#that said this really recontextualizes the entire pieyon episode for me
skania · 11 months
Spoilers for Chapter 123!
So, remember that old post I made about all the similarities between Ai and Kana? And when I said that Kana is "everything Aqua idolized Ai to be"?
I feel like Chapter 123 has kind of made things come full circle for me.
After all, Goro used to see Sarina in Ai...
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But what Goro initially projected onto Ai was the kind of idol Sarina wanted to be (pure, honest), not the kind of idol Ai was (a liar).
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And who is most like the kind of idol Sarina would've grown up to be?
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Kana is everything Aqua initially idolized Ai to be, because Kana does embody everything that made Sarina so radiant.
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Even their gazes are the same!
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Not the deceitful star eyes who are good at making people believe their lies, but the starry eyes that show their true feelings and how much they cherish their dream. Eyes that are filled with love.
I believe this is why Aqua had such blind faith in Kana's success as an idol. He sincerely believed she had what it took, but he was also likely projecting Sarina's dreams onto her in very much the same way he projected them onto Ai. It's no coincidence that Aqua has recently had to face the fact that Kana never wanted to be an idol in the first place.
So I feel like Aqua's fixation with Kana makes perfect sense to me now.
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