#that place was always CHAOS in RDR for me so Bad Memories bro
taciturnoutlaw · 5 years
Mmmm I just came to the annoying realization that I play RDO like SSO lmao. Ignore story missions, treat game like an open world “trail ride with your pony” game. Do nothing but explore, take pictures and help strangers. I’m peeved that I’m apparently that boring. I can’t help it! It’s a beautiful game! And I love my ponies! And I’m sure the Van Der Linde gang is happy that they’re getting a bit of a break from me shoving a camera in their faces lmao. 
I am boring! I just adore the world and all the little details, and honestly if anyone ever wants to just wander around and explore this gorgeous game w/ me hmu. Chill trail rides and photo sessions? All for it fam. I’m more than happy to ride alone forever but I’d be more than happy to have similar souls ride along with. 💚 I’ll probably make an actual post about that later just in case there are any people out there like me, but I’m gonna grind a bit more first. 
But yeah heck man I adore this game and it’s just really great to explore and interact w/ everything.
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