#that paints Joseph as a major egg. it's very interesting to me
nibwhipdragon · 1 year
Alright, Joseph for the character ask I wanna read an essay
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You all really know who to ask for these character ask games don't you. Thank you I have. Written a lot. I apologise in advance if my writing seems to be discombobulated at times or if it feels like I'm going in circles, my brain has been like mush lately I cannot essay properly rn
Tagging @pey-no-attention-to-me as you asked for this too :3
It's all under the cut because I wrote SO MUCH.
Sexuality headcanon: Bisexual fr ❗️❗️❗️ Though I did see something abt Joseph being aro on here ages ago and it's been rattling around in my head ever since...him being aro/aroace actually kinda gives a reason as to why he's Like That imo, I like to dabble in it. Also it's really funny
Gender headcanon: Genderfluid 💥💥💥 It just fits, yknow? Though I am also open to other gender headcanons, I like to dabble in trans man and trans woman Joseph sometimes (I actually did do a screenshot edit with transfem Joseph once, and oh my god I hate hair so much) <3
A ship I have with said character: Caejose is my main ship with him, as you can probably tell. I also love joseq, they're such a sweet little couple, it's so wholesome (we ignore the cheating, though Joseph does have his selfish and bad traits he would NOT cheat, I hate Araki making him cheat just to get another Joestar for the plot). Hmm actually I should write some joseq I haven't written much and when I do it's sidelined by caejose...
Also I think there's probably something that can be said about Joseph having no proper friends before Smokey. Idk man but the way he always gets so aggressive over the littlest things, but it feels almost defensive in a sort of way to me? Like with the way he immediately demanded to know what was up with the Squid Ink Spaghetti, and the way he was really tentative with starting to eat it once he was told what it was. Yeah that could be chalked down to him just being wary of it as he's not used to the food and he won't know if he'll like it, but with him having no friends and also being arrested 3 times before hitting 20, I have a feeling something else is at play. Joseph was likely bullied in school, if I'm completely honest. That guy 100% did not have a good childhood I can guarantee you that.
And with that likely being the case, his first friend being Smokey kinda has a lot more meaning if you get what I mean. Like they first met because Smokey stole his wallet and ended up being attacked by the police for it. Of course yeah Joseph's not a racist so of course he wouldn't stand for that (ONCE AGAIN, WE IGNORE PART 3 BECAUSE ARAKI LITERALLY CANNOT KEEP HIS OWN CHARACTERS CONSISTENT. GOD.), but the whole arresting thing you'd assume he'd be fine with. And oddly enough he's not, he doesn't want Smokey to get arrested in the first place. You'd think he'd tell them to chill tf out with the racist stuff and leave it at that, but the first thing he tells the cops is that he gave Smokey the wallet – meaning there was no crime committed at all. And the police also only start doing stuff to Joseph after he tried to get Smokey off it scot-free (I feel that this change is more emphasised in the manga, where they straight up ask Joseph why he cares about Smokey as he's white and Smokey is black, I feel like they sorta bring Joseph down to Smokey's level in their minds after Joseph still stays on Smokey's side), so he definitely doesn't do this for his sake as it'd be better for him if he just left it. And with this being Joseph, with his selfish streak, that's quite notable. Personally I think that Joseph could recognise that Smokey wasn't in a good spot if he was stealing in broad daylight like that, he must've been desperate to do that. And once he saw how the police were treating him that just made him wanna make sure Smokey didn't get arrested more. I feel that if he really was bullied in childhood he'd understand the othering going on here (sure he can't understand completely bc getting othered by bullying and getting othered by racism is different. But the similarities ARE there) by the police to Smokey and that's what does cause him to have that REALLY violent outburst towards them (it was deserved, yes, but it didn't need to go that far to get the job done, ykwim). Actually the violent outburst is actually quite notable, seeing that kids that have been abused a lot – because bullying IS abuse – do usually tend to become aggressive and have behavioural and emotional regulation problems later in life as a result of it, sorta like a defence mechanism (and also because being bullied is not a good place to grow up in they also probably didn't have a chance to learn how to regulate emotions, especially if they were being teased and mocked for their feelings and that) and oh my god I'm going off on a major tangent I'll stop now
They also seem to have a sort of brotherly bond with each other, and I love that. They're just really awesome and cool and god I wish Araki had more screen time of them. Part 2 suffers from a lot of pacing issues actually now that I think about it. I'm Normal as you can tell
A NOTP I have with said character: Literally anything incestuous. There's so much incestuous stuff I come across it all the time it's so bad. I hate how Araki goes about writing jjba as he goes along if not for that we wouldn't have had the whole Lisa Lisa bath scene while also being his mother, which I think a lot of the incest stuff comes from. It's just...ew. You can't even get any interesting takes on the narrative with it the majority of the time. Just. 🤢
Also Josekars. Like I can see AUs where Kars ends up turning good and becomes friends or whatnot, Kars is a very interesting character for plots like that, but I simply do not like the ship for em both, it's just not my cup of tea.
