#that one post that affirmed me saying “they are 3 apples tall”
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This is all that's in my brain on every rewatch so here
ye three hobbitses
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Chantilly and apple pie
Hey ! How are you ? Fine, I hope. I’m really happy and excited right now. Thank you for the comments on “Pleasure blind”. I was a bit scared but after I read the comments, I was relieved to see that you liked it. Thank you for keep reading my bad fanfics 😋 So ! Here I’m with a little fanfic for the Negan Smut Week. It’s the last day and I’m really sad about it. But anyway, I’ll post more smut :3 I hope you’ll like it !
(Here is the link to my masterlit !)
Summary : “A quiet evening at the Sanctuary with a cup of hot chocolate, biscuits and Negan that you know well before the apocalypse. And before you had time to understand, that night was a night of madness filled with love, desire and memories”.
Ships : Negan x reader
Words : 3950
Warnings : Curses, smut (and fluff..)
Tag : @smuttwd​ - @heartfulloffandoms​ - @itsneganslucille​ - @negans-network​ - @negansmutweek​ - @autumnjade22​ and @backseat-negan​ (tell me if you don’t want that I tag you because I don’t want to force people to read my bad fanfics..)
Enjoy !
You were quietly seated cross-legged on the damaged leather sofa, your tongue between your teeth as you read your book wide open in your lap. You groped the glass table in front of you to take a biscuit and put it in your mouth. You gently turned the page, taking another chocolate chip cookie. The door opened to allow a tall, thin man to come in, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and brown trousers, black boots squealing while he was advancing towards you, two steaming red cups in hand and a bottle of whipped cream stuck between him and his arm. “I think that with hot chocolate, it will be even better”. You looked up at the man to see his eternal big smile showing his bright white teeth. A smile appeared on your face. “Yes, it will be perfect Negan”. Negan smiled despite himself to the agreement of his first name and bowed to give you a cup that you cautiously took, for not to overturn. You let the heat fill your whole body as you felt the couch cringing beneath you when the man sits by your side after placing the bottle on the coffee table. “What are you reading this time ?” Negan asked as he watched your eyes jumping on the lines while drinking chocolate. The liquid burned your throat and you coughed. Negan tapped softly on your back and you thanked him vaguely. “A love story”, you replied after you had recovered. “Again ?” “But this time, there are naughty moments. As you like”, you said by turning another page, a smile in the corner. “Really ? Now, it gets fucking interesting !” Negan exclaimed, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “It’s odd that it doesn’t surprise me at all that you say that. An impression, perhaps”. “You know me”. “Yes, that’s the problem”. “I know you adore me”, Negan said, elbowing. “Take your dreams for a reality, my friend”, you said a smile always on your lips. Negan giggled and settled himself more comfortably. He poked a biscuit on the plate and bit into it.
“It’s fucking delicious”. “It’s normal, I made it”. “The fucking modesty, you don’t know, huh ?” "Sure, you’re very modest when you say that you’re a great charmer with all the women of the Sanctuary at your feet”. “And it’s fucking true”, Negan said, taking another homemade biscuit after finishing first. “What I was saying”, you sighed closing the book and putting it on the small table. You surround your cup with your hands and you sipped the chocolate. Negan turned to you, his head resting on the head of the sofa. And laughed when he saw the white moss around your mouth. You frowned, totally lost as you saw him chuckle. “What ?” “You’ll never change, will you ?” “What do you mean ?” You pushed your head back a little as Negan approached one of his hands. “I will not bite you”. “With you, I never know what to expect”. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”, retorted Negan, who had approached you to pull the moss around your lips with his fingers. He picked up the moss with his forefinger and licked absently, savoring the taste of it. You watched his tongue past his finger, biting your lower lip absently. Until Negan glanced at you in a corner, quickly turning your head. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as Negan clung to your shoulder. His head bent over to see your face. “What ?” You asked, your voice slightly trembling. “There’s one who also wants to have her share”, Negan replied with a smile on his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”, you stammered, lowering your gaze on your drink. Negan repressed a little laugh and merely brought his face closer to yours, scratching your peachy skin in contact with his peppery beard. You shudder to the warm air of his breathing. Your eyes gently lifted the shapes of his body, then the shapes of his face, lingering on his pink and thin lips. They rested on his deep green-hazel eyes, which shone with that usual sparkle of malice. He took advantage of it to detail in turn your face before gently leaning a little closer to it, leaving a distance of barely a few inches between your lips.
