#that one gay beep boop fucker
sillysanddweller · 28 days
tha garello..
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glitterbark · 7 years
You've opened the gates... Now tell us about FGO and Garnet & Pals
Omfg... ok, for any confused, I’m in love with Fate Grand Order and, when this was found out on a side-blog, I was asked if my Master has a personality. 
And you know me, of course she does. (Here are the posts for clarity.)
So the one’s I’ve mentioned are Robin Hood, Nero, Mozart, Medea, and Mash, but let’s elaborate on Mash.
Above all else, Garnet would admire Mash. She is a being devoted wholeheartedly to protection, and furthermore, to Garnet’s own protection. This is something that has never happened before in Garnet’s entire life. She’s the one who’s supposed to protect her family, after all. She’s a piece meant to sacrifice, she’s a book that’s meant to be opened and then put back on the shelf when it’s done. Any care any consideration her older siblings showed her was simply the manifestation of their desire to keep things “neat” - for example, what kind of respectable person just drops there books anywhere they please when they’re finished consulting them? Any gentleness she was afforded was due to what she could offer, not who she was beside her designation as a repository of knowledge.
But Mash is different. Mash calls her ‘senpai’ not because of her “greater skill”, but because she sees something human inside of her. And Mash protects her so fervently because that is her duty as an underclassman.
It’s her duty as a servant.
So, we’ve got two things here. A.) Garnet’s never been considered a valuable Master candidate by her family, so Mash treating her with such worth because of what little value she has is almost unbelievable to her. And B.) Mash doesn’t call her senpai because of her value as a Master, but because of her value as a human being, something which her family never once considered. So saying that Garnet is a bit flustered around Mash is an understatement - everything Mash is, it’s something Garnet has never experienced before. Everything Mash tries to protect is something that Garnet has wanted someone to protect all along, and meeting Mash is like... a dream come true.
Garnet’s pretty emotionally stunted, so this doesn’t really come across that well in the beginning, but she forms an immediately very strong emotional attachment to Mash. Mash is always spared her (admittedly somewhat sharp) tongue, and she’ll give anyone who tries to bully her pure, sweet Shielder a total tongue lashing. It’s fair to say that Mash’s existence helps Garnet shine as a person, because she would have been much more withdrawn initially without Mash to inspire her protective instincts. In gratitude for being treated like a person, Garnet wants to help Mash save the world - because she wants Mash to see the world for itself.
She can’t see something that’s been irreparably broken, and without a doubt, Garnet believes that Mash should be allowed to wander freely under the open sky.
Garnet’s also a bit insecure in dealing with Mash, though, because... she’s basically an encyclopedia. She’s been trained to have knowledge about an incredibly broad range of topics so nothing she deals with totally surprises her, and yet Mash totally surprises her at every turn. She can’t predict her! She can’t even understand her, really, so she frequently has to go back to her room and SCREAM INTO HER PILLOW BECAUSE UGH;;;?? MASH??? HOW DO YOU??? KNOW HOW TO DO THIS TO HER...??
(if you’re getting the sense that garnet may be a bit Gay for mash you are Not Wrong)
In short, Mash is a being that wishes to be considered human, and Garnet is a being who’s humanity has been stripped away from her. Being protected by Mash is a complete affirmation of everything Garnet has ever wanted, and so Mash starts quickly seeing Garnet’s pleasant side (though Garnet often is very flustered by her.) Garnet takes on a ‘big sis’ role with her a lot, answering her questions and teaching her the rules for many games. As more servants are summoned to Chaldea, more and more join in on these events... and through Garnet, Mash finds herself getting involved in loud, rowdy nights with friends.
Speaking of games, Cu Chulainn would definitely treat interactions with Garnet like they’re a game. They kind of are! Even when she’s being very serious, she treats existence rather like it’s a “game-board”, always figuring out what she can and can’t afford to lose. Normally, he’d have trouble getting along with the kind of person who’s willing to sacrifice “what’s fun” for “victory”, but Garnet also has a very well developed sense of justice. She wasn’t allowed to express it with her family, but she fervently believes in doing what’s right, even if you have to dirty yourself in the process. So while they’d disagree on tactics, Cu Chulainn would have a great deal of sympathy for a person who wanted justice and a fair fight and was forced to accept the mindset of “achieve personal victory at any cost”. He can tell from how she plays board games that what she wants is challenge, and that’s how she expresses her desire to go all-out. 
He’d really love to see her stop being so practical for a change, but she’s a bit of a tough nut to crack.
It takes some time for Garnet to warm up to Cu Chulainn. When she’s still in her “beep-boop i can’t show emotion” phase (before interacting with everyone really gets through to her) he is constantly pushing her to just - REACT. DO SOMETHING INTERESTING. UGH. (He’s also a bit internally annoyed that him flirting with her does NOTHING but Mash can get her to blush. How dare!) But Cu is one of the first servants that gets summoned, so he has a long time to work on That Case.