A random headcanon: Whenever he had a nightmare as a child, he'd go and sleep in the same bed as Erina, as it'd bring him comfort. However, he still did this even when he was older, until he finally moved out with Suzi. Erina never minded, she'd do anything to make him feel better. (WAAAAHHHHH JOSEPH AND ERINA'S RELATIONSHIP...)
General opinion of said character: do i even need to say.
Well. I think he's very interesting due to his personality and morals being very gray in a way the other Joestars aren't, the other Joestars mainly have their negative traits be in what they do (steal, be a delinquent, etc.) and not their actual personality traits like selfishness and that. He's terribly underused by Araki and also mischaracterised in later parts because it's Araki of course that's gonna happen. I think about him every day for hours at a time he's at the forefront of my mind constantly I'm Normal about him and he's one of the main things keeping my mind tethered to jjba as Sonic's kinda dragging me away from it, hence why Sonic and Joseph are fistfighting in my mind, they both want all my autism RAM so bad you have no idea. Nobody gets him like I do. OK maybe not nobody else, Seaweed and Kirsten get him. Other jjba mutuals don't Josephpost enough/I don't know irl so I can't make a proper judgement on it. He makes me sick I hope he dies. Taking him out for ice cream. Kissing him sloppy (platonically). Detaching his penis so he can never have sex again. Joseph Joestar
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Introductory Questions
My name is Katie Lang; I am a sophomore sculpture major, former photo major, and I’m from Leesburg, VA, which is about two hours north of Richmond. I’m excited about sculpture for the freedom of expression that I can enjoy in this department. I’m also looking forward to making art that doesn't involve sitting in front of a computer for long hours while I edit photographs and export massive files for printing those photographs.  I didn’t realize I would miss getting my hands dirty quite this much. 
What is something in your life that you want to empower and why? - I suppose my drive to continue creating, because sometimes I question if my art is worth anyone’s time other than my own. But for myself I don’t know how I would exist without it. 
What is something in the world that you want to further empower and why? - My answer to the last question could probably be applied here as well. 
In what aspects of your work so far do you feel strongest? - I feel that the concepts and ideas behind my work are pretty strong. Also my drive to pursue ambitious projects. 
In what aspects of your work do you feel the weakest? - Communicating those concepts and ideas to an audience/viewer. The ideas behind my work are typically pretty complex, and sometimes during crit the class doesn’t quite catch all of it. At the same time, I like the idea of obscuring things from the viewer and communicating with what I don’t show them; I want them to do some work to get meaning out of the piece. I also like the idea of the meaning being different for every viewer; partially because it makes it more interesting and partially because it’s impossible for it not to mean something different to everyone. However, I have been criticized for not taking a rigid enough position on the meaning of my work. 
Who would you list as the five artists who interest you? - Joseph Beuys; I watched an interview of him being grilled by a panel of intellectuals who wanted him to explain to them the meaning behind his performance piece “How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare” with plain words. He told them in multiple different ways that if it could be explained with words then he would have just written about it instead. He went on to tell them that art is meant to be understood with our “sensory organs”, and not in the same way that we understand the meaning in words. I found this to be incredibly inspirational. Teiji Furuhashi; I recently saw one of his installation pieces at the MoMA and found it enchanting. I want to look for more of his work. Rene Magritte; His paintings make so much sense and don’t make any sense at the same time. Out of all surrealists I think he captures a dream the best. A couple of them I actually have trouble describing with words. Yayoi Kusama; I like the simplicity and chaos in her use of repetition. Somehow her work manages to be meditative while also being humorous. Shana Lutker; In her expansive sculpture installations, each part of them is its own piece with its own meaning, but put together they tell a story. I feel as though I need to quickly mention Agnes Martin and Brittany Nelson. 
Name two of the favorite artworks you have ever seen - “God” by Ragnar Kjartansson, and “The Seducer” by Rene Magritte
Are you indoorsy or outdoorsy? - Both without a doubt. Indoors wise, I take the composition of my space very seriously. Every object in my room and where it is in my room is considered with extreme care. Feng Shui is very important to me and I can’t stand when my room doesn’t feel right. Because of that my room is always neat. There are many ways in which I lean toward connecting my indoor space to outside. To me, windows are the most important feature of an indoor space. I have a lot of plants that I’m proud of and very attached to. I’m not sure how to explain how I’ve thrived outdoors, but I enjoy them. 
