#that song brings a whole ass bucket of emotions in just ten minutes I promise
alicesbread · 1 year
I've been listening to the final lair at least five times and crying over Christine feeling betrayed by Erik because she didn't love him but did feel like they could be friends and Erik's face when she said "tears of hate" and then because of the kiss that btw was not out of romantic feelings but out of empathy and pity and Christine singing all I ask of you to Erik but Raoul singing instead-
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Someone Special - Harry Styles Christmas Series (Part 6)
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Part 5
Week of Jingle Bell Ball 
Harry was on his way to the airport to pick you up. You were flying in to London to perform at the Jingle Bell Ball on Friday. Luckily, you decided to arrive a few days prior which meant you and Harry could spend some time together. Over the last few weeks since the talk at his house in Malibu, the two of you had really become quit friendly. 
It was weird to think you two had only known each other for only a few weeks. After chatting over the last few weeks, Harry was more than ready to have you in London to help with your Christmas Bucket List. He got little hints of what you wanted to do and looked for different things to do in London. Harry also offered for you to stay over at his place in the guest room instead of a hotel. 
At first, you were a little taken aback by it, but he said he always had his friends stay over, so then you thought why not. And that brought him to sitting outside of the airport waiting for you to arrive. Harry found himself feeling nervous at your arrival. He had no clue why. His stomach felt iffy and his palms were leaving streaks of sweat on the steering wheel. 
He mumbled the lyrics to the Christmas song playing on the radio as he looked at his phone. Your plane should be landed right now, so it would be at least a good ten to twenty, maybe half hour before you’d get through customs and getting your bags. To sort of get his emotions in check, he put his head back and decided to take a little cat nap. 
About forty five minutes later, Harry jumped up when he heard someone knocking on his window. He looked over seeing you standing there with your bags. 
“Shit,” he said quickly getting out. “Let me get those.” 
“You alright?” You laughed. 
“Yes,” he laughed. “I’m great, just resting my eyes.” 
“I see that,” you said. “Just like I see the drool on your chin.” 
He blushed bringing his hand to his chin and wiping it away. He took your bags putting them in the back of the car, while you got in on the passenger side. 
“How was your flight?” Harry asked getting back in and pulling his seatbelt on. 
“Long,” you groaned. “I’m ready to shower and like walk a marathon because I’ve been sitting too fucking long.” 
He laughed, “Well, you can do just that. I’ve got some takeaway being delivered to the house and then we can do whatever you want after. I’ve got a few ideas, but I didn’t know how you would feel after being on the plane.” 
“Ask me after I’ve had a shower and food in my belly,” you laughed. 
He nodded and started driving. 
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay with you?” you asked. 
“Yes, of course,” he said. “I wouldn’t have offered it wasn’t.” 
“I know, I know, but I just don’t want to feel like I’m invaded your space,” you said. 
“Well, you’re not,” he said. “I promise.” 
“Good to know,” you said. “Although, if I end up doing just that, let me know.” 
“You’re only here for a few days, I’m pretty sure I can handle it,” he laughed.
“I guess, we’ll just see about that,” you giggled. 
After you made it to his house, he brought your things inside and into the guest room. He showed you around and then left to give your privacy to get showered and changed. You were nervous on the way here, wondering what it would be like seeing him again and staying with him, but now that you were there, it was like your nerves had gone away. 
You would admit that it did feel a little weird staying there. Even though you both discussed what happened in New York or technically what didn’t happen, you still had only known him for a short while and you were already staying at his house. When you got out of the shower, you dried off and grabbed some clothes to change into. 
You decided on some jeans and a big comfy sweater in case you two decided to go out after, since it was still quite early in the afternoon. Yes, it was almost nighttime, but still early enough to call it a night. You dried your hair a little bit before heading down to meet Harry in the kitchen. 
“This smells amazing,” you said sitting down across from him at the table. 
“It’s from my favorite pub right down the street,” he said. 
“Now, did you discover it after you moved in, or did you move in specifically for the pub?” you joked. 
“Oh, the latter without a doubt,” he joked. 
“You know, joke or not, I can actually see that,” you giggled. 
He laughed taking a bite of his food before looking back over at you, “So, how are ya feeling? Shall we call it a night in or are you ready to be adventurous?” 
“I’m ready to see what you’ve got planned,” you smirked. 
“Alright then,” he nodded. “I’ve got the perfect thing to do on our first night, then. After dinner, we can head out, just make sure you dress warm.” 
“I take it we’ll be outside?” You asked. 
“Mostly, yes,” he nodded. “Is that alright?” 
“It’s perfect,” you smiled. 
About an hour later, you and Harry arrived at Hyde Park for the Winter Wonderland. As soon as you saw it, you let out a gasp with a smile. 
“Holy shit,” you said. “This is-Wow.” 
“I figured you might like it,” he said turning the car off before you both got out. 
“I think I might love it,” you smiled. “Thank you... for you know wanting to do this.” 
“Hey, as your friend it’s my job to make sure you fulfill your wish of making this a great Christmas, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do,” he smiled. 
As you walked through the Winter Wonderland, you were overwhelmed with everything it had. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” Harry asked. 
“No fucking clue,” you laughed. “There’s too much to choose from.” 
“Yeah, there’s a lot,” he said. “But we can always come back if we run out of time,” he joked. 
“Um, let’s try ice skating first,” you smiled. “Because that was actually on my list.” 
“Try? Have you ever ice skated before?” He asked. 
