you said we are 2 people over capacity already Ali: any more and we'll need another vehicle Ro: And it'll be enough of a challenge for me to converse with several of the company as things stand, I have no overwhelming desire to add more to our number personally Ali: I promise it'll be fine Ali: I won't make us sit in a circle and hold hands or anything Ali: unless we're doing a sรฉance Ali: still you'll only need to communicate with the spirits Ro: It's been so long since we've done one, we have to! Ali: Absolutely Ali: I think the convent and old asylum once we get to Cork will be perfect Ali: [sends relevant links] Ro: I can't believe the asylum was made into apartments, imagine living there! Ali: Right?! Ali: Imagine the leftover energy, I can't Ro: I'm furious at myself that I was almost convinced not to do this Ro: It's going to be amazing Ali: You know I wouldn't let you Ali: You've gotta be there Ro: I'm not going to be able to sleep until we go, I feel utterly childlike in my enthusiasm right now Ro: Come home soon, please Ali: You're so adorable Ali: I can't wait either, I think its spreading, everyone seemed more reciprocative than I could've even hoped so ๐Ÿ™Œ Ali: I won't be long ๐Ÿ’š Ro: It just simply is one of the best ideas you've had for a long while, nobody can fail to recognise and appreciate that Ro: Especially because most don't share of love of Octobers Ro: It'll give them something to look forward to that isn't the over commercialisation and Americanisation of Halloween Ali: I won't take that slight on my previous ideas, Posy! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ali: not to mention I'm ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ on that commercialisation this season because I agree in principle that everyone should get behind the actual meaning and old traditions too Ro: The less said the better Ali: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Ali: the real horror is all this shade, you beast Ro: I'm practising in case the boys don't take all of this seriously enough Ali: tough love Ali: I'm sure they'll appreciate that very much Ali: ๐Ÿ˜ Ro: It is very much not about their enjoyment, thank you Ro: Ours and the spirits take priority as they should Ali: Amen sister Ro: I'm gonna go make tea and cautiously approach Tess again, with every possible wish for good fortune having been made, of course Ro: See you soon Ali: ๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿง‚๐Ÿช”๐Ÿฆท Ro: Blessings back
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