What subjects in the world outside of art most interest you? - Definitely sciences. I geek out about science. I’ve always loved biology; even though most of what I learned in AP Bio isn’t particularly useful in my life, I greatly value understanding how life works and knowing about the other living things on this planet. I’m also very into history in a similar way. My knowledge of world history isn’t used in my everyday life but I enjoy knowing about things I’ll never see or experience just because I can. 
Name three people that are no longer living and are not artists that interest you and why? - Rosalind Franklin, because she was one of those women who were successful before women were supposed to succeed. 
How is your work political? - I really can’t think of any way that my work is political. 
How do you use social media in your life? Do you want more or less? - I almost exclusively use instagram. I like the simplicity (although it becomes more complex with every update) and having something to do with all the pictures I take with my phone thats quick, easy, and free. My instagram page is a visual representation of myself that changes as I do without me having to put much of a conscious effort into it. It could be a way of getting myself out there but I dont think I take it seriously enough for that. It’s also a way to find new art and artists. I wouldn’t say I want more or less of it. Maybe less at times when I feel that it’s distracting. 
If everything goes the way you wish it would at this moment, what will you be doing two years after you graduate? - Living in New York, working with other artists in some way, showing at a gallery, and making something important. 
Does gender play a conscious role in your work? - Not often. I tend to stay away from making work about myself, and gender would be a difficult topic to make work about unless it’s about oneself.
How does your race and issues surrounding race influence your work? - The biggest effect being white has on my work is that I don’t make work about racial issues. I don’t see it as my work to make. 
What is a physical material that you have worked with that feels more powerful than your body? - Light
What is a social material that you have worked with that feels more powerful than your autobiographical experience? - I rarely work with my autobiographical experience but I don’t think I use very powerful social materials because I don’t feel that my work is particularly powerful yet. 
Is your sexual orientation something that figures into your work? - Almost not at all. I wouldn’t even bother labeling my sexual orientation, and I’ve never had a conflict with it or felt the need to show people work about it. 
How do current events affect the way you make art? - Conventional current events don’t factor into my work very much.  It’s funny that I avoid making work directly about myself, but my own current events have been inspiration for a project. My final for digital imaging last semester was a series of outdoor still lifes that I left out for days in an attempt to attract a possum that I had once accidentally attracted to our deck. 
Do you use art history as an ingredient in your work? - Yes, particularly in the still lifes I was making last semester. I often referenced the themes of classical painting still lifes. 
Does your lack of sleep make you feel stronger or weaker? - that mostly depends on what I’m doing and it goes through a bell curve. If I’m taking notes in a lecture class or doing something sedentary - weaker. While if I’m generating ideas or actively making a piece, I’ll start out feeling weaker but after a point feel great and then gradually decline into total exhaustion. 
What is your fantasy studio? - Big windows, high ceilings, spacious, and lots of plants. It would either have to be in a large city on a floor high enough to muffle some noise, or out in the mountains but not too far from a city. 
Do you want to make a lot of money in your life? - If I’m being honest, yes. Enough to travel, have nice things that aren’t essential, and not worry constantly. 
How do you think about your diet? - My diet is the way it is for convenience, effectiveness, and cost efficiency.  I have almost no time to cook and not enough money to get food that does much other than make me full. I’d consider these personal choices. That being said, it really isn't too bad. It’s also extremely irregular. I always eat breakfast and it’s the only part of my diet that isn’t unpredictable; it usually consists of some variation on a couple eggs and some toast. The rest of the day is comprised of things that keep for a long time and are fast. I don’t drink much other than water, coffee, tea, and an occasional red bull. I’m also a vegetarian, which is both a personal and social choice. 
Three specific experiences in your life that you would be curious to feed into an artwork? - Some recent experiences could be inspiration, like the one I mentioned with the possum. However I can’t name specific ones right now. 
Identify aspects of your past work that people have challenged that you want to confront this semester - I want to better communicate my concepts to the viewer while also balancing my interest in strategically hiding things from them. Another balance I want to strike is between allowing the viewer to make their own meaning out of the piece and holding true to what I intended it to mean. 
What general conversations about peers work have you felt lacking and want to pursue? - I am definitely interested in the conversation of materials and the process by which the work was made. 
Do future technological developments excite or scare you? Or both? How? - Both, I think countless and unimaginable good and bad can come technological developments. 
Name several artists that you have come across in the past year that you want to learn more about? - Teiji Furuhashi, Yayoi Kusama, Steve Reinke, Shana Lutker
What kinds of learning environments are/have been most exciting for you? - Lots of freedom but with an idea to push off from with project assignments. Honest feedback. Emphasis on concept development but learning new technical skills too. 
List five questions that you want to fuel your work? - I have a hard time answering this because I’m not sure of what kind of work I want to make. I’m stumped here. (to be answered at a later date)
If you were to conceive of one art assignment/prompt for yourself what would that be? - A full room installation that communicates through what the audience can’t see. 
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