#that other idiot posting some meme with bering strait as saying ruzzia and usa fight there not in ukraine
a---fire---inside · 2 years
no sanremo this year for me. not only because I hated the pointless drama over zelensky's presence, as if sanremo didn't have every year pathetic guests spewing pathetic monologues about social problems that ugh I don't think help anyone but ok. As if Zelensky didn't have all the right to give visibility to the tragedy his country is suffering by the dirty hands of ruZZia, whose propaganda is dirtying italy since forever and everyone is happy about it or unknowing and unknowingly spreading it even more. But because of the indifference the 99% of italian musicians and celebrities had and have towards Ukraine...when it's not more or less direct support for ruZZia, through the NATO proxy war narrative. Fuck them all tbh, the war showed their real shitty colors.
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