#that self-declared champions of anti-colonialism are all really excitedly using a schoolyard level insult towards a minority language?
anartificialsatellite · 7 months
Not a super huge thing I realize, but sometimes I see people talking to/at Israelis on this website and nitpick the shit out of what they're saying without giving the grace that reasonable people generally try to have for other people from countries where English is not the default or native language? I realize a lot of Israelis do speak English quite well (obviously) but it's just interesting to me how quickly people will compromise on their closely held values when it allows them a quick dunk on someone from a country they don't like.
Additionally the "isn'treal" stuff is Facebook level and not worth getting frustrated about, but I do also think it's interesting that it's ok to mock and misuse words from a different language, and then act like people are insane for feeling like you might be mocking them and their people for whom that language is, y'know, culturally important.
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