It was tempting. Very tempting even to embrace him. But your moral sense brought you back to order. You shrugged back, shaking your head. “No, better not”, you pronounced in a somewhat weaker voice than you had anticipated. Negan hadn’t stepped back and stared at you as you took another sip of the chocolate, the moss once again surrounding your mouth. He put his hand on yours to prevent you from cleaning it. The other landed on your neck, sending an electric shock through your body as his fingers touched your skin. His lips advanced towards yours and without controlling them, you hesitantly brought them closely. The tips of your nose were touching and one couldn’t detach the eyes of the other, like hypnotize. Negan decided to take the first step and break the space between the two of you. He tightened his grip on you as your lips came in contact for a soft, slow kiss. You didn’t expect such tenderness from him. He took his time to savor your taste as you did. You groan underneath him letting your hand guide its own way through Negan’s torso. In his turn, he let his stand on your waist to bring you closer to him, now deepening the kiss with his tongue that required access. The cups had fallen, messing the carpet with the brownish liquid. But neither of you paid any attention to it. You let the passage open by opening your lips and he didn’t hesitate a second to stuff his tongue into your mouth and meet his fellow. It first explored the depths of the smallest corners before performing a dance initially slow with its companion, gradually becoming faster and frantic.
Negan let his hand goes on your neck and the other pass under your burgundy sweater that he had offered you long before the end of civilization. He touched your burning skin with his fingertips and didn’t stop smiling as he felt you were fidgeting with excitement and impatience. His fingernails scratched you when his hand caressed your back. He made you fall backwards on the sofa that squeaked under your weights. Now on all fours above you, your lips separated by a little distance, you smiled as you passed your hand over his beard. “I didn’t know you were so greedy”. “I can say the same fucking thing about you”. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Negan smiled over you. He cleared a wick from your face and saw the moss still around your mouth. He moistened his lips and leaned again to pick up the chantilly with his tongue. And before you had time to capture the information, Negan still pressed his mouth against yours, spreading the moss on your faces. It was sweeter and softer, which made the languorous kiss more tasty. And with his hand that was now placed on one of your breasts, your head was turning and you couldn’t help but moaning with pleasure, the man uttering a growl for reply.
He kneaded it, massaged it and then left your face to descend to your chest and bite it ferociously through the cloth of your clothes. Your head fell backwards and a scream tore the silence of the warm room, the snow falling gently out. When Negan rubbed at you lasciviously, you felt the swelling below his belt and you felt not only the excitement rising in you, but that sensation too long absent which warmed - after all this time - your heart. Negan raised his head and caught your lips for another kiss, a request you answered without hesitation. You felt his hand trying in vain to detach your belt. He groaned with displeasure and focused his attention on it for a moment. “Impatient ?” You teased him while trying to have a more or less stable breathing. “You will do less malignant when I’ll hit you so many times that you will not be able to walk more tomorrow”, he retorted directly. The belt finally came off and he gave you a victorious smile. He unfastened the button and lowered your jeans as his head descended to your throat. Your moaning began again when he began to suck that part so sensitive to you, sucking it to leave a red mark of his passage. Your jeans