“Um... not really,” you laughed. “I mean, maybe once when I was younger, but I don’t really remember it and I’m pretty sure I had one of those bar things to hold on to.” 
“Weeellll, lucky for you I’m practically a professional,” he smirked. 
“I saw the Night Changes video and I beg to differ,” you joked. 
“I’m never going to fucking live that down,” he laughed. “And it was part of the video! I’m not that terrible.” 
“I guess we’ll just have to see about that,” you said. 
You both got a pair of skates to change into before heading out on the ice. Harry held your hand and your arm as he guided you out. 
“Okay, so just move your feet one at a time, but in like a rhythm,” he said. 
“Very technical terminology there, Styles,” you laughed trying to do as he said. 
“Hey, I know what I’m talking about,” he smirked. 
You rolled your eyes as you moved your feet slowly. Harry was guiding you and him over the ice. For the most part you were gettin the hang of it, but just when you started to get a bit more confident about it, is when you lost your balance and fell right on your ass, bringing Harry down with you. 
You laughed both because you couldn’t believe it happened, you were slightly embarrassed and the fact that cheesy Christmas music was blaring in the background made it feel like a scene from a movie. You looked up and Harry’s face was inches for yours. You both were staring at each other as you laughed. 
“You alright?” He laughed. 
“Physically I’m fine, emotionally I’m bruised... and actually my ass is probably bruised as well,” you laughed. 
“Are you really using my own quote against me?” He laughed. 
“Yah, I am,” you giggled. 
He rolled his eyes with a laugh before getting up to his feet and helping you up to your feet. 
“Shall we go again?” He asked. 
You were currently brushing ice from your butt as you looked over at him, “Yeah, I think it’s better if we call it a night on this whole ice skating thing,” you laughed. 
“Good call,” he laughed. 
You both skated slowly over to the door to get off the ice. 
“I don’t think I’m ever going to put these on again,” you laughed. 
“So, Ice Skating won’t be on your Christmas List anymore?” He smirked. 
“Never again,” you giggled. 
When you both were changed back into your own shoes and the ice skates returned, you two decided on getting some hot chocolate to warm up before walking through the lights and ice sculptures sections. 
“Extra cinnamon for the lovely lady,” Harry smiled handing you yours. “And a tiny pinch for me.” 
You smirked, “I’m still waiting on my thank you for introducing you to the best drink combination ever.” 
“Yeah, you’re not getting it,” he laughed. “I’m still not completely sold on it.” 
“Keep lying to yourself,” you said. 
“You fucking wish!” He said. 
You giggled taking a sip of your drink as the two of you walked through. You smiled at all the lights and sculptures, making sure to snap photos of everything and also of you and Harry together. You were having the best time and you hadn’t really noticed that the two of you were gradually walking closer together until you felt your hands touching. You both blushed a little, not really looking at the other as you took a small step away. 
You two were just friends, nothing more, you both had agreed on that. Yet, couldn’t help, but wonder what it would be like if you were a little bit more than friends. You quickly shook that thought from your mind though because it shouldn’t be there to begin with him. Harry made it very clear he didn’t have any feelings for you, and there was no way you had feelings for him. 
It was getting close to closing at the Winter Wonderland, so you two were about to head back to the car. You had played some games and each one two hug stuffed animals for the other. One of them was actually taller than you, so that was a bit of a struggle. Harry laughed taking it from you and carried himself. 
When you got to the car, you put them in the back and got inside. 
“Did you have fun?” Harry asked as he drove back to his house. 
“So much,” you smiled. “I’d loved every second of it, except maybe falling on my ass.” 
He laughed, “Yeah, that was a little painful.” 
The drive back to Harry’s house didn’t seem to take very long. You both got out, carrying the massive stuffed animals back into the house. Harry laid them on the couch in the living room before going into the kitchen. 
“Want some tea?” He asked. 
“Sure,” you nodded taking off your layers of clothing. “God, I can finally feel my toes now.” 
“Yeah, my body is thawing out now,” he joked. 
You put your coat and scarf onto the coat rack before joining him in the kitchen. 
“I really did have a great time tonight,” you said. “I can’t thank you enough.” 
“Well, you already have,” he said walking over to you after putting the kettle on. “I know it’s still pretty early in the Christmas season, but how would you rate it compared to last year?” 
“Oh, it’s already ten times better,” you laughed. “So, I guess it’s safe to say it can only go up from here.” 
“I’m happy to hear that,” he said. “You deserve to have good memories and to be happy. I mean, you are happy right?” 
“I’m very happy,” you smiled. “What about you?” 
“I am,” he nodded leaning up against the counter next to you. 
You looked over at him, smiling, as he stared at you. There it was again, the same feeling you had felt on the dance floor back in New York. An energetic pull  between the two of you closing the distance. Your gaze dropped to his lips as his dropped to yours and back to your eyes. Neither of you spoke a word, you just let your instincts take over, your lips were almost touching with the sound of the kettle filled the room. 
“Blood hell,” Harry mumbled pulling away from you to turn it off. 
He sighed, not looking at you, “I’m sorry-” he whispered. 
“Don’t.” you whispered. “Don’t be.” 
You walked over to him taking his hand in yours, so that he would turn to face you. You closed the remaining distance between you two once more. He brought his hands up to your cheeks as he looked into your eyes, almost as if he was silently asking for permission. As soon as you gave a slight nod, there was no hesitation for him pressing his lips against yours. 
WELP! There it is! They’ve kissed. What’s gonna happen now! 
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