Once Garnet starts opening up, she treats him to the full brunt of her verbal wit, and he loves it. Sometimes, Cu disobeys Garnet’s orders, making her feel... Not Great as a master, but she can’t be too mad, because they’re always things she wishes she could have done but feels like she couldn’t. In the end, they get along well, though people might not always tell that from a glance. Lancer Cu is pretty emotionally involved in Mash and Garnet’s dynamic. He thinks it’s really good for them.
So I don’t actually have Gil, but if I did, Gilgamesh and Garnet kind of want to strangle each other. Initially, she sees him as the embodiment of everything she hates about her family - namely, how they made her feel - and having rejected all of their ideals quite violently, she rejects Gilgamesh violently as well. She refuses to praise him, refuses to attend to him, and at one point dumps wine on this fucker’s head without even flinching. He gets back at her, she gets back at him, and they are literal actual children involved in an actual prank war.
There’s probably some part of him that admires how someone so mediocre has risen far above anything her family could ever dreamed of her, and there’s also a part of him that sees her as something that could be collected, rather like one may collect a rare book. Upon making this comment, she punches him.and then spits on his shoes.
cu chulainn is actually crying with laughter in the background.
if there is anyone specific you wish me to talk about or elaborate more on please say so.
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teslatell-blog · 7 years
The day kiibo pranked everyone
One day keebler decided, “I should prank everyone in my class bcus I luv them su muck.” Naturally, it was the day right before april fools. So, he planned to switch everyone’s hair color with dye. He got his bottles, and was fucking ready to rick roll everyone.When it was night time, he opened up his vent and slowly crawled inside. ‘First stop: Akamatsu-san.’ he thought to himself. He used his magical beep boop sensor to locate her room. He kicked down the vent way and landed in her bathroom. Kiibo opened her bottle of conditioner and poured black hair dye inside of it. “Fufufu..” He laughed to himself and used ninja-like skills to jump back into the air vents when he heard akamatsu coming in. ‘Next stop: Saihara-kun.’ Kiibo landed in the bathroom and poured yellow hair dye into Saihara’s shampoo bottle. He got out. He did the same thing for everyone else in his class. Once he got back to his own dorm, he made a list. “Alright. So this is how it’s gonna be tomorrow.” Kiibo whispered to an imaginary camera.
Akameowtsu-black as my non-existent soul
Shit guuci-brown as shit
Gotogotarzan- like guuci but better
Feminist- red like satan
lazy ass magic hoe- shit brown but different from brown as shit
Weeaboo- god damn old lady ass hair
Kirumi- The sea the titanic drowned in F U C C
fre shavocado- Retarded ass space guy hair
 no PEEN- peachy fuzz
Tennis gremlin- panta purple
Kami-sama who?- this dum dum bubble gum ass B I N C H pink
Too much sex and spit- Even older and whiter than old lady ass hair
Maki Harukawa- too scary. don’t mess with her.
Kiibo(me)-still a knock-off clear
Kiibo smiled happily at his well thought out list. “I cannot wait for tomorrow!” He almost shouted.
Screams could be heard all around the dormitory in the morning. Kiibo, needless to say, was a happy camper. “I wonder how everyone looks today!” Kiibo said aloud. ‘I bet they’re all having a good laughs about it right now!’ He thought innocently. He opened the classroom door.
“YOU FUCKER GIVE ME MY HAIR COLOR BACK!” Momota screamed and shook Amami’s shoulders. 
“I-I look like an old lady.” Shirogane said to herself and sulked in a corner.
“...I am emo now.” Akamatsu whispered as if she dicovered the secrets of the universe.
Kiibo looked in blank horror at all his panicking classmates.
“U-um, everyone?” He said. The class slowly craned their necks in Kiibo’s direction. “Oh? Kiibo and Maki are the only normal ones? That means the ring leader can only be one of those two.” Shinguuji said and twirled his now brown hair with his finger. Akamatsu smiled nervously. “No.. I don’t think Kiibo would ever do that. And Maki is too mature for that.” Saihara nodded. “Yeah you’re right...whICH MEANS IT CAN ONLY BE YOU, YOU SHIT EATING GREMLIN!” Saihara shouted and pointed at a peach haired Ouma. Kiibo quickly intervened. “No.. It was me. I dyed all your hair different colors.” He said.Everyone in the room went silent. Kaito gasped dramaticaly. “Y-you mean..YOU MADE MY HAIR LOOK LIKE A FUCKING AVOCADO!?” Amami gay gasped. “I’ll have you know it is LEAF GREEN YOU ASS.” Kiibo waved around his arms frantically. “Please calm down! It’s only hair dye!” His classmates all stared at him with an evil eye. “...Only hair dye you say? ONLY HAIR DYE!?” Tenko screeched and threw a chair across the room, narrowly missing Kiibo. “Wait wait wait. I think we need to teach Kiibo, how to do a proper April Fools Day prank.” Momota said slyly. Everyone gave Kiibo an evil grin.
By the end of the day, Kiibo ended up covered in sparkles and make-up, lost his ahoge, and had rainbow hair.
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