lowered to the level of your knees, Negan’s hand took one of your thighs and pressed against your intimate part, his erection already enormous. Another scream escaped as he went up to your ear. He nodded your earlobe distractedly before letting you hear his breath interrupted and difficult. “You remember that day.. where we met”. His hand passed through the thin fabric of your panties to let his hand eagerly rub your buttocks. You repressed a groan while nodding affirmatively. It was like it was yesterday. You still saw yourself there, sitting at the counter drinking your hot chocolate after you took refuge inside the cafe, while the snow was falling abundantly outside. Negan was sitting next to you, sadly eating his apple pie. He noticed you and watched you without you noticing. Your mouth was surrounded by whipped cream and he chuckled, drawing your attention to him. You have stared at him with a frown. “You have a bit of chantilly around your mouth”. “What ?” “Wait. Don’t move”. He picked up the white moss with his finger and carried it to his mouth. “Not bad”, he had said, slapping his tongue. You had fixed him, a little dazed before a smile had infiltrated your face. "Thief. Now I want a piece of your apple pie”. “Okay, miss greedy”. “You dare call me greedy ? You ? Really ?” “And I assume it. Negan”, he said, raising his hand toward you. “(Y/N)” You shook hands without letting go before you did it and took his fork to stuff it into your mouth. “Not bad”. “Thief and greedy”. "And proud of being one. A little chantilly with your apple pie ?” You asked him by calling the waiter with a hand movement. “Yes, if you take a piece of my pie”. “Market concluded, sir greedy”. You smiled to each other and since that day, you had sworn never to let that smile disappear. To preserve it as much time as possible.
“Since that time, you have been obsessing me”.
He took you out of your thoughts, your eyes opening wide with surprise. A declaration of love or simple wandering because of pleasure ?
He went down to bite your chin and your throat, leaving behind a furrow of kisses wet on it. Your head swung back, you swallowed when you felt Negan lower your pants lower. “You don’t know the fucking several times I dreamed that I kissed you and that I was fucking you relentlessly”. Your cheeks flushed at his words and you knew he wasn’t wandering. Negan played with the elastic of your panties as he introduced a finger into you. You stretched yourself by biting your lip. The pain was atrocious but Negan compensated by laying kisses on your belly, sometimes passing his tongue in your navel. He knew that you relaxed by feeling the flesh relax around his finger. He allowed himself to let in another. “Stop ! Remove it !” You screamed suddenly, tears in the corner of your eyes. “Shh.. Don’t worry..” You arched your back to let your sticky body leave the sofa, your hand rummaging through his black hair to calm you down. Negan helped you a little more by opening your legs and licks near your pussy. You inspired and then expired and the pain disappeared gently, feeling your heart beating frightfully against your chest. “Negan..” The interrogator gave you a questioning look, seeing your lips tremble.
“Take me..” Your tone was supplicating and he could perceive impatience and desire vibrate in your trembling voice. He swallowed.
“There’s no way I’ll stop. Are you sure ?” “If I have known your true feelings, I will have confessed my own much sooner”. And you remained silent after your answer, leaving Negan marinate the information in his mind. You loved Negan. And you wanted him to own you. You wanted to belong to him as you wanted him to be yours. Negan withdrew his fingers and gently, he lowered your panties, without answering anything about your words. He contemplated for a moment what was before him before turning his attention to your red cheeks of embarrassment, your head turned to the other side. “You’re fucking cute when you blush”. “Shut up”.
He giggled and without saying anything, he put his tongue on your pussy and licked it slowly. You screamed loudly, so loudly hat you had surely awakened the whole building. Negan repeated his action several times in succession and grunted himself with pleasure, his nails sometimes scratching your hips. You didn’t hold back your yells , you didn’t care if someone could hear you. He spread a little more your legs to lick all along, catching with his tongue your seed that he swallowed and savored with pleasure. “Damn, you’re fucking delicious“. You were even more embarrassed but also excited at his words. Your hand poked Negan’s head but he pulled away to look for something. Your eyes turned round as he saw the bottle of whipped cream in his hand, a smirk on his lips. You bit your lip from the inside, smiling in your turn. “You would not dare”. “Stop me then”. “Don’t want to”. His smile widened at your reply. He leant the bottle on your face and when you understood what he wanted to do, you open your mouth to welcome the white cream. He fills your mouth with it and directly recollecting your lips for a frenzied kiss. Your lips bit each other, your tongues intertwined, sometimes one left the other to eagerly lick the red cheek of excitement of the other.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist and you felt your hips go up and down, feeling for a moment Negan’s huge erection rubbed against your intimate part, which had the gift of making you moan louder. He attacked your throat again after you stretched it to make your pleasure heard better. His beard scratched against your skin, and his lips passed deliciously through your neck, marked by his lollipops, like a tampon now securing his property. Negan grimaced at the thought of his limb wedged in his pants and with your groans strong in his ears, he could no longer endure this tasty torture himself. He feverishly detached his belt, feeling at the same time your moisture against the back of his hand. After a fierce struggle to undo his pants, he pulled out his limb while growling, finally feeling good of his liberated dick. It penetrated inside you, which made you tense. Your lips still attached to Negan’s lips, you tried to calm your tension while Negan sank a little more into you. When he felt your nails sink into his shoulders, he stopped and cast a worried look at your face.
Compared to the other girls, you endured the pain fairly well. At the same time, he wasn’t the same with the others. He was more gentle with you, more patient. You were younger than him and he knew you had less experience. And then he loved you. Yes, he was sure now. He loved you more than anything in the world and wondered why he had taken so long to notice. He wanted to guide you, to help you, to be there for you for the rest of his life. And deep down, Negan hoped you were feel the same way. The grip on his skin loosened and Negan took it as a signal to continue. He sank into you, letting his tongue run over your neck to relax you, licking and nibbling at the tips of his teeth. “Fuck, you’re so tense”, he said mockingly, in order to relax yu a little more. “Try one day and you’ll see..” You stopped for a moment, feeling Negan deepen his path in you, breathing hard. You continued with difficulty. “You’ll see how painful it is”. “But it will not be for long”, Negan murmured warmly against your lips before dragging you to another kiss. You answered it as well as you could. You felt Negan moving slowly in you, his hips rubbing against your legs. He swallowed your plaintive groan and despite your entreaties, he didn’t stop. The sensation was too good for him. Not yet enough, though.
But he knew that for you, the sensation was disagreeable. No, strange. And a little painful. Negan was controlling himself as best he could, resisting his urgent urges. He struck slowly and aimed each time to your prostate to cause a violent tremor on your part.
Your plaintive groans soon changed into moans of pleasure. Your head against his shoulder, intoxicated by hims smell of a mixture of perfume and sweat, your legs were tightened around him and your hips accompanied his movements. You bit his ear as you felt his mouth against your throat.
“Negan.. Faster..”, you murmured before giving a teasing lick. Negan obeyed directly and accelerated the pace twice, striking again in the right place. Arms around his neck, you screamed with pleasure, your head swung backwards. His outgoing member then coming back inside you was exquisite and his mouth browsing once again on your throat was unbearable. Your sight was blurred, you were filled with sweat and you were stuck to Negan’s tempting and feverish body, who groaned with pleasure over you while saying obscenities as he hit you harder and harder. His thrusts were erratic and deep, and every blow he gave made you screamed louder and louder, and you were arched your back to hurt yourself.
He knocked until he stopped suddenly, his mouth against your lips. He came back at a slower pace and took advantage of your entreaties to go faster. He wanted to make this moment last, to be longer in you, to feel longer the warm flesh tightly clasping around his cock. You understood and you accompanied him, realizing how much more you wanted. “Negan.. You’re an asshole..” You replied then that Negan gave you another weak blow. He gave a sudden blow more strongly, and you yelled clawing his back. “Fuck, I want to hit that ass forever..” And in support of his words, he gave the same blow as the previous one. “Ah ! Again..” “You’re a dirty girl”, Negan murmured against your lips, trembling with desire. “And proud of being one”. He smiled in spite of himself and began to devour your lips where the whipped cream was still there, making this kiss inflamed, sweet at the same time. He bit your lips savagely, went down on your chin to bite it and then, coming up again to your lips to resume your kiss where your tongues were intertwined, where your groans were in harmony, feeling your bodies pressing hard one against the other, pieces of puzzle that had finally found their partners. Negan gently passed his hand underneath your sweater, then your bra to turn between his thumb and forefinger your nipple swollen with pleasure. Your scream of pleasure was stronger. He no longer resisted to the temptation. He lifted your sweater and tore off your bra to attack your chest. While holding your legs apart to better get inside you, he bit your right nipple with the tip of his teeth as he turned the other in his fingers. Negan who hit you and his mouth licking your breasts, aspiring then sucking your nipples in his mouth, was like a gift from heaven and you kept shouting, filling the room with your screams of pleasure. Negan felt this warmth, not this fire in his bowels, and began to strike with all his strength on your sensitive prostate. Your yells of pleasure didn’t stop, accompanied by Negan’s groans. With you, his primitive instincts were eager for even more. His animal violence and wild spirit had never been so awakened, ‘cause he had never felt such pleasure with any other woman. You were his. His and only his. While you were together in the seventh heaven, your body couldn’t take more and you came, your orgasm shaking your whole body. Negan, in spite of the fatigue weighing on his whole body, gave vain blows before finally returning arms and ejaculating in you, a last grunt issued. Negan was on you trying to resume - just like you - a steady breath. The room had become stifling so much this fuck had been intense and full of passion. Negan’s head was on your chest, licking it for a moment before putting your sweater back in its place. His head was heavy but he found the effort to raise it towards you with the sole purpose of admiring your face reddened by the heat, the sweat pearling on your forehead, and your lips parted to breathe properly, saliva and whipped cream in the corner of your mouth. Your body was still trembling under the sensations, not yet believing what had just happened. You felt Negan put a chaste kiss this time on your lips and you answered it, separating you a few seconds later. “Damn.. it was.. fucking fantastic..” Negan murmured against your lips. You exchange another kiss again before you part again. “At least I have confirmation that you’re indeed a man of unheard-of talent in bed”. “You were not convinced yet ?” “No. But now you can be sure of that”. He giggled softly and hung his eyes with yours, a thin smile on his lips. He cleared your face from a wet wick by the sweat. “I love you”, Negan finally said after a long minute of silence.
Your heart jumped at his declaration, and you couldn’t prevent a smile from blissfully replacing your surprised look. You put your forehead against his, admiring his magnificent eyes shining with the same brilliance as earlier, shining also of sincerity. He was honest and you could see by his features, in his eyes that he was really filled with love for you, something you had never seen in Negan until now. He was still in you and you felt your seeds mixed. An even bigger smile distorted your lips. “It lacks more than apple pie and everything will be perfect. With a bit of chantilly, of course”. “Is it your way of telling me that you love me too ?” Replied Negan chuckling in spite of himself. “Maybe. Maybe not”. You tighted your grip on his neck as he lowered his head to again unify your lips. “A true gourmand”. “You likewise”. "And I assume it perfectly”, you said mockingly. His nose gently rubbing yours, he laughed over you. You rubbed his peppery beard without leaving his eyes. “I love you, Negan”. "With chantilly, it will be perfect thanks”, he retorted in a smile. With a smile bigger than a banana, you started kissing again. He was yours and you were his. Since that day at the cafe, you were connected without realizing it. And this night of madness you just passed confirmed it thanks to hot chocolate, a memory of apple pie and sweet chantilly.
It’s always embarrassing to write smut.  But it’s so funny ! 😋 How do you found it ? Don’t hesitate to leave me your opinion about it. I hope you liked ! It was a real pleasure to write it. I really loved negan smut week. Can’t wait for the next time ! Thank you again for reading my fanfics (bad fanfics) ! I love ya all ! 💗💗
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